Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

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watching the scene before her, she started to get angry. "Why must you kill everything, don't you know the rules for absorbing mana?" asking, knowing full well that the golem wouldn't answer. still draining the power from the golem and holding up the platform shield, she decided to increase the power level she was taking from the golem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUltimatum
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TheUltimatum Six Paths of Pain

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Huh? Where am I?

You did Good Apollo, Ephilates said so as well, You have alot of potential, and you only used Ascalon for the first time yet you are able to access Elemental Mode, Good job.

The man looked at his watch.

My it's about time. Go back to sleep Apollo I shall return.

Apollo felt his eyes getting heavy. He felt "asleep".

As the bone neared Apollo's body, A light shone from Ascalon. In a flash a spirit appeared in front of Apollo. This spirit summoned a small wall to block the attack. He then looked at the lich.

"Hello My good man. I must ask you to not attack this young fellow anymore. As you can see he is "Dead" already. So I do not see the need to attack him any longer. So I plead of you to not attack him any longer. Oh and for gour information. This young man is not entirely human. Maybe you can Destroy him another time when he's stronger, wouldn't that be good? This way you can also rest, and set up your defenses against these Humans stronger." The man then looked at his watch again.
"It appears duty calls, So I bif you fare morrow, dear sir." With that the man's body glowed a heavenly glow and disapeared leaving Apollo's unconcious body behind.

((So this might not stop the Lich but hey, it's worth a try isnt it?))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kenny bit his lip knowing he had no clue on how to defeat her. "As much as I hate to say I failed my test I surrender it seems I'm not advanced enough to figure out your weakness by myself." With that he bowed and awaited Belle's next course of action.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Chen activated The Empress and froze the eels whenever they tried to touch him. He was holding his breath to try and wait out the torrent if water, but he had a strange feeling that it wouldn't end. He pushed towards the door he had opened and closed it to stop the water. He then activated The Magician to nullify his air problem. "When is this stupid test going to end?" He walked towards the broken door and opened it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Mr. Man didn't like the lich, at least when it was used during exams. It wasn't commanded, so much as it participated. Mostly in killing, or attempting to. It was only considered a C-class monster, as it was weak to anything that was bright and had holy in the name. It gave him the creeps, and for Mr. Man that was considered a feat, regardless of whether he let it show or not. The particular lich he was watching had a way with axes, and hardly gave advice.

The fight between said lich and the student attempting the entrance exams was going as expected, at least in the way that it was almost killing (Man had to check the name of the student, as most he didn't memorize. After all why memorize the name of what would probably be a corpse soon?). . . "Apollo" at every turn. Then Apollo decided to try what seemed like a last resort, and manifest some elements and create a shield. The boy seemed suicidal, which wasn't too new in these tests, atleast when lichs were involved.

Man sighed with all the exasperation that could be contained in a parent who was tired of his children being dumbasses. Once the Lich returned to the same height as most of the battle, Man pulled out a small stone. The stone was smooth, white, and almost perfectly shaped for skipping. Light blue lines traced kanji across it's surface, glowing gently in the faint light of Man's classroom. He held it in his palm for a few more seconds, before crushing it. It wasn't a hard task, though it did give him a flash of pain and dizziness. As the stone broke blue light erupted around him, and teleported him to the battlegrounds.

"No more fighting." Man said with finality, and stoney resolve.The lich glanced at him angrily, before widening its eyes in a mix of disgust and surprise. Man paid him no mind, and instead took out a black stone with the same blue kanji as before. He broke it over the boys head, teleporting him to the infirmary. Man's gaze turned back to the lich which he smiled at.

"We need you, don't we?" He said mindlessly, while pulling out a red stone, this one with a white cross on it. He crushed it, restoring the lich to full strength, new body and all. "Goodbye," Man said respectfully, before taking out a white kanji engraved stone and crushing it.

So Apollo's test ends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen activated The Tower so he could at least tolerate the electricity, but they were still chomping like nobody's business. Chen gave up on the jammed door and focused on the other door instead. He used The Magician to try and keep the eels away from him, but he didn't have much time left until he either drowned or was eaten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Eklispe "Damn you old man.." he muttered under his breath. He'd expected they'd do something to force him to use magic. He had to act quickly before he got impaled. Luckily he remembered a spell to make you run faster..chanting a few words the space below his feet started glowing and he started running faster, with a pace matching and slowly exceeding that of the drill. He chanted as he ran, keeing the spell active. In a matter of minutes he finished the rest of his laps and the drill slowly lurched to a stop.

Breaking the spell he plopped down on the bench where he had his things, exhausted as hell both physically and mentally. He needed to rest, he didn't even have the energy to conjur up a potion to refresh himself, hopefully there wasn't a combat portion...

"There..I ran..the entire thing...happy now, Coach?" He said inbetween breaths. In truth he knew the drill would do nothing in reality, but he still hated losing regardless.

