...Can I join this? I put it in my subs box and forgot to write and ask if I could join.
Syris Adonasium said
...Can I join this? I put it in my subs box and forgot to write and ask if I could join.
Syris Adonasium said
...Can I join this? I put it in my subs box and forgot to write and ask if I could join.
Blackthorn said
Your username... It isn't a reference to the works of Brandon Sanderson perchance, is it?
jagajac said
Yes :] Here are the open positionsNPCAlden Shatterfell Followers3 open Allegiance positions...
Blackthorn said
Life Before Death
Strength Before Weakness
Journey Before Destination
dreamingflowers said
This peeked my interest ^.^ And I have a question right off the bat. Is it possible for a character from the fair folk to align him or herself with the allegiance or the exiled? I love your signature by the by very cute
Syris Adonasium said
Question, Where will we be starting out and all that? I like to know beforehand so I can get an idea of what the character should be doing, the setting, mood, and if I should have NPC's be doing anything significant. Also, a map would be nice, it also helps me visualize the setting and what the character should comment on ("man, it's hot down this far south, he thought opening up his collar a bit", That shorta shit, you know?)Also, fine, I'll bite. I'm interested in Alden. He's the Fair Folk leader, yes?
YoshiSkittlez said
I'll get to work on my Whisper Post thus completing my application for Rorick once you post in X-Men :D
Syris Adonasium said
And username... it isn't a reference to the works of Brandon Sanderson perchance, is it? :P Why yes. Yes it is, ;D I'm glad you caught that, but the spelling is actually "wrong". In the newer editions of the Mistborn series (as well as on the 17th shard) it is spelled Andonalsium (A-don-al-sium versus A-don-as(s)-ium, the way I pronounce it) But I remember reading the book back in my freshman year of high school and clearly seeing "Adonasium".Personal preference, I guess, but enough of me rambling!
Syris Adonasium said
AlsoBridge 4!
Blackthorn said
Why, no, it couldn't possibly be. :P I'm like peeing my pants in anticipation for Words of Radiance. Have you read the sample chapters yet?That's fantastic. I'm not certain I get the reference on the shirt though. Is that supposed to be a Parshendi helmet?
jagajac said
As for your question about Alden, yes, he's the leader of the Fair Folk. PM me for more information if you're wanting to audition for his slot...
Syris Adonasium said
Remember when they pull out the "armor" from under the bridge and don it right before they get to the Chasmfiend? Remember how the Parshendi hate their dead being desecrated? And, no, I haven't read anything yet. Been super busy and haven't had the time to check it out, though I do know the release date. Gonna pre-order it and finish all 2000 pages that night.