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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus smiled, as he felt his body was being removed from Space-Time itself. He vomited blood.
"It's better of If.....I never existed in the first place.....That way, My parents would never have had to get killed....I don't care about power....or knowledge......I don't care if you have walked the Path of Destruction, If you walked the Path of Destruction.....Then I walked the Path of Revenge.....You have it lucky...You have Power...Friends...Haha...."
Deus made the Black Hole dissapear. More like it was forced to.
"You....may think that....I'm just a child taking....My anger out on the world...maybe you are correct, But If I dont take it out on someone, then....I'll just end up killing myself in the process..."
A dark Aura began to come from Deus's body. Deus screamed in agony as he felt his body burning and melting away. But that wasn't going to stop him, he'll endure the pain, just like he has always had to. Chase's abilities and memories had returned to her. Deus's eyes began to change to a grey color. He grew some small horns and a tail. He screamed in agony again from the Melting and Burning sensation and from the transformation. He then began to speak to his teammates telepathically.
Guys, I bought you some time, she won't be able to use her powers for 2 minutes, give it all you've..... go..t.

Deus blacked out, but in the spot, another figure appeared. It was still Deus's body, but there were some differences. first he had horns and a tail. And second he had A Dark Aura that would make anyone want to walk away.
Ara, Ara. So he finally decided to use me. Merlin was right, I guess. But I don't even have half of my original powers, He's still not ready...This sensation..this carnage he feels..It feels great!"


"So the attack didn't work, Ot course it didn't, I mean we are talking about one of the greatest magicians who ever lived."
Cornelia bowed down to the Mahoushi.
"My name is Cornelia Gamma. The reason I attacked you was for fun, just to see how much stronger I had become in the span of I don't know how long. Now you expect me to say spare me or something, Hahahah."
Cornelia smirked, after she sensed that Aura. It was Lucificus alright. Deus had unlocked his seal, but he wasn't as powerful as when he was alive.
Yara, Yara...Deus is willing to go this for just for a stupid sparring match, Honestly that Kid seriously never learns does he...Well them Missus Mahoushi, care for a spar?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ryan wanted to yell as everyone started using their strongest attacks. If it weren't for the several containment spells put up to prevent destruction, they would've destroyed the school AGAIN by now. He heard Mutt, but decided to ignore him in favor of making sure nobody died. He heard Deus and a psychopathic grin appeared on his face. "Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road! Grimoire Art: The Judgement!" Ryan's entire body glowed as a heavenly warrior formed around him. He drew his sword which had amplified to a massive size along with himself and swung it at Chase. The sword was made out of Light Magic making it extremely powerful. Even if it didn't hit, it would send a massive shockwave towards Chase, which would be almost impossible t dodge. Add on to the fact that Light Magic only hurt who Ryan wanted to hurt and he didn't have to worry about friendly fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol grinned, well it seemed now was as good a time as any. Maybe they could "win" this afterall. All or nothing time, "Secret Wind Art: Gungnir!" Sol shouted as the swirling winds hyper condesned into the form of a spear. The weapon emitted a fericous amount of power and within the spear itself one could see winds rotating vicisouly. Sol hurled the spear foward directly at Chase, a loud BOOM echoing as the weapon raced through the air. Sol quickly drew power from the runes closest to Chase, if she was somehow going to dodge then it was going to be very far away so it wouldn't trigger these ones. This time he was clearly gathering time magic as the air around him began rippling and warping unevenly, he had to make sure Chase stayed where she was or the whole thing was pratically pointless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Eklispe & @floodtalon & @BranchOfSin & @Dash375 & @Slendy

Overwhelming power. That was what was being sent towards Chase right now. In a different context, this would mean nothing, for Chase was an existence above overwhelming power, and should she choose feel like it, breaking even the powers sent at her would take but a flick of her wrists.

However, Chase had all but promised them that they would have a shot at winning. She would limit herself and be patient. She would test them to their utmost, and see if she could teach them what it meant to hold power. That was her purpose - Reina might be a better teacher, but that does not mean that Chase cannot impart wisdom every now and then.

