Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Torch was working his way through the subway tunnels again, He knew most the tunnels but his usual route caved in again. He was forced to take a detour to find his way back to his camp. He heard noises in the tunnels, May be scavengers. Completely corrupted Mechs just looking for parts anywhere they can get them to stay functional, Best to avoid them.

He walked for a couple hours before a small alarm started to beep on his chest. "Warning, 20% power remaining, head to a charging station or replace your power supply." Torch just sighed, He was going to have to replace his battery, it only held about a days worth of charge now. He shouldn't be far though, and he still had a couple hours of charge left. He still needed his head lights to see so he as forced to leave those on. "Going to need to hurry, damn battery is a piece of crap." He made sure not to stop, being int he dark with lights on was like shouting out to the scavengers that he was ready for them to come rip him apart, he had to keep moving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

D-4 ran across the subway floor, running from the two marginally bigger scavengers chasing him. He turned behind him to make sure that they were still following him, and it looked like they were gaining on him. He tried to scuttle faster, but he crashed into a rather tall 6-and-a-half foot robot and bounced to the side, landing in some trash and pulling a scrap of some sort of fabric to poorly hide himself "Aaaaaaaah! Save me! I like all of my limbs!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Torch was hit by something, what ever it was it came out of the dark and landed right on him. He got stubble on the contact but he held his balance, Int he same moment he drew the sawed off shotgun and aim it at the level 1. It didn't seem like a scavenger, especially when it screamed for help. Then out of the corner of his sight Torch saw why he was running. He turned the shotgun just in time to send two slugs into the Scavengers chest. "BANG! BANG!" The scavenger went down with out a problem, the second one was a different story. Using both shells on the first scavenger may have stopped it but now he was out of rounds.

The two forces collided but torch was able to kick it off and buy enough time to draw his sword. "Come on junk pile, it's you and me." The scavenger charged at Torch but the blade of the sword was faster, landing into the side of the scavengers head knocking it down. It was still moving so Torch put the blade into the Mech's chest shutting it down.

He looked to the Level one, Looks military based. Bomb squad maybe. He reloaded the shotgun and aimed it at the other mech. "What are you." He was ready to fight but this one didn't seem like the kind of Mech that would try to fight him in this kind of situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

D-4 looked out from the scrap of fabric. "Aahh! Don't kill me! I'm a bomb defuser! And also sometimes a cleaner.... Please don't shoot me! Aah!" He pulled the piece of fabric back over his head and started shaking. He looked out to make sure that the scavengers were dead and that the other robot was still there, before resuming what he was doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

All torch could think was this mech survived by pure luck, Probably has for the last 12 years. He holstered the sawed off seeing the L1 as not much of a threat to him. "Torch, an you?" His battery beeped again, time was low. "I have to get going, I need to get back soon." He started walking down the tunnel with the lights on so he could see in the ark tunnel. He had to be ready for anything, including a L1 who survived on luck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Whisky was lounging in the shadow of a pile of rubble in front of a subway entrance when he saw the two figures exit the tunnels and began walking toward his position. He idly watched them, planning on leaving them alone when he recognized the little one as a bomb defuser. The robotic hound remembered that his unit often escorted the "little buggers", as one of his human handlers had said, through mine fields. He began cursing his luck as his programming kicked in and began attempting to force him to escort the little drone. Fortunately, "Or is it unfortunately?", Mused Whisky, as he was raising up, he saw what appeared to be a large pack of level 1 canine androids. He counted 12 of the canines, and based on their erratic movements and violent responses to innocuous actions, such as being bumped into, he deduced that the unfortunate robots had become corrupted. His programming recognizing the new threat ordered a new approach, and Whisky crouched back down n the shadows preparing to leap into the fray.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I'm heading back to my camp? You interested in coming?" Torch didn't know the Mech that well, But he figured the level one was more trust worthy then most Mechs. "If so then hurry up, Those gun shots will bring more and I don't have the ammo to fight off an army." he continued walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Silver Ghost

Amidst a pile of rubble sat an almost pristine silver bot, currently having come in a possession of a cloth and wiping his beloved katana much like samurais of ages past. Had he been human, you place a straw hat and a cigar pipe on him and he'll look the real deal but sadly X-14766 CvT/PLQ/90 was anything but that.

