Name: Tsukiko Yuushiro (formerly known as Tsukiko Ikushirou)
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: She is the mysterious amnesiac silver haired girl who is the sister of Shinrei Ikushirou. It appears she has forgotten a lot about her past, but the reasons behind that is yet unknown. She has shown herself to be an existential nihilist who acts normally so that she can shield her true self from others. Tsukiko's existential nihilist nature or loss of the value of life has toward her can be directly related toward her past and the events that occurred during it. The lack of acknowledgement from her brother can also be seen as a contributing factor toward this. The girl not only has given up thinking life has any value, but she has also shown a strong dislike for love, faith and hope. All important family values that keep families together and henceforth why her family is so divided and lost in disarray.
These factors contribute toward her attitude and demeanor which many people have seen various changes in her attitude though it also has given every person who has been around her a different opinion about her completely. Some have seen the light whereas others have seen the dark. These parts of her are key components to actually understanding the true nature which makes up Tsukiko though few have come to understand this and have fallen victim to her deceit. This deceit is making others think she actually wants to be friends with them. Most have seen this hard shell she tries to utilize for a real personality and because of this her attitude is still seen to change on the fly because of the fact it isn't her true self, but it has been revealed that she has a strong resentment toward the opposite sex for reasons unknown making her a misandry. Her true nature is far more cold than the exterior she uses to prevent her inside emotions from escaping from within her. Anyone that has fallen victim to these web of lies is usually absorbed into her sadistic nature of wanting to toy with their minds. She will drive those into trusting her then she will crush that trust by deceiving them in the worst possible scenario. She may come off as friendly and willing to acknowledge other people, but it's all just a ploy. You are not her actual friend or acquaintance if you happen to fall prey to this pretend version of herself.
While she does control her strong hatred which would make her want to destroy objects in front of her to alleviate her suffering, she does not openly admit that she has fallen into complete despair. Most students have witnessed the normal version of herself which is actually disguised and this was first witnessed with Ben who managed to tear deep into her mask and actually find the light that still remained in her heart. Despite the fact she denies the fact any light of hope remains it has been witnessed first hand with Ben that there is a dim light which still shines bright in her heart.
Tsukiko appears to be a girl with two different personalities which is not the truth. Her sides though are still respectively divided off so that her complicated personality can easily be more understood. These sides have been divided into one as light and the other as darkness. Where she may look like her personality has two sides like a coin, in actuality all of those parts of her are just plain old Tsukiko arisen by various changes. Changes can be how you approach her to what actions you use to get her to acknowledge you.
As she has shown toward Ben her hatred which surfaced below all of her defenses to keep it hidden. Her true self is influenced by how someone approaches her. If they try to at least understand her the light within her will show. If they try to pry and force their way into her equation then her darkness starts to show. When her light shows she's more reasonable and understanding. When her dark shows she is cold, selfish, disrespectful, sharp tongued and sometimes even sadistic depending on your approach. Questions loom around this girl as many ask why she looks so gloomy and why her eyes look like they are full of sadness but are so dry that they are blood red. This girl does not believe in love and hates friends or anyone trying to form any kind of bond or relationship with Ben being the only exception. Everyone else is unimportant and she wishes all that are the male community would disappear and never return. She also feels like her brother has abandoned her and resents her for some reason that she cannot even think of which contributes to her current state of insanity. She has a strong obsession for crushing the will and confidence of others which is all part of her sadistic alleviation toward easing her suffering. She uses the pain she causes others to make herself feel better which sometimes brings on a very twisted evil looking cold smile like she saw on her brother earlier.
Tsukiko is trained in martial arts which she uses toward her own personal benefit. Mostly to vent her anger by destroying objects by performing the arts to keep them honed through practice sessions she calls them. In reality, she is just trying to find something to take her frustration out on. She also is known to have a bad tendency to whack people over the head with her trusty paper fan, particularly her brother and father when they irritate her. She also has been known to slap people when she is furious though as experienced with Angelo if you push her even further a slap might be the least of your worries.
History: Tsukiko is the twin sister the Shinrei. She is also from the wealthy Ikushirou family. Her mother and father wanted her to follow in the footsteps of her mother who is a professional model, but she has gained an interest in dueling cards ever since she saw her brother's first duel when she was only eight years old. She followed her brother while he was on the World Dueling Circuit dueling the top duelists in the world. Idolizing her brother she one day wanted to duel just as good as he did when he used his old deck.
As she grew into her teenage years, Tsukiko grew even closer to her brother and would never leave his side attending every tournament he had participated in. She was there to support her brother in every one of his matches in the World Circuit until it came down to the finals. In a duel before the finals, she witnessed her brother summoning a very powerful creature which attacked his opponent, but the monster didn't stop and tried to attack the crowd. His sister stood in the way and was severely injured by the monster. The monster disappeared but Tsukiko was knocked unconscious after his duel. Fearing for his sister's safety he immediately left the arena and stayed by her side in the hospital. He withdrew from the finals and the World Circuit to care for his sister which angered his father.