While trapped in the sphere of earth, Chase could still feel the world outside. Despite her limiting herself, she was still the Embodiment of Destruction, so naturally everything that fell under her purview was open for her to see. She could see the powers aimed at her, their will to destroy her coming from behind every charge, she could feel the blood-lust rolling of Deus in waves as he surrendered his body to the demon within him.

She looked upon all of them and sighed in disappointment. Not a single one had learned a lesson.

As her prison of earth exploded with the force of four elements, Ryan's sword bore down on her, accompanied by the crescendo of Sol's wind.

'Very well. I suppose it's time to outline the lesson for this day,' thought Chase.

Explosions rocked her place in the sky, and for a moment, there was nothing but dust in the air. When the dust settled, there stood Chase, her expression sorely disappointed and completely unharmed.

"Chase Asu Du Morgan, Third Tier Art: Redirection Of Mass Destruction," she said loudly enough for them to hear. "It's not a fire spell, so it was something quite readily available to me despite you draining me of my abilities, or did you think in the long time I had lived plus the knowledge I had gained amounted to only fire spell?"

She shook her head, not bothering to explain further. She ignored the time being warped around her and stared at Deus. "You, boy, if you can here me, then let me say now: I am very, very annoyed with you."

"Path of Revenge? I'm lucky? What in the world is that supposed to mean, boy? Are you so immature as to actually think that your small, insignificant lifespan is able to compare to mine? No matter how painful or tragic your past is, it is nothing compared to what I have had to experience in the years of my life. This is not arrogance, it is nothing but cold, hard facts. The death of your family means nothing to the world at large, and certainly means nothing to me. It means much to you, and that is how it should stay - don't go and push that burden unto other people."

Chase said all this to the Demonic Deus in a calm manner. What he had become didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. Of course it wouldn't. The enemies she faced on a daily basis to kill time where far more terrifying . . . not to mention nigh undecipherable. Compared to avatars that embodied insanity and the end of existence itself, a being that could be understood, reasoned with even, was never going to shake Chase, no matter how powerful it was.

She swept her eyes across the field, her gaze piercing into everyone. She was no longer smiling.

"I am sorely disappointed in you all. A waste of talent, the lot of you, even you, Meruin. I can feel you assembling your spell no matter where you hide, and you know I can shoot you down from there," she said, staring into the distance. "Now, I am nothing if but merciful to children, so I will give you another chance. Come."

Reina regarded Cornelia coldly. "I expect nothing from a rude child that attacks without introducing herself first. In the same manner that you would not expect anything from me, including mercy."

Suddenly and without warning, barriers of every kind sprung to life. The earth at Conrelia's feet shot up and enclosed her entire body, before becoming a strange, silver material that hurt to look at. It was an alien metal, not something that could possibly exist, and yet here it was. It was a metal stronger than any alloy on earth, immune to spells, that could regenerate from damage in the blink of an eye, and prevented energy from being released around it.

In the next second, no less than a billion magical barriers formed around Cornelia. Each barrier had the physical durability of a planet, and were similarly resistant to magic, and each of them had a property that made them exist out of time and space, effectively becoming perpetual and unmovable through any means. They also protected each other, like cogs working in a grand gear, and could not be absorbed or changed by anyone other than the caster.

All of this in less than three seconds, and Reina had done it with nothing but a look.

