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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina looked at the new person who just walked into the Pawn Shop and then continued to stand guard at her usual spot of the Pawn Shop and then looked at the new person buying some stuff. She thought about that clown who had it in for her and laughed out softly. Akkina then looked out of the window and seen a bearded man who was walking, She gasped loudly and then suddenly realized that was Nasus, some big shot around the Market. She didn't know what he was a big shot for, but if it came to it, He would be on the flat side of Durandal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

In neat, elegant penmanship were listed a few necessities: 1 pound of cured beef, one 1/2 pound of refined salt, twenty feet of strong rope, five feet of copper wiring, and one bottle of single-malt whiskey- Name your price, I am called Titan. Grunting, the giant tapped the list lightly and held it out for Humphrey to take. He nodded to the shop's guard as well, wanting to set her at ease.

Humphrey read the note and scratched his head. He raised his eyes to look at the man's face and said,
"Well, sir, this here's just a pawn shop. Only got trinkets and equipment and the like—no food or supplies, really. However, if you go up the road a bit to the north—that's a right turn out the door, mind you—just past the booths there's a great little general store that has the kinds of things you need here!"

Humprey handed the note back to Titan and said, "I wish you well, and if you need any tools or want to sell any equipment, I welcome you to come back!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Titan took the note back between two fingers and re-folded it, slipping it back into a pocket. Dipping his head in acceptance, he wondered if he would go the general store or find a place to sleep first. He stood there for a moment, looking about the shop for something that might be of use. He noted the guard's odd behavior and followed the direction of her stare. It seemed she'd reacted at a rather angry-looking fellow, possibly of high-breeding. He brought his scarf farther up his face, making sure it was hidden as was his habit. He turned back to Humphrey and leaned down. With one finger, he beckoned to Humphrey to come close. Titan could speak, but he didn't often like the average passerby or guard to be able to identify him by it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

He turned back to Humphrey and leaned down. With one finger, he beckoned to Humphrey to come close. Titan could speak, but he didn't often like the average passerby or guard to be able to identify him by it.

"Oh? What do you need?" Humphrey leaned closer to listen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

His voice came out hoarse, but deep as if his throat had been covered had been covered in wax but the voice still held its character. "A word of advice... your guard may be more trouble than she's worth. You look.. to be a good man. Don't let anyone take... advantage." Titan nodded once to Humphrey, then patted the man's shoulder. "I do have some... things to sell. I.. will return." Titan stood at that point, leaving the shop in the same careful way that he had came.

He would indeed be needing supplies, but first the giant needed to visit a few unsavory friends. He smelled a job in the air that he wouldn't be able to pass up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy sprinted down after the guy, but didn't see the trap in time. He barrelled forward getting caught up in the net. "Oi! We just wanted to talk ya wanker!" He said as he struggled and kicked against the net trap. "For fuck sake." He then turned to the guy with two swords. "Hey, try and find that kid, I'll use the rapier to cut myself down!" He yelled, trying to untangle himself just a little bit to reach the sword
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman
Silas was running as quick as he could, leaving Randy behind on his injured leg. It was only because of his years in the forests and trapping animals, as well as his amazing night vision, did Silas catch the slight reflection of light off the metallic trip wire. Arms outstretched and palms down like a bird about to thunder its wings, he cleared the wire and touched back down on the street. The dirt on the road made Silas skid, where he finally stopped after slightly spinning on the slippery ground. He now faced the alleyway and his would be trapper!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyato just stayed seated on the bench, he was impressed and got up and walked towards the people that were chasing after him, He smiled and tilted his head " Here is what I want you to use for me. I want you to get a sword named Durandal for me" He said to them and put his hands in his pockets and walked away slowly. He wanted Durandal and he would not give up on trying to get it .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Randy scoffed as he drew the rapier. "I'm no bounty hunter, and I ain't heard of this Durandal either." He retorted as he sliced the bottom of the net. After actually getting the net off he walked towards the kid. "All I wanna know is why you thought pulling a gun on us was a good idea?" He interrogated. He knew his steam gauntlets worked now, so tonight was a success buuuuut this is different.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Fukazza Akkina walked out of the Pawn Shop and began searching for either Crapsy or Nasus. She had to get to the bottom of this problem and find out why she had enemies all ready, sShe began shouting them, very loudly and hoping to draw attention to herself dramatically, only time will tell if she got the desired result, and even then she would probably have to deal with a small group of people. @WittyWolf
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman@GingerBoi123

