Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There are all kinds of schools; Elementary schools, Middle schools, High schools, Colleges, Art schools, Acting schools, Engineering schools.... and then there is Shinjuku Academy, known for its impressive graduates and its dedicated students and staff but locally known, as the Ryozanpaku, a school for fighters, the ultimate fighting school. It was a fairly large school. Large enough to hold a few usable dojos right of the dorms and a reasonably size area for mass training sessions behind the dojos. It also held its own arena that it used for competitions, such as Iron Fist Competition. It was Monday and the start of a new year, which meant for the resident students, the freshmen's Initiation Week. Though called the "initiation week", it was more or less a one day ceremony and then four days of testing the freshies' skills and abilities to see if they could handle the pressures this school put on them. For most of the school, students were in their classes or dojos; Studying up on their Art's history and some of the other basic classes, or practicing their katas and sparing with their classmates.

Elsewhere in the school, down the hall from the senior classrooms was a room with an oak door with a small plaque that read in an obsidian colored font "Student Government". Inside was beautifully decorated. Its Japanese tradition flooring and interior doors but with its décor of a more modern flare. In there sat a young man at an oak desk near the window that overlooked the entrance of the school. He wore a grey collared long sleeved shirt that was neatly pressed. On his shirt sat his patch that was a combination of the Taiwanese and Japanese flag intersecting each other. Two gold bars rested over the flags etched in with small print "SGP" for student government president. His shirt tucked into a crisp pair of black pants with polished dress shoes. His legs crossing over each other as his hand supported his head on the armrest. His bright amber eyes leering down at the newly arriving freshmen. Freshmen, The runt of the litter. They have the most to prove out of the entire school so they must move quicker and hit harder than anyone else if they want to make it so its no surprise that freshman are the first to be jumped or bullied, specifically during the Freshman initiation week. Some of the newcomers were laughing and joking with others, some with a nervous look and others just with this look of indifference about the new school. He knew what today meant and he resented it. He knew that he, as well as the student government would have to introduce the new students to the school. He turned his head towards the rest of the room where the student government sat, still watching the students roll in for the start of the new year. His stare only intensified as he heard the intercom give its traditional ring before the head of the school began his announcement for the inevitable ceremony.

"May I have your attention please students. As you know, today starts the ceremony for the new freshmen so I expect the student body to be on their best behavior. Please report to the auditorium for the freshmen initiation ceremony in thirty minutes.

"Christy-kun, have you prepared a speech for this ceremony?" He said with an exasperated sigh. He really hated doing these ceremonies. There have been a few times that he actually enjoyed it but that was when he first became president. It was a way for him to rub it in the faces of all the juniors and seniors who doubted his abilities but now, it was just the redundancy of it. "I am to assume that the rest of you are ready as well?" He asked as he turned his chair around, glancing over his cabinet. He was Huang Miyamoto, The Demon of Shinjuku, known for his initiation week and for his ability to take down the president as a freshmen, a feat that had not been accomplished before in the school. He looked over at Christina with slight annoyance as he waited for her answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoolGuy
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CoolGuy The Cooliest

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tetsunosuke sat on a bench while enjoying the shade a nearby tree provided. He wore charcoal colored slacks, a white polo shirt underneath a black crew neck sweater, and black suede chukka boots. On his right sleeve sat a patch featuring a cartoonish looking tiger wearing MMA gloves and Vale Tudo shorts. Pinned to the patch were two golden bars signifying that he was a senior. While letting out a slight sigh, he pulled the sleeves of his sweater up past his wrists. Today would mark the beginning of his senior year at Shinjuku Academy. The place at which he had honed his abilities for the past three years. Of course, while he had been studying at Shinjuku, he could no longer take the time to compete in martial arts tournaments, which he greatly missed. However, this was inevitably for the best as he wished to focus solely on training and moving up a weight class or two. He would not be able to put his all into gaining muscle and bulking up if he had to worry about cutting for a weight class every other week in the competition circuit. Muscle was not all he was concerned with though. Tetsunosuke had also spent an enormous amount of time improving his already phenomenal skill level in order to ensure taking the world title at some point would not be unheard of.

