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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Volenvradica
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Volenvradica Roleplayerguild's Bottom-Shelf Trap

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Based on RoosterTeeth’s animated series,
A fan-based homage to Monty Oum



-- "I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet." --
-Ozpin, The Badge and the Burden Part 2, RWBY Vol 1

== + ==


Sources for your references:
RWBY Wikia
RWBY YouTube




  • 10/25/2015:
    • IC has officially begun as "Mission 00: Not a Pilot Episode"
    • The "Posting Order" idea, which limited players to posting at a set turn to prevent multiple posting in a short amount of time, has been dropped. At this time there is virtually no limit to how many times a player can post 12 hours.
    • We have considered withdrawing our "Open Door" policy, which could allow anyone to apply and get in game at anytime. Please understand that while we love sharing in our RWBY fandom, we never expected such a large turnout. We have 10+ PCs already in play. As of now, any more character submissions will be placed on wait list and will not participate in missions without GM/Co-GM approval. Wait Listed characters may post during downtime (when no missions are in play).
    • RWBY Volume 3 Episode 1 has been released.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey everyone. Like I mentioned in the Interest Check, I'm Kurai and I'll be your co-GM along with Vrad. Please feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Volenvradica
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Volenvradica Roleplayerguild's Bottom-Shelf Trap

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Wow, I'm forgetful.

Kurai will be my Co-GM for this roleplay. In character he will also be another commanding officer for the Shades of Black. As such, he has no access to a Corruption or a name resembling any shade of black.

Thank you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Volenvradica what do you mean by the name resembling black exactly?

EDIT: nevermind, i'm just dumb sometimes
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Zena Mavrofos
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearance: Residing at a sufficiently upward end of the female height spectrum, Zena measures at around five feet eight inches tall. At this height, she carries a weight of approximately one hundred thirty pounds.Her figure is more of lean one, with a certain thinness, legitimately lithe, but surprisingly toned for her age. She’s a young woman whose body bears an exaggerated sense of height and length with a slight overreach in her arms and a more extreme one in her legs. Her figure is one of subtlety, still, with only so much as a modest curvature at the bust, and slightly more prominence around the hips.

Weapon: Tesla Arc - Originally designed by Zena’s father, and ultimately completed by Zena, Tesla Arc encompasses a three-in-one tech weapon. It takes on the basic appearance of slightly fancified broadsword, the blade of which measures up to three feet, and the grip in at an additional eight inches. By the light glow surrounding the blade, it is evident that the blade relates and reacts to fluctuations in Zena’s aura. It is through her electrostatic Semblance that the blade retains its form as a simple sword. Altering this property, the blade splits out into an electrically bound, razor sharp whip, offering the secondary function of the weapon. The hilt of the blade can be removed, revealing a slimmer handle beneath. Shifting back the handguard, unveils the barrel of a small pistol, which loads with small, dust-infused bullets, offering tertiary function as a ranger weapon.

Semblance: Charge - Zena’s Semblance involves the generation and manipulation of forms of electric charge and currents stemming from her own being. The act of utilizing her Semblance turns her into a living, breathing conduit for the channeling and diverting of potentially immense electrical discharges, releasing the power in the form of streaking bolts originating from some point on her person. She is not, however, limited in the mere projection of lightning-like projectiles; she is able to utilize her abilities as a reinforcement of melee combat, turning her body and weaponry into powered up tasers. At a more taxing expense to her person, she is able to amplify the electrical currents that flow within her body, stimulating her muscles and vital organs. The act of using a stimulation technique leaves Zena fatigued and almost completely immobile for a short period, and is thus used only as a trump card.

Corruption: The meddling of Ozpin’s experimentation has boosted Zena’s electrical flux a bit beyond her normal state. With dust and Grimm essences infused with her, and the limits of her power having been pushed, she has become, effectively, “overloaded” on a psychological level. The increased stimuli, while allowing more advanced feats, has rendered the young girl exceedingly energized, tremendously tenacious, and ascendingly aggressive as a result. Zena has an overwhelmingly difficult task in managing the extremes of her emotions, and is thus, a bit of a loose cannon, especially in combat. Sensual sensations, while superb in her current state, are inefficiently processes by her brain at its current developmental stage. As such, Zena tends to lean towards excessive levels of anger and sadness, embodying morbid and violent behavior.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Can I play a character that thinks transforming weapons are dumb?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Volenvradica
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Volenvradica Roleplayerguild's Bottom-Shelf Trap

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Can I play a character that thinks transforming weapons are dumb?

