Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Sean prepared himself for the mission he was about receive from the boss he was honestly thinking of several ways he could complete the strategic mission, maybe even go wild and kill a person or two claiming self defense or getting some coffee from StarBucks right before the mission took place. Sadly Sean imagination was sniped down like a bird wearing a target during hunting season. "What the hell!?" Sean shouted very confused on the Boss's orders.

Sean leaned against the desk getting closer to the veterans scared face and looked him dead in his eyes. "So your telling us, three people who has the capabilities to kill 5 man a piece with barely a breath to get a gift for someone we have little to know clue about." His coffee mug orbited around him causing his statement to be less serious than it was entitled to be. Taking a deep breath and stepping away from the desk sitting in a near by arm chair Sean decided to just do his job and play the pawn in his higher ups schemes.

"Will you at least give us a bit of information about this woman we're getting a gift for or is that our job to find out by ourselves?" Sean questioned sipping his coffee. He knew he wasn't the only one seriously questioning the orders they just received.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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jordy0403 I'm the little one

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"What in the world... so, let me get this right." I said, my voice lowered but still sharp. "You want us to get a present for a woman who can look like any age, a present. A woman, I might add, that is our CEO, and if we get this wrong, we're probably fired. Oh, wait, there's more, shes probably also the most dangerous person in America, and one of the most dangerous people in the world, so if we do get this wrong, we'll be fired and end up in a hospital at best. And I'm pretty sure none of us have ever seen her, much less found out what she'd want for her birthday. How on flipping Earth do you expect us to do that! Huh!" I raise my voice significantly higher for the last part. "Do you want to get onto her good side, is that it? Without putting yourself at risk? Well, if it is, I'm not having any part of it." Pushing myself up, I turn around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Free World Group

"Stop right there. I have told you. You are needed." The head of staff said. "If it makes it any easier, you will not be held responsible for anything. This is actually part of the terms of my contract with Ms. Sefia."

He had begged her to keep on working for the Free World Group after his injury had threatened him with unemployment. It wasn't only that, but also the fact that the Free World Group was the only company for him. He had worked at others but none brought the same feeling for him. Ms. Sefia had reinstated him because of his dedication, but one one certain condition...

"I am not allowed to retire until I have given Ms. Sefia a birthday gift that is to her liking, the contract states she has the ability to render any of my resignation notices unless the condition is fulfilled." He said. "Are you still willing to assist?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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jordy0403 I'm the little one

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Head of Staff's response made me pause. "Ok ok, first things first, do we have any hints on what she likes? Do you have any audio recordings or video recordings of when you've met, maybe the detective here can find out something we can't. Oh, and one thing, if I do get fired and or hospitalized by the boss, you're paying for my tax, living and hospital fees if any."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Camerch
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Breaker considered what his boss said. On one hand, this was still a ridiculous mission to give a professional spy. On the other hand, it's not like there's anything happening in the base anyways. The book can wait.

Breaker leaned back in his chair, still nonplussed. "First, we need to know about any leads at all that we can pursue. Offices, favorite locations, web history, anything like that. If you plan to send us in blind, then I'm out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The Head of Staff's response made me pause. "Ok ok, first things first, do we have any hints on what she likes? Do you have any audio recordings or video recordings of when you've met, maybe the detective here can find out something we can't. Oh, and one thing, if I do get fired and or hospitalized by the boss, you're paying for my tax, living and hospital fees if any."

Breaker considered what his boss said. On one hand, this was still a ridiculous mission to give a professional spy. On the other hand, it's not like there's anything happening in the base anyways. The book can wait.

Breaker leaned back in his chair, still nonplussed. "First, we need to know about any leads at all that we can pursue. Offices, favorite locations, web history, anything like that. If you plan to send us in blind, then I'm out."

"Normally there may be as she has never been careful about that kind of thing. However, her personal guards have always been extremely careful about that sort of thing." He said, "We will have to find out the old-fashioned way. To begin with, you will be tailing her. I know where she might be, and you three have the right skills to make this work."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Well that was a miserable failure," President Jessica Owens was saying to Mikhail through the old-fashioned TV Screen; they had to use old technology in order to prevent sophisticated hacking/wiretapping, her face lined with worry. "Then again, you're fourteen; genius former assassin or not, the odds are stacked against you - against us. However, we must keep hoping, especially you; don't go into a funk over this, or I will pull you from service."

