@KatherinWinter Generally speaking, a point of interest is a certain place of importance for a party of individuals (not the best description even, but I do hope is clear enough) In this case, a POI could be something important for the treasure hunt, or -if I dwelled deeper than I expect - something of utmost importance for dear Vlad and his facility.
@Coga19000ok but with like over a hundred people in the facility wouldn't there be alot of points of interest? @Peaceless I have no idea if that's the correct term or not.
@KatherinWinter Ehhh... Press the button on the screen? Oh, and then tell me when the guard has spotted us. I almost forgot about that part. Suffice to say Deus is not in a condition to run, but he has another plan to get away with it.
@Coga19000 This seemsn ('So, unless you have a means of transport that can GTFO us out of here before we get spotted') like an unfinished sentence what do the letters mean?
@KatherinWinter It's an acronym for Getting The Fuck Out XD I basically mean, unless you have a way to transport Deus out of here,who can't really move at this point, do what he says. EDIT: And I just realised that I basically said "get the fuck out us out of here ". Oh, the fun with forum acronyms -_-