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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Hmmm... the thing is what to turn him into with the whole rule about not making it too much like the comics.

Maybe its got something extra that he can't have normally? Wings, a tail, claws, fangs, tentacles, chitinous armor, horns, scales, everything and anything under the sun can be part of the transformation. Maybe he grows extra limbs or eyes, maybe his skin peels back to have parts of his bones become armor. Maybe he becomes an amalgamation of beasts, a gorilla with lion claws. A t-rex with wings and a scorpion tail.

Just to throw things out there for ya. ._.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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Hmmm... the thing is what to turn him into with the whole rule about not making it too much like the comics.

I think that rule is there to make sure we don't have any carbon copies of these well-known characters. You can look at my and NMS's character sheets to see how you can take inspiration from Marvel and DC comic canon and mold them into their own characters (our characters, along with War-Pulse, are probably the most 'traditional' superheroes in this game at the moment).

For instance, at first glance, Arachne might seem like a carbon copy of Spider-Man (although I made her prior to Marvel publishing Spider-Gwen, so they're copying me!). However, there are several changes, some more obvious than others. For starters, she's a drider (basically a spider centaur). Her back story is extremely different from the other spider heroes (she doesn't have some sad childhood story). She doesn't have the "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" theme. Furthermore, the Greek gods add another layer of differences.

What I would like you to take from this is creating an original backstory (or one that is not identical to Bruce Banner) should probably be priority number one. We probably will be quite lenient if you make his powers similar to the Hulk, but having a different backstory would help distinguish your character from the Hulk. So I would stay away from Gamma radiation (or any form of radiation if possible). Maybe stay away from turning into a "jolly green giant" would also help. He (or she...just covering my bases here ) can still turn into a behemoth, but just make sure it is not "he (or she) turns into the Hulk. Also, you could also take inspiration from multiple characters. For instance, look at Captain Marvel (either Shazam from DC or Ms. Marvel from Marvel works, honestly). When both of these characters originally appeared in comics, they had separate identities: Captain Marvel and Billy for the former and Ms. Marvel and Carol Danvers for the latter. This still shows a way of portraying this duality between "smarts" and "brawn".

TLDR: Create a unique backstory and stay away from things that are not necessary to this idea of the dual personality (green skin, Gamma radiation, etc). Also, you can also look at other characters with dual personalities (Shazam, Ms. Marvel, even any interpretation of Jekyl and Hyde).

<Snipped quote by Sep>

You could simply do. Gamma + X = Hulk. Say ham sandwich = Ham Hulk. Or Spider Hulk, or Lizard Hulk as Marik said. Or magic Hulk, Cursed Hulk. Oh and you'll need a pouch sword. I wonder if anyone will get the reference.

I know pouches were a big 90's fad (thank you Longshot). While I cannot recall any actual characters having a pouch sword, the web comic Spinnerette (a satire on the comic genre) is having a story arc at the moment that is sort of poking fun at "Spider-Verse" and the 90's Spinnerette has a pouch sword...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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<Snipped quote by VATROU>

I know pouches were a big 90's fad (thank you Longshot). While I cannot recall any actual characters having a pouch sword, the web comic Spinnerette (a satire on the comic genre) is having a story arc at the moment that is sort of poking fun at "Spider-Verse" and the 90's Spinnerette has a pouch sword...

@Dedonus So glad someone got the reference. I was tempted to mention Jim, from Supernormal Step, and his curse. That is when he's a jerk he's transformed into a small stuffed bunny. @Sep you could always go the curse route, it's a classic. Not quite sure the quote worked, oh well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

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I’m gonna go ahead and post that I’m going on vacation from the 13th to the 19th, so I probably won’t be able to get any writing up then.

Thankfully, my character will be knocked out by my next post, no thanks to @EnterTheHero. ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

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I’m gonna go ahead and post that I’m going on vacation from the 13th to the 19th, so I probably won’t be able to get any writing up then.

Thankfully, my character will be knocked out by my next post, no thanks to @EnterTheHero. ;)

Guilty as charged~ ^u^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Hmmm... the thing is what to turn him into with the whole rule about not making it too much like the comics.

Depends on how radically different you want him? You want to be technical, Rach has a bit of magneto influence in her design in her earlier stages as well as Riddic from Pitch Black, and a few others. Like Dedonus said, keeping away from the main distinctions that made the Hulk recognizable is a key thing, from background to personality.

A few things to consider:

How his powers work- In the comic, the angrier the Hulk got, the tougher and stronger he got. What if your PC's 'Hyde' didn't draw from that source? What if it was like he absorbed damage and instead, used that to increase his power level to a higher degree? Maybe he has a fixed right of power that could be universe and it grows as a battle prolongs? This also include triggers. Maybe blood or injury or even someone else's aggressive emotions stir his inner beast? Banner's was pretty much if he got anger, they were all screwed.

