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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'She's a powerful subject to be sure, but that's what scares me' - unknown scientist

Name: Kat
Project number: Unknown
Sex: Female
Age: 17
King Cobra 5%
Komodo Dragon 10%
Tiger 15%

Appearance Details:

Hair Color: Black, worn long to shoulder height

Skin Tone: White, very pale.

Scars: 3 clawed slash on left forearm, blade slash following the line of her jaw on the right hand side.

Tattoo/Piercings: N/A

Height: 5'6, weight 60kg

Significant Markings: Short Tiger Tail (she can hide it easily with normal clothes). Her eyes also resemble those of a tiger, and each of her index fingers actually has a small retractable claw instead of a normal fingernail.

Tiger Sight: As she possesses the eyes of this apex predator, Kat has excellent long rage vision even in low light conditions.

Tiger Tail: Her tail aids her exceptional agility, she is able to pull off feats of dexterity that few others would be capable of.

Improved hearing: Whilst she doesn't posses the full ears of a tiger Kat has very acute hearing.

Claws: Each of Kat's index fingers lacks a finger nail, instead she has a single retractable tiger claw. However the claw can also be coated with a lethal mix of Cobra and Komodo Dragon venom should she need it. They also help her climbing ability to a degree.

Heightened reflexes: Kat's Cobra DNA gives her lightning fast reflexes, when it comes to quick yet precise movements she's a natural.

Sub-dermal armour: Komodo dragons boast very tough and thick skin that provides them a great deal of protection. Fortunately for Kat though she shares this trait, it manifests below her regular skin.

Personality: Kat is somewhat reclusive by nature, she prefers to act from behind the scenes if at all possible and tries to stay out of the limelight. However she's still a very altruistic individual, she has suffered greatly in her life and doesn't want to see others go through what she has. She is also fiercely loyal, but slow to trust. If she's known you for a while and you've done right by her then you'll find few friends as dedicated as Kat. However she is very distrusting of new comers, don't expect to earn her trust or her friendship easily.

Cold: Having 15% of her DNA from reptiles means that whilst Kat isn't coldblooded she certainly doesn't like the cold and is likely to suffer the affects of extreme cold more acutely.

Light frame: Whilst her sub-dermal armour provides her some measure of protection a powerful impact would do a lot of damage to Kat.

Softly spoken: Kat's vocal chords aren't fully formed, she is capable of speech but only in very quiet tones. If she tries anything louder she can only manage snarls like those of a tiger.

Calculating sentimentalist: Whilst Kat can be very calculating in harsh situations willing to do just about anything in order to protect herself or those she cares about, she takes threats against her friends very seriously. After having lost so much in the past and forming relations slowly she doesn't wish to go through such pain again.

Kat doesn't remember too much of her life at the facility, what she does remember was sparring and weapons training, lessons in survival skills, regular health checks, minimal rations and restless sleep. The pathetic cycle never seemed to end.

However since the escape, Kat has tried to explore the new world she's found herself in. She has found that her innate abilities allow her to hunt and steal with ease so she's been able to get by quite easily. She likes to find vantage points where she can observe human society unobserved in order to learn more.

To this end she's taken up residence in an old church, quite secluded and falling down, on the outskirts of a small town with a rail line to a major city. She's managed to make the basement somewhat habitable, and uses a ledge along one wall to jump onto passing trains in order to visit the city and to return home again.

Weapons practice: She finds the fluid motion of a weapon somewhat comforting in a strange way, it was one of the few things she remembers enjoying back at the facility.
Kindness and altruism: In her observations Kat has noted that some people help others or are kind to them for no other reason than they can be. She doesn't quite know why but she finds this very admirable and tries to do the same, in her own subtle way.
Thievery: Kat's biological makeup disposes her to the art of stealth and thievery. She's become quite the adept pickpocket and burglar, but she tries to only take what she needs to get by nothing more.

Loud noises: Her sensitive hearing leads Kat to dislike very loud noises, she has acclimated to the noise of suburbia but the sound of gunfire, hounds and the like sets her nerves on edge.
Bright lights: Again Kat's superior eyesight means that excessive light can be painful. She's gotten used to the lights of the city, but sudden changes in light such as the activation of spotlights can disorient her.
Bullies, thugs and opportunists: Whilst in her observations Kat has seen some people doing good she's also seen bad. Muggings, intimidation, violence, she has an immense dislike for such practices.

Crushes: Kat did have one crush back at the facility, there was another girl about her age who shared her cell block. She had bright green eyes that Kat used to just get lost in, the two never spoke however as the green eyed girl had no vocal chords. One day Kat staggered back into her block to find the cage that usually contained the green eyed girl was gone. Kat never discovered what happened to her, but hopes that one day she might find her again.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Equipment: Kat still wears the black leather jumpsuit she had at the facility, she usually wears a long trench coat over the top of it these days as well as a matching hood and sun glasses if she has to enter crowds. She also has a pair of swords in her possession, she found these at the church and they reminded her of weapons used at the facility. Thus she has practiced with them extensively and is rather confident with them. Lastly Kat stole a 10mm pistol and some ammo from a thug she tracked home, she doesn't like using the weapon but she'll use it with some skill if pushed.