"I won't," strangely, Mikhail wasn't sad over his failure, not anymore. "So, how's Project: Futurelight doing?" Project Futurelight was a program that made use of the US Foster Care system to rescue Powered children and child prodigies from abusive homes or orphanages and made sure they ended up with the Government. Sometimes, the Project was even able to save the abused children of corporate operatives, or, in a sensational case, even a CEO's.

"It's doing well," Jessica was saying. "But its secret nature won't last any longer. Corporations already suspect; it's clear that it's living on borrowed time. Anyway, your plan to recruit Vivenne Devon - I am not going to say her hard-to-remember penname - has succeeded. If we can cause a war between Alkaev and the Free World Group, we might yet clear enough of a power vacuum for a resurgence."

"Our last, most desperate hope," Mikhail would say. "Hopefully Viv can find a way." He then stared at the President, and said:

"LunaCorp. I have a plan for them."

Some time Later

Vivenne would get a message asking her to spread rumors, directed at AlkaevCorp and Free World Group, that LunaCorp was 1.) Building an Army on the Moon, 2.) Ever-so-gently insinuate that the various methods they use for launching shipments of minerals to earth can be used to drop asteroids on various targets, and 3.) Failing that, make the Earth so dependent on their goods that they can swoop in and take over.

@RoflsMazoy, @FantasyChic, @TheUnknowable
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Jun Natsumoto held his hand over the circuit, rearranging it on the molecular level via nano-bots. "Ok," he said when he was finished. "Sanya, come plug in and write a driver for it."

Most people would assume that Sanya was a cyborg like a hundred thousand others on the moon, using implants designed for controlling prosthetic limbs to interface with machines. It was illegal in many areas on the Earth, but that didn't matter here. What did matter, though, is that she wasn't a cyborg, but an android. Problems in her neural network that made her act in ways that others would find unusual or insane meant that she couldn't be mass produced, but Jun could fix any problems as they arrived. The device he was working on was a hyper-drive, a type of faster-than-light drive that he hoped would let him travel to the stars one day. Unfortunately there was still a massive variance in both the vector and velocity of any object that he had sent with previous models. Hopefully this one could fix that.

When she was done, he order a robot to carry the device down to Project Centauri headquarters so that they could send a probe out with the drive. Sayna interrupted his thoughts. "I'm sorry to interrupt you, sir, but we just received word that the US may be making a move against LunaCorp, via a child agent." She displayed the evidence, a Facebook post that showed the young Super in Ganze's building, along with a message about the poster's opinion of it.

"Why would he be talking to Ganze?" Natsumoto asked himself out loud. "Check our contacts at Gonze and see if you can figure out why he was there. Also, I want to talk to this boy. It's about time that I got around to recruiting him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab between TheUnknowable and Letter Bee))

(meeting between Natsumoto and Mikhail)

Natsumoto's secretary, Sanya Asimov, left a message with the butler of the Augusta E. Feather Estate that Mr. Natsumoto wished to speak with MIkhail Peacemaker at his earliest conveinience. Anyone who was interested in early sci-fi would relate her name with robotics, though it was a long way from there to knowing that she was, in fact, an android, personally built by Mr. Natsumoto. After leaving the message she waited for a response. After all, with a giga-bit neural connection to the local internet, she would be able to speak with him whenever he called. That, and she didn't need to sleep.

After sending his message to Viv, Mikhail slept for a total of eight hours, before waking up to find something in his inbox. Sitting up in his room, in his pajamas, the boy then opened his smartphone, and started a video link with the android - not that he knew she was one.

"What is it, Natsumoto-sama?" Mikhail used the proper honorific. "What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Peacemaker," he said, bowing slightly, "I'm calling on behalf of LunaCorp. It has come to my attention that you recently contacted a competitor of mine, Ganze Corp, a leader in the technology fields. I also know that you attempted to contract with them for a massive project, likely on behalf of the US government. I wanted to both see if I could help you in your project and to offer you a oportunity to earn a significant amount of money."

So that's what this is about, Mikail thought. It seemed that his attempts to start a melee a trois between LunaCorp, Alkaev and Free World Group weren't detected yet. But that just meant he had to keep a straight face.

