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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Launching arrow after arrow at the shifting shadows around her Mayumi couldn't tell if she was having any effect on the demonic creatures swarming the party, but she'd fight to her last breath just the same. As one beast leapt up into her face Mayumi quickly draw her spiritual blade and speared it through the heart, the creature's eyes dimming as its essence was sucked from its body and deposited into one of Mayumi's Soul Trap Crystals.

"At least with so much spiritual energy around I shouldn't have to worry about conserving power," The archer called out, feeling the surging magical power seeping from the machines and devices scattered throughout the evil scientist's lair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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Bakka was ready. The bees had been busy repairing him. But now he was ready... he surged into the battle with a one handed wooden sword. Swarms and swarms of bees flooded the area, trying to sting those who opposed the demons.

Diego towards the portal eager to escape. He found himself in the middle of the battle. "Gahhh!!!! Help!" shouted Diego.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Hearing a familiar voice Mayumi turned to see the portal, and Diego standing in front of it. "Evil one!" She screamed mercilessly, leaping at Diego with her blade aimed at his heart. "This time you shall not escape me!"

In mid-leap Mayumi suddenly found herself grasped in a monstrously large demon's claws, its head swinging around in front of her as it snarled in her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zeke ripped and punched through most of the demons that came his way. Killing his own kind didn't effect him the least. If they must die in order to achieve the groups success and defeating Lance's family. During battle he witnessed Mayumi get captured and signaled Marcy to help her while he felt with the demons that came their way.

Marcy was putting up a good fight against the countless numbers of demons that choose to come down the path of her battle Axe. Her father told her to attend to the capture woman and she did as told quickly moving towards Mayumi. With a quick swing of her Axe she completely detached the demons wrist from its hand freeing Mayumi. She stayed next to her protecting her from any sneaky demons that tryed to surprise attack them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon continued to attack the demons back, she then started trying to push forward as well trying to get out of the room and to where she could tell where Lance atleast used to be. "Help me push forward!" Feon said to the others as she continued to push forward. Feon fired off a few bolts of electricity as well at the bees trying to kill them.

Lilith in the mean time laughed at Artholath saying that they needed to elave now. "You really think I'm going to leave another meal before I go?" Lilith asked as she started to walk towards where the group was, Lilith wasn't one to back down from a meal or a challenge. And Scylla was the same way. "I wanna go first Momma!" Scylla said as she walked infront of her mother. "Oh fine, go ahead dear. Just leave some food for Momma ok?" Lilith said to Scylla while patting her head. Scylla smiled and headed off towards where the fighter was. Scylla was excited to get some action after so many years.

Delios meanwhile still tried to chase after Diego trying to punch him in the back or even face, whenever he got a chance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Artholath frowned. Haste could prove... ill. He saw some of the heros in the forest, and they were hardly too weak. Of course, he had no doubt these new demons would be more than capable... but still.

He kept to the back of the small group, mindful of the rising noise of chaos. It had once been the very definition of excitement; but now, he could feel almost the sense of impending doom. Something bad would happen...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma stood almost like she was forgotten by Mayumi, yet she felt like something about her was different. "Well, why don't I try something?" she thought to herself. She focused her powers into her arm, and they began to transform themselves into swords. "Well, what do you know? This is pretty cool," she said aloud, feeling a very proud of herself which was something she was beginning to feel a lot more often. Using her new upgrades, she went over to help Feon push back the demons, slicing them up. "I'll take them from here, keep moving forward," she said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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As she slew another of the demon beasts Mayumi realised that all her Soul Trap Crystals were now growing brightly, having absorbed enough of the spiritual energy from her thrusting sword attacks to reach their capacity. "Everyone, get clear!" She shouted over her shoulder as she tossed the crystals quickly into position around the room. "I'm going to try something a little dangerous."

Pointing her bow up at the ceiling Mayumi visualised four arrows and waited until they'd all formed in front of her before releasing the bow. The arrows flew up at the ceiling before ricocheting down towards the carefully positioned crystals, which formed a circle around most of the demons in the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zeke quickly grabbed Marcy and held onto the wall of the room with his gauntlets to get out Mayumi's way. After the attack was successful Zeke directed Marcy to hold on to his back while he finished of the remaining demons by spinning 360° bashing in the heads of most of his targets. He didn't hit all the demons but he did Kill of a great amount of them. When he believed enough of them was taken cared of he headed over to Feon and Karasuma waiting for Feon to lead the way to their next destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon took cover. After the dust cleared Scylla could be seen coming in. She didn't have any of her wolf heads out so she looked like just a plane little girl at the moment. "Why are you hurting those men?" She asked innocently as she continued to walk closer to them. She was trying to lure them closer to her in hopes of trying to chomp one of their heads off. Blood could be seen on her hands, though they were behind her back at the moment as she tried to walk closer to Mayumi. She could feel the most souls coming from Mayumi and saw her as the tastiest snack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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Diego continued running from Delios. He was behind Scylla and thought he could run towards her for help. When he was about fifty feet away, he noticed the blood on her hands. At the last moment, he changed his mind and veered sharply to his left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Mayumi was exhausted after using her most powerful attack and kneeling on the floor she gathered up her crystals and quickly placed them back on her belt. Most of them were only glowing dimly now, their power almost depleted, but one still shone with enough light to maybe still be useful.