"Am..I..done here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen closed his eyes as he waited to be consumed. He felt a sudden pulse of magic and he was suddenly in a with a bunch of other students. "Haha! I live! Screw you eels!" He jumped up in the air and deactivated all of his spells with a quick pulse of The Fool. "Damn I did well. I'm practically a shoe in for Student Council." He whispered to himself with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Eklispe Arcadius inhaled deeply, before slowly exhaling, regaining his composure. "So. You want my best attack huh? Sure you can take it? Alright." He spoke, stood up, grabbed his staff and summoned his Grimorie.

He flipped through the pages quickly and began drawing runes in the dirt which faintly glowed upon completion. Arcadius stepped back a good yard from the runes and started chanting lowly.

If he had drawn the runes perfectly, which was nigh impossible to do in dirt.., he could obliterate a small building with this attack. Though, the runes were imperfect and he lacked a good portion of his strength.

The runes quickly started glowing brighter, as Arcadius read he started drawing more runes in the air with his staff that clung to the air and started glowing. "Infernum Ragnarok, Annihilation." He spoke at the end of his chant. The runes on the ground started cracking, lava shot forth towards the Coach.

A bright beam of light formed on the end of his staff and on the runes in the air, the beams merged into one massive beam and shot forth merging with the lava and absorbing it's attributes.

The beam was as big as the Coachs midsection in size, it would've been bigger but timed and all.. The beam fired for around 10 seconds before stopping, the lava ceasing, and the runes dissapearing.

With a huff Arcadius returned his grimorie to its place and crossed hid arms in triumph, he had now fully exhausted all of his magic except for a small inkling and it was taking all he could do to stand.

He waited for the dust to clear to gauge how succesful he was. He really hoped he did well, that was one of the strongest attacks he had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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@The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


she noticed that the power she was getting from the golem, started to disappear each second she tried to hold the platform, deciding that it was better to save the last of her power, she stopped taking mana from the golem, making the platform shield to disappear, making her land on the ground. more like her butt landing on the ground with a loud 'thud' sound.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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“I have been told wrong all my life? The world is not a circle but a spiral. That means that everything that I have learned must be adjusted accordingly.” Agatha whispered sadly as the dark cloud began to lighten up to a grey colored cloud. A light wind began to blow around her body as ash thought about what din said.
“I just don’t see the solution at this moment but I am not a simpleton. I can learn how to change my thinking……” she spoke then left her mind drift about looking for the solution for the problem. The first thing was to snip the circle of life thoughts so that it would hang. As the thoughts of the circle becoming a spiral, it became a clearer picture in Agatha’s mind. Her mind went to the genetics where the DNA and RNA were paired up in a spiral line then when it met an egg, it spilt in half. It stays as a half until the sperm finds the egg and then the spiral of a new life forms as the male half joins up with the female half.
She just had to figure how to spiral this death spiral works….
As she allowed her mind wander, a bit of the world split off, the rust decays may, the world splits a bit more making a bit more of a spiral…… Is this the solution? Agatha wondered as vision each piece of the dying world fall into decay with hope of a new world emerging at the end of the spiral.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Crap!" Aleksa said under her breath as the silence hung in the air until it was shattered by the silver titan's roar. As the titan raised its leg Aleksa activated her fire Magic though this time it was more intense than even the first time, her eyes were wide with adrenaline even when Aleksa knew she would not actually die if hit. "This may work out..." Aleksa thought to herself though the logical side of her brain had all but receded allowing for the more combat oriented side of her to take control. The ground around her lit itself on fire as a test image or her magic before Aleksa jumped out of the way of the falling foot, when the foot landed Aleksa took a running start and threw a punch as hard as she could in an attempt to break the titan's leg.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran walked up infront of the door and leaned down so his face was level with the fairy on the doorknob. "perhaps you could open this door and we could spend that time in a more...comfortable place than this" he inched his face just a small bit closer. Honestly he'd rather try to convince her than force her to open the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@The ghost in black

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUltimatum
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TheUltimatum Six Paths of Pain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Apollo awoke with a jolt. His head hurting, he began to look around himself. A Doctor's office, more like an infirmary. He knew why he was here. He had done that blast and had failed the test most likely. He punched the bed, cursing himself from not trying the most obvious thing, of course, his mind was being occupied by two other people at the time so it did not allow him to think straight. The answer was so obvious. Apollo then felt something missing...

The Sword?!?! Where did it go?

Apollo flew to his feet, his knees and head hurting. He began to limp around the room, looking for the sword. It had become a very important part of him. Extremely important. Once he walked for a bit, he sat down, not even noticing the person that had carried him there. He then looked at him. He took out his sketchbook, and began to write on it.

'Hello, uh, Sir, Have you seen a sword like this?' Apollo drew a quick sketch of the sword. Of course if he had seen it he wouldn't be able to touch it since it was bounded to Apollo, and if anyone else touched it, then yeah, they would kind of be disintegrated They could only touch the Sword of Apollo allowed them to.

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