Relations: Dolor, friend/dependent. Kat does her best to look after Dolor, however she knows that certain parts of his personality aren't acceptable she tries to give him the benefit of the doubt. She hopes that as he matures he might grow out of some of his more, vindictive habits.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Only the foolish tempt fate by trying to wake a sleeping bear."

Name: Bernard
Project Number: TBA
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Species: 91% Human, 9% Black Bear

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Amber
Skin tone: Fair
Scars: One major scar across his face, from above his right eye down to the left side of his jaw. Numerous small scars across his back and the backs of his arms that resemble claw marks. Scars around his ankles and wrists show where they have been rubbed raw countless times by shackles.
Tattoos/Piercings: None.
Height/Weight: 6’2”, 210lbs
Significant Markings: Bernard's eyes reflect light in a way similar to many nocturnal predators. His finger and toenails are black like claws, and his canine teeth are sharper and more prominent than the average human. The palms of his hands are rough and calloused.
Abilities/Mutations: Due to the animal DNA he posseses, Bernard has much higher bone and muscle density than the average human. This makes him very durable, as well as capable of incredible feats of strength. He can also see better in the dark than most humans, though he can't see color in minimal-light situations. His fingernails appear to be thicker than average, and taper slightly like claws.

Personality: Bernard is a level-headed individual, choosing his words and actions with care. Overall, his direct manner makes him come off as rather blunt and to the point. He follows his heart, and is quite stubborn once he has chosen his path. Though his primary loyalty is ultimately to himself, he still makes a dependable friend and ally.

Though it takes a lot to get under his skin or piss him off, an angry Bernard is not a pretty sight. He is prone to violent rages, throwing caution to the wind as he loses himself in the primal anger. Friend or foe matters not when he truly needs to vent, though certain people or trigger memories are known snap him out of it. More often than not, Bernard becomes extremely withdrawn for quite some time after such an outburst.

Weaknesses: He hits like a truck, but Bernard lacks maneuverability. If someone knows how to get into his head they may be able to trigger and end his rages seeming at will. Though he is far less likely to be manipulated once angry, he is equally more likely to hurt his friends in the process.

Biography: The majority of Bernard's time within the facility consisted of tests of strength an endurance. Whether that meant long fights or the endless lifting of weights, he was constantly pushed to exhaustion. He did little more than eat, sleep, work, and train. All the lessons he learned here he took to heart, especially those about human nature he got only from observation.

Outside the facility, Bernard went his own way and put his animal nature to work for him. His gruff demeanor pushed most humans away with ease, which suited him just fine. He survived on the edges of society by scavenging for food and when he had the opportunity, hunting. Wary of humans as a whole, he tends to stick to lightly populated or abandoned areas near woodland. When his hunger is sated and he is not sleeping, he can often be found wandering aimlessly, in search of someone else like him to end the lonely silence. He regrets leaving the others after the escape, but knows not how to find any of them.

Likes: Red meat, green apples, honey, storms, long walks through the woods, and sleep.
Dislikes: Needless violence, being woken up, hot weather, "rabbit food," crowds, large open spaces.
Crush(es): TBA
Relationships: TBA
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darkwolfsoul010
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Darkwolfsoul010 The Forgotten

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“If her Frenzy gets any worse, we might lose more than just a few guards!”

Name: Gina
Project Number: TBA
Sex: Female
Age: 22
80% Human
13% Great White Shark
7% Coyote

Appearance Details
Hair color: White/Grey
Eye color: Bright Yellow
Skin tone: Olive
One massive scar running down her left leg starting at her hip all the way until her calf, from one of the tests. Her left wrist is made up of messy scars, after one particularly rough experiment, she tried to bite her hand off to get away from the guards.
Tattoos/Piercings: She has the number 004 tattooed above her collar bone.
Height/Weight: 5’3” 135 lbs
Significant Markings:
Gina has two long, pointed down ears that are frilled at the edges. There is a fine layer of skin that protects the opening of her ears from water and high amounts of pressure. The three incision like marks on each side of her neck are her gills. Her mouth is filled with two rows of extremely sharp teeth. Her hands are webbed slightly, and each fingernail is a sharp claw.

Shark DNA: Gina’s skin is extremely smooth as she has no body hair and it is much thicker than normal human skin, however it feels much like regular skin would. She can see underwater and in the dark, but her eyesight is average indoors and very poor in bright areas. Gina’s gills do not allow her to breath underwater, but they do allow her to stay under water for hours at a time. Her webbed hands allow for very fast swimming, but very poor dexterity on land. Her Shark DNA allows her to pack a massive punch and she’s very strong for short bursts of time. She uses her mouth full of sharp teeth to her advantage, and is not scared of fighting dirty.
Coyote DNA: Although the physical aspects of this gene are minimal, the coyote DNA does add some abilities. She is incredibly fast and flexible on land, and can run at the same speed for long distances. Her sense of smell cannot be beat.

Unstable Characteristics:
Frenzy: If Gina smells even the slightest hint of blood, her pupils dilate and there is no telling to what she might to. An insatiable hunger arises inside of her, and she will fight at all costs to have just one taste of blood. During her frenzy her abilities are magnified, and she cannot control herself.