Turning the archer saw a little girl walking towards them, her sweet smile and calm attitude seeming totally out-of-place in this chamber of horrors, and immediately Mayumi guessed that something wasn't quite right with the girl. "We were attacked," She tried to explain, answering Scylla's question as simply as she could as her hand unclipped her blade from her belt, the blade still dark for the moment but ready to ignite at a moment's notice. "We were trying to defend ourselves."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Scylla looked up at the woman appraoched her. "Your a fool aren't you?" Scylla asked as he face went from sweet to wicked in a scary short amount of time. As Scylla said this a wolf head appeared from behind her and quickly tried to eat Mayumi with a single bite from it's mouth. Two other heads came out now aswell, one heading for Karasuma and another aiming at Marcy.

Feon saw the attack and was able to knock the wolf head aside, however it quickly reacted to Feon and aimed a bite at one of her arms. Sadly Feon wasn't fast enough and the arm was ripped off. Feon let out a cry of pain while holding where the stitching was holding it togeather. "You stupid %@#$!" Feon yelled cursing now as she was visbly angry. Without another word Feon started to go into a rage able to stab the wolf head in the eye making it just as angry as Feon. The two started to go at it, however each blocking rather well. The wolf head, using some kind of barrier magic that was slowly cracking.

A wolf head aimed directly at Delios, it grabbed him and ripped Delios to shreds, all that was left were a few bones. One of them actually sharpened to look like a sword. This sword would have been the reward for killing Delios, it didn't have power like the others, it was just rather strong and fairly hard to break. Once the wolf head finished with Delio's it lunged at Diego.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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In the blink of an eye Zeke was in front of Marcy and struck down heavily upon the wolf. The wolf was stunned a bit and this gave Zeke enough time to do what he needed. "Marcy step back I can handle this!" Before she could respond the wolf went in for a second attempt to bring her down. Zeke gauntlet quickly grabbed hold of the wolf and forced it against a wall chocking it. He likes killing things slowly, but his interest were gonna have to wait for when he was chocking the Wolf he witnessed Feon get heavily wounded from one of the wolf's attacks.

A very serious look appeared on Zeke's face. The wolf thought he wasn't paying itself any attention and tried to bite Zeke's head off which was its greatest mistake. As the wolf opened it's jaws to chomp on Zeke's head it was quickly caught off guard when Zeke grabbed its jaws and quickly stretched them out snapping its mouth killing the wolf. Zeke wasn't in the bet of moods and him witnessing the scene before him didn't help at all. He attempted to help Feon by catching the wolf she fought by surprise by punching it in the rib most likely shattering the beasts rib cage. "What's next! He shouted in an angered tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma sliced at the wolf head that was coming at her, but their was a barrier magic of some sort that made it impossible for her to harm it. She continued trying to slash at it, hoping that it would eventually do something. It managed to bite her on the shoulder, causing her to bleed. Karasuma cried out in pain, but kept trying to land hits and in the process weakening the barrier magic. Though she was unsure of how long she could keep this up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Without pausing Mayumi's hand raised her sword in front of her, the astral blade igniting as she swung it up to spear through the wolf's head.

Quickly the archer reached down to her belt and pulled one of the emptier soul trap crystal up, slamming it into the sword hilt as she concentrated on drawing the spirit from the ragged beast trying to attack her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mayumi's sword was blocked by the wolf head's shield. At this point after two of Scylla's wolf heads had been killed she let out a cry. "You idiots! You were supposed to be eaten not fight back!" Scylla screamed. At this point the two wolf heads that were left started to fire beams of demonic energy at everyone near them. A shield that was protecting Scylla started to weaken at this point and it looked to be visible. Scylla herself had some demonic energy coming out of her hand's now in the form of what looked to be blades. Scylla lunged straight at Mayumi aiming to stab at her.

Feon meanwhile was still in a rage, She dodged some of the lasers that were coming at her, however she got knicked by a few of them. Once she got close enough to a wolf head she stabbed it in the eye again, causing the laser to go even wilder.
(Mayumi needs to get hit at some point)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quickly bringing her blade around Mayumi blocked Scylla's attack, confused as to why the creature would be so adamantly attacking her above all the others. Leaping back to what she hoped was a safe distance Mayumi summoned her Devil Heart Bow and quickly fired a volley of low-powered shots in Scylla's direction, hoping to buy herself a little time to figure out what was happening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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Diego swooped over and looked through some of Delios' remains. Finally he found the sword and did his best to defend himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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As the lasers were going everywhere, Karasuma started to panic. She didn't know what to do and was already injured from the wolf bite earlier. Still she had to keep going so she could rest in peace. Oh, it would be so much easier if she just took off her necklace and not be able to feel anything. But then she wouldn't be able to help everyone else out either. What could she do but keep attacking? As the lasers hit her everywhere, she ignored the pain and slashed one of the wolf's head that seemed to be exploding laser beams everywhere. The force of the lasers and her attempt at the attack threw Karasuma back hard into the floor. She forced herself back up, but felt her body feel achy and weak. 75 years of not feeling anything was starting to look more favorable...
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