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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kenny quickly looked in the direction Chen was looking and hands down agreed with him. "Judging from that it had to be some sort of summoning spell." He said looking at the vines form a hand to cup the small girl. Kenny looked at Chen. "We definitely have to interrogate her later...she could probably help me with my summoning skills." Kenny said keeping that in mind for later. "Cya around Ava!!" He replied pointing his gun at her as she walked away smiling as he did so. "Bang!" Kenny whispered to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ava ponders and begins studying the people around her again. I bet they all all a unique talent. Some maybe stronger than others, But still, real strength comes from knowing how to use your powers to you advantage. Ava then turns her attention to the girl@yukisaa at the podium. Ava listens in and watches Nova return to her seat where her cat companion was waiting. I bet there's more to that cat that catches the eye, maybe a doppelganger or shape-shifter under the command of it's master. She continued to study the duo from a distance, after all a hunter watches and studies potential enemies or allies to fully understand them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUltimatum
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TheUltimatum Six Paths of Pain

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@Aisling @TheHangedMan

Apollo arrived at where Meruin was standing, and talking to Arcadius. He scanned both of them by reaading their Auras carefully. He then, after finishing scanning Meruin, he was shaking. She was quite powerful and held lots of potential. He then knew that this was the best person to ask about this matter.
"Hello Miss Meruin, Mister Arcadius, If I may, can I speak to her for a second, it's important." Apollo said stressing the word importance.

Apollo then wondered how this person was able to get so strong and have such potential in them. Their full-power not even released yet. She was some one to be wary of, and he should stick to her good side.

After scanning her for a while he realised something which made him jump backwards and close his eyes. He then pointed at Meruin. "Miss Meruin, your c- clothes...p-please put them on...." Apollo said with his eyes closed backing a bit further back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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That's... Interesting but hey you know your own magic better than anyone else" Aleksandra said with a small smile. She felt the tension slipping away from their conversation which made her relax slightly be she was still keeping an eye out for any trouble. "well I hope that you enjoy your time here at the school Charles" she stated before readjusting her gloves and tightening the latches on her black combat boots, she looked ready for war and this suited her perfectly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@The ghost in black

he nodded some "um.. thank you.." he says, as he rubs his stone bracelets, them along with the rib cage on his outfit was all stone he was wearing. "....looks like you really want a fight.." he says as his horns change, smoothing themselves, turning from the curved horns into straight pointing out ones, and turning a black color "... to me it's strange.. to see someone so ready and almost wanting a fight" he tells her, before taking a glance around.... his face turning red when he sees what is happening in another conversation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha could not keep up with Apollo but she arrived shortly after he spoke
. "Miss Meruin, your c- clothes...p-please put them on...."

Agatha came to a full stop and looked at Miss Meruin in complete puzzlement.

"Apollo? What is your eyesight doing to you now?" she whispers to Apollo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chen shrugged as he looked around. His eyes passed over Meruin and moved onto Arcadius. He seemed to be having a nice enough conversation with Meruin who was in the process of stripping. They were having a conversation about seals or something. "You are obsessed with interrogating people. I seriously doubt that she- wait what." It was in that exact moment that he realized that Meruin was stripping. "Uhh..." Chen considered taking off his jacket and throwing it to Meruin to cover up, but he decided to take the route that let him cover up his own skin more. He walked over to her and picked up her blouse to hand it to her. "I'm pretty sure public stripping is illegal. Please put your clothes back on." Before handing her blouse though, he silently activated The Hierophant so he could remember this moment forever. His eyes glowed an eerie blue as he did this. Life was good with ancient magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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An elderly man stepped forward and took his place on the podium, tapping the speaker a few times to get everyone's attention, "Well now that introductions are out of way and you've all had a chance to mingle the first thing that needs to happen is you all need your bracelets." A rune on the floor, previously hidden, flared into life, glowing brilliantly for a moment. As the light faded the students would notice that they now had a new accessory on their left arms. "These will be how we keep you safe and monitor you for safety reasons. You will find the bracers, while weightless, will not come off without teacher approval. They are also a sort of assistance unit of sorts, they will give you any information regarding you school time activities you need as well as storing your soon to be determined rank.