Personality of your Jekyll- Banner was emotionally reserved and socially withdraw through out most his life, what if your guy didn't start off that way? He could be a cocky, smartass with a chip on his shoulder. Also, I think Banner was specialized in his work, what if your PC wasn't? Just some poor smook that got infected and suddenly affected in a way he never expected with no way to know how to fix it at first? Could've been a janitor at a high tech lab until something got loose or he was tossed into a bunch of chemicals, the right ones including a mysterious test one, changing him forever.

Cause- How this happened. Gamma is out, unless you can manage to make it radically different from the comic which is very hard. I suggested chemicals, maybe a drug which I know is how meta humans are popping up (maybe he got a bit of the meta human drug, tried to alter the effect and tested it on himself?), curse, infected by demonic blood, maybe a sleeping DNA trait not from him but a old relation that passed through the gens before somehow becoming active? Maybe he draws power from the fear his image inflicts?

Past- Did he have a happy childhood? Maybe both his parents are alive and well, encouraging and happy for him? Maybe he's married or worse, married and divorced twice? Doe he have brothers or sisters? Raised by his uncle, or someone he knows? Etc.

Appearance- Make him look the same, but instead his eyes or another key feature betrays that his alter ego or whatever is in control? Maybe it's more beastly or demonic than human?

You could mix the two concepts together, Jekyll and Hyde and the Hulk, and see what you get?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Could be worse. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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<Snipped quote by Sep>

Depends on how radically different you want him? You want to be technical, Rach has a bit of magneto influence in her design in her earlier stages as well as Riddic from Pitch Black, and a few others. Like Dedonus said, keeping away from the main distinctions that made the Hulk recognizable is a key thing, from background to personality.

A few things to consider:

How his powers work- In the comic, the angrier the Hulk got, the tougher and stronger he got. What if your PC's 'Hyde' didn't draw from that source? What if it was like he absorbed damage and instead, used that to increase his power level to a higher degree? Maybe he has a fixed right of power that could be universe and it grows as a battle prolongs? This also include triggers. Maybe blood or injury or even someone else's aggressive emotions stir his inner beast? Banner's was pretty much if he got anger, they were all screwed.

Personality of your Jekyll- Banner was emotionally reserved and socially withdraw through out most his life, what if your guy didn't start off that way? He could be a cocky, smartass with a chip on his shoulder. Also, I think Banner was specialized in his work, what if your PC wasn't? Just some poor smook that got infected and suddenly affected in a way he never expected with no way to know how to fix it at first? Could've been a janitor at a high tech lab until something got loose or he was tossed into a bunch of chemicals, the right ones including a mysterious test one, changing him forever.

Cause- How this happened. Gamma is out, unless you can manage to make it radically different from the comic which is very hard. I suggested chemicals, maybe a drug which I know is how meta humans are popping up (maybe he got a bit of the meta human drug, tried to alter the effect and tested it on himself?), curse, infected by demonic blood, maybe a sleeping DNA trait not from him but a old relation that passed through the gens before somehow becoming active? Maybe he draws power from the fear his image inflicts?

Past- Did he have a happy childhood? Maybe both his parents are alive and well, encouraging and happy for him? Maybe he's married or worse, married and divorced twice? Doe he have brothers or sisters? Raised by his uncle, or someone he knows? Etc.

Appearance- Make him look the same, but instead his eyes or another key feature betrays that his alter ego or whatever is in control? Maybe it's more beastly or demonic than human?

You could mix the two concepts together, Jekyll and Hyde and the Hulk, and see what you get?

I already know these things. Plus Banner wasn't initially quiet and reserved, that was really a side effect of the Hulk. Before that he was a (Hah) nerrrrd. I already have brainstormed a couple of possible sources and will get to that during my lunch break.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Decided I'm still going to join, but not the Hulk route. I just feel what I want is too similar that I can't find a way around it and be happy with it. I do have another concept however that I'll be making later.

In fact...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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@FallenReaper@Tearstone Done :P If you guys want any previous interactions (Outside of Lost Haven) feel free to pm me, that goes for anybody else. He has been about for a while so there is that too.

Character you have created: Gabe Alexander
Alias: The Reaper

Speech Color: Orange

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Gabe is a very personal man. Over the years he has grown accustomed to staying by himself to prevent those from growing attached to him, and more importantly to prevent him growing attached to others. He still hurts from missing out on his life, he lost everything when he was changed into the monster he now is and can never get rid of that. Before that, and in the few times he has actually conversed with someone since what happened he is still a caring individual. Caring for the weak, wanting to help them be all they can be. However he holds no quarter when it comes to those who prey upon others. With any prolonged interaction, it is obvious that he is not used to dealing with people since the day he changed and became a man.

