Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Why did they toss you in here?! You're not crazy! You know you're not! You tried to reason with them but they just kept talking about how everything was going to be fine and how it was so much better for you. Everytime you protested they'd start talking about how 'great' the place was and how you'd be 'taken care of.' You don't need to be taken care of! You're just fine! Despite the fact that you probably look pretty crazy right now, thrashing around in the straitjacket they managed to put on you in the back of the padded van they arrived in. You tried screaming for help and tried explaining that you WEREN'T insane, but that just made them shut the little window between the padded back you were in and the front seats they were in. Again you thrashed around, trying to at least get a little bit of moving room in the tight straitjacket, but to no avail. You sighed in defeat as tears started to slowly cascade down your face. What did you even do to make them think you were crazy? You didn't do anything did you?

You grunted in frustration as the bumpy road made you bounce around in the back of the padded van. How long were you even in this thing? There were no windows, so you couldn't tell. Was it minutes? Hours? Your thoughts got interrupted by the van suddenly coming to a stop, which in turn slung you forward into the padded floor. Damn straitjacket, it was near impossible to get any source of proper balance in these things. You rolled over as the back doors were suddenly flung open by the people that had captured you, and they roughly grabbed you by your upper arms to heave you up, which wasn't very comfortable. You were about to give them a real piece of your mind when you stopped suddenly to look at your surroundings.

You had no idea where you were. It didn't even look like it would be anywhere near where your town was. Everything looked either dead or nearly dead. There was no leaves on the trees. The grass was rather grey with a few green specs here and there. There was a small eerie looking pond out to the right with a rather thick layer of low-lying fog surrounding it. And the walkway they were dragging you through looked like it was made of old stone, smooth, but grey and cracked here and there. Even the sky looked like it had a good chance of a storm or some rain. When the men started dragging you up some steps was when you finally lifted your gaze to look at the building they were about to toss you into, and it scared the shit out of you.

The walls were made of old brick that was cracked and crumbling in a few spots. The windows had thick metal bars to keep patients sealed inside, and a few of the windows were broken, as if someone tried to see if there was an outside latch they could grab, or just scream bloody murder to try to be saved. Here and there vines crept up the tall walls, where watch towers were placed on every corner of the building. The door the men were dragging you towards was made entirely of metal, and was the only thing that looked relatively new, maybe just a few years old. A loud buzz came from the building and loud clanking and hissing came from the door as it began to unlock. You turned your head to look at the outside world one last time before you'd get sealed away forever, much to your dismay you realised that you were trapped from the start.

There were tall brick walls topped with electric razor wire and sealed off with another door that looked just like the one leading into the Asylum. As the men began to drag you into the building, you began to thrash wildy, not wanting to be caged like an animal, and a sharp pain entered your skull as one of the men jabbed a syringe into your temple. You jerked away from the pain and suddenly your body started to slowly lax. Almost to the point of being paralyzed. The men once again began to drag your bound body. You mentally fought to keep yourself from succumbing to sleep as the second agent of the syringe began to kick in, it must have been something that made patients sleep quickly. You lifted your head a bit and let your eyes wander around the hallway they were hauling you through. All of the doors looked almost like smaller versions of the front door, but with a slider to look into the room and a slider at the bottom to slide in food. Everything was quiet at first, until they went through a second set of heavy doors, then things began to get interesting. With each heavy set of doors they went through everything seemed to get louder, more people screaming, more people banging on doors or windows. That was, until they went through the last set of doors.

Then everything was dead silent, except for the occational movement of feet or hooves. Wait.. Hooves? What?! With a bit more adrenaline you lifted your head up higher to look into one of the doors that was open, inside was someone that looked completely normal, save for the fact that their bottom legs were completely horse-like. A new panic began to arise in you. What really WAS this place?! An inhuman growl sounded to your left and you glanced over just in time to see someone lurch at the top slider of their door, growling, biting, and literally barking like a wild animal. Another door had an odd glow coming from it, almost like green glowsticks or radiation. The men carrying you suddenly tossed you into an empty white room onto a bed and you landed with a thud. One of them slammed the door shut and you heard the distictive clanking and hissing of the door locking. With your body loaded with the medicine one of the men gave you, you could feel your conciousness beginning to fade. And all you could think of was, "What the fuck is this place?"


So basically you got tossed into an 'Insane Asylum', whether it be a family member accused you or whatever, and it turns out that deep within the Asylum people are being modified and experimented on. Some being relatively animal like with increased insticts and such, some being rather supernatural with odd inhuman abilities. Instead of being kept away for later use, they decided to experiment on you NOW. The ones that aren't experimented on are either being kept for later experimentation or are being kept as a food source for those that are cannibalistic or extremely feral. Whenever 'feeding time' happens you better get into your cell fast if any of them think you're even slightly appetizing, or you could get on their good side and push people into them as an easy meal.