He took a deep breath and continued, "The most important features of the gauntlets however is that you are perfectly safe at all times while wearing them. If you are ever in danger of death the gauntlets will protect you regardless of the source. On that note we will be heading to the Labyrinth of Hope where your entrance exams will take place. Please stand still for a moment." He said calmly as another two runes appeared with notably different configurations than those before, for those paying attention, one below them and one above. Seconds later the runes vanished and in the blink of an eye the students found themselves seemingly alone standing just outside the mouth of a cave. A disembodied voice echoed through the air, "Please enter the cave to begin testing, remember this is no fear of death here, simply preform as quickly and effectively as possible."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Azrael blinked a couple times as the disorientation settled. There had barely been a whisper of magic from those runes! It wasn't often that Az was taken by complete surprise. It was even more impressive that they had sent the candidates to separate locations simultaneously. There had been quite a few!

He made sure his swordbelt was tight and gave no slack, the same for his backpack filled with odds and ends. His Masters had taught him how to make basic talismans that activated with the touch of his magick, to better conserve what energy he had. This was the moment all his training had been for! He excitedly began to walk into the cave mouth, feeling the difference in temperature immediately as the sunlight was left behind. He loosened his sword in its sheath and calmed his heartbeat with breath pacing. Azrael felt as though his body was abuzz with energy as he waited for the beginning of the exam.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charles would be surprised snapping out of what he was watching when he suddenly appeared infront of the cave he'd look around at first un-sure how they accomplished what they did, sense his knowledge of magic was low. he looked towards the cave and gulped before taking a deep breath and heads in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Aleksandra stood at the entrance of the cave speechless at how suddenly the scenery had changed as well as the bright light of the sun, "This is different than what I had expected" she thought seconds before the voice spoke of not fearing death. "I shall not need to worry about breaking things then, yes?" She asked herself giving a ravenous grin as she looked into the cave mouth like she was staring down the darkness itself. Aleksandra activated a portion of her fire Magic and lit her hand ablaze with a gold and red flame which she held up high as she walked into the cave, her heavy combat boots lightly thumping on the ground. She was excited about the first test and the fact that it was called "The Labyrinth of Hope".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@TheHangedManArcadius simply nodded in response to her 'challenge'. "Very well, we will study it later then." He replied.

He arched a brow when she created a small miasma fire on top of his book, even more perplexed when he finger was smoking. He opened his mouth to speak and tell her about her finger being partially on fire, but shortly after she began stripping. "Why are you.." he trailed off, torn between looking away yet curious to see why the hell she'd decided to begin stripping in the middle of everyone.

Then he noticed the symbol, a magical brand, a contract. Hearing the explanation and her reasoning behind her stripping off in the middle of everyone, he relaxed a little and nodded. "I..see. Had you not been a member of the school, I most likely would have. But it's relatively easy to monitor the students here..being confined to the grounds unless a special occassion and what not." He told her.

Soon they were joined by the boy named Apollo, out of reflex he grabbed his Grimoire and placed it on his lap. "By all means." He told him, gesturing to her, halfway resuming his reading. He wondered how long it'd take him to realize Meruin was half naked, and it didn't take long.

It was rather amusing to see him clamor about at the realization of that fact, Arcadius chuckled. "Yes, please do put your clothes back on. You might offend the sensitivities of the rest of the room as you did to poor Apollo." He spoke, not looking up from his book.

The situation got even funnier when Chen decided to come over, stating that public stripping was illegal and handing Meruin her blouse. The whole situation was the most interesting thing that'd happened during introductions so far aside from the agreement between himself and Meruin.

Shortly after a old man stepped up to the podium and began speaking about the bracers and such, so, the fun part was finally beginning. Good.

Upon the request to stand still, Arcadius stood staff in one hand and Grimoire in the other. He nodded towards the three, "Good luck" he told them. Shortly after they were all transported to different parts of the cave.

Chanting a few words he staff lit up shining brightly, illuminating the entrance. He entered the cave shortly after the voice spoke, a new test again this year it seemed. Good, he disliked being repetitive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran examined the gauntlet on his arm with growing panic when the man at the podium explained that it would monster them, the thought running through his head were 'moniter, could it...could it tell that i'm?' he missed the sudden move to the front of the cave, saying "no...no, it couldn't possibly" before he looked up and realized where he was just in time for a voice to say that this was their first test. he took a breath"well, here we go" his four handles floated out behind him, a different blade forming on each of them. the keep floating along behind him as he walked into the cave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As the bracelet formed he looked down at it in irritation privatly thinking to himself: well ill definately be finding a way to take that off. Then the world spun disorientating him. After the instructions he looked into the dark and walked in, except for thr fact it wasnt dark for him as he can see in the dark, whistling a tune as the outside world vanished from sight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ava chuckled to herself. "Well looks like the fun is about to begin." she said, standing up. She flicked both of her wrists and she began making er way towards the newly emerged cave. "Sweet darkness, let your child embrace your shadows." She said, drawing her knives and smirking as she walks into the cave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol shrugged nonchalantly and and silently walked into the cave, an impressive display of magic, he wondered how well he could block attacks with the gauntlet. This should be interesting, the possibilities of what awaited him were endless. Especially in a place called the labyrinth of hope. He grabbed his sword and held in a seemingly lazy grip as he walked forward.



Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha watched a few others go inside the cave before she decided that it was her turn to go in. She resolved herself to remain calm and to think before allowing her weather abilities to do what she had the need for them to do.....

She went inside dark cave. The further she went inside the darker it was. She was debating as to what to do. Should she try to make a small ball of light like she would have when she was in a mischievous mood? She was starting to feel mischievous anyways. It would be fun to see what she could do. She concentrated on mischievous things that she could do and a small light ball formed above her head. It glow with a pale yellow light since it was being pushed out which also meant that the light did not give off much light, only about 2 feet surrounding Agatha's body.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Charles looked at the trench then at the walls "...far enough away so i can't shimmy my way across... but not enough room for some things like wings.. at lest there is light for the moment so i don't need to create any night vision for myself.." he says talking to himself "...maybe spider legs.... or some other kind of wing that doesn't require flying.." he rubs his chin "I know I can't simply elongate my body and stretch across.. that's to far distance.. would hurt and i'd probably fall half way..." he thinks then nods "..alright lets try these..." he crouches forward slightly and groans, as 8 little spots on his back seem to move and bubble... before 8 arachnid legs busts out the back of his shirt ripping it some. yet two of the legs have some extra things on them almost like spikes, incase for any reason he falls he can use those spikes to pierce the walls and stop himself. he'd pant for a few moments before stretching the new limbs and tries to get use to them quickly before he presses them against the wall and ceiling lifting himself up attached lie a spider would, before starting to make his way across. watching out incase there was any surprises he wasn't told about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@floodtalon & @TheUltimatum & @Shikaru
Meruin blinked. There was suddenly quite a lot of people around her. Somehow she had gained their attention, which puzzled her - asides from the shrub she had created, she didn't recall doing anything particularly note worthy. Tilting her head, her brows raised as she discovered exactly how she had captured their eyes. Casually, she clothed herself, not so much bothered by the fact that she was half-naked than by the fact that other people seemed to be staring at her because of it. Meruin thought it strange that she had attracted so much attention by just taking off her clothing and resolved to do more research on this later.

"Thank you for reminding me," Meruin stated evenly. She was grateful of being reminded, but that gratitude was hampered by her own lack of concern for her state of dress. Turning to Arcadius, she gestured towards Apollo. "If you'll excuse me for a moment, I think that man has business with me. Let's continue or discussion some other time."

Approaching Apollo with confusion on her face, Meruin once again thought of how strange people acted. The young man was covering his face, looking away from her and hadn't even noticed her approached because of it. Just as she was about to open her mouth to greet him, a wizened voice echoed throughout the auditorium.

Meruin's eyes went wide as the floor beneath them lit up, revealing a rune that delivered the trademark school gauntlets directly unto their wrists. She had heard about these gauntlets from Master Reina - she had helped design it, and that the gauntlets held mysteries far beyond their unassuming looks. Their uses also expanded wider than what the staff told the students, however, as her Master only designed part of the gauntlet, she couldn't be sure what those other uses were. Most likely no single person did.

What had truly caught her attention, however, was the rune beneath them. She hadn't even sensed it there, despite how large it was. Truly the Mana-Script lived up to its reputation as the premier magic academy in the world.

Turning in a way were she could see those nearby, Meruin gave a small curtsy, her traditional way of greeting someone good-bye, and shortly afterwards found herself in front of the Labyrinth of Hope; an auspicious name for an intimidating location. Without any preamble, Meruin entered the cave, as composed as ever and ready for her trial to come.




@The ghost in black

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chen chuckled as he felt the gauntlet form onto his wrist and he teleported to the cave. He shrugged and activated The Justice so he could see into the cave in front of him. This was an exciting way to test him.
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