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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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Post coming soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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So I was going to work on my posts today...then things happened. I'll get them up ASAP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

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@VATROUIt would depend on the severity of the break. Clean breaks heal faster than fractures. Bones that can be set and held in place will heal faster than moving parts. For instance... the clavicle is a b**** to set and heal, but something like the fibula is fairly easier to set and cast.

I'll need to keep that in mind, I would imagine taking the full blunt force of a incredibly strong Metahuman would lead to many broken bones in her upper body. So I bet Eva would be out of commission for a while. Then if it's alright with everyone I'll say that after my next post, which I am working on. There'll be a time skip allowing Eva to heal properly. Perhaps a week or so left in the hospital rather than five or six months waiting around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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<Snipped quote by Loud Angry Dead>

I'll need to keep that in mind, I would imagine taking the full blunt force of a incredibly strong Metahuman would lead to many broken bones in her upper body. So I bet Eva would be out of commission for a while. Then if it's alright with everyone I'll say that after my next post, which I am working on. There'll be a time skip allowing Eva to heal properly. Perhaps a week or so left in the hospital rather than five or six months waiting around.

Or you could always timestamp the original post as "several weeks ago" and then the next one with "now" or something. It's totally up to you
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I got two chars I like the idea off, one I'd like to play a lot the other less. The first is a Hulk Style character. The kind with power but he's got all that emotional/multiple psyche shit going on, or a character I tend to call Mime who can (through contact) "Borrow" someones powers.

I'd prefer to go with the Hulk Style but I thought I'd ask first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Came across an old cartoon, The Tick. Anyone here heard of it? It's so outlandish, and corny. Yet there's something charming about it that just makes me smile. Anyways point being, Eva might have some odd villains to battle, and weirder friends. Once I finish my post I'll get to work on them, I'm guessing my post will be up in a few days but no promises on that.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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I got two chars I like the idea off, one I'd like to play a lot the other less. The first is a Hulk Style character. The kind with power but he's got all that emotional/multiple psyche shit going on, or a character I tend to call Mime who can (through contact) "Borrow" someones powers.

I'd prefer to go with the Hulk Style but I thought I'd ask first.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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<Snipped quote by Sep>


That's not why I am doing it xD

I actually really like the psyche aspect of the Hulk, even if it was a weaker version but it was still the alter ego side (Which lets be honest, is more impressive than it is with Jekyl and Hyde because the Hulk is massive) and how the two psyches kind of clash and then later work together really well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Hey Sep, stalking me or did Tearstone lure you in like he did me?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

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<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

That's not why I am doing it xD

I actually really like the psyche aspect of the Hulk, even if it was a weaker version but it was still the alter ego side (Which lets be honest, is more impressive than it is with Jekyl and Hyde because the Hulk is massive) and how the two psyches kind of clash and then later work together really well.

The Hulk is a really intriguing character, in some cases his intelligence is minimal and others he's just as capable of human thought and speech, though I think it all depends on which ever universe he is currently in. Hulk battling it out between his own self and the world, and finding a place to exist therein. I really think you should go the Hulk route.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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It depends if the GM approves the idea. I do think it's interesting and theres a lot of play involved. With internal conflicts, and the arguement of strength v.s. intelligence. Also there are quite a few strong Heroes from what I read so having a guy similar to the Hulk design where he can be a destructive force or a good guy is really quite interesting to me.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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It depends if the GM approves the idea. I do think it's interesting and theres a lot of play involved. With internal conflicts, and the arguement of strength v.s. intelligence. Also there are quite a few strong Heroes from what I read so having a guy similar to the Hulk design where he can be a destructive force or a good guy is really quite interesting to me.

There's a 99.99999999% chance the GM's going to be okay with it; considering what else has been accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

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yeah NMS and Ded are pretty cool, and flexible.

It's more about telling the story you wanna tell here. Which I like. and it's work at your own pace, or however you're collabing with. Collabs are very much encouraged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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It depends if the GM approves the idea. I do think it's interesting and theres a lot of play involved. With internal conflicts, and the arguement of strength v.s. intelligence. Also there are quite a few strong Heroes from what I read so having a guy similar to the Hulk design where he can be a destructive force or a good guy is really quite interesting to me.

Honestly, you probably don't need their permission to create the character, characters get approved when their character sheets are written up, not before. If the character has a good reason to have the powers they have, and you have a clear motivation to make the character(which you clearly do) then you shouldn't have a problem with approval once the bio is up. You clearly have an interest in exploring a character with a dichotomous personality and power set, which is awesome. I'd say start writing up the character sheet. If you can make a good case, NMS and Ded absolutely will approve it. Hell, we got two characters that can manipulate matter, I'm sure a emotionally charged bruiser(Or whatever this character becomes) will be fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Hey Sep, stalking me or did Tearstone lure you in like he did me?

Maybe you stalked me?

Also I've been eying this for a while actually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Maybe you stalked me?

Also I've been eying this for a while actually.

Been stalking it such Tearstone showed it to me and Racheli was nagging in my head for a while, so I thought why not. Currently we are in a collab with each other as they make their way to Justine's apartment. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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<Snipped quote by Sep>

Been stalking it such Tearstone showed it to me and Racheli was nagging in my head for a while, so I thought why not. Currently we are in a collab with each other as they make their way to Justine's apartment. :p

I haven't done much more than skimmed CS' right now. Going to work on something else then make a start on my one here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Hmmm... the thing is what to turn him into with the whole rule about not making it too much like the comics.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

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Hmmm... the thing is what to turn him into with the whole rule about not making it too much like the comics.

You could make him a giant lizard man. Lizards are cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hmmm... the thing is what to turn him into with the whole rule about not making it too much like the comics.

You could simply do. Gamma + X = Hulk. Say ham sandwich = Ham Hulk. Or Spider Hulk, or Lizard Hulk as Marik said. Or magic Hulk, Cursed Hulk. Oh and you'll need a pouch sword. I wonder if anyone will get the reference.
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