As an announcement blared over the speakers around the school, Tetsu made a face of slight annoyance. "Well...I guess it'll be time to head over to the ceremony soon. What a drag...nothing I can do about it, though. Just gotta suck it up and go." he quietly said to himself while looking up at the tree's branches moving with the slight breeze in the air. With that, Tetsu slowly got up and began to take his time heading over to the auditorium.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Daichi was one of the very many freshman walking through the front gates, with wide eyes and anticipation. Daichi didn't walk with anyone, all of his friends weren't fighters by any means so weren't going to Shinjuku Academy. Unlike most of the freshman around him, Daichi was excited. He could fight opponents he would never have the chance to if he hadn't have come here, and more so, he can prove himself, as long as he can make it. Daichi walked over to an empty bench to quickly check his bag. Boxing gloves, check. Photo of mum and dad, check. Toiletries, check. Shirt patch, check... shirt patch? Daichi pulled out the silver stripe. Crap! He suddenly realised it wasn't on his shirt so he quickly affixed it onto his right sleeve using the Velcro. Much better. Daichi smiled at his foolery, he didn't want to be embarrassed on the first day. His uniform was pure black, which he liked, it was the colour of his vest when he was boxing.

Daichi began walking again through the front gates. The school itself was very imposing, let alone what was to come, however, Daichi saw that it was full of opportunity for him. He can make new friends, and hopefully his room mate was nice enough too. Daichi followed all of the other freshman as they probably had a better idea of where to go than he did. The initiation week would probably be one of the toughest weeks he'll face at this school, but he would have to endure. Hopefully, the ceremony should be good. At least, Daichi hoped so. Either way, Daichi made his way to the auditorium where his first steps at Shinjuku would begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avalant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I always have this dream.... I'm flying through the sky in a propeller plane, an endless sea of clouds stretches below me. Everything is peaceful... but suddenly flashes of light cross my cockpit. Behind me is another plane, shooting. I weave and dive to avoid him, desperately trying to gain the upper hand, but it never works. He's always on my tail. It always ends the same...

I flip my plane to get on his tail, but there he is, right there, gun only meters away from my cockpit....

Then blackness..."

Avis thought of her dream... her nightmare that had haunted her ever since she moved in with her uncle. She thought on what it could mean as she fell to the floor of Shinjuku Academy.

"Get the fuck up dumb bitch. You think you can sneak past initiation week by transferring into the junior class!?" Avis had arrived early to get her room in order and have some time to map out the school. She wasn't expecting to be suddenly punched without warning by her peers. "You think that you can just... just skip what we had to endure!? Well, it seems me and my friends here are gonna catch you up on two years of beat downs!" As Avis attempted to get up, she felt a foot slam into her stomach, the wind being knocked out of her. "I SAID STAND UP!"

Avis slowly got to her feet, as she did, she focused her mind at the current problem. "Alright, there is five of them and one of me... they are definitely all brawn with no brains... most likely the rest of this school is... and are incredibly violent. Probably have some serious fighting experience under their belt... options are limited to say the least!" she noticed her folder on the floor and an idea began to form. An escape plan of sorts that may or may not work, but a plan nonetheless. Avis bent over and picked up her folder, the aggressor waiting for her response, wanting to show that any attempt of fighting him was for naught.

Yes, he and the others wanted to prove their seniority over this transfer student. Show her what the real pecking order of this school is, and that she was scum. They wanted to-



A folder full of papers flew into the air at the center man, giving Avis enough of a distraction to slam him in the face with her palm, easily breaking his nose. As he fell, she darted past the four others, still shocked at what just happened. It didn't take long for the group to give chase. "YOU BITCH! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT! YOU WILL PAY!"

Running at full speed, Avis sped down the hallways zipping past classrooms before exiting the school into the court yard. A large crowd of freshman were crossing, heading towards the auditorium. Glancing behind, she noticed that group was practically throwing freshmen out of their way to get to her, barreling towards her. "God dammit. This place is fucking crazy!" she cursed to herself as she continued running.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vlad had just finished his morning run. As he took off the weighted gloves the strong odor hit him like a back-handed slap. "Goddamn, this things smell like culo 'e viejo." He threw them off to the side, planning to pick them up and wash them later. But before any of that happened he had to wash himself, as he too smelled like culo 'e viejo. And he couldn't let that be the first impression the freshmen got off him. He had to be clean, fresh, respectable.

After a quick shower, Vlad changed into something a little more formal but still comfortable (and with almost no effect on his mobility). Short-sleeved guayabera "Close enough, they won't notice the difference. Also, it's pretty damn hot in here.". Single-gold-barred stitched patch on his right arm. Sleeveless undershirt beneath it. Short drawstring pants. Canvas loafers. Vlad stood in front of a mirror, stared at himself, and felt pleased with his attire. "That's classy, Vlad. Very classy."

