There are all kinds of schools; Elementary schools, Middle schools, High schools, Colleges, Art schools, Acting schools, Engineering schools.... and then there is Shinjuku Academy, known for its impressive graduates and its dedicated students and staff but locally known, as the Ryozanpaku, a school for fighters, the ultimate fighting school. It was a fairly large school. Large enough to hold a few usable dojos right of the dorms and a reasonably size area for mass training sessions behind the dojos. It also held its own arena that it used for competitions, such as Iron Fist Competition. It was Monday and the start of a new year, which meant for the resident students, the freshmen's Initiation Week. Though called the "initiation week", it was more or less a one day ceremony and then four days of testing the freshies' skills and abilities to see if they could handle the pressures this school put on them. For most of the school, students were in their classes or dojos; Studying up on their Art's history and some of the other basic classes, or practicing their katas and sparing with their classmates.
Elsewhere in the school, down the hall from the senior classrooms was a room with an oak door with a small plaque that read in an obsidian colored font "Student Government". Inside was beautifully decorated. Its Japanese tradition flooring and interior doors but with its décor of a more modern flare. In there sat a young man at an oak desk near the window that overlooked the entrance of the school. He wore a grey collared long sleeved shirt that was neatly pressed. On his shirt sat his patch that was a combination of the Taiwanese and Japanese flag intersecting each other. Two gold bars rested over the flags etched in with small print "SGP" for student government president. His shirt tucked into a crisp pair of black pants with polished dress shoes. His legs crossing over each other as his hand supported his head on the armrest. His bright amber eyes leering down at the newly arriving freshmen. Freshmen, The runt of the litter. They have the most to prove out of the entire school so they must move quicker and hit harder than anyone else if they want to make it so its no surprise that freshman are the first to be jumped or bullied, specifically during the Freshman initiation week. Some of the newcomers were laughing and joking with others, some with a nervous look and others just with this look of indifference about the new school. He knew what today meant and he resented it. He knew that he, as well as the student government would have to introduce the new students to the school. He turned his head towards the rest of the room where the student government sat, still watching the students roll in for the start of the new year. His stare only intensified as he heard the intercom give its traditional ring before the head of the school began his announcement for the inevitable ceremony.
"May I have your attention please students. As you know, today starts the ceremony for the new freshmen so I expect the student body to be on their best behavior. Please report to the auditorium for the freshmen initiation ceremony in thirty minutes.
"Christy-kun, have you prepared a speech for this ceremony?" He said with an exasperated sigh. He really hated doing these ceremonies. There have been a few times that he actually enjoyed it but that was when he first became president. It was a way for him to rub it in the faces of all the juniors and seniors who doubted his abilities but now, it was just the redundancy of it. "I am to assume that the rest of you are ready as well?" He asked as he turned his chair around, glancing over his cabinet. He was Huang Miyamoto, The Demon of Shinjuku, known for his initiation week and for his ability to take down the president as a freshmen, a feat that had not been accomplished before in the school. He looked over at Christina with slight annoyance as he waited for her answer.