Tsukiko was in a coma for several months until she finally recovered. She noticed her brother blamed himself for her getting hurt. After she recovered she followed her brother out to the sea. Despite his cards responding to him he tossed them into the sea which caught her by total surprise. Tsukiko immediately jumped into the water and recovered all his cards, but when she tried to return them to Shinrei he just knocked them out of her hand which caused her to slap him very hard across the face when she got up from him knocking her down. She picked up his cards again and decided to hold onto them for him. She knew one day he would use them again.
Tsukiko decided to enroll in the Duel Tower to learn how to use her brother's cards so that she could one day get him to use them again. She knew how important they are to him and that his favorite cards were in her possession. She decided she would use at least his favorite cards from his deck and build a deck around those cards. Unfortunately she could only choose seven of his cards from his deck and had to use other cards to complete it with. Selecting seven of those cards she left along with her brother onto the Duel Tower Academy where new challenges awaited them both.
Biography update:
Tsukiko's visit so far to Duel Tower has been an unpleasant experience for her. Her first duel against Michelle she made several mistakes which her brother pointed out to her where she could have tip the balance of the duel in her favor had she played it differently. When Angelo approached the girl something sparked inside of her which was full of pure hatred. That unpleasant side of her remained with her even during the next day. She was very rude to a lot of the students who talked to her. But her day was turned upside down when the academy was attacked and her brother didn't show up for class.
She pursued the individual only to be abducted and spirited away toward the downstairs by a duelist named Shiyura who she confronted. At first glance she already knew she didn't like the guy who tried to play her for a fool to lead her to believe he was her friend giving her advice that she should stop using her Void Dragon cards. Unsuccessful, he left her with a warning where she returned to Duel Tower noticing it was no longer on lockdown. On her march upstairs she ran into the duelist who made her feel uncomfortable by his unpleasant aura around him Vincent who challenged her to a duel. His deck was too strong for her to face despite it had one severe weakness to it. She collapsed when her dragon was banished where she left Vincent thinking about the words she said toward him. He managed to free her from the negative influence that grasp at her body where she was about to return to her room to recover.
She decided to challenge Haas which she knew she could defeat. Despite her playing her strategy so well she made one fatal mistake which was setting her Compulsory Evacuation Device Trap Card which could have allowed her to activate her Psychic Shockwave Trap Card to counter Haas Trap Card Acid Trap Hole. This would have allowed her to summon Jinzo which would have blocked his Trap Card. Tsukiko lost her monster twice before she could ever use it in battle which has had a devastating effect on her psyche and morale. First time two times against Vincent and once against Haas where a strong animosity has built up inside her which is starting to dislike and distrust the two. The fact she didn't surrender and allowed her own Spell Card to cause her to commit duel suicide didn't help either. Despite hiding it in front of Haas, she was furious about losing. Not the fact she lost to him, rather the way she lost to him which was what her family considered a disgrace. Like those before her, like Syrus and Zane Truesdale she also fell victim to the reckless abandon nature of the Power Bond Spell Card. While the effect is great in all, it can have a devastating outcome which can lose the duel for the user if they aren't careful.
After the devastating loss and returning to her room, she has convinced herself both her and her cards are worthless. This was demonstrated when she threw the cards at her wall without the regard of how that could actually damage them. Also suffering from the fear that she has convinced herself that her brother will toss her out like yesterday's trash thinking how disgraceful her loss to Haas was and the fact she would have to face students who would have mixed opinions about such a blunder she made during the duel with Haas. Though no one saw the duel so they probably don't even know about the loss aside from the brass.
Tsukiko after two days of being depressed finally reveals herself into public once again though her face is nearly completely covered where her eyes are only visible. She wears a black cloak with a muffler like hood which prevents people from seeing most of her face and her hair is tucked into the hood so it is out of sight. She also wears a red plaited skirt along with black thigh highs worn underneath her long black boots. The only noticeable skin is her thighs and part of her face. She hardly eats though she is still polite, kind and sweet around people who think they deserve it she tends to avoid people for some unknown reason. She recently received DNA Surgery in a trade with her brother who also gave her Overload Fusion awhile back for her Magic Jammer. She traded him both Chimeratech Overdragon and Exchange of the Spirit for his DNA Surgery. Losing interest in Void Dragon, Tsukiko has taken interest in her two new finest Fusion monsters Chrysantheum, The Spell Breaker Dragon and Retsugrata, The Trap Buster Dragon. Despite losing interest in the Void Dragon cards she continues to use them regardless.
She reveals her plans to change her last name to Yuushiro which is her mother's maiden name and has disposed of any photos that contained her father in them. She has cast away her Ikushirou name severing her ties with that family completely. Despite this, Shinrei and his company continue to pay for her tuition regardless. She is currently going by the nickname Moon Child or Tsukiko. She is now known as the Princess of Darkness.