Nothing wrong with that sure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Username: Zugzwang
Character Name: Adam Sable
Age: 18
Gender/Sex: Male

Appearance: Adam is as far from his namesake as one can be. A bright blonde mop tops his head, fair skin pockmarked and blemished covering the cords of muscle that make up his tall frame. His jaw is angular, a feature he has always been proud of, his teeth the radiant white of fastidious dental attention. His nose is remarkably straight for the number of times it has been broken, and the patches of scar tissue that mark his torso have healed admirably. His form is wide and stocky, having grown out of his stretched, thin frame with puberty far behind him. His attire is always practical, a reflection of his natural paranoia manifesting as sturdy boots, a warm jacket and trousers faded with use and mistreatment. His smile is wide and ever-present, his laugh boisterous and room-filling. His voice is a crisp tenor, making up for deficiencies in beauty with ample clarity. He speaks quickly, he walks with determination and he stands straight. Despite this, he fidgets: twirling pens, tapping his fingers in complex rhythms, cleaning his weapons. He is the kind of man who looks you in your eyes when you speak, and smiles when you're finished.

Weapon: Efficiency is Adam's ideal, and the antique is his fetish. Transforming weapons are neither of these. They're cumbersome, expensive and often unnecessary. Adam is a lover of the firearm, and comes prepared. His revolver, his prized possession gleaming silver-grey is seldom away from his hip, six impressive chambers ready to be filled with equally impressive brass casings. A long rifle, bolt-action and bored to dispatch large grimm at larger distances, is his bread and butter, large and imposing and bad in tight spaces, powerful and accurate and deafening in the wide open. Adam likes to think that the bayonet lug makes it 'transformable' enough.

Semblance: Adam can see the future. Not far into the future, of course: the furthest forward he's ever seen was two seconds, but that was almost certainly a fluke. The distance in time changes slowly up and down from day to day, with the occasional odd spike or dip, averaging around .8 seconds. He cannot decide how far too look, and always sees at the maximum of his possible distance. It drains him to look forward more than might be expected, and only with significant training and ample concentration has he learned too both peer into the future and focus on tasks at hand. The future he sees change with his actions: if he sees himself cut a red wire and explode, his decision to cut a green wire may change matters. Since his semblance interprets his clearly expressed volitions, and can change, Adam theorizes it is simply supernatural predictive qualities, but he has always found that has less panache than "I can see the future".

Corruption: Adam's corruption makes him perceive the world at half speed. Seconds feel like two used to. He looks to himself like he is moving half as quickly as he should be. Of course, after a week of living as such, he has gotten more than used to it, and can barely remember what it is like to live at 'normal' speed. This change is both a blessing and a curse in equal measure. He grows bored incredibly quickly. He is constantly driven to fidget. He can be frustrating to talk to, and is prone to accidentally interjecting in-between breaks in sentences spoken. He cannot stand to watch films, as he can make out the individual frames one at a time. Music has lost some of its luster, when not played at double-time. Of course, this corruption has other, highly obvious, advantages in his chosen line of work, especially paired with his semblance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Volenvradica
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Volenvradica Roleplayerguild's Bottom-Shelf Trap

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Not sure if it can only be seen by GMs, but there's a Character tab where you can post your characters. If you were waiting for my approval, they're good to go. Had a laugh reading Zugwang's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey Zugzwang, quick question about your character. Your character name reads "Sable Mass" and their gender reads "Adam Sable," but the rest of the template refers to the character as Adam. Forgive me if this is an ignorant question as I'm not well versed in the myriad genders present in today's communities, but is this an error of some sort? If not, could you explain why he is being addressed by his gender or what the gender "Adam Sable" entails?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

kek. Whoops, missed that. I meant to change my name because I accidentally made a Gundam referrence, but its late.

Sometimes a typo is the easiest explanation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 7 days ago

Username: Leslie Hall

Character Name: Drake Umbra
Age: 20
Gender/Sex: Male

Appearance: Drake is of average height with a very slender build, making him appear quite lanky with his longer than average limbs and laid back, casual posture. He has a soft, sickly pale complexion with skin as cold as scales. His mop of bright green hair is trimmed to be kept shorter at the back with a longer fringe. Drake likes to dress to impress, wearing a long sleeved white button up shirt, tucked neatly into a pair of jet black trousers that are fastened just below his hips by a leather belt. Over his shirt he wears a gray vest with a black tie tucked into it, loosely tied up under his collar. While travelling he also dons a black blazer with a matching trilby hat.

Note: Drake wears dust infused clothing. When using his semblance or his weapon, intricate depictions of serpents cover his clothes from head to toe, glowing a dark green color.

Weapon: Ophiuchus - A weapon that appears very archaic in design and ability, Ophiuchus is a leather bracer with a dust gemstone, cut and smoothed in an oval shape. Intricate carvings line the artifact, acting in tandem with the gem as a catalyst for dust manipulation. The weapon isn't flashy, but it allows the user to heavily amplify their control over dust as well as their own semblance. Combined with the powers of Grimm and the rare dust imbued into Drake's being, Ophiuchus is a powerful tool that lets caster based Hunters like Drake stay on par with those who wield unique weapons.