"Chase is disgruntled, so there is bound to be an interesting occurrence soon. I will observe it, then deal with you afterwards," said Reina dismissively.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol was somewhat disgruntled. How in the nine were they supposed to beat her if she could if she could redirect any of their attacks effortlessly? Well perhaps he could try to take a page out of her book, she was still human right? And it simply wouldn't be possible for her to generate oxygen; after all she specialized in destruction not creation. Perhaps a long shot but it seemed direct force was pointless. Storing the charged magic he had for now in case he needed a rewind, he began his next trick. Activating the circle of runes that were prepared along the edge of the barrier a sudden surge of magic appeared. All the air, specifically the oxygen in the air began moving. Sol grabbed, with the help of the prepared runes, all the air in the area and removed it. Now Chase should both be unable to use a majority of her fire magic or at least have its effects dampened and suffer from oxygen deprivation. Sol of course could directly fill his lungs with oxygen so it wasn't a problem for him; he did the same for his allies hoping that this trick would have some affect on her. Perhaps attempting to use destruction on the empress of it was not such a wise idea
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus [Lucifer]

"Really Merlin, Is every single Magician just like you? A bit arrogant aren't we Magician? You speak of knowlegde when I am most likely older than you and have more knowledge than you. I was there when God had created this Universe. My powers may be gone, But I can still Fight." Lucifer said. He then resumed talking.
"Also You shouldn't underestimate the Potential of these Young Ones, for all you know, They could have already planned out their moves just like in a game of chess. Giving them a second chance was a horrible choice, because now, they have something to fight for.." Lucifer said and then sighed.
"I really am bad at Motivational Speeches like these aren't I, Sigh."
Lucifer turned to the children. He laughed seeing their Auras. These kids, they just might be able to win if they were at their prime..Of course, I can unlock their potential, but that would be boring now wouldn't it.
Lucifer then looked back up at Chase and sighed. He then walked away, wanting to spectate the fight, more than take part in it.
"I'll be watching"


"Missus Reina was it? I suggest you don't turn your back on an opponent, That could be your downfall, Also before I do this, I just want to remind you that this is not Magic, So I'm pretty sure this Ability would work on these things." Cornelia said as a wide grin appeared on her face.
Having the Power of Subjective Manipulation, equaled having Space Time Manipulation powers. So she was able to do the following.
"Event Negate."
Everything that just happened, never happened. This Ability can negate any sort if event, whether it's outside of Space Time, or inside of it. Cornelia could have also used Subspace Travel to get out of there, but that would've ended in her demise.
She looked at Reina.
"See what did I tell you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

(Why is this happening now! REVENGE!)
"Heh, arrogant as ever." Liz chuckled struggling to stay awake as she looked over at Chase "I planned to use that spell when you were at your strongest, you can stop it with a fraction of your strength? Nice dream." She spoke and coughed at the end.
"World creation, they say back when this world was created by using the 4 different elements coming together and the remaining energy formed the elemental which now roam this earth they created. This is the only spell I can use in this form, a small recreation of this event with you at its core with only one condition, the spell keeps reforming until one of two things happen, I die, or the core of the new world is destroyed without a single trace left! That core became you the first time you got trapped!" Liz shouted in triumph as the same 4 elements started to surround Chase again "You will run out of magic before you give up your pride and go back on your word to not kill me.!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus wore an amused expression on his face. Chases view don't matter to him he just wanted to have fun and spare with a god like being. Although the situation was looking salty and most of the groups previous attacks have been useless there didn't seem like the group had a chance against this woman. If she was giving them a second chance he'd go all out this time and make sure he gets a chance to punch this goddess of a woman. Marcus floated into the air and sat down with his legs cross ed keeping an eye on Chase.

"Guys....I hate resorting to magic but I must.....hopefully you guys don't mind buying a friend some time so I can cast this spell? He shouted opening his palm to Chase again. His next attack was surely gonna land on Chase , if this doesn't then Marcus doesn't know what can. Marcus looked directly in the eyes of Chase with his inverted eyes and a massive magic circled spawned beneath him barring the yin-yang symbol. He placed his palms together and began the spell.