"If I were interested in money, I would have worked for one of your Corps a long time ago. If you know who I am, then you know my backstory and why I chose to work for the Government. But despite that, I'm still listening to you."

"As for the project...Alto himself has said that it was physically impossible, especially for someone such as me." Already, Mikhail was trying to discover a way to game the situation for his own benefit. "That doesn't mean that we cannot talk about other things, though; you're not as bad as the others, at least not yet, and we may, perhaps be useful to each other."

"Not as bad as the others?" he asked. "What, one may ask, have I done that would place me anywhere near their level?" He caught himself before going any further. He really didn't like being compared to them, as he had done his best to be what they should be in a perfect world. His employees were treated well, far better than their's were in his opinion, and those that lived on the moon had freedoms that one couldn't even find on Earth.

He didn't expect to get into a philosophical discussion with the teen, though. "I wasn't expecting you to betray your loyalties," said Natsumoto, "I was only offering you the opportunity to help them by helping yourself. As you may know, Natsumoto Industries has recently moved to the forefront in adapting Superhuman abilities through technological means. I was hoping that you would allow us to study your rather unique ability to see what useful devices can be made with it. In fact, a year ago we came across a man who could manifest smoke from Fear, similar to the constructs you make from Hope, and created a device which can convert it into electricity. We use it as a sensor in theators, and for police and psychologists to know when someone feels threatened."

Mikhail was both intrigued, and frightened, frightened because the word 'study' was a trigger for his PTSD. He was visibly shaking now, his face pale and eyes wide, while his fists were clenched.

"Promise me you won't hurt me. Promise me there will only be one or two needles and that I would be in a jumpsuit, not a hospital gown. No electricity, no drugs, no artificially inducing hope and despair." Mikhail found a dryness in lips, not hiding his feelings; that would be counterproductive.

"It means I've agreed; I can get Ms. Feather and Madam President to agree too." Mikhail then looked away.

"Of course, we won't do anything cruel and you are free to quit at any time. All that leaving will cost you is the royalties you would have made. In fact, I don't need a sensor see that I frightened you. Allow me to make it up to you. I will send my personal spaceplane to the Lunacorp aerospace port in Seattle, along with my personal assistant. You and your guests can come and visit the Moon and see that nothing neferious is occuring here, I'll even pay all of your expenses while you're here."

"If at any time you feel threatened or scared, or just wish to leave, we'll return you to Earth. If you don't feel you can trust me on that, I will give you enough cash to charter a private flight back with a non-LunaCorp owned ship. I only want to make the situation agreeable for you."

"Thanks," said Mikhail, "I will make the arrangements, and I'll be coming alone." That way, if you discover my still-ongoing plan to spread rumors about you, only I will be affected. His cold sweat was fading now.

"Very well," said Natsumoto, "How does noon tomorrow sound? We can launch whenever you want to." His personal ship could make the trip in just over two hours thanks to its spacial distortion drive, a device that wasn't quite ready for market as a luxury feature in LunaCorp's line of spaceplanes. That made it effectively a business jet as far as travel time was concerned.

"Tomorrow," Mikhail said with a smile. "And that's that. Thank you, thank you for being, well...kind."

"Then, goodbye Mr. Peacemaker. I will send the ship to meet you." After hanging up he called Sanya into his office. "I need you to take my spaceplane to Seattle to meet Mr. Peacemaker and bring him back here, to Tranquility City. Give him one of the expense cards we give foreign dignitaries and see to it that he has a good time while he's here. I would like to study his ability or, failing that, at least get on better terms with him and, by extension, the US Government. We'll need things to continue to run smoothly with them, at least until the Centauri is ready to launch."

"Yes, sir." She said. "I love meeting new children."

"And don't refer to him as a child, at least not where he can hear you." Natsumoto responded. "Most 14 year olds don't like that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vivienne rubbed the tired out of her eyes as she went to her computer set up at the beeping sound. A new message arrived from the bigwigs. She clicked it open and began reading. LunaCorp, she heard about them. She imagined everyone did. She didn't bother to question why they wanted the war with the two companies and what it would mean for LunaCorp. She only cared about the promise of finally being able to know about her past. And the money, which was always good.

First things first, she decided as she went to take a shower, she needed to get some supplies.


