Name: Lilith Hatanaka
Nickname: Red Snow (snow symbolizes her innocence, red symbolizes the blood of those she kills)
Age: 16
School Year: First
Gender: Female

Nationality: Japanese
Personality: Lilith is a very shy and calm girl. If you see her, you would think she would never hurt anyone.
She is very kind, and truly cares for those around her. She has a bad side to her, however.
She tends to stalk those she has a crush on (which can happen quite fast), and she tends to get overprotective and clingy to that person.
Lilith isn't the kind of person who kills, she will just hurt you. A lot.
Deep inside she is a sadist.
Bio: Lilith used to be your average high school girl. She took classes, got high grades, and was very popular.
There was this one boy she liked at school, and she crushed on him bigtime. After a while, while she was stalking him after school, she noticed that he entered a dark alley. When she looked inside, she saw that a few shady guys in the alley started beating him up, and demanding money from him. Lilith wanted to attack them, but she sadly had no weapons with her, or anything else to fight with. And besides, what could she do?
When she came home, her parents weren't home. They apparently went on vacation. There was also something scribbled on it, among the lines of "249f80". Lilith went to bed, not thinking too much about it. After this, the cycle kept repeating. She went to classes, followed him, saw him getting beaten up, and she came home into an empty house. She realized she never saw the basement before.
She decided to go there, but the door was locked and there was some kind of machine which required to enter the code. Lilith remembered the code that she saw before, and she entered it. After entering the code, the doors opened. When she walked into the basement, somebody started speaking. It sounded like her dad? After a while, she realized it was coming from some speakers further in the room. When she walked into the room, she came across a computer, and a wall full of weapons, and a letter next to the computer. She looked at the screen, and it was apparently a video recorded by her dad.
"Hello Lilith.". The voice said.
"I'm afraid I have some bad news... The fact that you entered this room means I have failed my mission.".
Lilith looked confused.
"Some kind of terrorist organization took your mother hostage, and I am planning to go there to rescue her..."
"If you see this video it means I have failed..."
Lilith started to cry, realizing her parents were probably dead at this point.
The rest of the video explained that there is a gang in their city that terrorizes the local people, making people pay money in order to survive. She realized this is what happened to the one she used to stalk. The video also explained that her parents were assassins in secret, and that they tried to get rid of this gang, but failed at this point.
Lilith decided she wanted to take revenge, taking a few weapons from the wall, and going to the alley she saw before.
When she arrived, the one she used to stalk was there. On the ground. Covered in blood.
Lilith realized that they killed him. Lilith continued to walk, and she saw quite the amount of bodies, all of them dead.
At the end of the alley, one of her teachers was standing there, with the head of her father in his hand.
Lilith realized that her teacher did all of this, and in a matter of seconds she killed everyone from the gang who were there.
Lilith came back home crying, and opened the letter. Apparently it was an invite to some academy for assassins. She decided that she would go there to see if she could find out more about her parents life, and why she was left with those weapons and this letter.
A model 1887 shotgun for close range, and a Dragunov sniper rifle for the long range.
Pendant with a picture of her parents and her.
Binoculars to stalk her targets.
Post its and a pen to write notes.
Skills: Deadly accuracy: Able to shoot people at incredible range without missing.
Dead Silence: She is very silent during all of her actions.
Stalking experience: She can stalk with ease without being noticed.
Other: (Anything the above didn't already cover.)
Even though Lilith is at the academy with a mission, she is there for her fun too.
Lilith doesn't grieve too much about the death of her parents.
She is bisexual, and she is very perverted.