You can either be a Patient or a Doctor (crazed or helpful, it doesn't really matter, although insane manipulative Doctor characters are really interesting)

People die, people get injured, what did you expect?


Character Sheets are in the Character Tab


You can have more than one character if ya want, but just keep them all active. If you can't handle them all then you can choose one to be killed off so it makes things easier.

Of course, no godmodding and all of that usual rule-stuffs.

Go crazy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Looks cool. I'll make a CS in a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Aline Holy crap I didn't know you liked it this much xD lmao this type of stuff comes from my head all the time

@TheIrishJJ Awesome, its good to know that we have one more person in this lol
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Aline I know right? Here lately I've noticed that the horror/creepy RPs have basically disappeared, plus lots of people haven't been interested in them lately, which is a bit odd since I've seen people practically FLOOD a horror RP before
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yes I love horror movies, but to be honest the newer movies I really don't care much for, the old/classic horror movies are more my thing. My two favorites are A Nightmare on Elm Street and Silence of the Lambs, they may be old but they're still really good. I like how Freddy Krueger is brutal with his killings and how Hannibal Lecter is so intellegent and focused. I also like the Saw series because of how all of the traps are made and you can see the thought process in everything.

I kinda like zombies but eh, they're used way to much in my opinion. Paranormal horror can really fuck with your head if its done right xD some movies I haven't even watched because of how good the paranormal aspect has been pulled off and I become Paranoid rather easy lmao
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I think Freddy is funny xD deadly, but funny. Me and my dad actually want to make a real Freddy glove just because its awesome.

I heard that Deliver Us From Evil is pretty scary, but I don't really wanna watch it. I guess I'm more into the Serial Killer aspect of Horror
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jump-scares are my enemy xD sudden movement or sudden loud noises scare the absolute shit out of me unless I'm listening to Dubstep since its all sudden loud noises xD When I get jump-scared it feels like my heart stops and I scream pretty loud but I almost always end up laughing moments later.

Hmmm, that depends on our mindset and skills. Mindset determining what type of method we use and skills determining what weapon we might choose to get the upper hand. If you think about it a killer is pretty complex and full of thought, unless of course, they're the stupid kind that just runs in slashing like a retard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

That sounds like it'd be an awesome game. I think there needs to be a horror game where your mic on your headset will actually put your voice into the game, so instead of screaming and hiding and getting away, you'd actually have to force yourself to be quiet, otherwise they'd hear you and find you.

If you were to hug Jason it would be like: *hugs Jason* OH MY GOD JASON I AM SO SORRY FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!! *light crying* .... *STABSTABSTAB* *slowly dieing* ...Totally worth it...

Hey I'm highly observative okay, determining what kind of killer you'd be takes some thought. Plus I'm a bit batshit crazy.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aline


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadAsleep
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deadAsleep Dream Slave

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Even if you would go Karate Kid on him and kick him in the chest, he wouldn't move an inch because of how MASSIVE he is o-o I would dart away as fast as possible too xD but I'd end up running for the lake because I'm a pretty good swimmer especially if I'm underwater.

Eh, it feels better to just show it in my opinion. There's no real point in hiding it cuz no one is EVER gonna do anything about it. Well, no one ever has for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I may join this
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago

I'm interested in joining. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serum
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Serum Made of Luck

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I feel as though I may like to join this as a doctor but I'm not sure how much I can trust myself to do that without falling into cliche. Worth a shot, I guess, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Here's my CS:

Christopher Thompson




Who Tossed You In Here:

How Long Have You Been Here:
Four months

Christopher is 5' 10", and has a slim, muscular build. He has brown fur covering all over his body, except for the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet, and anywhere on his face where a beard usually wouldn't grow. He usually wears only underwear, as it is too hot otherwise. His voice is deep, and his teeth are slightly longer and sharper than a regular person's.

Christopher is shy, thinking that people won't like him due to his mutations. He mainly talks to the voices in his head. There are three voices: Charles, who torments him, and causes him to do bad things, such as hurt people. The second is Kevin, a playful voice who just wants Jonathan to be his friend, and Alice, a mothering voice who truly cares about Jonathan. These voices can cause Jonathan's personality to be unpredictable, and he will do anything that he is capable of if he wants to. The voices sometimes manage to make him to very dramatic things.

Christopher was injected with wolf DNA, causing him to grow fur on nearly all of his body, his voice to deeper, his teeth and nails to become longer and sharper, and allowing him to howl. He also likes raw meat.

Cell/Room Number:

Thomas has schizophrenia, a battle that he has been fighting for three years. Finally, it got enough, and his family got him sent to a mental hospital.
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