New York City was a powerhouse with the advancement of technology. It was still a shining star in America, offering much in the way of entertainment, business, money, etc. She always liked the city, it was just big enough to tuck yourself in without having to worry about anyone finding you unless you wanted them to. The same could be said for Dezel.

Dezel was someone she considered a friend, and that was an honor reserved for very few. Dezel was also the only other person, not a client, that knew about her and her skills. Even though Dezel was smart he wanted to live normally and settled for a small-time apartment in a large complex.

Vivienne knocked on his door and he answered quickly, "If it isn't my little Rose. What brings you over here?"

"I need supplies," Vivienne said while entering the apartment. Despite it's size, it housed a massive entertainment station, a huge computer system, and other doodads that Dezel specialized in. "I got a really nice gig and I need some toys. I need top of the line stuff."

Dezel grinned,"Wow. Big stuff I see. I won't bother asking who hired you, I'll assume you won't tell me. IT must be really important. What do you need?"

Vivienne sat down on the couch set up in front of his TV. It was a really comfy couch, designed for massive comfort and costed more than your average seat. "I'm going to need a Hax4 program, top tier. It needs to be able to infect more than one system at a time and I need it to be invisible. Even with my skills, I can probably guess that their security will be top of the line and I need to go in just under that line."

Dezel scratched his chin and walked over to his computer "Hax4 eh? That's a costly thing, you know. Black Market prices for it are through the roof and it's dangerous. You sure you need that?"

"Damn sure. It's the only program that could do the job, even if it's trouble. I only need it for one thing, the rest I can do on my own."

"This is big, Viv," Dezel rarely said her name. He usually called her Rose, but she knew he meant business when he used her real name, "The fallback you could get if you get caught could be devastating. You would be looking at life in prison."

Vivienne only smiled, "I have a feeling my benefactor would stop that, should that happen, but I don't plan on getting caught." She stood up, "I need to do some shopping also, I need a keycard and data reader too. My other one got busted during my last run."

Dezel sighed and went into his bedroom. Shortly after, he came out with a backpack, "It's all in here. Just promise me you'll be careful."

Vivienne walked toward him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek "I appreciate your concern, but this is important. I need to do this. I'll come back after it's all done."

With that she took the pack and walked out. As she made her way to the shopping plaza she made a call to the Free World Group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*Cas is on foot, so while he can parkour to get there faster, it still takes him abut 15-20 minutes to get there. Suspecting a trap he readies what appears to be a gun with high tech modifications to it. Holding it like one would expect from a spy movie, he swings around a corner. He slowly walks through the warehouse fully expecting someone to pop out at him. There is a rustling sound that causes him to walk slower, thinking that it is his target. Except, it isn't. Instead he finds a rather large rodent that he sighs at. Continuing forward he finds the abandoned dried and a lab coat. This earns a groan from him, he really thought he was on target. With another grumble he pulls out a small device and 'scans' the droid getting its specs and general information so he can have it on hand for later. With another sigh he puts the gun in his holster and heads out to where the other red dot was, irritation clear in his non verbals.*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Free World Group

Phones rang around the room. The Free World Group's call center was busy as always, mostly with people calling about their security systems. The Free World Group did cater to average citizens nowadays and sometimes they could be complex. They also got their fair share of misguided calls and prank calls, but they were trained to deal with that. Some of them even became specialists in dealing with prank calls, one of these people being Gabriel Somme.

Gifted with an extremely smooth voice, unfortunately he was never able to obtain a career in voice acting due to being bad at everything except pretending to be an unusually smooth call center employee, so it wasn't much of a step up when he actually got employed as one. As fate would have it, Vivienne's call would be directed to Gabriel today.

"Hello, this is the Free World Group. How may we help you?" He said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vivienne was already at work before the man on the phone answered. Using her ability, she manipulated the data through her phone's network, along with a handy tech app that Delvin downloaded into her phone. If the man were to check back to see who's calling, he'd see Belinda Savante, an up and coming lawyer, soccer mom of the year, and avid baker calling. "Well hello there sugar! Boy, you sound cute!" she said in a disguised southern accent, "I'm afraid I got some bad news for you busy types over there. I'm going to have to visit and see your offices. Seems like there's been a booboo over there recently and someone made a call to human resources. They don't expect anything to come of it of course, baby, but you know how it goes. I just need to check some things and I'll be out of your hair. I imagine you can run this by your boss. Tell them to expect me in a week or so, toodles!" she hung up before the man could get any more questions out. She hated using an accent, it killed her throat, but she had to sell the role. She went on to the app and created the necessary tools in case they searched for Belinda Savante: some social media pages, a bakery blog, and a dating profile (poor Belinda just couldn't find love!). Now came the easy part: shopping!