Within a couple of minutes the announcement came out of the speakers: "--ditorium for the freshmen initiation ceremony in thirty minutes. "

Vlad walked to the auditorium (every time he thought or spoke the word auditorium, that old Elton John song would pass through his mind), and on his way saw some girl being chased. "Doing good so far. Don't. Get. Involved.", and so he kept going his way, doing his best to ignore the hostile athmosphere and anxious freshmen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Xu was on a walk admiring the school. He always like it here, the scenery had a calming affect that seemed to work on all the fired up souls that came here to fight. He was walking up to a tree when he heard the announcement. This school always had a formal way of doing things before the craziness started and this year, Xu refused not to get on it. He was a very quiet freshman last year who did not say much, kept to him self and only every fought when necessary. But now it was time for some changes, friends would be made and rivals would be found this year.

Xu needed to make the most out of his time here and being a loner won't help at all. With that thought he started his way over to the auditorium.

Christina had been standing there for a while checking her phone, waiting for the time to finally come when the bells would ring and hell's gates would open. When they did Huang had this look of pain and displeasure on his face. He turned and started to address the room starting with her

"Christy-kun, have you prepared a speech for this ceremony?"

"Yes, I wrote it just to you specifications." She said this to him with a chuckle to the annoyed look on his face. She did not consider them friends, only because she could never tell have the time, but Christina had a great respect for Huang. She was here when he took down the old student president. She did not care why he did it but it had shocked her along with the rest, and was one of the only reasons she challenged the old VP.

"Oh and try to be nice, they are only freshmen, you always give them that "look". Just try to crack a smile." She said as she handed him the speech.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mordecai Igins stood in front of Shinjuku Academy, adorned in his new schools uniform and his large travel bag under his right arm "...This is Shinjuku Academy, huh." his emotionless expression he always wore at present. his blue blue swayed in the wind as he gently took the first steps into the the academy, where for the 3 couple of year he would hone his Martial arts skills and hopefully pick up new styles of fighting along the way. He was the other freshmen along the way, but didn't bother to speak to them for even acknowledge them. The Kuudere wandered into the academy without making any contact with anyone. Mainly for the reason.

He didn't know how to speak Japanese, anyone that would try to speak to him would only get a blank stare at them. Of course his mother, being full Japanese had given him a notebook on how to behave in the land of the rising sun, along with a few sentences. in his other free hand was a note to all students to meet in the hall for the opening ceremony. "That should be easy, first find the directory and then make my way there." he muttered. The blue haired boy causally made his way inside before seeing a large board with various building shapes and legends..trouble was. It was all in Japaneses. "For the love of god..." he placed his head against the board as cursed. as he looked up again he saw a small start on top of a building. "I'll take me chances and head there." As he was talking to himself he hear various yelling to his right. he spotted a girl running from other students.

"......" shrugging to himself he went the opposite way. He would try to avoid as much contact as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by That AWFUL Guy
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That AWFUL Guy You Monster

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'll see the world, I said. It'll be life changing, I told them!" the lanky, almost anorexic-looking blonde man mumbled under his breath "Thank god I got this opportunity, now I get to wake up at 2 AM in a motel that smells like cat piss to go wait for an hour at an abandoned bus stop!" The man's voice rose to just below a shout. "Because Christ knows, I want to walk across a fuckin' city before the crack of dawn because the public transportation around here can't be bothered to put up some goddamn maintenance notices."

He was now screaming.

Two hours and stern talking to by a passerby on the subject of early morning pedestrian etiquette later, the man had found himself at the gates of his destination: the prestigious Shinjuku Academy.

At 5:30 AM.

Several hours later, Scary woke with a start. He had fallen asleep on a bench shortly after ariving and slept through the arrival of the plurality of the student body.

It was the announcement on the loudspeakers that wrenched him from dreamland, sending his body spasming off of the bench and onto the ground. Still barely conscious by the time the announcement had concluded, Scary couldn't react as a foot planted itself square in the center of his face. It was fairly light, but hit with the force of someone running at top speed. The offending feet had already dashed away before Scary could fully register the event.

Of course, before he could stand up and compose himself, a notably heavier foot going at found itself a delightful spot in the middle of his gut.

