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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina shouted at the huge guy and stepped towards him, without fear, as Durandal kept humming with the most extreme amount of power " You touch our friend and I. Will .Rip. You. Apart, I have to get back to my BOYFRIEND!!!" She shouted at Titan, who was about to capture Randy, She stepped even closer and held out Durandal in a fighting stance, if he didn't let him go, She use the power of the Durandal without hesitation, because after all there were a new and scary rage in Akkina's eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"No silencer but a scope with magical abilities....and its free...." Dennis reached for the scope and grinned taking and quickly adjusting it to his sniper. "Thanks I'll go check out this tavern you spoke of and see if I can get any leads." He dropped a bag of 2,500 gold on the counter. "Sorry but for a scope this useable its like I'm robbing you and I don't due that unless I'm paid to..." With that Dennis exited the pawn shop tinkering with his sniper as he walked northish towards the tavern. On his way he heard a few commotions and random screams but ignored it. He wasn't being a douche but right now his needs seriously came first. After walking for a bit he finally successfully added the scope looking through it. As he walked he aimed it at random people in the distance testing the basics of his new scope. "Perfect!" He shouted he had a reputation of barely missing a shot with his sniper now thanks to the new scope his rep will totally sky rocket. Before entering the tavern he stopped and looked through the scope again. Although this time birds was his target. To be more specific a small flock of moving birds. An unlucky flock of birds so happen to fly over head Dennis quickly capturing them in his site. Without hesitation he fired his sniper quickly reloading after each shot. After 5 powerful and loud sniper shots roared through the air the flock of birds descended quickly obviously showing no life as they descended. Dennis smiled and turned the safety on his snipper sheathing it on his back. He whipped his hands together and slowly entered the shop eyeing all the people who inhabited it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kyato looked at the office that he was obviously in, it was a very good and large office, he stood up and put his sword and gun down on the desk, then put on his white coat and began to walk out of His Corporation and made his way to the Pawn Shop, he was actually going to aid these people, from the bounty attackers, he had given up on working to get Durandal for himself. He finally made it to the Pawn Shop and looked at the big guy " Hey Ogre, look behind you" From where Kyato was standing he could see Silas, he reached in to his pocket and pulled out a device of some kind and threw it up to him. It was a prototype tracker device. @WittyWolf
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Aleksandri sat at the front counter of her Apothecary dozing in and out of consousness clutching a large bottle of "hundred acre ale" in an iron grip. Her eyes quickly darted to the pot of glowing ether metal which the fire it was sitting on began to go out. She pulled her sword out of its sheath and aimed the tip at the base of the flame, "Ignition" she spoke and a silver flame flew from the tip of the sword to the burner underneath the pot "there we go" Aleksandri said before taking a big drink from the seemingly bottomless bottle of Ale and giving a small hiccup.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy put his hands up as the shotgun was pointed at him. If he could be captured, it might make infiltrating Kyato Corp a lot easier but he acted frustrated at himself, to try and make the act believable. It was Akkina and Silas that was fucking it all up right now. "Oi you dumb fuckers! WAIT! INSIDE!" Randy yelled. He then slowly walked towards Titan. "All right you big lug, did Kyato set you up to this?" He asked as he got closer. "I'm not gonna get away from a shotgun now am I?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Ava couldn't find the owner at the pawn shop so she walked out and continued looking for places of interest. As she walked a small Apothecary shop caught her eye and she made her way towards it. Hopefully the place has something I can use, maybe herbs. "Ding ding." The bell above the door sounded as Ava opened it. She looked over at Aleksandri who was holding some ale and she chuckled. "You have the right idea there, I'd kill for a drink right now." she said, browsing her wares.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Titan recognized the girl from the posters. This was Akkina Farron, a swordswoman whose weapon seemed to be quite deadly. He was pleasantly surprised when Randy surrendered, but was cut short from collecting his bounty from a voice behind him. He almost laughed, because the large man was always looking behind and arround him.