Her current goal is to achieve an advanced summon known as Fusion Xyz where she overlays two fusion monsters into a force to be reckoned with. Extra note, despite becoming friends with Haas, she has had little contact with him after her loss. Nobody knows why Tsukiko is acting like the way she is right now and so the mystery continues.
Favorite Card/Archetype or theme: Chrysantheum, The Spell Breaker Dragon/Tri-Fusion Dragons
Least Favorite Card/Archetype or theme: Void Twin Dragon
Chosen Courses: Standard Dueling/Fusion Summon
Chosen Structure Deck: Dawn of the Black and Twilight Chaos Dragons
Custom Structure Deck List:
3X Void Dragon
1X Dragonic Guard
1X Element Dragon
2X Blowback Dragon
2X Drillago
3X Cyber Phoenix
1X Jinzo
2X Eclipse Wyvern
2X Mirage Dragon
1X Card Trooper
1X Exploder Dragon
1X Twin-Headed Behemoth
1X Proto-Cyber Dragon
1X Cyber Kirin
2x The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion
1X Limiter Removal
1X Overload Fusion
2X Polymerization
1X Power Bond
1X Dark Hole
1X Flash Fusion
1X De-Fusion
1X Different Dimension Capsule
1X Iron Call
1X Cybernetic Fusion Support
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Creature Swap
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Compulsory Evacuation Device
1X Rope of Life
1X Trap of Board Eraser
1X Forced Requisition
1X Psychic Shockwave
1X Quantum Cat
1X Trap Jammer
1X DNA Surgery
Chosen Pack: N/A
Current deck:
3X Void Dragon
1X Dragonic Guard
1X Element Dragon
2X Blowback Dragon
2X Drillago
3X Cyber Phoenix
1X Jinzo
2X Eclipse Wyvern
2X Mirage Dragon
1X Card Trooper
1X Exploder Dragon
1X Twin-Headed Behemoth
1X Proto-Cyber Dragon
1X Cyber Kirin
2x The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion
1X Limiter Removal
2X Polymerization
1X Power Bond
1X Dark Hole
1X Flash Fusion
1X De-Fusion
1X Different Dimension Capsule
1X Iron Call
1X Cybernetic Fusion Support
1X Overload Fusion
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
1X Creature Swap
1X Mirror Force
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Compulsory Evacuation Device
1X Rope of Life
1X Trap of Board Eraser
1X Forced Requisition
1X Psychic Shockwave
1X Quantum Cat
1X Trap Jammer
1X DNA Surgery
2X Void Twin Dragon
2X Void End Dragon
1X Retsugrata, The Trap Buster Dragon
1X Chrysantheum, The Spell Breaker Dragon
Cyberdark Edge
Attack Reflector Unit
Cyberdark Horn
Grave Robber
Wish List:
Swords of Concealing Light
Nobleman of Crossout
Magician of Faith
Magical Stone Excavation
*Gold Sarcophagus
*Zarathustra, The Ruin Dragon
Call of the Haunted
Cyber Dragon
Neo Dragon
Final Apocalypse Dragon
Pandemonium Twilight Dragon
Wonder Fusion
Malevolent Catastrophe
Magic Jammer
Wall of Revealing Light
Book of Moon
Bottomless Trap Hole
Dimensional Prison
Burial from a Different Dimension
Monster Gate
United We Stand
One for One
Lightning Vortex
Divine Wrath
Monster Gate
Chaos Hunter
Royal Decree
Solemn Warning
*Specter Dragon
Fusion Reload
Treeborn Frog
Ring of Destruction
Negate Attack
*Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Ally of Justice Catastor
Monster Reincarnation
Foolish Burial
Level Limit Area B
Gravity Bind
Axe of Despair
Kaosu, Black Chaos Dragon
*Nephenthal, The Dawn Dragon
Overlay Fusion
*Lightpulsar Dragon
*Darkflare Dragon
*Vampire Dragon
*Decoy Dragon
*Light and Darkness Dragon
*Soul Rope
*Escape from Dark Dimension
*Dark Horus
*Strong Wind Dragon
*Axe Dragonute
*Black Dragon Collapserpent
*White Dragon Wyvernbuster
*Black Metal Dragon
*Blizzard Dragon
*Brightstar Dragon
*Dark Armed Dragon
*Dark End Dragon
*Darkflare Dragon
*Darkstorm Dragon
*Different Dimension Dragon
*Dragon Ice
*Dragonic Knight
*Dread Dragon
*Exploder Dragonwing
*Five-Headed Dragon
*Cyber Larva
*Interdimensional Matter Transporter
*Twin Twisters
*Eos, The Princess of Darkness
*Raigeki Break
*Dragon's Mirror
*Magic Cylinders
Chaos Emissary, Umbra
*Eos, The Princess of the Dawn
*Eve, The Princess of Dusk
Lonefire Blossom
Tytannial, Princess of Camellias
Copy Plant
Night Beam
Galaxy Cyclone
Solemn Strike
Dark Magician of Chaos
Emergency Provisions
Thousand-Eyes Idol
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Points: 17