Scary wasn't wide awake yet, but his nervous system was online. Reflexively, without thinking, he slipped a stun-gun out of his shirt sleeve and jammed the sparking weapon into the shin to which the oppressively weighted foot presumably belonged.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Yes, I wrote it just to your specifications." She chuckled at his reaction which only made his pained look that much more pained as he looked towards the doorway in thought. She got on his nerves but she was one of the few he tolerated. Most of the school's girls liked him because he was the bad boy, the heartthrob. Even with all the fights he had gotten into he still maintained his charming looks and most of the girls here had a crush on him. She was skilled fighter and showed him the respect that he deserved and didn't come across as a clingy bitch, which is why she was placed in that small circle. The fact she had no feelings towards him made it that much better. He was broken out of his gaze when from his peripheral the speech that was prepared for him was brought into his view. "Oh and try to be nice, they are only freshmen, you always give them that "look". Just try to crack a smile." He gave his usual fake smile before he took the papers and placed them in his bag. "Christy-kun, I'm always nice." He turned his attention then to Issei, his faux smile still on his face.

"Issei-san, have you gotten in touch with the rest of the Disciplinary Committee? I need to know if they are prepared for any... disruptions that may or may not occur today. I do NOT want this to be dragged out longer than it already will be. Also, I'm putting you and Christy-kun in charge of showing the new....freshmen around the campus. If you want get some help from the other Juniors or Seniors, go ahead. I would give this detail to the Activities Coordinator but the last one didn't work out so well and since then we have not assigned a new one which reminds me. Christy-kun, please make note that we need to get an activities coordinator appointed." That was mostly because he wouldn't put up with Huang and his over inflated ego so he had challenged him. Fractured jaw and eye socket, 2 bruised ribs, dislocated shoulder and a compound ankle fracture was the result of him standing up for himself. The boy tried to get Huang expelled for his actions but it was proven that he challenged Huang during the school hours and with the ok from a sensei that was nearby to observe. He awaited Issei's response before standing and slinging the bag over his shoulder as he stood and made his way to the door before looking over his shoulder, the smile still on his face. "Well I guess we should get going." He turned back to open the door from the SG lounge to the halls of the senior wing and he made his way down to the Auditorium for the inevitable ceremony.

@Archangel89 @Mugin
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoolGuy
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CoolGuy The Cooliest

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The walk to the auditorium was pretty uneventful, yet the weather was beautiful nonetheless. He just loved the trees all around the campus. IT definitely made his daily runs at 4:30 a.m. much more calming in a way. For most of the students, this was much too early as classes didn't start until much later, but his morning roadwork sessions were vital to making sure his cardio was in peak condition come fight day. As Tetsu neared the auditorium he started to hear a bit of noise coming from another direction. He didn't give it a second thought at first as this was normal during the beginning of a new school year. Freshmen always got it the worst for sure and their strength did have to be tested, but more often than not, it went too far and the beatings were brutal. He did not approve of this.

Once he thought it over for a second, he turned his attention to the commotion and witnessed someone getting hit with a stun-gun. He did not approve of this even more. "Dirty cheater. Take your loss like a man, and quit dishonoring yourself and this school." Cheaters and acting in a dishonorable way during a fight was something Tetsu detested. This guy was no better than the group of bullies running after what seemed to be a grey haired girl. For a moment, Tetsunosuke stopped walking and began to watch and see how this would play out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

The hustle and bustle of first day of a new year always brought a smile to the Displinary Chair Head's face, the idea of what was to come was always a 'happy' occasion. Issei Hamada gazed at the wave of new freshmen that walked through the gates of the school scanning each individual one to see who was going to be the trouble makers in the coming year. He stood there in his perfectly pressed black suit, the two gold bars under a smiling oni-mask, watching the world pass around him. During his moment of peace a few of his officers came behind him and informed him that his presence was request in the Student Government room. After giving a quiet sigh, although never loosing his signature grin, Issei turned and made his way through the chaos that was the school and made his way to where the government was having thier start of school meeting.

As he traversed the all too familar halls Issei could hear the converstaions of the students that surrounded him. Their quiet whispers and racous laughter did not deter him from his goal and it was this unwavering determination that the whispers about him started. While he wasn't the most powerful fighter among the school, a title saved for the president, those who had been to the school prior knew his name and his reputation and knew that he was not someone to tempt.

As he made his way into the Student Government office Issei noticed the seemingly permenant scowl on the president's and the cold demenor of the of the vice president was two things that Issei could always count on. As he walked in he gave a smart-ass salute to the group assembled as he listened to the conversations at hand. As Hyuang turned to him and inquired about the preperations needed for the ceremony later in the day all Issei could do was give him a dismissave wave,

"Aye everything is in place so that none of the 'rowdier' freshmen are kept in line. You worry too much, your going to wear that frown into your face."

