Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bryan strode through the gates of the Rondorio Academy, her giant hammer, Judy, slung over one shoulder and a look of excitement on her face. She didn't have far to travel, but her oversized bag slung across her other shoulder could have fooled anyone – stuffed to the brim with all manner of things, one might have guessed she had come from far, far away to attend this Academy.

She had arrived just in time for the speech of the Headmaster – a man whom she had become familiar with during her family's dealings with Rondorio – and just shook her head in disbelief while she listened. He was always like that, but she knew he meant no harm... maybe. After the speech had ended, a large amount of chatter followed in it's place. Most of the chatter revolved around the perverted Headmaster, but it was quickly replaced with laughter and regular school-yard chatter: Do you want to room with me? I wonder if the classes are going to be hard? Where are the dorms, anyway?

Bryan smiled to herself, happy to finally be among other aspiring warriors, and continued about her way. Her eyes scanned through possible friends – a large dark skinned guy caught her attention. An extremely unusual sight to behold, especially in this area. Something about him, perhaps the fact that he seemed so interesting, sparked her to go introduce herself to him, but as she called out to him and waved, she accidentally bumped into Jin. In surprise, her grip loosened enough on her hammer, causing it to fall onto the ground behind her, which resulted in a resounding BOOM! as the pavement cracked beneath the weight of the hunk of metal. Several students nearby stopped and stared.

“Oh god, sorry, I'm such a dolt!” She apologized quickly, her cheeks flushing red beneath the hood pulled over her blonde hair. Despite her earnest apologies and embarrassment, she looked more angry than apologetic – perhaps due to her muscular body and tall stature. When she reached down to grab her hammer, still apologizing, “Sorry, so sorry, gah!”, her comically overstuffed bag swung violently behind her, towards Jin, threatening to knock him over if he didn't react in time.

@Slendy @King Tai

When Cia came to greet him, Zeddicus beamed with delight – and then a horrified look spread across his face as the giant gorilla, Lucy, came barreling at him to give him her usual hug-and-tackle. Just in time, Zeddicus managed to leap-frog over the gorilla as she descended on where he had been just a moment ago, and landed lightly on the ground next to Cia. “Oh, yes, just... lovely! If only the rest of the female population felt the same way as Lucy...” His eyes became overcast with a dreamy expression as his mind wandered, then he shook himself out of it.

“My darling Cia, this year we have quite a promising collection of impressionable – I mean, capable! – young delicious flowers – I mean, students! – and I would love it if you could get some of them to join the Sports Club. We will be needing their bodies – I mean, talents! – honed to perfection for the tournament this year, it seems we will have quite the competition from the other Warrior Academies.” As he spoke, he glanced around, making sure that his assistant wasn't anywhere in the vicinity.

“Ahem, yes, as I was saying,” He continued, after confirming that the coast was clear. “Do you think you can handle it, my succulent orange blossom?”


Elysia, a.k.a Mistress Ellie, looked ready to bludgeon nearby students as she marched to the main building. Zeddicus, that pompous, perverted old mongrel, had made his escape of her, but she had more important things to do than to chase him down. She could punish him later, after all.

Her responsibilities now were to make sure new students signed up for the clubs they were interested in, as well as to make sure they eventually found their way to the first year class, taught by a certain Miss Katherine Rosen. Who seemed to be late, which caused a vein to throb violently in Mistress Ellie's forehead. She stood in the large entryway of the main building, her feet planted squarely as she folded her arms, glaring at the all students who passed by. Many of the ones who avoided her completely were second years and beyond, while newer students finally came to ask her questions because they recognized her from the welcoming ceremony, if you could even manage to call it that. A debacle, at best, was what that was. And it was all thanks to that idiot, Zeddicus, that the event was ruined.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rex
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George in the mean time had been chasing after a rather tasty looking spider. That was until it got blown up. He let out a yelp while running in and out of bushes. He then noticed where the explosion had come from. A new student named Lance from the looks of it. George start to yell out again before leaping at Lance in an attempt to punish him for destroying his snack.

