Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

{{lol she's down but not quite out yet she's still awake she just can't stand XD}}
Ace, though was still very untrusting of the beautiful young man holding her, did not protest. she was extremely skinny and didn't weigh much but she could tell that her rescuer was having a rough time making his escape. She caught quick glance of a strange machine on the top of a near by tower aiming right for them. Ace knew this wasn't going to be easy, and that she might die for pushing far past the limits she's supposed to go, but she decided she had to use what every energy she had left to get out of there. "stay...still...i'll...help..." Ace murmured. She moved her hand, shakingly, over in front of her and groaned slightly as she used her last bit of strength to create a small wall out of rock for cover and fling a couple small rocks to take out a couple mirrors at the tower she noticed earlier. she then went completely limp and FINALLY fell unconscious.

{{ok there! i'm done! do what you will! if i went any further i'd be god moding XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Luciel snapped back to his senses as he was called to by a figure in the distance. Blinking, he reacted by stuffing the rest of the bag of pumpkin seeds in his mouth, crunching down as a trail of black mist eased from the corners of his mouth. 'I-sure, why not' he thought, leaving a little surprise for the cleanup team as he spat the mass of sizzling seed pulp into the cell before charging out into the open air. He crossed himself to the best of his ability while carrying Ace, clumsily and indiscriminately tearing into three other backs and scattering them in front of himself as he ran.
The ground twisted and tore at itself as bolts of corn stalks formed abnormally tall and obscuring rows, accented with vines which coiled and clawed at the air in all directions. Truly, the only way to discern where there were was by this wave of violent flora which made a b-line away from the prison.

In the meantime, the hole in the wall belched forth torrents of pumpkin guts and vines as the room was quickly filled with the same mess that only 5 seeds had taken out a wall. Two dozen, on the other hand...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Apollo scowled at the mirrors being hit and turned his attention to the fleeing Hex. He fired a beam of light which missed them,(its a beam about two feet wide) but it began to trail behind them, melting ice, burning the plants and burning the stone as it followed them. (before you ask yes pure sunlight can burn stone, ex asteroids, though the stones are not destroyed, just burning) He growled and then began to fire orbs of light as well, but because most of his power was focused on the beam, the orbs were small and were inaccurate mostly hitting the ground around the two fleeing Hex. His harness was beginning to melt from the heat he was building up attacking. The guards all began to run out of the room and down to the bottom of the tower as the top of the tower burst into flames, from the heat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Drex grabbed on to the persons shoulders,tight. "Hang on," Drex said, and he shot up into the sky, away from the solar beams. He traveled about half a kilometer before dropping to the ground again. "So, what's are next move,"Drex said, "oh! By the way, my name is Drex"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Luciel stumbled his way through the jungle he was making, mostly running on adrenaline to carry himself at enough speed to stay just out of reach of the Humans' death-laser contraption. The growing light from the direction of the tower became too much to bear, making it difficult to avoid almost being knocked to the ground by the concussing blast from one of the orbs. The vines helped him stay standing and the ringing in his ears would eventually subside, but for a few moments they were exposed. Conveniently, the machine seemed to backfire, going up in flames and forcing the assisting gunmen to retreat. He was thankful that the girl in his arms was so light, as he would have otherwise dropped her or have been unable to stand in time to sustain just less than a layer of his coat being blown off in a screeching torrent of writhing cinders.

They barreled into the treeline, Luciel doing his best to shield the girl from whipping branches and shrubs before he eventually lost his footing and toppled over. His insistence on getting the job done ended with being used as a crash pad for the girl.
Collapsing in a tiny clearing, he groaned as his hands went to check himself for lasting damage, content with taking a second to rest. This was broken, however, by the small figure of a boy hoisting the two up and carrying them off, only to set them down somewhere else.
Again, Luciel was loathe to deny help. He set the girl on the ground, sitting next to her and catching his breath while checking the smoldering damage to his attire, once again. Leaving it how it was, for the moment, he extended a hand to shake. "Luciel Lucerne...thank you" he said, sincerely grateful for the extraction. The fact that he was saved by a child put him off, slightly. Truth was, there really wasn't a next move, as far as he knew. The damage was done and the vines from his parting gift were certain to disrupt vent control and upset the order for however long it took for it all to die or be removed. "I'm not sure, heh" he said in between breaths, "...For now, I am goink to enjoy being in one piece, and havink somezhing to show for it" Luciel continued, lifting one of Ace's arms and letting it drop, testing her consciousness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Apollo stop the beam when he lost sight of them. He growled as he stopped absorbing light which made some of the fire die down some. Soldiers came up the stairs and began to put out the fires as the head guard walked up to Apollo and said "you let them get away" Apollo said "I'm sorry I let my emotions get the best of me." The head guard said "I'm going to send out a search party, you are going to go with them." Apollo smiled and said "yes sir" Then a man in a lab coat came running up and said "no, you can't let him chase after those Hex, he is a emotional state, he may go ballistic." The head guard said "He isn't going to go ballistic, because he is determined to finish what he started" Apollo was standing in the hole that he had made during the break out, his hands clenched he was ready to take down anyone in his way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Hex High Security Prison “Yarvan”; Command Control Center - 4:00 PM

Stallman spun around. For a moment, he was at a loss.