As he finished his conversation with Hyuang he then turned his attention to Christy, the VP. Of all the student governement officals in the school Chirsty had to be by far Issei's favorite to torment. Even though he tormented the entire council with his sarcasm and sharp wit, there was no other group of people that he trusted the most.

"And greetings to you your Highness. How fares our illustirous Ice Queen this fine morning?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She wrote down in her planner, that she usually kept on her person. She saw what had happened to the old coordinator and it was not pretty. He came looking for allies in his uprising and asked Christina, saying that she could keep her position. She told him yes and then told Huang of his plans. When they had fought she was the one to testify that it was a legal fight, she laughed the whole time he was getting his ass kicked.

"I'll begin putting together a list together after the ceremony anything your looking for in particular."

"And greetings to you your Highness. How fares our illustrious Ice Queen this fine morning?"

Chirstina rolled her eyes as soon as the "little man" came in and rolled them again when he started to talk to her. When she first met Issei, she had no issue with him and thought that his smile was a gracious genuine one, but when he rose up and become the Disciplinary Committee Head, he became a ass ho messed with everyone in office. He always messes with them and is just a malicious jerk. He does this to Christina especially, always in her face about this or that always trying to get her into a fight, always taunting her. Christina is surprised that she has not knocked his lights out yet.

Soon he became the smiling jerk in her eyes, always wearing his malicious, disturbing smile, even if he is angry, its just playing creepy.

"I am fine. Thank you." She said sharply as they walked out the room behind the president.

"Please don't start with me to day Issei, its the opening ceremony, and we are stuck working together, so don't ruin this day like you do ever other one." She said while she pinched the bridge of her nose, not even looking at him. The boy always found a way to ruin her day.

She had an idea that he secretly liked her, why else would he bother her all the time, Christian knew that a lot of the boys that went here liked her, but Issei was just weird about it. "I have told you before, and I will tell you again, this is no way to get a girls attention, especially a Queens." She said with a sly smirk and continued on with her walk.

Xu was coming up to the auditorium and when he arrived he saw that a group of boys were trying to bully a girl. It did not look like a cool scene to him. He stepped up to a guy standing and watching the whole situation go down. The dude looked bigger and older than Xu, Xu chuckled when he found himself sizing the other up.

"What happened, the situation does not look to good for her?" He asked the boy.

"Oh and my name is Xu. Do you think we should intervene it might be fun." He said while while squinting hos eyes as if that would help his sight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Issei had spoken up. His scowl couldn't be anymore present on his face so instead a roll of his eyes sufficed as he got up and made his way to the door. Issei always had a way to annoy Huang. Whether it be late to a meeting or just pushing his buttons, Issei liked to yank the president's chain but Issei was one of the few that Huang respected. "Tch. Christy-kun just make sure it's someone who is competent, dependable and loyal. Also he/she must be able to hold themselves if someone is to challenge them." He had left the office to head for the auditorium. Luckily for seniors the auditorium was a short walk, and even more so for the students in the student government's lounge. It didn't take long before he made his way to the side entrance of the ceremony. Huang sighed as he opened the door and was bombarded with the loud chatter from the students and staff. In the front row sat the freshmen with small packets filled with information about the school. He looked them over, a few seemed strong but the rest would crack within the week. He shook his head and plastered on his face a smile. Nothing welcoming but definitely not showing genuine pleasure in this. Huang had made his way onto the stage, he could here a few whispers from the crowd but he ignored them as he took his seat behind the Director of the school who sat in stood in front of the podium.

The Director was an older looking man around the age of 60 or so. He wore a nicely pressed grey suit and red tie. It was of a slightly older fashion but he gave off a aura of authority and respect that complemented it. He leaned in towards the microphone and tapped it. His voice was rough and sounded of an wise man with a tone that could silence even the most rowdy bunch. "May I have your attention please. I am Kojiro Hatsuname, Director of the School and I would like to be the first to welcome you new students to the Shinjuku Academy of Martial Arts. As most of you are aware, here at the Shinjuku Academy, we maintain tradition and excellence when it comes to teaching our students which can be shown in our students who have made a name for themselves such as Takeshi Inoue, Michihiro Omigawa, Takanori Gomi and Shinya Aoki. We also have high expectations of our students who enter into the Academy as seen in you pamphlet book in the bag we have provided. To explain the rules of the school we well have Huang Miyamoto, President of the Student Government explain. Mr. Huang?"

