@Lady AmaltheaOkay so after the advice on my intro post thought I'd give this a shot, my character is as follows.
Name: Amon
Race: Human

Proffesion: Court Scholar and Mage
Possessions: A number of ancient tomes, scrying glass, quill and ink, molter and pestle, single sword
Master of Many Tongues: Through his service to many courts, and his long studies Amon has become fluent in many languages, and has become a good rhetorician.
Biomancer: Amon is able to use his magical talents to manipulate the biology of those around him. He can heal wounds and other ailments, enhance inherent biological traits or manifest the raw electricity of his nervous system as lightning against his opponents.
Foresighted: Amon is able to read the future to a limited degree. By focussing his talents and using his scrying glass he is able to discern some elements of the immediate future. His visions are by no means obvious things, often shrouded in symbolism that will take him some time to decypher. However this is not an ability he will use lightly, the toll it takes on him is great and he is fearful of mockery and scorn if he proves wrong.
Demeanour: Amon is a quiet sort, long hours of study have left him extremely articulate, however he has not made much use of his skill with rhetoric. There are few things he enjoys more than exploration and learning being an extremely inquisitive soul. When he isn't studying he can usually be found diligently practising with his sword Mephret or practising the use of his powers (although he always does the latter in secret). Above all else though Amon is an honourable man, who values trust and loyalty before all other virtues.
History: Born the son of a merchant Amon's home was destroyed and his family enslaved when he was very young. When he was 6 he was smuggled away from his captors, but his parents were killed in the attempt.
Following this incident he went on to study at the Great Library of Maldran. Here Amon developed his skills as a scholar learning to read and write and spending much of his time in lengthy study.
At the age of 21 he left the library and came to serve the masters of many noble houses selling his skills as a scholar and interpreter. Misery struck his life once more at the age of 24 however, when his master was assassinated before his eyes. Amon attacked the assassin assailing him with a volley of lightning and almost managed to kill the attacker who narrowly escaped. Following the event he was ordered to leave the household however, for the family blamed Amon for the masters death (Amon realised they blamed his powers, and since that time has tried to keep them hidden).
Subsequently Amon has wondered the country adventuring and doing small jobs to get by, he has found himself evermore reliant upon his skills with a sword, but is hesitant to use his powers even in self defence.