Lance sighed and found himself out of the frying pan and into the fire as he was attacked by a baboon. He jumped back and yelled. He suddenly stopped and stared at the baboon. The fear and surprise turned to excitement and intrigue. He had never seen a baboon. He’d seen plenty of monkeys, but never a baboon. Lance slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of trail mix. It was a Mediterranean trail mix with dried fruits like bananas, mangos, papaya, and cranberries mixed with nuts and raisins. He slowly opened the small bag and dumped the contents onto the ground. Lance then stepped a few feet back and took out a notebook and pencil and began to write down every detail of the creature and each of its actions.

“What are the chances I get to see a rare creature for this region,” Lance marveled as he waited for the baboon to act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Jafari started to roam around so to find not only the dorms but also find out is there were any students there that was either not new or already had some idea as to where everything was. Like an animal in a new jungle, Jafari looked around at the other students, fascinated with the weaponry they wielded. But what Jafari saw next, left him a little speechless. He caught sight of a woman.....a tall woman who carried a hammer and bumping into this young man who was dressed in an interesting attire. What surprised Jafari was not the height of the woman but the weapon she carried and the strength she must've possessed when he noticed the hammer fall on the pavement causing a loud boom, crushing what was underneath her weaponry.

Jafari had a sweat drop as to think What the hell? after witnessing that. He watched the girl apologize to the young man and headed where they were to check on him and to get a closer look at Bryan. He walked over to them and with his African accent, he spoke up in English. Are you both ok? Mostly it was aimed at Jin but he didn't want to sound rude toward Bryan. Jafari didn't get too close once he saw the swinging of Bryan's bag.

@Aphelion @Slendy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Katherin noted Elysia standing and glaring. She walked over, Sylvia trailing behind, unsure of what to do at the moment. Katherin placed her hand on Elysia's shoulder to inform her that she was behind her.
"Hey, Elysia," she calmly said. Katherin knew that Elysia was dangerous but most of the teachers were, so Katherin would be fine... as long as she didn't drop her axe.

Sylvia let her aunt talk to Mistress Ellie and instead took the time to look around. She spotted Bryan and her eyes widened. She was tall. And strong too. And her hammer was huge. Though she didn't seem to be very violent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Jin bumped into a woman and was about to apologize until he was quickly interrupted by the breath taking sound of pavement giving away under an unsupportable amount of mass landing on it. Again before he could get another word in the woman's bag swug nearly decapitatin him. Lucky he took a step back the bag barely missing him. While he was breathing seriously heavy from the thought of almost loosing his life a guy approached them and asked if they were okay. Jin managed to squeeze out a high pitch. "Yeah...." He calmed down a bit and started wondering how strong was this chick to be carrying something so heavy. "I-its okay...r-really." Jin stated hovering his hand over his chest. "If its not to much of me to ask but h-how strong are you.....?" Jin know it was awfully rude of him not to ask of her well being but he just had to know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Julie brought her spear back upward and gave the girl a slight bow. "No worries!" She scratched the back of her head and added with a light chuckle, "Sorry about messing up your paper, though. I guess I was a little antsy." Then, she remembered that she too had a paper that told her what dorm room she'd be staying in. She withdrew the paper from her satchel while keeping her other hand on her spear. She eyed it carefully, then asked, "So, what room are you staying in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She slung Judy back over her shoulder, this time with a firmer grip on it than before as she turned back to the both of them, oblivious to the fact that her bag nearly took Jin's head off. When she saw that Jafari had come over, her face split into a toothy grin. The question that Jin asked her took her somewhat off-guard though. “Me? I don't think I'm that strong, why do you ask?” She blinked at him, cocking her head to one side. “You guys both seem stronger than me! I'm Bryan, nice to meet you. Sorry that I bumped into you though, uhhh.... what are your names? Where are you guys from?” Her eyes especially lit up when she looked at Jafari. His unique clothing and mysterious aura made her want to know more about him, but upon closer inspection Jin was also very unique. He was definitely from far away from here, as well. The thought of meeting people from other places made her giddy.