There was an applause from the school followed by some whispering and laughing from the seniors. Huang's frown disappeared into his smile as he shook the directors hand and made his way to the podium. With his bag on his shoulders, he reached in and pulled out the speech that Christina had written for him. He carefully placed it on the podium and adjusted the mic to his height before sighing and looking up into the crowd. Good morning and welcome to Shinjuku Academy. I would like to thank my cabinet for helping me with this speech and for helping prepare for the ceremony. As you have heard I am Huang Miyamoto, the President of the Student Government and the Activities Coordinator of the Maui Tai Club. I have been the president of the club since freshmen year and have remained in position since. But I'm not here to talk about me nor my accomplishments but to inform you, new freshmen, on the rules and regulations of this school. If you could please open you student handbook to page 22 we will begin." As he spoke he pulled out the student hand book and turned to the same page that the new students would be on and skimmed down to the rules.

"So....students must be in uniform at all times. You had received in the mail prior to coming what was required of you to wear. Ladies, a black/grey//blue skirt must be worn and men black/grey/blue slack must be worn. Women stockings must be worn as well. Only time a student should be out of uniform should be when the day is over or said student is in the dojo, training area or ring. There is to be NO fighting afterschool hours unless there is a teacher or instructor that is present on campus to do so. There is also to be NO fighting in the dorms. If there is each student that was apart of said fight will be fined for the damages done in the process as well as other disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion. You may challenge a student during the day if there is a teacher or student government member present. Club members may challenge other clubs may challenge other clubs with the approval of the student government and instructors pertinent to said club. Now if you can turn to page 58 for the bedding arrangements for each student."

Huang sighed as he turned to the next page. "This is fucking ridiculous." He cleared his throat before addressing the students once again. Sleeping arrangements for freshmen are as followed: 1 room sizable to fit 2 bunk beds, shared bathroom and closet for each student. Freshmen students will have lunch at 10:00am to 11:00am. The sleeping arrangements for sophomores are as followed: 2 rooms each room containing two beds, private bathroom for that room larger closet space and kitchen conjoined in the middle to each room. Sophomore lunch is from 11:00am-12:00pm. The sleeping arrangements for Juniors are as followed: 1 Room, consisting of 2 beds large closet space, personal bathroom and personal kitchen. The senior sleeping accommodations are as followed: 1 Room single queen with private bathroom and kitchen. Senior rooms also have a balcony, large closet space with a small training room. Juniors and seniors share the same lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Students are eligible to eat in their rooms during their appointed lunches should they choose so. Please take note that if you are found in an area that is not authorized during school hours disciplinary actions will occur. And now..."

Huang sighed as he looked down at his speech and the book. To him this was too much but he knew that after this he could return to the lounge or his dorm room if he wished but when he skimmed over the paper to the next part he couldn't help but grin. The next topic was about the Iron Fist Tournament. He looked up into the crowd with now a more eerie smile on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoolGuy
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CoolGuy The Cooliest

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tetsu sensed a presence off to his side. It didn't have a threatening feeling to it...nor a strong one, but he knew better than to let that fool him. Still, he doubted whoever it was would actually be able to best him. "What happened, the situation does not look to good for her?" Tetsu turned to look at the boy and gave him a blank stare. "Oh and my name is Xu. Do you think we should intervene it might be fun." After another moment of staring at the boy, Tetsu let out a very blunt answer. "I try not to get involved with another's business. Excuse me, I'm going to be late." With that, he turned and walked past Xu and into the Auditorium.

He had managed to grab a seat near the outer right side in the sea of students gathered for the ceremony. "Looks like I just barely made it..." As he began to space out in his seat, he noticed the student government members arriving near the front of the auditorium. Huang Miyamoto was among them and also the president...though he was barely worthy of the title. He was like a child who only wanted the position as an affirmation of his "strength". True, he was levels beyond the other students, but this did not impress Tetsunosuke. It didn't take much to be a bully of freshmen and those weaker than yourself. "We should be trying to bring up those weaker than us and stand together to make this school great. NOT kick them down. Just watch. This is the year you'll get yours..." He never voiced his opinion on the matter, however...did this make him a coward? Or perhaps it meant he had no right to even have the opinion? It didn't matter either way. This was the year he would participate in the Iron Fist Tournament and end his reign. Or at least he would try...yet he was still confident he could beat him.