"Taijitu mode: The Nefarious Puppet!.... I have offered up a target for the holding off these strings and these strings will bind together to allow the wielder to see as it sees. For I am yin and the Puppet is yang I shall be the opposite of its plain......" The activation of the spell was gonna take awhile so hopefully his friends will buy him enough time to conclude his spell.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan just stepped in front of Meruin and held up a Shield Of Light. "Overwhelming power does nothing to you. You're instead forcing us to he clever, which I like." Ryan then shone a very bright light in her eyes instead. And kept it there. "Attack!" Ryan yelled while motioning to be quiet and attack from behind. He looked quite silly really.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 24 days ago

@BranchOfSin & @Eklispe & @floodtalon & @Slendy & @Dash375

Chase stuck out her tongue inelegantly at Luciferon, not bothering to show even the slightest respect. "Bite me, Demon. You're not in any position to talk about knowledge and power when you got sealed in the body of a minor. I don't care how, but the fact that you are anyway means your a shitty ass excuse for a demon," said the golden witch. "You're just lucky it's not Reina up here; she hates your kind more than anyone else."

"And maybe having giving something to fight for is exactly what I wanted, did that not cross your mind, o-knowledgeable demon?" Chase could have gone on for longer than that, but decided that Luciferon wasn't worth it and ignored him for the sake of focusing on Liz. She pursed her lips as Liz gave the explanation of her spell. It was a scary one, most definitely, and Chase was surprised that she was caught in it.

She narrowed her eyes as she found her self being sealed up once more in the elements, then grinned. "Oh dear Liz, do really think that I can't destroy this faster than it can regenerate?"

The elements around her burst into bits as explosions rocked around Chase. The small mage was bathed in nothing but fire, and everything that came into contact with it exploded combusted.

"Hm, judging from the time it takes to regenerate, the amount it uses up and how much energy I have left I can keep this up for . . . about thirty thousand years more-or-less? Well, it's quite impressive anyway."
Chase, still bathed in explosions, then turned her attention to Marcus, her arms crossed. "Come on and hurry up, I want to see what else you can throw at me."

Meanwhile, Meruin was staring confusedly at Ryan. "What are you - ? Okay, I see. I will try, but first . . ." Meruin slapped her hand across Ryan's back, and at once a rune appeared there. This was the spell she was chanting for since earlier. "Try and get the others to me as well. That's a recall rune. If I feel like it, I can instantaneously bring those I've marked back to my side. I will try and distract Lady Chase until then."

The only reply Reina bothered to give Conrelia was a mumbled, "How interesting" before resuming her observation of the match. She had found that she was more than a little annoyed with the appearance of that new demon. She only hadn't interfered because Chase had declared this fight to be hers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago


A great war had been fought, with heavy casualties on each side. Mutt had stuffed himself silly, then walked, or more the less crawled from the kitchen, dragging his stomache behind, within which sausages an bacon still battled for freedom. Mutt began a slow and epic journey back to his burrberry bush to go back and sleep off the "being full." Along the way he would have to cross the paths of explosions, mages, students, teachers, and his favorite spot, where he had first met his friend Sol, who even as a human had taught him things about his heritage as a werewolf.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus {Lucifer}

"Ara Ara Missus Magician, Don't stick your nose into things you yet can't comprehend. Guees I'll just have to show you how to respect your seniors!" Lucifer said coldly in a way that would make even the greatest magician shudder.

Luficer began to walk back into the field. He looked at the younglings and Using Deus's power, he began to speak telepathically to everyone in the field except Chase of course.

Oi Oi, stop throwing your all out attacks and using some combination attacks with each other, specially you, the kid activating his spell. Lucifer said telepathically. Lucifer then looked at his hands. It appeared he only had one of his original powers and that's all. But he knew that was all he would need.

Lucifer summoned Clariburn, the genuine version. Lucifer had found the sword laying around under a lake, dumb luck to find one or the strongest Holy Swords probably.

Suddenly, one of Lucifer's horns began to dissapear. It appeared that Deus was trying to take control. Lucifer sighed. The kid wasn't just ready yet. Still Deus was trying to take control. Lucifer then smiled. It appeared this Kid had spunk.

Ond of Lucifer's eyes turned red, the color of Deus's eyes. It appeared that he was now in perfect sync with Lucifer.
Guys, what's the plan? Forced Sync Deus asked telepathically.


