Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Magica and Machina, if you are of some intelligence, should look very similar to Magic and Machine. This whole world revolves around these two things. The advances of magic and the arcane arts, and the advances of machines and technology. But like any polar opposites, it's a difference that drives this world apart. Now before we get onto what's happening now, we have to take a look into the past before we fully can understand what is happening now, and what lies ahead in the future.

Many hundreds of years ago, around 4728 ARH (After recorded history), one main kingdom had erupted from the terrors and conflicts surrounding this world. We call this world Earth. This Earth is similar to our earth in many ways, but it has also some differences that we have to keep in mind. One of these is the land. There is one large super continent, that lies on the equator that the natives call Gaia. Now Gaia hold most of the population of the earth, stretching both north and south to get a varying range of climates and landscapes. Now the central part of Gaia was by far the easiest place to live. There was a lake and river system that acted sort of the heart of Gaia, branching out to the ends of the continent where the rivers eventually emptied out to. This is where most of civilization was located.

The kingdom there was prosperous since it's erection in 4269 ARH, and was in a golden age. But the struggle for advances in society pushed, as there was still lots of unclaimed land outward, and human greed itself naturally inclines toward more power. How to get this power, was the heat of the argument. One side, called the Magi, wanted to advance through magic. Learning of the arcane arts, and harvesting nature and it's energy to perform magical feats. On the other hand, the Mach, wanted to use man's brain along with harnessing resources and using science to further technology and create inventions. After dispute and a civil war the Mach were exiled to the coasts of Gaia, while the Magi stayed at the center of Gaia. At the time, since there was no time to advance technology to a great extent, the Magi won out. Years have passed and now two distinct empires are the two extremes of Gaia, and you guessed it, it's Magi and Mach.

The Magi has furthered their advances in magic and created a stable community for themselves, relying on magic for most of their needs.

The Magi believe that humans should live alongside nature, and thrive within it's beauty. They believe in a perfect utopia, living in harmony with nature. Magica comes from nature, where the Magi get their power, and want to protect nature and live among it. They do see themselves as the superior being, or at least most intelligent, but use this to help nature as it has helped them. they believe that Machina is a bad practice that harnesses nature evilly and does not give back to it, only taking from it and leaving it to suffer. Strict believers in the Magica religion outcast Machina believers and refuse to use any machinery. Magi are purist, and believe that the Magi religion is the only way, and force their practice upon other religions and are not accepting of other religions. They do not despise them like the Machina, but will not see any other religious stance correct but their own. The goal of Magi religion is to spread purity throughout Gaia. Perfection.

The Magica society is utopian, lots of tributes to nature, using light stone and glass work for most of their structures. Magica has a system described before as a strict class system. The classes are similar to financial class, except it is determined by magical abilities. Commoners, with no magical ability, tend to be the poorest and do things such as farm, the non-skilled labor force. As you grow in magical aptitude, you go up in class rank. Now, magical aptitude is genetic. The ability to harness Magica energy using your body is genetic, meaning your potential to use Magica. Magica users can sense this potential, and the stronger your potential is, the higher class you are put in. Now you must train to unlock this potential, but training in Magica is mandatory in every class besides the lowest class, as it is how the whole community runs. The most adept magic users rule over the Magi, a dictatorship run by only the most elite Magi known as the Circle. The Circle has absolute say over all rule of the Magi people. The capital lies directly over the lake, known as Kardia lake. The capital city is also named Kardia city, and is the home for the Circle. The most powerful Magi is named the Circle mage, and leads the Circle.

Gift of Magica
Magica is the energy which Magi use to conduct magical abilities. Magica is found in nature, and it is the only source of Magica. But nature is everywhere, from the land to the sky to the sea. It is limitless Magica! But with a catch. The user gets tired the more they use magica, and how adept they are at Magica and their genetic make-up determines how much Magica at a time they can use and for how long. But, the abilities that come from Magica are all up to the user and how they use this MAgica source. Fire, water, earth, air, these are four common things that Magica users can control. But it goes far beyond that. If it has to do with nature, or anything naturally occuring, the Magi can use Magica to perform what they need to do. However, if Magica is not available to them... or available in small quantities, the Magi gets weaker in his abilities and how much he can use this Magica. The less nature that is around, say inside a building, the desert, wastelands, artic regions, etc. the weaker the Magi is. And if they are not exposed to nature at all and can not receive any Magica from the nature around them, they are powerless.

The Machs have migrated around the coast, spanning an empire that encircles Gaia, the outer edges, especially north and south, being the harshest climates. The north holds it's major capital, and the whole layout is all machines, technology, robotics and electronics in all spans of life.

Machina is the practice that humans are the superior beings, and that humans shall use the nature around them to their advantage as tools to construct inventions and machines, advance technology to the benefit of humankind. That humans are the rulers of Gaia, and should take it to their advantage as the most intelligent beings. It is less of a "religion" and more of a "belief" and use science rather than Magica to explain what goes on. They believe that Magica users are foolish, and should take command of nature, not live with it. Science is the superior way. Magica users are outcasted by strong believers in the Machina faith, and pure Machina believers don't dare use Magica or practice it, as Magica users refuse to use machines.