Semblance: Ouroboros - Drake's semblance allows him to summon forth spectral chains, black in color with a green energy surrounding them. Combined with his weapon, Ophiuchus, which uses dust to enhance the power of the wielders semblance, Drake can utilize his semblance as flawlessly as any weapon. He can even create glyphs on other surfaces to use his semblance from a distance, attacking from various angles at once.

On the ends of his chains, he is able to utilise two different weapons for various uses. The first is a standard dagger in the shape of a serpents tail, which acts as his main form of offense with his Semblance. The second form is a grappling hook in the shape of a serpents head that can latch onto anything or anyone with moderate strength. He can use this hook to pull enemies or objects towards him or reel himself in to his target. This is where Drake's true strength as a hunter lies. What he lacks in raw power, he makes up for in incredible mobility; able to reposition himself easily throughout a battle numerous times and fight on his own terms.

Corruption: Drake's corruption takes complete hold of his semblance and his mind, twisting them both into devastating tools that consume everything before them. When under the influence of the corruption, the chains of Ouroboros transform into vicious, blood thirsty serpents created from dust and Ophiuchus. They move much quicker than the regular chains, aiming to tear anything they come into contact with to shreds. While corrupted, Drake loses the ability to use Ouroboros for its utility; sacrificing mobility and speed for raw power. Additionally, Drake can also use Ouroboros to enhance his his melee attacks with his fists and feet, surrounding them with dust in the shape of a serpents head for extra power and speed.

While under the effect of corruption, Drake's body heats up exponentially, and his skin becomes tough and scaly like a snake. Even his canines grow in size, becoming sharp and deadly. When corrupted, Drake becomes merciless and dark, with a sadistic desire to inflict pain and suffering on his enemies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Zugz I figured, haha. Thanks for the edit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Question: can average hunters react to and either dodge or block accurately aimed bullets?

If so, just how fast can hunters react and move? Do they have any troubles when they break the sound barrier?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Volenvradica
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Volenvradica Roleplayerguild's Bottom-Shelf Trap

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Leslie Hall

I'm more of a Guilty Gear fan, but Hazama was FUN to play. Love the references. He's good to go.

Should I ask new applicants to PM me their character sheets next time?

Question: can average hunters react to and either dodge or block accurately aimed bullets?

Hm, Ruby was able to dodge machine gun fire in episode 1. Though I'm not sure if she simply could see the bullets coming, or used her speed to simply move out of the line of fire. In the same episode, Cinder Fall blocked Ruby's bullets with one hand (perhaps with the help of her aura to remain unharmed), and considering Ruby's Crescent Rose is half-sniper rifle, I'm sure she needed a quick scope.

I wanna say no. Cinder ain't average and Ruby's adorable. OH, skill wise? Definitely those two are exceptions.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Volenvradica I intend to get into Guilty Gear sometime.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Zugzwang I'll let Vrad have the final say on that one, but I would say that a hunter dodging a bullet without already being in motion (like, bullet fires, you move) is out of the question without super speed, but that aura should be able to guard you from dying from a single shot like a normal human.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Character Name:
Itzel (Zel) Dunstan



Appearance: Itzel is a tall man with decent muscle definition. He has dark brown hair that's always messy that rest over his forehead and nearly covers his dark eyes. He has tough tanned skin with the odd scar here and there from grimm and others from when he got exparamented on. He often wears dress shirts, slacks and dress shoes im a caaual manner. He never changes from this casual getup even in combat, but they always seem to stay clean even if their not meant to worn while hunting or fighting.

Shadow Digger A weapon that meant more to help with his Semblance then to be used as a primary weapon. Shadow Digger, is a Lance with a drill for a blade, it's can easily peirce though Armor and shields if given the chance but most often or not Itzel uses it to digs holes in the ground for him to create more shadows for him to use.

Darkness manipulation- Itzel is able to manipulate shadows and darkness by making them into a physical substance like sharp tendrils or defensive barriers or by clouding an entire area in utter blackness to slip away from combat. Itzel's main weakness ironically is darkrooms or dark caves, this is due to the fact he needs to be able to see his enemies if he wishes to attack them with his shadows, otherwise he's blind and his dangerous shadows could hurt his allies or himself since an entire room darkness would turn into a weapon rather Itzel in it or not.

Corruption: Itzel's Corruption is one that changes the mind greatly as it causes mental polarity with everything he does and think. When he's thinking of being motivated and driven, he could also decide to become lazy and apathetic to the point of giving up on life. To be Cautious or Reckless? To be modest or Arrogant? Merciful or Cruel? His mind doesn't think of compromises anymore he will only think of extremes to choose from. His feelings are also like this as either he will react fully ot not at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Volenvradica
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Volenvradica Roleplayerguild's Bottom-Shelf Trap

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Because I got high, because I got high, because I high. That's a creepy corruption. He's in.


Welcome to the dark side. Good to go.
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