His system clock reminded him that it had been twelve years. Twelve years since the fall of the world he was designed to protect. He had failed miserably and his comrades had fallen in battle. He was the last one, the last samurai, a ronin;now. Remembering it all made the cloth burn, wisps of smoke emanating from it as the katana slowly started glowing a lava red. He would have severed his fingers had not honed his sword more than a million times.

He got up and got moving. His sensors picking up a pack of scramblers, 12 of them. No doubt following the shots that rang out in the subway system before. About 10 minutes from his position, he rarely interfered in others fight. Live and let live had been his strange code after the war. But something told him that the oncoming fight would not be fair for atleast one of the parties. He'd observe for a moment before picking sides. With his mind set, he began moving in the direction of the pack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Torch walked into the old subway turnaround. He pulled one of those big industrial switches and the place came to life, hanging lights were all over the place, spare parts were on shelves or laying around. Also what was laying around was old factory maintenance equipment, things that if kept up and running could keep a Mech going forever. Only torch had no idea how to fix something like that. Though the thing that stood out most other then the random crap everywhere was the Level 5 Mech, though it didn't move, in fact, it looked like it hadn't moved in years.

The level 5 was sitting down next to one of the walls, if it was standing it would reach about 18 feet. It's hard to say what it was used for in the past, but it wasn't used for much now it seemed. "Good morning scrap head, you still owe rent." Torch walked past the level 5 and set down his gear on a table in a improvised workshop area. "Sword, shotgun, propane. Check, check and check... ish." He was low on propane, same reason the level 5 was down, not enough diesel to keep it going. After placing down his gear he yanked a plug from a wall and plugged in, his battery was starting to get weak but there was too much activity to shutdown for the night, maybe in the morning or something he would rest more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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@Remipa Awesome@HaltingBlooper@SwarthyBard126@Diabolicalrhapsody

Naomi sees a level three mech walking off in the distance. She has been alone for these past years and craves to be with another mech of any kind, she follows and hopes this one is friendly. The mech goes into an old underground subway station, Naomi hesitates before entering, but continues on anyway. Maybe he needs some help, I could definitely help this mech out. She looks around, Seems like his place could use some organizing too... "Hello? Hello fellow! Can I help you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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@Willow Breeze
Torch heard the voice in his camp, it wasn't familiar. Had someone followed him?! He took cover, he had already placed down his gear on the table on the other side of the turnaround. This did not mean he was Unarmed, ever since the main door broke down he has keep weapons hidden across the camp in case scavengers got in. No idea is this mech was friendly or not.

He was still plugged in so he didn't have a lot of motion. He grabbed a hunting rifle loaded next to the charging station and jumped up and took aim. "Who are you!?" He said it in a steady voice, rifle sights locked on to the new person. A level 2? Not many had survived the initial war, Had to give credit for making it this far. Was this one bait? He heard scavengers used bait in the past but never seen it before. "Are their scavengers here?" he kept the rifle aimed but he wasn't really looking down the sights anymore, just trying to get a feel for the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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@Remipa Awesome@Diabolicalrhapsody@SwarthyBard126@HaltingBlooper

Naomi puts her arms up, "No, no don't shoot! I am friendly, I mean you no harm!" She tentatively lowers her arms, "I-I just... I've been all alone these last few years... And, I was so excited to see another mech like you." She looks him up and down, he seems like he could be friendly, just startled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Ghost finally managed to reach the area on his map. It was a closed of intersection improvised as a rest spot. As he stood at the mouth of an entrance, he saw a larger mech level what seemed to be a bolt action rifle at a smaller one. Their conversation was quite hilarious seeing that they would be having hostile company soon.