Tetsu zoned out once again, but the part about him having his own balcony and small training room caught his attention for a moment. This was perfect. With this arrangement, he would no longer have to tip toe around other roommates and could live the way HE wished to. The training room was the real thing to get him excited though. With a mat, throwing dummy, and 6 ft. heavy bag he would have all he needed in a training area. Of course, this did not mean Tetsu did not enjoy training with others. You need to work with live partners to improve. There is almost no other way. "If you believe you can advance on your own, you're delusional." All three years Tetsu had joined different clubs and this year he would do the same. However this was never a problem due to the fact that Tetsunosuke had spent years practicing numerous martial arts and had more than the sufficient skill level to be accepted by said clubs.

Suddenly, Tetsu felt a creepy silence for just a moment and looked up from his crossed arms. He looked to the President, Huang Miyamoto, with a raised eyebrow and a look of slight curiosity. "Judging by that shit eating grin, he must have something interesting to talk about." Tetsunosuke began to pay closer attention in order to hear what the Student Government President had to say next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"What a square-ass speech." Vlad briefly considered standing up and leaving the auditorium, but the school staff always looked extra-mean on this freshmen initiation ceremonies. He considered heckling the president, Mr. Huang Miyamoto, but he always seemed like a short-tempered kind of guy, and Vlad didn't want to ruin his rad shirt. So he went with the only real option he had, sitting in silence and swallowing the same speech he had heard since he had gotten into the school. Coño, what a bore!

Suddenly, Vlad realized that the sit next to him wasn't empty. Now, next to him, was a weird, quiet senior that he had seen around but barely recognized. Overtaken by the soul-sucking, snooze-forcing speech, Vlad accidentaly let slip a jokey whisper.

Man, the only way I could be more bored would be by being made out of wood.

And that's when he remembered how most students at the Shinjuku Academy had almost no sense of humor. All those fights on freshman year sparked by a bad joke or escaped pun. Fueled by dozens of memories and a self-preserving instinct, Vlad's paranoia kicked-in. Side-eyeing and preparing himself, Vlad awaited to see how his seating-neighbor reacted to his shitty pun.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoolGuy
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CoolGuy The Cooliest

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Man, the only way I could be more bored would be by being made out of wood.” Tetsu heard probably the corniest joke of the century come from off to the side of him and raised an eyebrow while letting out a very light chuckle. Who the hell makes a joke light that? With a growing curiosity Tetsunosuke looked to the direction in which the cheesy joke came from and examined the student sitting next to him. He was definitely not Japanese, but he seemed friendly. Friendly enough to assault Tetsu's ears with a corny joke, that is. His attire was certainly strange as well. Very Strange. It looked to just barely meet the standards of the schools uniform code if someone wasn't looking too closely. The shirt he was wearing looked like something one might wear on vacation in Latin America in Tetsu's opinion. "Is...is that thing slightly see-through?" He raised his brow even higher and finally let it rest. For sure, this was a very interesting guy. "What's your name?" He asked quietly and with hardly any emotion. He definitely needed to work on his social skills. This was one of the only times Tetsunosuke asked this question of another student. He had a few acquaintances throughout his three years spent at Shinjuku, but no real friends. The closest thing he had to friends was his club mates and sparring partners, but it was never taken past the mats or the dojos. "Maybe this year will be different in this aspect as well?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The senior chuckled (barely) and responded, "What's your name?"

Vlad was relieved, although he didn't completely left his guard down. Throughout the three years he had been at Shinjuku he hadn't had the chance to become to friendly with anyone else. From his point of view, the students took themselves too seriously and the staff acted too high-and-mighty. On the rare occasion someone started acting friendly, they ended up being sadistic bullies looking for an easy target. And that always ended in a fight. Some were won and others not, but they were all fights. "But that isn't what's happening right now, right?", Vlad thought to himself, trying to keep an optimistic outlook on life.

"I'm Vladimir. Vlad for short. Like the impaler. But the only thing I'd impale right now are my ears, just so I can stop listening to this." Keeping up using his (now rusty) sense of humor seemed like the way to go. "How 'bout you?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Christina followed the group into the Auditorium and stood off to the side and listened to Huang speak. His smile was so fake, and she was ok with that. The boy did not smile at all and he really had no reason to, plus you add on his hate for freshman in general and he was just a big old ball of sunshine. Now he was up in the front smiling and telling them about their new lives here at Shinjuku. She liked the accommodations that the seniors would be getting, their own sparing room, and not having to share with some gossiping females who don't know how to deal with their own emotions. But now she would a have balcony all to her self.