After making the necessary purchases to turn her into Belinda, she headed towards the nearest tram to make her way to Atlanta. Another job needed to be done and she wanted to leave the city before she made her way over to Free World. The message was interesting. Two Chinese Dragons. It wasn't a hard message to crack, but it was one that was rarely, if ever, used anymore. They needed two laptops with the necessary tech to prevent themselves from being caught. The clients ranged from a variety of sorts, she expected it was a man who didn't want anyone to know he was looking at porn, or something of that nature. She didn't much care, she was getting paid.

The location wasn't in a public place, thankfully. She held the laptops in a black case, just like the movies. She knew the rules: don't look at anyone, but don't be suspicious. In the movies, the person making the drop was always looking around, wearing dark shades, and appeared to be up to no good. Instead, she wore a red trenchcoat, black skirt, and pumps. Just an average woman about the town.

She got to the location and sat down and dropped the package under the seat. She waited a few more minutes before she got up and went about her way. She got on her phone and sent a reply back, an anime panda giving a thumbs up. Her trademark for a job done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cas parkours his way to the park, leaping and swinging from one roof top to the next. Even though he considers this the most efficient way to track down people, he is now seriously considering buying an alternative mode of transportation, just to get him closer to destinations.This leaping and swinging takes an additional 20 minutes and leaves him very irritated. Pausing on a roof overlooking the park, he studies the area looking for any possible hiding places for the criminal. He spots a groundkeeper's shed and nods. His detention is now the shed. With a graceful leap, he leaps off of the roof and lands onto the ground. Keeping his hand on his holstered gun he makes his way to the shed. He pauses before slowly placing his hand upon the door his other hand on his gun ready for anything. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem afraid, just extremely cautious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jordy0403>
<Snipped quote by Camerch>

"Normally there may be as she has never been careful about that kind of thing. However, her personal guards have always been extremely careful about that sort of thing." He said, "We will have to find out the old-fashioned way. To begin with, you will be tailing her. I know where she might be, and you three have the right skills to make this work."

"Alright! I'm in...." Sean answered sitting up in the chair he sat in looking at the floor. He was thinking about purposely screwing the mission up but it held to great of a weight on the bosses head. "What are her current locations and don't think I'll be playing the leader role either." He looked in Thomas direction. "I believe Thomas is experienced enough to lead a three man team." Sean grinned mentioning his last statement. Causing unnecessary damage was a specialty of his, well not completely unnecessary. The last he lost it was for a respectable reason. No one simply knocks Sean over and cause him to waist coffee. The person he raged hell on was luckily Sean wasn't out for blood after the muder of his defenseless coffee. Sean relaxed back in the chair awaiting the boss, Ryan and Thomas responses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Camerch
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Camerch Likely Sleeping

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A tailing mission. Breaker considered the other two. Ryan was a good pick for a tail. He's pretty inconspicuous and could easily blend into a crowd. Sean, on the other hand, was a bit of an oddball. He wasn't exactly the most discreet person around, so he'd be better off staying somewhere where his antics would be mitigated. Breaker still didn't get why those two were chosen rather than, say, two other spies, but that wasn't his decision to make, apparently.

"Well," Breaker sighed, "it's a start, I suppose." He leaned forward in his chair and looked at his boss. "Fine. Let's see what we're dealing with here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Inside the shed...

Surprisingly, the inside of the groundskeeper's shed was devoid of anything, save for a table, a laptop linked to a wireless router and a balding man in his late 30s. He had not yet noticed Castyel as he was fixated on the laptop. Whatever he was doing it was clearly not producing results as the man was only growing frustrated with each second.

"Respond, damn it!" He shouted, slamming his hands onto the table.

He had thought it his infiltration had been a success. He thought he'd be the one to wipe the Ganze corp. record with a successful corporate espionage, but they had known all along. He hadn't even just been forced to run, they gave him his only option and told him that it would be futile. He hadn't even presented even a small challenge for them, they were making it harder for themselves to catch him.