The Interface showed a small man standing behind him, with no weapons. On closer inspection, it Seto Kyato, the bounty giver for the red-haired one. This scene was deteriorating quickly and Titan had to find his exit. Grabbing his employer by the scruff of the neck, he hoisted him in front of his body, directly in the path of Akkina's sword. He whispered to the slight man so that his other captor couldn't hear, "Sorry about this, but if you want your bounty, you'll play along."

Pulling and spinning the rope around his fist, Titan pulled Randy until he too dangled from the ground. Randy joined Kyato in forming a human shield. Their weight seemed not even to register to the giant. He started to back away, keeping his eyes on Akkina and the newcomer on the roof.

He could've cursed from hell and back, seeing Akkina throw herself into the melee. He was impressed by her collection of power, apparently strengthening as she grew more emotional. When she screamed the word boyfriend, however, Silas momentarily lost focus. A grin was quickly replaced as he brought his mind back to the matter at hand. When Kyato first spoke to the giant, he noticed the man's eye glance up at Silas. Kyato threw a small device towards Silas, but on his perch on the roof he easily shot it down. The device lay impaled on the ground, a few sparks and a puff of smoke emanating from its carcass.

Silas watched the scene fall apart in front of his eyes. He'd thought he'd have a clear shot at the man, but then Kyato had gotten nabbed, followed by Randy. This was an unfortunate turn of events and now he didn't have an arrow ready to fire. The bounty hunter was nearly around the turn of buildings with his two captives. And with no shot, he couldn't risk hurting Randy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy dangled next to his current enemy. It was all a bit comical in that sense. Before the smoke arised he gave Silas a wink, Randy knew what he was doing. He then looked at Kyato. "Fancy seeing you here." He commented with a big grin on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Aleksandri smiled and laughed at the girl who had walked into her shop, "I would sell you a bottle but I have to ask.... is there anything else you want to buy or need repaired?" she said as she raised her head off the counter and took another drink. Aleksandri ducked under her counter and took out a regular sized bottle of Ale, as she pulled the bottle out, her sword which she had set against the counter tipped over and clatered to the ground. "oops let me just get that..." she muttered to herself before standing to her full height and bending down to pick up the sword having to balance herself out after standing up. She sheathed he sword and sat back down in her seat with her eye scanning over the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina then fell on to the ground to her knees sobbing loudly, She literally threw Durandal away from her, She wanted in to stay that way, She curled up in to a ball and started to cry even louder " I will always be a hindrance" She choked out softly and then looked around her surroundings. She then pushed herself up off the ground and then attempted to run after the trio, two of which were being captured and the large one trying to evade her .

Kyato looked at Randy and smiled happily, then tried to punch him upside down " I just wanted a little pick me up" Kyato joked and looked at him again .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy swung back a bit at the punch. "Uh, uh, uh." He tutted, then showed his right hand with the gauntlet over it. "These are still active." He grinned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Kyato just nodded and then outstretched his hhand for Randy to shake it, he tried to kick off Titan "I will help you, after all WE are hanging out, you know" Kyato laughed and smiled cheerfully
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