Silas's hands went to their swords and his knuckles were bone white with tension. Apprehension tightened around his chest like a snake wrapping its prey. What could the man want with Akkina's sword? Before the kid could get away, Silas drew his sword and laid it upon Kyato's shoulder, edge facing his neck. "What's your name?" Silas asked, his tone affording no answer but the one he sought. He threw up a hand, a gesture for Randy to silence himself. This had gotten personal in the worse way Silas could have imagined.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf " Seto Kyato" Kyato spoke to the guy and brushed the sword of and began to walk to his business, He kept on smiling to himself. But he was a business man and nothing could stop himg getting the Durandal. He wandered into the first floor of his business and then made his way to the top floor and sat down in his office. He thought about the people that were chasing after him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ava continued walking, looking at all the shops. They all were unique, some of them even beautiful. She then crossed a pawn shop.Might as well browse.. Ava then made her way into the shop, examining the wares, mainly the swords.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina gave up and walked back to the Pawn Shop for her guard job, She had left her post several times today and she was feeling ashamed at her self. She walked to the door and reached for the handle and twisted it open and walked into the building, where she seen a new customer looking for a sword, She walked to her part of the Shop where she kept watch for any suspicious activity. Surely Silas would find her here, although she did not know where he was after she left him at the Dojo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Randy looked at his friend as this Seto Kyato kid walked away. Randy wasn't done with him yet. "So, do we look for this sword or what? I don't trust that kid. He took off his right glove and offered his hand. "Randy, Randy O'Malley" He said, introducing himself to the guy who helped him.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dennis walked through the crowed market searching for a suitable place that fit all his required needs at the moment. One of them being the oodly shape backpack he was wearing that was scarily close to be able to fit a body into but don't worry it was a body and there was a body in there...a dead one to be exact. He causally walked holding his sniper in both of his hands as his shoulders supported the backpack/body bag. Dennis received a few strange stares like every bounty hunter does so he just ignored them and kept walking. He needed to find a place to cash in the dead guy and get his reward money and maybe a few parts or something to alter is sniper a bit. Lucky Dennis was pretty tall so coming across what he needed wouldn't be to much of a pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolfAkkina again walked out of the Pawn Shop and, hunted for a weapons vendor, although she seen a weapons vendor quite some time ago when she had a panic attack. She wanted to find him for another sword. She wanted a slim sword, much like Eucildator, before she sold it to Humphrey. She kept on working her way to actually find him although it was a very hard find. But decided against it and found Silas and walked to stand by his side where she was also happy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ava continued walking, looking at all the shops. They all were unique, some of them even beautiful. She then crossed a pawn shop.Might as well browse.. Ava then made her way into the shop, examining the wares, mainly the swords.

Hearing the bell jingle from his back room, Humphrey stumbled out the door, his mouth full of food.
"My apologies," his voice came out muffled and he swallowed hard, "Sorry 'bout that. It got a little slow, so I figured I'd grab a bite to eat!"
He paused and wiped his mouth.
"Anyway, is there anything I can help you with? I see you eyeing the sword case. Is there anything you'd like to take a look at?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman@GingerBoi123
Shaking Randy's hand, he introduced himself, "Silas, it's good to meet you. And no, we're not going to be looking for Durandal." Silas mentioned the subject purposefully, wanting Akkina to realize the severity of danger she especially was in. "That man has not seen the last of me, I assure you. I will find him and see what his intentions are with the blade. It's not a weapon that the passing hand could just swing." He inspected the rope and the trip line, thinking it through. The rope and netting were brand new, not used often. This meant it had just been purchased or someone had an abundance of inventory. The trip wire was a bit trickier and said something to the gunman's intelligence. This was a man of means they were after.

Silas felt he was considerably happier whenever Akkina was around and she'd managed to find him through no little effort. This was a good sign and he was content with his lot in life at that moment. However, one thing came to mind. "Have you heard rumors of a bounty, by any chance?" There was no coincidence in this world, Silas found and that everything had its own rhythm. He had a sneaking suspicion that these orders had come from someone connected to the knife wielding scum from a night ago.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina shook her head slightly in response and looked at the new person with Silas and frowned " Way to ruin our date.." After she said that, She quickly blushed and put her hands up and began to shake them to signify she didn't mean, She was completely embarrassed now, and NO man had ever got her that way before. She looked back at Silas when he said that someone had been looking for Durandal " Well I did hear a few blocks away, that CEO of a very large corporation is looking for it, so with the money I got from selling Eucildator, I made a rumour that Eucildator is Durandal, I mean how would anyone the difference between the swords."
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