"Damn it all!" He shouted again.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and a lab-coat strutted down the corridor with confidence. His facial expression was neutral, but he was ecstatic.

I did it! He thought, I'm the first one to succeed!

He had stolen data on Ganze corp.'s newest project, the Gigaton arm! He had seen a prototype in action and it was rather impressive. It wasn't very much bigger than a normal arm but it packed a lot of power. Of course the corporation he was working for wouldn't be able to make it wholesale. The Gigaton arm had already been advertised so another corporation creating the same thing would be seen as suspicious. But they could incorporate it into their battle droids to give them a significant boost in power.

He allowed a smile to grow on his lips. Maybe now the could rise up once again. Ganze corp. has tolen their spotlight for long enough, it was time to show them who the original technology giants were...

"Mr. Brown, there's a delivery for you." A voice suddenly said.

He whipped around to see Alto Ganze's secretary?

"A delivery?" He said, trying to calm his heart.

"Yes, the package has no return address but it does mention that it's from a friend. Have you been expecting such a package?" She said.

"Ah yes, I was." He replied.

This must have been the 'help' his corporation was sending him. They said they would aid his escape from the inside to his escape vehicle on the outside.

"Excellent. We usually incinerate unknown packages. You never know what lengths some corporations will go to to steal our data," She said casually. "Please follow me."

Immediately alarm bells set off in his mind. They couldn't know, could they? He was sure he had been careful enough. But he had to follow or else he was just confirming the fact that he was a spy. He started to follow her while keeping his expression neutral.

"Why are you overseeing the delivery?" He asked, "Aren't you Mr. Ganze's personal secretary?"

"Yes, and it was Mr. Ganze himself that told me to oversee the delivery." She replied.

His stomach fell. They knew.

"Now now, Mr. Brown, there is no chance for you to escape if you don't follow me." She said.

She continued to walk forward as he looked around desperately for an escape. However, he was in the underground section of Ganze corp. meaning there was only one way in or out. He had no choice but to keep following her. As he passed other workers, most of them looked away and hurried past, but some gave knowing smirks. They reached an elevator flanked by bodyguards and entered with the bodyguards in tow. The secretary inserted a keycard into a slot on the navigation panel and the elevator sped off.

Eventually the elevator came to a halt. The doors opened into a large hangar-like room, at the center of which... was his escape vehicle. A giant mechanical octoped with a completely protected cockpit. The intention was to make the octoped appear and terrorize the city slightly. Even if he had been discovered on his way out it wasn't likely that anyone would think the escapee would be making such a big ruckus.

"A tracking device has been fitted onto it, Mr. Brown. We are very close to street level." The Secretary said. He pressed a button on the elevator panel and the doors started to close with him on the other side. "I suggest you start running now, Mr. Brown."

Castyel had the choice of what to do this time. His only orders were to make sure that no one received the stolen data. The data in question was in a hard drive attached to the laptop. Clearly the man was having some kind of trouble, perhaps Castyel could grill him for information first.

Free World Group

"Uhhhh, what?" Gabriel said.

Certainly not a prank call but certainly one of the most strange calls he'd ever received. He quickly typed away at his computer to check the caller's ID, and it was... Belinda Savante? Had they had a security contract with her? There was a protocol which said that suspicious calls were to be reported, but Ms. Sefia had come up to him personally once and told him to inform her whenver a strange call asked for her personally...

"Well, let's hope it's real." He muttered.

He took out his personal phone and typed out a message for Ms. Sefia.

Sender: Somme, Gabriel
Receiver: Allens, Sefia

I got a call from someone called Belinda Savante, she said she's coming in a week or so. It was kind of... really... weird.

He pressed send, and somewhere across the city, she received.

"Oh, this sounds interesting." Sefia said.

She looked down at the new message. It sounded rather promising. Whoever sent it was using someone who would be considered inconspicuous at first, but when you realized it was essentially a normal mother calling for the CEO of a security company, you would think something was amiss.

"Where shall we go next, mistress?" A gruff voice said.

The gruff voice was one of her personal bodyguards which she always took with her when she was going out. She took another bite of her hotdog as she walked.

"Hmmm, maybe some ice-cream?" She said casually.