"You'd be better of pointing that gun at the north entrance. My sensors detect a pack of twelve or so likely stragglers. Inbound in two minutes. I guess those shots from sometime back were your doing as well." He said in his trademark deep tone. Brandishing his katana as he prepared for the showdown.

"By the way, I'm Silver Ghost. But you can just call me X" he said to the two mechs as he bent himself into a stance facing the north entrance. Distant rumbling of metal on metal can be heard now. Whatever it was, it didn't seem like he was joking about the stragglers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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@Diabolicalrhapsody@Willow Breeze
Torch lowered his rifle. "Torch, I'v been called torch." He heard the next Mech from across the room. He had the rifle trained on him but he mentioned something about a pack? "Scavengers?!"

Torch yanked the charging cable out of the wall, he had enough charge for now. He grabbed his main weapons off the table he put them on. "Twelve you said? Do you know the levels they were?" Taking on level 2 and 3 scavengers were okay, level 1s were a pain to hit, level 4s and 5s had thick as hell armor. Sometimes bullet proof at that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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@Remipa Awesome @Willow Breeze

"I'd say with the speed they are moving, either Level 3s speed bots or Level 2 hounds. A lot of K-9s became scavengers after the war." The impending steps become louder, soon the fight would be upon them.

"I say the maid is better off hiding somewhere. They'd tear you limb from limb if you are not careful. Unless you have combat experience." he said to the Level 2.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

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@Diabolicalrhapsody@Remipa Awesome

"Torch, I've been called Torch." The mech responds. Naomi hears another mech across the room, warning her and Torch about Scavengers that were very close to Torch's camp. "Torch, do you have anything to seal off the entrances? Or are you planning on fighting them in here?" She pauses, "No, Ghost, I do not have any training in military combat. I would not be of any help to you two should you fight these Scavengers." Naomi starts looking for things she can hid in or behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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@Willow Breeze@Diabolicalrhapsody
Torch after grabbing his gear ran over to a old foot locker, inside of it was a collection of pre-war firearms. "There 'Was' a way to seal the doors, then that broke, so I use to trust my home security to that level 5 over there." He would point to the broken down Mech in the corner. "But as you can see he's kinda broken. "He would grab a shotgun out of the foot locker. "If either of you know how to use one of these feel free to grab, but the ammo is almost gone."

Torch trained his sights on the subway tunnel. "That's the only way in, if we do this right it will be a crevasse for them." What he failed to mention was the last big last stand that level 5 in the corner was taken out of communion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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@Remipa Awesome

"No need, you see this trusty blade here. That's all I need." Ghost said confidently to the other mech as he offered a spare weapon. The first batch of scavengers could be seen in the tunnel and Ghost's blade started glowing an eerie red as they drew closer. From the looks of it they looked like regular K-9s that were part of the patrol squads before the war. Fierce little buggers usually level 2s.

As a pair jumped to maul Ghost who stood nearest to the tunnel entrance, a clean swipe dislodged their heads cleanly from their torso, sending the crackling machines tumbling towards Torch. Flickering for a bit before going cold.

"Brace yourself." Ghost said before he stepped closer to the tunnel entrance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Torch Took aim at the next scavenger and blasted it with the pump action, though with only three shots in the gun he only fired off a few more rounds before he was forced to draw his sword.

Torch side stepped one of the scavengers and Landed his thick sword into the creatures back, they were more creatures them Mechs now anyways. During the fight a more unique mech ran in, it seemed to be a level one, maybe a level two. But it ran right past both Torch and Ghost. Right to the broken down Level Five on the other side of the room. Then torch realized what it was. "...Hijacker...Hijacker!" It dug it self into the Level five before Torch ran up to it, inside the sound of welding and other sparks could be heard, Then the level Five started to stand up.

Torch looked in shock as the Level five that was once his partner stood again, only this time rose as a new being, one that it's only purpose was to kill him. It's retractable hand opened up and a massive jackhammer like object came out, used primarily for building destruction. "Dammit..." Taking on the level Five would not be easy, especially a dead Hijacked one.
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