Oh, that's how you meant it. I thought you meant using it to connect a Mata/Nuva head to an Okoto shouldermount, which I did not see happening. Ah, I see. Well, not much we can do then. Maybe if the art we make of this gets enough traction, people will just MOC our characters anyway and we won't have to.Haha, jk. Yeah, a 3D printer would be cool, but unless you have a well moneyed uncle or were born into a rich family, or somehow got a whole lot of money, it's more of a pipe dream.
Also, Windicator, could you please add the Matoran main characters that have appeared in the IC to your CS's Relationship section?
And while I'd really like to make a party RPG out of this, programs I use mostly only allow up to four characters in a party. Some can be modified to do so, but not the one that has default side-view battling. The ones that can be modified can have side view battling, but I feel like managing the graphics for that (as it would be replacing numbers and file names in a code-like script) would be a pain. And one of them has this unique battle style where the player characters have portraits on their respective part of the menu, and the monsters are also seen from head-on. Other programs are simply first-person style, in which enemies are meant to be displayed in a head on manner.