She got shivers when he started to talk about the Iron Fist Tournament. The thing was a highlight for her entire year, because she got to test the metal of the new kids and settle rivalry's. The room got a little more eerie, and Huang's smile was not a pleasant one.

Xu left the situation with the girl alone and continued on until he found him self in a seat towards the middle. He was listening to the accommodations and was not not happy. He would still have to share a room, and his lunch would be during his training time so his whole scheduled would be ruined. He wondered who he would get stuck rooming with. But for now he looked up when the room got quiet, he saw the president get real quiet and smile weirdly. He wondered what was next on the list before that would get let lose. Xu found himself wondering about a lot, and only hopped his curiosity would not get him hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jehovallah


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Exactly what you expected of a school centered around fighting is what Remy observed in his orienting walk around the school before the speech began. People being physically bullied everywhere. A culture where power dynamics center around your fighting prowess. If you were new to the school, they would come and test you. Coming all up in your face, disrespecting you, pushing you to the edge and see how you react. If you turn the other cheek you're noted as a pussy that can get walked over. If you show you don't tolerate that and can't get disrespected like that, you won't be tested anymore because they found out your worth. Let them come test Remy, one good kick is all it would take to fucking chop their leg off and leave them bleeding to death, figuratively.

Luckily through his early exploration of the school he hasn't been bothered and was able to avoid confrontation. Maybe due to his eloquent walk, heaved up chin and slight smirk as his silver chain bounced on his neck with every step. The confidence in his movement that would confuse you and make you think this wasn't his first day. Like he already was at the top of the food-chain. Maybe it was because they didn't notice him. Sooner or later he would find out, he did come to school early to explore so not everyone was present.

He wasn't fully done exploring when it was time to go to the auditorium. So he cut the walk short and headed over there. As he was new together with countless other freshmen, not only was it around the time he would get tested. It was also the best time to make as many friends as possible. The time everyone didn't have friends yet and tight circles didn't get formed. If they try to jump him with a gang he would need social connects to make sure it wouldn't be one man versus an army. He would need to find freshmen to hangout with after the speech.

Once he arrives at the auditorium it didn't take more than five minutes for the whoever that guy was to show up. Oh, he introduced himself as the president of the student government. Interesting. So that was the man he was gonna dethrone violently in a few years, probable leave him with a cut off leg he is going to need to stitch back to his hips. Poor peasant. Sometimes even Remy wished he wasn't such a beast.

Remy followed the speech in his handbook, made sure to pay attention to the speech he was gonna be forced to give after he beat the guy.

So they were working with roommates? That's pretty cool. Suddenly he stopped and got this really creepy smile. He didn't seem this genuine amused when he was talking about the stuff before. So this must be interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Now for those of you who are familiar with this school you are aware of the Iron Fist Tournament. It is a competition that is held halfway through the semester each year. It is a way to determine the effectiveness of the staff's ability to teach and a way for the students to test their strengths and weaknesses. This tournament also includes student versus student and club versus club." Huang took the mic and paced across the stage as he looked over the crowd. "Freshmen sadly are discouraged to join in however it is not prohibited but please understand that there WILL be students stronger than you in this competition that, I can guarantee. You may join with the approval of your sensei, student government and president of the school. Sophomores, you are welcome to join with permission from your club captain, sensei and student body. Juniors, you may join with the approval of your club captain and student body government which leaves the seniors. We may join with the approval of the student government and your captain. Also this competition allows you to challenge the members of the student body government to a position but must get the approval by the SBG President and fellow members as well as your sensei."

Huang paused for a moment Before continuing as he moved back towards the podium. "Please understand that tournament is not meant for everyone. Each participant MUST sign a waver specifying that they will not file a lawsuit if major physical harm happens...They will not be responsible for the lack of smarts on your end. Now if any of the other Student Government members have anything to add?" He looked over at the to with genuine interest. He didn't usually do this but at the moment he didn't care. His mind was focusing on the prospect of picking out who was the weak freshmen and who were the strong. He would challenge them all because he did not have a preference when it came to the school. If you wanted to stay in good standings with him or better yet, just be noticed by him, you had to prove your worth and make a big enough wave within the school. He looked at Issei and Christina to see if they wished to speak to the school. Otherwise, they would begin touring around the school and showing off the school's dojos, training areas, arena and its dormitories.
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