@The Slenderman

Randy laughed, but a bit too sarcastically. In fact, to any onlookers he looked like a giggling buffoon. "Hahaha, oh you do make me laugh Kyato." He then stared at him dead in the eyes. "Want to help us? Leave us alone." He said, with an incredibly threatening tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Akkina kept on running around looking around for Randy and Kyato, She managed to catch a glimpse of them, She climbed up to a building roof and begin to track them from the rooftops. She waved her arms frantically to get Randys attention, She then activated Durandals Glow, which would aid her into getting his attention, if this actually worked then she would not have to jump down from her perch, Until she seen a strange sight, Kyato was there on titans back as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy kinda swung there with a big grin on his face, which was then he saw Akkina on... top... of a... rooftop? Y'know what, fuck it. Randy looked up and gave her the same wink that he gave Silas, the 'I got it' wink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 @WittyWolf Akkina nodded in confusion, Akkina gave the thumbs up and began to laugh, at Randy being upside down then turned back to walk back to Silas, while laughing hard. What did Randy have a plan for, She sat down on the rooftop and then began going through all the possible thoughts that could link up to this peculiar plan, She was quite confused. And then her thoughts turned around to Her Silas " Nothing will take away mmy Silas." She shouted through every inch of her loudest voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Titan was getting rather annoyed by his employer's sudden change of heart. Didn't he know a bounty was no trivial matter? With the pay out he requested, he had gotten the best. And the best were always paid. He'd long since taken a tight hold on the struggling Kyato, until they reached his office building. After depositing him, Titan pulled a metal collar with no discernible catch. This he snapped onto his employer, the ends meeting together with an unbreakable magnetic force. "Think of it as collateral, Seto Kyato. I believe we have much to talk about and I'd hate for you to lose your head, so to speak." The device beeped, a light turning from red to green as the explosive device was armed.

For The Junker, he tapped a few more keys on his Interface and had finally uploaded the gauntlets' frequency. Titan was pleased when he heard the whir and hiss die out from the pesky gloves. He set Randy on his feet, but kept the rope around his arms. A tinker like him could be trouble if he had full use of his hands. "Now, let's get moving, Randy. I'd hate for your friends on the roof to interrupt the three of our's chat." He gave him a light push towards Kyato HQ.

Silas wrapped an arm around Akkina, pulling her into his chest. "What happened with Randy and Kyato? Where did that giant end up taking them?" His time on the roof had revealed that there were numerous tiny robots flying around the pawnshop, supposedly keeping tabs on the couple. He was sure it had to do with that man in the hat and coat. The Marketplace had turned into a loathsome and dangerous place in Silas's absence. The change was unwelcome. Silas began to ruminate about calling in a favor or two, asking old friends for some help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

@WittyWolf@The Slenderman

Randy chuckled. "Aww, don't trust me? Well, I don't blame ya. If you're working for this prick I probably would've hit you too." He said to Titan, he then turned his body around to look at Seto Kyato. "Yes, Seto, let's talk shall we?" He said. Randy probably enjoyed all this a tiny bit more than he should, all revealed by his big grin. He was finally getting answers, and he might not have to beat them out of Kyato.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolfKyato stayed where he was and smiled at the contraption on his neck, and tapped it slightly and slowly reached in to his pocket to activate a tracker system that called his guards, Kyato just had to stall until they are here "I'm not moving, But I will press this" Seto took the device out of his pocket and showed it to The Bounty Hunter while smiling devilishly.

Akkina just pressed against Silas deeper, She flung her arms around Silas' body and hugged Silas tightly and then let go for a little bit realizing that Randy was in danger " What do we do to get Randy back, Silas" She looked at Silas sweetly and looked at the Kyato Corp building trying to find a way in without endangering them all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman@GingerBoi123
Titan sighed loudly, he hated a complicated bounty. And this man was missing the point entirely. "You're honor bound to pay out any bounty you have posted that has been completed. I have the man," Titan put a hand on Randy's shoulder, "and have brought you safely to your office. The device is to assure that you hold up your end of the bargain. As for your little toy..." With rapid strokes of his Interface, Titan jammed its frequencies instead of deactivating the thing. It was a simpler and easier fix. He took the thing from Kyato then and crushed it within his fist. "No, your guards will not be coming. Now just be the good businessman we know you to be and pay your bounty. I'm within my legal rights to pursue my payment for services rendered. If not, I will file a suit against your company and trust me, this time you will not come out on top."

Titan liked the affable fellow he'd tied up. He was the sort of man Titan preferred to deal with, not this snake-like Seto Kyato. The sooner he was out of the marketplace, the better.
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