@Slendy @King Tai

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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@Karl Kadaver
"I have no clue actually. I was having trouble reading it." Skyler said looking down at the paper with her one blue eye. She then looked back up at Julie. "I'm Skyler by the way." She muttered, quiet awkwardly as she shifted from foot to foot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After reaching the two warriors and asking about Jin, Jafari looked bewildered from the high pitched answer Jin gave him. Hmm...never thought he'd meet a meek sounding warrior but hopefully this man had more to offer than what Jafari's first impression made him think. Nodding to him I'm glad you are ok and did not lose your head. he said to him. He then turned his attention over to the burly girl. She seemed to act differently than what her appearance was telling him. With the modest retort to the question Jin asked Bryan, Jafari raised an eyebrow to the fact she felt that they were stronger than her. The hammer dropping and the way she easily picked it up told Jafari another story.

The questions now....this was a pleasant display, starting with no hostilities on the first day. Jafari didn't necessarily smirk but you could tell he was amused by her attitude. He spoke with his African accent and slightly bowed to Byran and Jin, addressing to them both, while having the bottom of his spear touching the ground My name is Jafari Owusu....I come from the land of Zimbabwe....a land in another continent...and who might you two be? He asked them, looking them both up and down for the fact that he didn't see such light skinned ones like them in his land...it was rare for him to see that but he could tell there was some difference just by looking at the exotic image Jin had and then with Bryan being a little lighter than the male fellow and well built.

@Aphelion @Slendy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Me... stronger than you....." Jin said with a serious hint of 'are you serious' in the tone of his voice. If all the women here is this strong Jin hands down made the right decision of traveling to this school. While Jin eyed the young woman as she regain her poster and obviously heavy choice of weaponry he notice her somewhat muscular like built. He didn't see it at first, it was probably because he wasn't starring at her before.

The young women introduced herself and not shortly after so did the the man. Jin bowed towards both of them his upper body not bending pass his waist as he bowed. "Its an honest pleasure to meet you both, Jafari and Bryan." With that he stood straight up and took a short but deep breathe. "My name is Sōtōryū Jin, although I believe in western cultures your surnames go last. So I guess that means it's Jin Sōtōryū. I'm from the country known as Japan." He bows again. This is probably his shot at friends so he's gonna do his best and try not to screw this up.

"Oh and about before I'm positive your stronger than me." Jin said scratching his head bit he was strong but he doesn't know if he's strong enough to wield a weapon that can poke hoes in pavement with out applied force. "Although I do believe.... Jafari might be a skilled man in the strength department. Speaking of which if its not to intruding of me but I'd like to know more about both of you guys weapons?" He asked with a small grin.
@King Tai
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Julie flashed a confused look. Having trouble? It was just then that she noticed the girl's eye patch. Was that why she was having trouble reading the sheet? Julie smiled at her as the girl introduced herself, then replied, "I'm Julie. My sisses call me Jules, but I hate that." Julie just about extended her arm, but quickly pulled it back. This girl had an Eastern look to her. They don't shake hands in the East. This girl already seemed uncomfortable as it was, and Julie didn't want to make her more uncomfortable, so she bowed instead.

She stood there for a few moments, shuffling her feet, not quite sure of what to say. Then, she remembered the paper. She looked down at it, then said, "It says I'm gonna be staying in room 27." She looked back up at Skyler and added, "Wouldn't it be funny if we ended up rooming together?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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@Karl Kadaver
"Yea it would be." Skyler said with a slight smile as she tried to fix the paper to the best of her abilities. She was hoping she could fix it enough to see her room number.
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