Metal skyscrapers, factories, machines, robots. This is what litters the metropolis outlook of major cities of the Machina, ecerything is man made. Outside of these cities are resource outposts where robots collect raw materials and ship them to factories where they refine these materials and produce goods. The manual, unskilled labor is managed by robots, making one large middle class. These people maintain and operate the machines. Their leaders are a very high-class society known as the Inventors. The Inventors are gifted in Machina and are able to upgrade, utilize, and create machines. With their superior intellect and skills, they run the Mach people and govern them in this dictatorship. The Machina lie all around the coast of Gaia, sticking toward desert land, arctic land, where their superior technology helps them survive in these conditions and create their own perfect environment. A large forcefield surrounds each city, food is chemically made, and water is refined from the coast. Small Inventor groups exist in each city, which is quite large. The capital lies north, on the polar ice caps, and is called the city of Ice. The lead inventor communicates back and forth with each city to instruct them and see that everything is running smoothly.

Gift of Machina
Machina can make extraordinary machines, devices, contraptions, weapons, traps, inventions. They are gifted in math and science, using technology to create masterpieces. The resources that the Mach use are similar to our Earth, but the Mach are far more advanced and as long as science can prove it, they can make it. In addition, a rare material called Cortex is used as a powerful supply of energy. It works like a battery. It has the ability to replicate any form of energy, and has it's own unique, powerful energy, and the usable form is kept in crystal shards. In it's natural state, it is a glowing blue liquid. Now these usable crystal forms are like batteries, and soon the crystal shard runs out of Cortex. Cortex needs to be filled back into these crystals in order to be used, or another crystal needs to be used. Machs can use electricity, natural gas, any source of fuel and energy to use machines. However, Cortex must be used to make the most technologically advanced machines, and most machines have adaptations for cortex to be used. Cortex makes up 1 percent of all of Gaia. It's not extremely abundant, but they won't run out any time soon. However, it has to be mined from the ground, like oil, and refined to be usable.

The Scale
The scale measures the balance of Magica and Machina throughout the world. Over time, smaller countries have formed between the Machina and Magica, and have mixed to form the numbers between 1 and 7. Here is the association with these numbers.


Now here is the usage of Machina and Magica for each number:

1: 100 Magica 0 Machina
2: 80 Magica 20 Machina
3: 60 Magica 40 Machina
4: 50 Magica 50 Machina
5: 40 Magica 60 Machina
6: 20 Magica 80 Machina
7: 0 Magica 100 Machina

As far as society goes, religion is somewhat scattered, new ones have been made, some loosely follow Magica and Machina, even making their separate versions of them. The closer the number is to one of the extremes, however, the more closely related they are to that extreme.

Note: This is only for tracking society and beliefs, what people believe in, and what proportion of people are in each society roughly. This is also how much Magica and Machina is used in each.

The Neutral society is the most accepting, most diverse nation in all of Gaia. Haven is the capital of this Democratic nation, and has freedom of religion, accepting any number into the Neutral nation. The Neutral nation is the third largest country in Gaia, and Haven resides in the forest and grassland area north of the Magi nation. The two smaller cities are east and west of the Magi nation.

It is indeed a Republic, but a Republic is a kind of Democracy, you see. A constitution has been written, and there is federalism to an extent as each subdivision of nations has it's own smaller government and so do the two smaller cities. There has been no need for an executive branch of government and that power has been bestowed upon the legislative branch, which is bicameral. There are two senators from each subdivision and a number of representatives based on population. Haven is directly controlled by the national government and the smaller subdivisions take care of personal matters to most of the extent besides money, defense, foreign affairs, etc. But the national has power over all subdivisions and can overrule them. Like a judicial review. There are court systems but they are under rule of the legislative. They are peaceful, however, and do not mobilize armed forces to attack any nation to conquer them, purely only to defend themselves and make allies.

All sorts of people live in 4, so representatives are used to reflect the ideals of each number community. People who classify themselves under 4 are the most abundant number, however, as they are the most common in Gaia, and are accepted in most number societies. How Neutral cities work is there is an urban area, where the government resides. Then there is a surrounding suburban area, then a rural area around that. Cities tend to have a bigger amount of urban and less suburban and rural, naturally. They live in balance of machine use and magic use, enforcing capitalism and having varying classes, but being able to work hard to work up the class system. They use a balance of Magica and Machina to live their lives and run the country.

There are only three races of human on the world, as described above:

Neutral, Magi, and Mach.

Magi can use Magica, Mach can use Machina, and Neutral can use both to a modest extent.

Here are the branches of Machina and Magica that one can specialize in:

Destruction- Use Magica for destructive purposes, such as shoot lighting, create fires, control a wave of water, etc.
Defensive- Use Magica for defensive purposes, such as creating barriers, armor, shields, healing, etc.
Conjuration- Able to use summoning to create creatures, elementals, necromany, conjuring natural-made items.