"Honestly, You Magicians are all the same, a little bit arrogant. You know things might get dangerous. Knowing them. they may be able to land a hit on her at least. Care for a tiny spar Magician?" Cornelia asks. A small tiny black hole appeared on Cornelia's hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol eyes narrowed as he watched Chase's response to Liz's attack. Well perhaps he could lend a hand here, as soon as the fire appeared he created a vacuum around Chase, ripping all of the air from the area out, including the air in Chase's lungs. Even with her terrifying powers she still needed to breath right? And fire still needed to burn air to be effective right? Of course Chase could probably substitute for air with raw magic but at least she might have to focus more on that then what everyone else was doing. Make her bleed is plan A I believe, unless you have something better in mind Sol replied to Dues. Since creating the vacuum was a simple matter Sol once again began gathering magic waiting to see an opportune time to strike. Perhaps if simultaneous attacks were not the answer consecutive ones were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan nodded at Meruin and looked at everyone else. He started flashing a light at them in Morse Code. Essentially he was just saying to get their asses over to Meruin. He then shone the light in Chase's eyes again. How was she not being blinded by it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus spell was complete but corrupted Deus had to step in. Now he decides to help. When he's mocked or spoken of poorly he decides to act. "Sorry but I don't take orders from creatures like you." Marcus was given only one priority and that was to attack Chase with everything he has. "If your planning on fighting her I'm gonna provid support for you like or not." Marcus turned his attention back to the star of the show, Chase.

His spell was complete as I said before so he snapped his finger and the yin symbol appeared upon Chase's forehead. The yang did the same for Marcus as it did for Chase. As of now Marcus was linked to Chase and was able to conjure up magic that was equal to the spell she chooses at said time. The Nefarious puppet allowed Marcus the ability to negate most of her attacks with an equally powerful one that is the complete opposite of its target. Marcus chose when to use this attack because creating spells strong enough to equally stop Chase could he life threatening.

"Deus listen what ever you have planned better catch Chase by surprise. If it does then I can step in and we can win this." Marcus was prepared for his next attacks. For now he was gonna keep his distance and wait for a good time to attack Chase.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol sighed, he had no idea why Ryan was trying to blind everyone when Dues set up a mental link you know Sol said through it irriated. Seeing a rune near Meruin and Ryan he activated it instantly jumping to its location. Having already seen what Meruin had done he tapped her hand lightly and ideally had the teleportation rune appear on his hand as well. "Bail me out if i'm about to die k?" Sol said lightly and jumped to a location several meters above Chase and began setting wind platforms around her, he would have to wait to see if his vaccum idea allowed Liz's spell to function before doing anything further.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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'Oh yeah.' Ryan thought to himself. Ryan then shrugged as he kept the light in Chase's eyes. "You know what? I don't care anymore." He suddenly pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed at Chase. "Might as well try." He then just fired the entire clip and threw the pistol at her. "I know it won't work, but I'm getting bored of being outclassed, I'm bored of being outpowered, I'm bored of being lectured. I'm just bored of this battle really. Meruin, do what you need to do. I'm going to defend you until you set up your spell." He then set up his Shield Of Light and glared at Chase.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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To Jeldare:
After Jason Void find tje acadamy where he knew he could be tested to his limit. Now he has to find a brown haired boy who ,last time he checked,was the strongest. Jason does not have a death wish and yet allying with him to first learn his tactics and powers is Jason's best bet. Jason found him standing next to a hole which was strange. Jason decide to go and introduce himself. So he stride up to him and thrust his arm out and said " Jason Void. You?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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@fer1323Slick wiped his hand on his cloak and grabbed Jason's. "Slick Sloth Zairos the third. Just call me Slick." He let go of Jason. "So what brings you up to our school; newbie, delivering something, island scouting?" Slick began to fill in the hole.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

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@JELDare " A chance to improve my magic skills." Said Jason. " I am a decent swordsman but my magic skills are somewhat equal to a novice." Jason looks at his hands and thinks for a short time. After lowering his hand, Jason asks "If you have some free time ,can you show me around?"
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