What LegendBegins said. It is not directed at whoever made the logo, be it a person or company - I'd assume the URL says "redPANDA" because it it generally respectful to credit the producers, and many outright necessitate doing so (meaning that you can't use the artwork unless you credit, or you'll have law on your back). I have no idea who he/she/they is or are or how much thought or effort they put into it, and I am not weighing either in in my comments. (What I would weigh in would be whether I'm dealing with something free or something paid. Paid work generally has no excuses.)
I've done art and graphical works myself, both free and paid, and I'll honestly say I won't take "looks lazy" or plain "I don't like it" as an insult. I don't take "[Part of solution] looks exploitable, fix it" as an insult as a programmer, either, I go and fix the thing. Actual insults are what I get for my writing rather than my art or codeworks.
I've done art and graphical works myself, both free and paid, and I'll honestly say I won't take "looks lazy" or plain "I don't like it" as an insult. I don't take "[Part of solution] looks exploitable, fix it" as an insult as a programmer, either, I go and fix the thing. Actual insults are what I get for my writing rather than my art or codeworks.