"In case you haven't noticed, there's a security breach I have to take care of." Stallman used the first excuse he could come up with.

"What the hell does that have to do with you sitting at my terminal?" By now, a nearby technician and his superior watched the exchange with raised eyebrows.

"Haven't you been listening? I need to install a patch in here so that the entire system isn't compromised!"

"Why are you doing it at my terminal? The tech terminal is open!"

Stallman had to end this quickly; a pair of guard officers were taking interest.

"Because, you idiot, the breach happened at your terminal!"

"Where's your tech ID?"


"Ok, you know what? Have the damn terminal! Take it! Come on, have a seat!" He pushed the operator into the terminal.

"Bu... ok..."

Stallman quickly walked out of the room and went into the crowd of employees, noticing the two guard officers were hot on his tail, and would catch up very quickly. If something's going to happen... better happen now...

South Entrance of Hex High Security Prison “Yarvan”; Parking Lot and front Security

Halthar came out of his car just a minute before the Police Force sergeant came in with 5 more cars, stocked with men in bulletproof suits and rifles in tow. He could see the breach and could distinctly make out a few figures running in the distance.

"Open fire!" yelled the sergeant.

"Not yet, we don't know what we are up against. Don't you remember the time when a hex reflected everything we shot at him?"

The sergeant nodded. "Don't fire! Secure the perimeter!"

As the Police Force men ran to the breach site, Halthar went on the Agent line.

"All agents, suspects are fleeing the southeast section of Yarvan into the forest. Get as many men out there as possible, before they get too far into the forest!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Soon after Ace's hand hit the ground; Ace eyes slowly opened, she blinked a few times while her eyes started to adjust to the world of light that she hasn't seen since the day she entered the prison. Her head was throbbing terribly, making her wince. she placed her hand on her head. Ace slowly sat up and looked at both her surroundings and the ones surrounding her. She recognized the young man who rescued her earlier which for a moment made her relax a bit but when she noticed the young boy next to him she automatically tensed back up. Ace didn't care if these people saved her; she still refused to trust them, but she wasn't unappreciative of the young man who helped her.

she turned herself to him, then placed her hand close to the front of his face almost touching it. Ace then moved her hand slowly in a circular motion causing the sweat on his face to come together on the center of his forehead. she then drew her hand back causing the bunched up sweat to float off of the young man's forehead and follow Ace's hand. She then flicked it away. she then wave her other hand above her head in a circular motion to gather the moisture in the air around her. Ace then moved her hand back in front of the young mans face, her fingers pointing at him; making the water droplets she gathered soak in to the young mans face. thus expressing her gratitude in a small way

Ace's hand then dropped back down to her side as she breathed heavily. she looked down and murmured, "still not back up to full speed yet..." She then glanced back up at the young man for a moment before she replied, "thank you....for save me..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Yojimbo
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Yojimbo The Wolf's Fang

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Columbia: Near Leticia, Forty-Eight Hours Ago.

Marcus's eyes were focused on the monitors displayed in front of him, showing the battle he and his "team" were engaged in at the moment. A few days ago, they were tipped with information leading to a possible Class-A "Anomaly" lurking in the rainforests of Columbia. Though most accounts resulted in mostly Class-D or Class-C anomalies, there were a few occasions where Class-B would appear. And to find a Class-A was considered a very rare catch, even with his track record. This "engagement," was currently being fought in a remote area just south of the Amazon River; which was proving to make this mission a little difficult. Initially, the tracking down and stalking of their target was easy as they didn't attempt to hide their "abilities" from plain sight. In all actuality, it seemed to be accepted in the small village where the target lived and worked everyday. But even under all the "good" it seemed the target was doing for the village, Marcus knew it was all a sham to exploit the people.

"Echo-Charlie, this is Mike-Golf." Marcus spoke suddenly into his mike, breaking the radio silence.

"Mike-Golf, this is Echo-Charlie. Send it!" A rough, adrenaline-fueled voice responded over the receiver. Weapon fire could be heard, with follow-on explosions.

"Echo-Charlie, move your team to the right of Alpha-Delta's position. Move in for 'Sting-Ray,' how copy?" Marcus replied.

"Solid copy, Echo-Charlie out." The earlier voice responded, killing the conversation.

