"Yes these are perfectly legal. Its made if a dull zinc alloy. Its a safe training weapon. Would like to learn a little? I do owe you one for your concerns yesterday." Rikimaru was almost shocked at how much he just said at once.
By the way, Riki and Gen better be handling either sticks or little wooden swords, because actual knives will be reported to police by the other people at the park and you'll be asked to stop and be careful.
Otherwise sticks or short wooden swords are fine. Japanese society is pretty strict about weapon stuff.
By the way, Riki and Gen better be handling either sticks or little wooden swords, because actual knives will be reported to police by the other people at the park and you'll be asked to stop and be careful.
Otherwise sticks or short wooden swords are fine. Japanese society is pretty strict about weapon stuff.
I said you'll be asked to stop and be careful, not you'll get charged. Yes it's legal, but it's how the people passing by will see it. They will report it.
It's generally seen as shady to even be carrying a knife to begin with, to be whipping out one that looks real in public... Well I shouldn't have to explain that.
It is actually fine in someplace like a dojo, but you're in a park and it doesn't look like a martial arts class is taking place.
Is there someone who wants to write with me so I can get back into the swing of things here? I've been gone for a while, and I want to prove that I'm still good for writing for you guys.
<Snipped quote by SwordfishKnight>
Also, what.
Is there someone who wants to write with me so I can get back into the swing of things here? I've been gone for a while, and I want to prove that I'm still good for writing for you guys.
<Snipped quote by SwordfishKnight>
Also, what.
<Snipped quote by EnterTheHero>
<Snipped quote by SwordfishKnight>
Yes, I'm aware, but what... is this.
<Snipped quote by EnterTheHero>
The real question is...
<Snipped quote by SwordfishKnight>
...Things. They are things, Swordfish.