The Grotesque has it’s own personality. However, all that Gabe knows about it is that it tends to hit everything. However at this particular point they have rarely coexisted, his other form never being needed. This may change, as the beings he faces have slowly been becoming more and more powerful. Soon may come the day when the two of them need to resolve their differences.


Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type:

Power Level:
City Level/World Level

Powers (Be Specific):


Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human (However healing factor lets him regen faster)

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Average

Attributes(Supernatural Form):

Strength Level: 100+ Tonnes

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30mph

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 hours

Agility: Average

Intelligence: Below Average

Fighting Skill: Trained

Resources: None

Weaknesses(Normal): No real abilities past his healing factor, still feels pain, extreme cold slows/stops his healing factor. really bad at the whole social aspect.

Weaknesses(Supernatural Form): Rare Metals, intense cold, being outthought

Supporting Characters: None Alive.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: See above.

Sample Post:

“What brings you here stranger?” He just ignored him, a lot of people asked. Few people wanted an answer, few people cared. Many complained, but who listened in the end? The man would either want to cause trouble or was genuinely interested. Gabe wasn’t, the Reaper wasn’t. This was the worst part of the persona, he remembered when it was easy to blend in and move between cities without being seen. Sadly he was yet to find a vehicle that could survive that trip and with the amount of crime these days he couldn’t afford to be slow.

He simply shrugged. “Oh come on man, with a get up like that? Whatchu a hero?” He shrugged again, ignoring the patronising tone. This man had already chosen an opinion of him, had already decided a course of action depending on that conclusion. He just shrugged. Then felt the hand on his shoulder spinning him around. “You’re just a wannabe aren’t you? Hiding behind your mask. Thinking you’re so great, causing trouble. Tearing peoples houses up! Destroying churches! I mean come on, what’s that about? The Lord is our hero. He will save us. We don’t need no abominations here-” Great, a religious type. On the bright side that saved the mans hand from becoming severed from his wrist. He sighed as he raised a hand and flicked a button on the lower side of his helmet as the visor lifted showing his scarred and twisted face.

“Ain’t no room for God on this Earth son-” The man let go of his shoulder, in obvious disgust and at a loss of words. “- Christ ain’t coming till it’s clean.” He put his visor back down as he straddled his bike, and turned to the man in shock again. “And I’m not quite done yet.” With that he kicked the engine to life and took down the road. The signs for Lost Haven overhead, he could see the city's silhouette against the sunset. He let out a slight chuckle. “Hell, I’ve barely started.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nice, we’re getting all sorts of ghoulies to spook the place up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

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Character you have created: Gabe Alexander
Alias: The Reaper

Speech Color: Orange

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Another Gabe? Cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Nice, we’re getting all sorts of ghoulies to spook the place up.

Naturally. The Grotesque is the real ghoul (Name pending :P) however Reaper has his fair share of scars. Quite excited to play the character, hopefully I'll get accepted.

If Matt is still here (Not tagging him incase he isn't) I'd like to form a possible long standing rivalry between the two chars especially as his char has more or less done as told, while Reaper has been protecting the weak. I think they could even have clashed several times, bringing out the worst in them (Literally).

Other than that, if anyone wants to have past interactions. Either hit me up here or in a PM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

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That crossed out part being there is dependent on whether or not Icarus has Wild Wasteland enabled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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That crossed out part being there is dependent on whether or not Icarus has Wild Wasteland enabled.

What if he has Wacky Wasteland enabled?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

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<Snipped quote by Marik>

What if he has Wacky Wasteland enabled?

The maybe Icarus gets thrown off a cliff.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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<Snipped quote by Sep>

The maybe Icarus gets thrown off a cliff.

That isn't a cliff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

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<Snipped quote by Marik>

That isn't a cliff.

There aren’t too many half built Death Star’s in Lost Haven, so I think a cliff is a suitable substitution.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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<Snipped quote by Sep>

There aren’t too many half built Death Star’s in Lost Haven, so I think a cliff is a suitable substitution.

Thats what you think...

Also I will be working on possibly making a Villain but that's a little bit away, want to see if I need to make changes for The Reaper to be accepted and get used to posting as him first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

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<Snipped quote by Sep>

There aren’t too many half built Death Star’s in Lost Haven, so I think a cliff is a suitable substitution.

Ya'll realize Icarus can fly, right?
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