A few moments later, the movement called "Sting Ray" was executed and their target was neutralized. Bagged and tagged in the field, his team radioed in the target was down and still breathing. Standing from his terminal station, Marcus placed his hands on his waist and let out a deep breath. The fight was finally over and no one from his team was critically injured from their engagement with the target. Radioing back to the team a job well done and head to the extraction site, he nodded to the operator nearby and started making his way to the back of the office space they were occupying. While his operator was keying in commands to the extract team, Marcus opened up the blinds of the "blacked" out office and let in the sunlight. A bit blinding at first, he accepted its warmth and light anyways; reminding him of the woman he was doing this all for in the first place. Sara always loved sunshine Marcus recalled, but he was one for darkness due to the nature of his work. But the sunshine was all he had left of his beloved wife; other than the pictures of their time together before the "Hexes" killed her.

"Sir, the team is making their way to the LZ and extract team is en-route. Any further orders?" The operator called out behind him, obviously still at his terminal.

"Break down and lets get packing. We're out of here in six hours." He replied.


United States: Classified Location, Current Time.

After unboarding from the military C-5 Glaxy that brought them into the United States, Marcus instructed his team to get some rest and be at the office tomorrow morning. He on the other hand, had paperwork to fill out and send to his superiors in Washington so they could write their checks. Just walking into his office, his desktop starting sounding off for a notification with those on the Hill. Throwing his gear onto a nearby chair, he quickly made his to his desk and took a seat. Typing in his password and passing the security placed on the computer, he was greeted with a single message from his contact: Mr. Smith. Opening the encrypted document, his eyes started scanning through the coded e-mail till he reached the message meant for him.


So the "Hexes" have managed to break in and release some of the most heavily guarded of their kind? Marcus had spent the last few years putting those "anomalies" behind bars to keep safe the rest of the population. Sure, there had been attempts to breach the facility and release the prisoners; but none had ever actually done so. And from the looks of the reports, it was done sloppy and a few of the guards were killed in the escape. And now his team was being given one option to handle the situation: kill them all or be killed in the process of doing so. Marcus was ready to meet his Maker and his team would follow him through all the rings of Hell to complete the job. But were they really ready to handle more than one in a single fight? That remained to be seen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Luciel's brows tilted, surprised that she had bounced back enough to stay conscious. "VVell zehn, zeh deal pays off" he chirped, giving her space and a pleasant smile as their eyes briefly met before she noticed his newfound associate. He rolled his eyes, slightly, as her mood shifted to skepticism. She shown with a dull turquoise hue of weakness; likely a combination of exertion and the conditions she was kept in. He was about to recoil as her power forced recomposure into his face. He'd be lying if the cool splash wasn't refreshing. Doing his best to hold himself in as professional of standards as he could manage, Luciel reached into his sleeve just a few inches. He held his hand open as a vine coiled around his fingers, springing from the material of the coat, itself, which held the consistency of a rose pedal. Bending and twitching, the vine stood ridged as dull thorns sprouted and the tip budded and bloomed in a deep crimson rose.

"Velcome back to life. Aquamancy, eh?" Luciel asked, hoping to steal enough trust to let him move her. She was awake now, and was likely confused and disoriented. They were a mere half-click from living hell and he needed her to be on the same page, more or less. "Ve should be safe for now, but vee should keep movink if we can. My name is..." He stopped.

Names...what was it about simple words which held so much power over simple people? Truth be told, he had no reason to trust her in her current condition...and the game was more fun, anyway.

"...Lucius Lumiere" he concluded with little more than half a second pause, his brows accenting his words as he scanned the treeline to excuse the pause.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ace looked up at the main who claimed to be Lucius and paused look at him dead in the eyes and finally replied sternly "don't lie to me. if you're going to give me a name then give me your real one." She then sighed and tried wobbling back up to stand but ultimately ended up failing and collapsed back down onto her hands and feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

He rolled his eyes, sighing as he put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. "I am saving your life, miss...?" he began, turning his head and raising the opposite eyebrow to accent his own lack of knowledge of her name. "For now, you can call me vahtevaer you like, as long az I know you are speaking to me. For good reason, if things go south, I'd rather you not know my name, my dear" he concluded with a wink. It was a sound strategy on such jail breaks to not use real names. The theory was, if the group would to be separated or parts detained, it'd be easier for him to cover his tracks. "I am helping you," he started, offering her the rose to pick from his fingers, "...and I am sorry about your situation"
He didn't expect her to give a name in return, only to understand that he was not her enemy. If it could be any other way, he would have liked a chance to get to know the girl, but he figured the circumstances, especially considering this exchange, might make it difficult for them to be much more than associates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"thank you..." Ace murmured. she paused and looked straight ahead as she got to her feet again. she picked the rose and smelled it once then burned it. as the ashes scattered she replied, "The name my parents gave me was Ace. that is the only name i go by."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Luciel was silent, standing and gripping his fist to kill the rest of the vines which crumpled and retracted, focusing on repairing itself. "Why?" He asked, intrigued by her hollowness, "Is Ace what they called you in that hole? Is Ace what you called yourself to maintain sanity~?" he cooed, taking a few steps past her while he seemed to focus on trying to orient themselves based on sun position, thinking of a way they could go to maybe throw the certain search party off of their trail. His words ran like treacle, teasing enough to set the stage for his next question. "Of any name you could think...would you rather have it?" he asked before slyly looking over his shoulder out of the corner of his eye to try to catch a glimpse of a reaction, "...or is your past really that valuable?"

