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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman@WittyWolf

Randy couldn't wait around. He wasn't that kinda guy. This Humphry was busy and Randy was being useless. He decided that maybe talking to the couple again would be a good idea. Make a plan. Randy walked two steps before knocking on the wall, seeing if they would be willing to talk as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina heard the door chap and looked at Silas then stood up then walked to the door and opened it and smiled at Randy , standing aside to let him pass in to let him in to the room "Hey." She said and walked to the wall and leaned against a wall listening to the conversation when it starts to gain information about the enemies.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"What do you need Randy?" Silas noted how his voice echoed in the nearly empty room. Akkina needed furniture, that was a definite. At the least, a proper bed. Something small buzzed past the window, something circular and small. The strangest things were around this market.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 @WittyWolf

A guard from Kyato Corp, walked into the Pawn Shop and walked upstairs and walked into the room and bowed respectfully " Seto Kyato wishes to aid you in the bounty attacks" He said and waited for him to give a answer. The guard was sweating having just ran from the Kyato Corp main depot, He looked at the people that were in the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@WittyWolf@The Slenderman

"You're co-operation." Randy simply replied. This is the most serious he's been in a long time. "This Kyato guy wants THAT sword." He said, stating the obvious as he pointed at it. "I need to know what is so important about this damn thing, because THAT will be the difference between Kyato leaving us alone or setting the town alight." He asked. "Then we can come up with a plan."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf@GingerBoi123 Akkina looked at the new person that resembled a Kyato Corp guard and looked at Silas and Randy nervously and then looked at the guard, She didn't want to accept the guards offer from Seto Kyato. It was very spontaneous offer, but at least they had to look it and have time to decide whether or not to accept the guards offer, She looked at Silas "Shall we accept his offer, we obviously need help with the bounty hunters relentless attack."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You'd have to ask Akkina that, Randy. Other than the obvious presence of power, I don't know much about the blade other than Durandel's name." Silas answered truthfully.

Silas peered through narrowed eyes at the guard. This must not be as simple as it sounded. "And what does Seto Kyato want in return, eh?" he asked through gritted teeth. The man attempted to steal Akkina's sword, then tried to play it off by offering to help? This whole ordeal stank of something much more sinister. "If any bounty hunters are after us, they do have to fight us. I welcome the challenge." Silas had felt his blood lust growing as each new situation came up, the stress taxing his nerves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Randy got so frustrated and angry at the nerve of Kyato. He squared up to the guard. "And what if we don't accept "Whiny Bitchyato's" offer?" He interrogated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" Kyato can give you more advanced level technology and weaponry, he just wants your respect. " The guard whispered and then turned away to walk away out of the Pawn Shop.

Akkina felt like that something was misleading and paced up and down the room, thinking about any and all instances whether to accept and trust Kyato, She looked at Randy. Then sat back down on the floor, utterly and completely confused by these turn of events
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Randy shook his head. "I think he's trying to get under our skin, thinking money is the solution to everything. In some cases, he may be right." He then looked at Akkina. "But if that sword is that important, then a guy like him CAN'T have it. I wanna help make sure that's the case." He said as he cracked his knuckles. He then took a silly bow, to try and lighten the mood. "The Junker is at your service." He joked. He then looked between the two and then sighed. "So what are we gonna do about it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 " Randy, do you have any depositary locations, I need to make Kyato think it's gone, I'd buy Eucildator again, to make it seem like I gave Durandal, the holy God sword away, it has to be so concealed that only you know where it is. " Akkina pushed herself up from the ground and reached for her Durandal, clenching it between her palm and holding it out to Randy, She could trust Randy... Maybe " Please can you hide this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy sighed as Akkina offered the sword to him to hide it. "I don't know... Kyato could be tracking us right now." He then looked at Akkina. Her eye's burned with determination and a hint of trust towards Randy. He then took the sword and admired it for a few seconds before looking at Akkina. "I would be honoured, I'll do my best." Randy said. "I need to do a couple of things first. I made a promise to someone else earlier today. I'll take my leave when we have a plan, then I think we should regroup once we're all ready."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina smiled and tilted her head slightly and looked at Silas sweetly then walked over to him, and pressed her head into his chest softly, then wrapped her arms around Silas, hugging him tightly, She closed her eyes momentarily and smiled. " Silas.. thank you." She whispered softly and grinned wolfishly. She had to get a new version of a bladed weapon, maybe a ordinary sword to drop the heat off of her, having Durandal was dangerous for her and she knew it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

He encircled Akkina in his arms, holding her tenderly. "It's my pleasure, but of course I'd help you in your time of need." Silas replied softly, kissing her hair gently. He basked in the moment for a few seconds, then looked to Randy. "The plan? We're going to hide away Durandel, but make sure it's not in a bank under Kyato's name. That's the last thing we need. If your box is owned by Kyato, I'll have to open an account myself as well." He put his chin on top of Akkina's head, deep in thought. "Next, we need to get rid of these bounties on our heads, it's the only thing stopping us from moving against him. I'd pay him a visit in his home late at night, but that would be just the time for a bounty hunter to attack. Can you put out some feelers into the market and try to see who issued the first warrants?" Silas asked Randy. Being a weapons vendor meant that Randy would most likely see most of the warriors' faces in the marketplace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago


Randy nodded. "I sure can try." He said with a smile, until he saw a floating... eye... thing through the window too. "Oh fuck." Randy said. "That could belong to Kyato's goons, fuck!" Randy said. He went for the door but remembered he had Durandal. "Silas, you need to hide Durandal away. I'll deal with this guy." He said as he leant the sword against the wall. As he rushed outside, he saw that tall bastard again, with a similar contraption returning to him. "Oi!" He called out. He slowly advanced on him in a fighting pose, readying the steam gauntlets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Titan watched the man raise his odd gauntlets. He doubted that any machinery could overcome him and chuckled slightly. He pressed a few buttons on his Interface, searching for the right frequency. Those gauntlets contained machinery, which meant it was technology Titan could control. He'd been spending most of his day sweeping the area, so he knew the land well. He'd found the frequency, but to write the gauntlets' unique code into his database would take more time than Randy would allow Titan before attacking. In one hand, he drew his massive shotgun, pointing its sword-sized bayonet at Randy. Titan spoke briefly, "Down on the floor. No resistance and you keep your life."

He preferred to capture his targets alive, but Randy's bounty said nothing about requiring him that way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf Akkina looked up at Silas and outstretched her mouth to smile, She then began to walk to the window and look what was happening outside the Pawn Shop, it seems that Randy had gotten a captured. Akkina took all of her restraint to not go out and defend Randy, but then she'd be risking herself, and she didn't want that to happen that way. She soon got so irritated that she quickly ran out taking Durandal with her, She exited the Pawn Shop and stood with Durandal in her hands, Durandal was actually humming with so much power since Akkina was crazy mad. Akkina knowing by holding Durandal, She was faster and had increased strength while only holding the sword .
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

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KI was walking out the door of the tavern when he noticed events starting to unfold outside the Pawn Shop. A man rushed out of the shop to confront another much larger and quite intimidating man. The confrontation led to the first man being held at impressively large gun point. Naturally, this spectacle was starting to draw a crowd. KI took advantage of the situation by entering the crowd of people. This way he could hide in plain sight and stare right at the action.

@The Slenderman@WittyWolf@GingerBoi123
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Silas looked out the window, his eyes widening at the sight of the impressive weapon Randy's tormentor wielded. But something about the situation felt wrong, there was something missing from the puzzle. Why would Randy of all people be targeted by another damned bounty hunter? The only reason could be... Akkina and Durandel were gone, most likely down there with the giant of a man. Stringing his bow once more, Silas climbed out of the window and carefully stepped around the shingled roof until he had a good vantage point. He nocked his arrow and pulled the string to his ear, aiming at the hulking man. One wrong move and he'd show this man just how protected he and his friends were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

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"I need some parts that can improve my sniper's scope and maybe a silencer?" Dennis requested stepping towards the man sheathing his pistol and laying his sniper on the counter. "Also does there happen to be a place around here where I can cash in a bounty?" He asked patting the side of his pistol.

"Well, you're in luck, sir! I don't have parts, but a few months ago, I had a hunter sell me a really nice scope with a touch of Foresight magic imbued into it. I haven't tried it, but he said it shows you where your target will be right when the bullet reaches it, so you can be sure to always hit a running target as long as you aim where the scope shows it!"

Humphrey clomped over to one of the shelves along the wall and reached up to grab the sleek, polished sterling silver scope and brought it to show Dennis.

"I don't have any silencers, sorry to say, but does this sound interesting to you? As for cashing in a bounty, I don't know anything about that. I'd ask around at the tavern in the Old North Quarter. They get some unsavory folk through there, so I'm sure you'll find someone who could help you."

Dennis didn't want to feel like he was trying to make quick change but he pointed to the door. "That man who barged in here a few seconds ago is he bothering you? All you have to do is place a bounty on his head and I'll do the rest."

Humphrey laughed loudly.
"That's a tempting proposition, my friend! But no, unfortunately I haven't got the heart or the money to take or request to take someone's life. Monsters and animals are fine, but people are different to me. I don't know."

All sorts of commotion had been building in and around the shop, and Humphrey was starting to get a bit unsettled. He didn't mind activity in the shop, but this felt bad. Akkina and the trapper and the weapon booth salesman and all sorts of other people had been walking in and out and all around, and it all just felt wrong. Then the giant man was back threatening the weapon salesman. Humphrey had to get out of there before things got any worse.

"Well, hows about I just give you that scope as a gift, sir. I've got to get out of dodge pretty soon here, and it'd just be easier for all of us if you just take it, hm?" Humphrey headed to the back room and locked the door. He didn't want to get mixed up in any more of this.
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