She had to say, she did enjoy her 12 year old form the most. She could eat to her heart's content because her metabolism when she was 12 had been unusually fast. She knew that Ivan, the head of staff would be making his move sooner or later. She left behind a paper trail for them to follow, so if they had the right people they would find her. Tailing her was going to be the hard part. Her bodyguards would notice unusual behaviour so whoever was tailing her would need to be able to blend in with daily life well.

"Let's see how it goes." She said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Castyel silently enters the shed. Once fully inside, he quietly closes and locks the door behind him. With a small shake of his head he leans against the door. "looks like you have a problem" his voice is empty of emotion even though the comment is dry and sarcastic. In one hand is his high tech gun, the other remains at his side. Even with this position he seems completly relaxed, as if the man in front of him poses no threat. The reality is, that if the man makes a wrong move cas is able to swing up the gun and shoot if need be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Letter Bee and TheUnknowable))

Fast Forward

When most people step off the ship on the moon they are immediately struck with a bit of culture shock. Unlike the cities of Earth, there is a distinct lack of police or military presence. Instead, most people were armed, some armored. There were people wandering the streets that you would only find in the seediest parts of the cities of Earth, with people offering goods and "services" that would land you in prison if you were caught. Just off of the debarkation area there were many businesses to cater to the needs and desires of people of Earth, everything from a gun and armor store, to restaurants, to and electronics store, to a bar, to a chem store, to a brothel. The later three had bouncers to keep out underage customers, though.

"Here is your expense card." said Sanya, handing him a plastic card. "The exchange rate is thirty US Dollars to one Lunar Credit, or LC, in case you are interested in knowing how much you are actually spending. That doesn't exactly reflect the quality of life difference, as it is based on the sale and transport price of titanium and aluminum, but it is close enough. Is there any where you want to go first?"

"Guns first, then groceries and electronics; I want to know the quality of goods sold in Tranquility City; then after that, I want to go to a restaurant - I'd love Filipino Food - and of course, a public library, where I plan to spend an hour or two. Then, we can go on to the LunaCorp headquarters." To tell the truth, Mikhail was fascinated by the glitz and glamor of the spaceport...but even more so by the fluctuations of hope that seemed to be a constant in the city; despite the abundance of armor, the murder rate seemed to be high, judging from the flashes of hope that got cut off in a split-second.

Either way, after Mikhail had sampled what Tranquility City had to offer (as well as made private observations of local customs, attitudes, and way of life), he would then head to the base, having had fun.

"The Library is part of the Lunar App, a program that is freely available to anyone who visits the moon or connects to our website. I can download it into any electronic device you want, if you wish. There are book stores if you wish to purchase physical copies, including rare original copies. Moving them here from Earth greatly increases the cost. The guns, however, are this way."

She lead him to the gun store across the street, where there were both old style firearms and newer energy weapons available. The grocery store had mostly raw or lightly-processed foods, as heavily processed foods, like on Earth, would have significantly added to the cost. The food was a bit cheaper than that of the major cities of Earth despite the fact that the nutrients and air had to be artificially produced, because they were able to use robots to do the labor and it was produced locally, removing most of the shipping costs. The electronic store contained devices similar to Earth's in the lower price range, as Lunacorp produced them locally as well, but the Earth made products were significantly higher in price due to shipping costs. Not that that mattered to most of the customers, as the Earth goods weren't significantly better than the local products.

There were three Philipino restaurants within one kilometer of their location; Lunacorp recruited from around the planet, making it quite authentic. Sanya took him to the nearest one, as she was unable to taste anything and their online reviews were all approximately equal at eight to nine stars out of ten for quality. Low quality restaurants didn't tend to last long due to the competition.

When they were done, she called for a vehicle from HQ lead him to the Lunacorp headquarters across town. "If you have experienced enough of the city for now, I can escort you to the medical research branch or the corporate building, depending on if you wish to begin research or speak with Mr. Natsumoto first."

"Let's begin research," Mikhail said, having had his backpack filled with new purchases, and also clad now in armor made of new, lightweight, but still exceedingly strong polymers; he was going to have it and most of the more reliable/advanced guns reverse-engineered once he got back to the US.

"Also, Mr. Natusmoto's childhood friends seemed nice," Mikhail was sincere. Tranquility City has its own strengths and weaknesses, it seems. But what's certain is that by itself, it isn't a threat. His mood then shifted as he stared at Sayna:

"Will they really not do anything bad to me; the doctors, I mean?" The boy sought confirmation of what he already knew.