People have single names. In this world where we're not seen as people, why should we conscribe to their ideals?

Fear drove humans to do such selfish things. They'd throw their newborns from cliffs if they thought it'd appease a higher power...so to speak. He knew well enough about Hex to know that parents were sometimes a touchy subject; she mentioned them, openly, and apparently kept the name they gave her. It was unlikely that she was picked up after killing them...unless she was that messed up. Luciel shook his head, excusing the feeling before turning back to her. "Never mind me, working alone gives me too much time to think, I am afraid" he said with a chuckle and an excusing hand wave before realizing what he said could have been taken as an offense. "But no, I think Ace is a good name," Luciel sighed, wishing he knew more about the girl as to better appeal to her, "...I only wish it did not carry memories with it~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The questions of 'why' made the hairs on the back of Ace's neck stand on end and her body feel hot with pure, white rage."....why?! because i don't have any other name, because in that hell hole they called me horrible things! in there what kept me sane was feeling the pain of every beating; telling me that this was all real and not some deranged nightmare! I can't trade my name for another and i wouldn't even if i could! you want to know WHY i was in that prison?! i was in there because i saved my parents she our house caught fire! And they were the very people who turned me in! As soon as i was released from the hospital; i was greeted by the police force! They pined down a confused little girl who just saved her family and called her a monster! so yes! my past is very important! it reminds me i can't trust anybody! not even my family!" Ace growled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

Luciel was stonefaced during her outburst, either numb to her emotions or expecting it.
Truthfully, I knew words and agonizing pasts could only harm the ones they hold. It was a shame that she was like the rest...

There was no point in sharing his past with her, she was only minutes of being free after who knows how long. Her history and her world was all she had to torture herself with in the hopes that it would be that much less than the abuse. Or maybe it was just one agonizing lump of twisted thoughts that went fetid in the darkness of her cell long before he came to save her. With this though, Luciel resolved himself to leave her be. He was alive, and there was certain to be another prison to bust someone out of if her association failed to pan out. Still, he couldn't help but empathize in small ways with her story...

Luciel's amber-red eyes narrowed in dull skepticism. "I apologize..." he started, pausing to collect his words to respond to her demeanor, "...I am sure it haas been a while since you haf been free" his accent peeking in as he went back to his work examining moss, his voice trailing off. He put his confidence in giving her time to adapt to fresh air, natural sun and grass under her feet...there would hopefully be time to talk when she would be more inclined too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ace knew he was lying but she also knew that he was trying."please...i beg you.... stop lying to me with your false pity and apologies... you're just like everybody else... your body trembles when you lie. to the naked eye it can't be seen; even i can't see it. but i can feel it..... when you lie and your body trembles, i can feel the vibration given off through the ground." Ace muttered. "i'd much prefer it if you just told the truth..." she sighed then said. "i kept my name because even though my parents turned me in that day.... i still love them... i've tried hating them but i can't bring myself to hate them... that's why i go by Ace, ok?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Drex stood there, watching the conversation play through. "A...Ace, I think that's what your name is," He didn't know if it was the right time to barge in but he did any way, "My name is Drex. I am a hex like you. I know you can't walk, but they're sending a search party and they'll probably be here soon, so is it ok if I flew you farther away?" He held out a hand in a friendly gesture.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Okay" Luciel simply replied to her explanation, dusting his hands off on each other as he stood at the suggestion to continue moving. Flying seemed like a fairly good idea, since it didn't leave tracks. As long as they were careful, they wouldn't have to worry too much about surveillance. "The people I was with before I was alone called me 'Lulu'..." he said, hoping the understanding of his opinion about the name could be conveyed by his tone...he wasn't a fan. "Luciel Lucerne will work just fine...and moving would be a pretty good idea" he concluded, more than ready to drop the subject before he broke composure any further. He liked to remain optimistic whenever possible...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"uh. yeah nice to meet you Drex." Ace replied. she glanced at Luciel and smiled faintly with a slight nod, signaling that she understood and was happy to meet him as well. she turned back to Drex and replied, "okay. let's go."
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