Mecha-Machina- The creation of robots and mech suits used for combat
Bio-Machina- The Machina engineering of oneself for improvement
OMA-Machina- Creating tools, able to have varying amount of uses, as well as small weaponry

Each character must pick a specialty under which they're elligible. Such as Mach pick Machina, Magi pick Magica, and Neutral pick one from each.

Also, each character gets 3 abilities that go under their specialization. Like a spell for Magica and a piece of machinery for Machina. Neutral only get two for each specilization. Note: Neutral abilities will be weaker compared to Magi and Mach, but have one more ability and can use both Machina and Magica.

Character Sheet

Now where do you come in? For some reason or another you live in the Neutral capital of Haven, which is accepting of anybody 1-7, living a very peaceful and democratic lifestyle. For some reason or another your character is drawn to this place. That is for you to decide. But the war between Machina and Magica is heated, and the forces are starting to advance toward each other, wanting purification of their own respective side. And they'll demolish all other numbers in the process. What will stop this chaos from consuming Gaia?

That, will come in due time. First you must weave your story, and then weave it with others so that the fabric of time can be woven into place. And a future awaits, as your decisions throughout will determine the outcome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Responding. Will deliver a sheet within 48 hours or less.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interesting, Ill wait for a person to post their CS as an example to go off from. Or just start it from the ground which ever one comes to me first
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Okay tell me something. WTF is this ability and flaw and special and casting and....
What number can I be? For exemple 2-6?
Please put us up a CS that has been made
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I'm still working on the system, it's not done. The history and such, that's all set in stone. But balancing abilities is quite difficult... Maybe I'll just scratch the number system.

If any of you have ideas, please feel free to say something. But I need some kind of combat system that can fit with the the overall idea.


This system should be a bit easier. I'll work on it, but for right now use that character sheet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Interested. I'll see what I can come up with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Valkyr
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Valkyr Pacific Standard Time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This looks very interesting, but I'm slightly confused by something. When I first saw this, I kind of pictured it as being a "medieval" role-play, but with the Machs being a sort of advanced steampunk. After reading the Mach description on here, though, I feel slightly confused on what everything looks like.

What age does this whole thing take place in? Is everything mostly modern at this point? Has everything been stuck in the middle-ages except for the Mach? Are Mach super advance steampunk, or are they downright futuristic sci-fi? How about the Magi? Finally, what would Haven and other places look like?


Apologies if the answers to some of my questions are simply obvious, but I'm just confused right now. Also I woke up an hour ago and I haven't made my coffee yet, so that probably doesn't help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Valkyr No problem!

See everything is sort of a mix. Magi don't believe in advances in technology, only magic. So the more magica based the place is, the less technologically advanced.

The Mech revolve around technology advances, and are slightly more futuristic than us (such as force fields).

It's a fantasy world where Magi have magical technology mixed with nature while Mech have all metal steampunk like society and advanced technology. The Magi know of it but choose not to use it or know how it works.

Does that make sense? And haven has something around our modern times, except there's magic. The magic is not as advanced as Magi and technology is not as advanced as Mech, but they use a combination to fulfill their daily tasks.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Alright with the new remake of the CS do we still need an example one to just have reference to?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Is there still space for this?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Is there still space for this?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@GummyCat Two problems. I don't like the ability to "dispel and blow up other spells". I don't like the wording. You can use the spell to cause explosions, and it may or may not disrupt spells. That power is just a little OP, and a Magi having Anti-Magi capabilities is pretty scary. For a Mech, I may let is slide.

As for the barrier, it seems a little... Defensive. Destructive Magica is used offensely, primarily. It's destructive, it's not meant for protection. Now if you had like... A ray? A blast? Maybe. A barrier? That's defensive Magica.

If those minor things can be fixed I'll give my full approval! And I hate to be mean, but I'm just trying to be fair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Question, even though one Magi/Mech can specialize in one form how decently skilled are they at the other two? That was kinda weird for my as I din't know how good we are at the other two branches in our class. If you can give me that then, I think I can solve the other two problems you have with an answer to them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@GummyCat All characters right now can only have one category of either Magica or Machina. You can only use spells in your specialization. We can be all powerful at the start now can we?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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I will try to get something up tonight otherwise tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh, okay. I thought that all magi/mech were the most capable of using the magic in their specialization, while for the other two were decent/sub-par compared to their main focus. If we are just limited to just one branch then, I'll change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@GummyCat Yes they can only (for now) use what is in their specialization. But thank you for your understanding and I'm awaiting the changes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@BytheSpleen Accepted! Just give me a picture of physical description and you're good to go. I like the powers and you gave them draw backs, plus the charging I was eh on but as long as it's slow to charge like a normal battery and not like, instant, you should be fine. I'm assuming you're aiming for a support character?
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