"No harm will come to you," she responded, though without the emotional facial movements one would expect from someone trying to reassure a scared person. "You probably see us as an evil corporation that is only out to make a profit, but companies with such ideas are extremely short sighted. Humans look out for each other, and react to how you treat others. If they were to mistreat you in any way, other Superhumans would be weary of dealing with them, and people would boycott their products.

Mr. Nasumoto isn't a cruel man, either, and wouldn't stand for his employees mistreating customers or other employees anyway. All they do to most Supers they examine are a few electronic scans and a blood and tissue sample. They may also wish for you to demonstrate your abilities, so that they can get scans of your powers in action, but they won't force anything on your against your will."

Once his questions had been answered, she lead him to the medical research building and introduced him to Dr. Kwan, a middle-aged woman in charge of the research into Super-powers.

"Hello," said Dr. Kwan. "We can get started as soon as you wish." She motioned to a vertical scanner, one that you could stand up in. "Just remove any metal or conductive objects you are carrying and step into the scanner."

Mikhail was obedient, removing his watch, discarding his backpack, and keeping only his armor on; he was someone who underneath said armor, didn't need any belt.

Dr. Kwan activated the device, which glowed a dull yellow light, and it began spinning. After fifteen seconds a scan of him appeared on the screen. "Ok, now, if you could use your abilities so that I can get a scan of your abilities in action, that would be good."

A nod, and Mikhail then conjured up a blue ball of energy, which he began bouncing around on his hand. He then, after making the decision to be honest, changed the color of said ball to white, then to a rubbery red that looked every bit like a normal ball. After that, he dispelled it.

"Anything more?" he asked, now more at ease.

"No, that was good." Dr. Kwan answered, "I didn't know you had that much control over your ability. Tell me, how much Hope did you feel you needed to do what you did?"

"A small amount," the boy responded. "Basically, something I can supply with only my own feelings, and even then, only...0.05 percent, although this is only a conjecture as I'm not good at Math. Actually, with my own hope, on an average day, I can probably create a construct the size of this room, including filling in empty space. Perhaps more when adrenaline is flowing." Mikhail decided that he liked Dr. Kwan already, something that only the Government's own Chief Doctor, Julia MacReady, managed to do until now.

"Very interesting," she said. "It doesn't seem like your ability is anywhere near as energy intensive as the Fear ability we studied, though perhaps Hope is simply more powerful than Fear? Regardless, I can think of three technologies we could create based on these scans, though two of them may take a few weeks of R&D before we can prototype them. The Hope sensor, however, is just a matter of altering the Fear sensor we've already developed. I can show you the prototype tomorrow, if you like." She then looked at Sanya. "Could you come over here and download the data? I'm sure Mr. Natsumoto would like to see the results." She looked back at Mikhail. "They are very exciting."

Sanya walked over and picked up a cable from the console, plugging it into the back of her head. "Certainly," she said, "It will only take a minute."

"You're a robot?" Mikhail asked. "That is awesome." It appears that Mr. Natsumoto is quite smart, considering the implications.

"Interesting," said Sanya. "Most people would assume I was a cyborg, though I assume that you didn't because such implants are illegal in the United States, and similar, legal models are only available to people with prosthetic limbs. Yes, I'm an Android, though my lack of emotion and occasional lag in processing would likely frighten or concern people, so Natsumoto Industries hasn't yet begun mass production." She unplugged the cable, as the scans were finished being downloaded. "Now, if you will grab your stuff, I'll take you to see Mr. Nasumoto.

@RoflsMazoy, @TheUnknowable
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Castyel silently enters the shed. Once fully inside, he quietly closes and locks the door behind him. With a small shake of his head he leans against the door. "looks like you have a problem" his voice is empty of emotion even though the comment is dry and sarcastic. In one hand is his high tech gun, the other remains at his side. Even with this position he seems completly relaxed, as if the man in front of him poses no threat. The reality is, that if the man makes a wrong move cas is able to swing up the gun and shoot if need be.

"You!" The man said, whipping around in surprise. "Ganze corp. sent you, didn't they?!"

He jerked the hard drive out of the computer and started to wave it around his head.

"I won't let you have it, as long as I'm alive!" He shouted.
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