Despite the animals that she’s spliced with, Gina is actually a very kind and outgoing soul. After escaping the institute, she developed an incredible love for nature and a hatred for humans that seek to destroy it. She loves to laugh and sing, often breaking out into song halfway through a sentence. Her past has however, come back to haunt her more than once. Gina is prone to dreaming about her past ordeals, and once she remembers the things she’s been through, she spirals into an uncontrollable depression. Her appearance has made her required to hide from the general population, and Gina gets incredibly lonely. She can often be found talking to herself or to inanimate objects to try and create company for herself.

Hands: Although her hands help her move fast underwater, she struggles with mundane tasks on the surface. Gripping a cup or tying a rope take extreme focus from her, and often take many tries until she does it successfully. Grabbing onto poles and climbing trees are out of the question.
Frenzy: She is incredibly scared to become attached to anyone, for fear of hurting them in one of her rages.
Bright lights: Gina is near blind if the sun is too bright, or if the lighting changes very suddenly.
Short Stamina: Gina can move incredibly fast, and is very agile for short spurts at a time. Once she exerts her energy, she must rest to regain it. Unless she is in a frenzy of course.
Never Ending Hunger: Always always always hungry. While this is mostly a discomfort for her, it can also make her very cranky and hearing her stomach growl can send normal people run in fear.

Gina remembers one test, and one test only. The drowning rat test. Trapped inside an underwater maze, she had until her air ran out to find her escape. Every day they made her retake the test, and every day they changed the walls of the maze to confuse her. If she got tired, the guards would send in dark creatures to bite at her feet and back, but she never saw what they looked like.

Once she had escaped, Gina spent a long time trying to find a home for herself. Despite her desperate attempts, Gina could not find anyone that she had once shared cells with. She couldn’t find anyone to connect to or to talk to or to be with. So she isolated herself, and watched the world go by without her. In a small lake, about half a mile from any nearby towns, and surrounded by shrubs and woodlands, she made her home.

Food, Poetry, Songs, Animals, Plants, Flowers, Long skirts, Beaches, Food again, People.
Dislikes: Yelling, Bright lights, lighting, Fire, Guns, Fishing
Crush(es): She will most likely develop a crush on anyone that takes the time to talk to her.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"There is a thin line between human and beast, and I'm right on top of it." ~ Fury

Name: Fury
Project Number:
Will be assigned after the character is finished
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Species: Bengal Tiger 30%

Appearance Details
Hair color: Orange/Black striped fur, blond hair on top of his head.
Skin tone: White
Scars: None
Tattoos/Piercings: None
Height/Weight: 1,90 meters / 80 kg
Significant Markings: Pretty muscular built, orange fur with black stripes spread over his body and, a tail (about half a meter long), long, sharp white nails on both hands and feeth, yellow eyes, cat-like ears and sharp teeth.


Masculinity: Despite bengal tigers being just a little bigger than humans, they can be 2 to 3 times as heavy due their muscels. These muscels give Fury more strength then an average human, however not much more. His muscels make it also possible to run faster then the average human.

Stripes and hair colour: Bengal tigers have stripes and orange and black hair color.

Tail: Tigers have tails. The tail is mostly for remaining balance and steering at high speed, so even though it's agile, it's not very strong.

Eyes: Fury's eyes are unusually yellow, but they are really useful for places with not much light.

Cat-like ears: Even though really distinguishable, Fury can use these ears to hear the smallest noise in the area. He can also hear high pitched noises with them normal humans can't hear.

Sharp nails: Like a real tiger, he has long sharp nails, which he mainly uses to 'attach' to running prey.

Sharp teeth: Fury has sharp teeth, which is his main weapon. With his teeth he can easily rip flesh apart.

Unstable Characteristics:
Fury was deemed failed because his instincts were to say the least 'unstable'. A tiger can be highly aggressive against both prey and things he deems a threat to either himself or his territory, which is basicly everything that moves and is bigger then a mouse. This makes him not only stand out in public, but also makes him a rampaging killing machine if ever released in a busy area.

Fury as an animal is highly aggressive against almost anything that breaths, except those things he knows he is not able to win from. However, as a human, he is actually very kind and caring. As the combination of both, with both hungering for flesh all the time and not wanting to hurt people, he is very distant, especially to people he likes. Get on his good side, and he shows more of his human side. Get on his bad side, and you are releasing the animal. Also, because he remained long outside of civilization, he mostly acts more animal then human at times (stuff like walking on 4 limbs and occasionally roaring instead of talking).

Obvious animal features which are sometimes hard to hide, some high pitch noises can hurt his ears, but most of all: his aggressive nature makes it hard to interact with anyone or anything.

Fury came up with his selfmade name when he was just a welp because of the aggressive nature of tigers, and the name seemed to fit him when he became older. He seemed to be aggressive to anything he could lay an eye upon: even a video of mouse made him get in attacking stance. Mainly for this reason he was kept away from others. It soon became clear, especially in simulations where he would walk among normal people and attacked everyone around him, that he wasn't fit for the project and was deemed failed.

The days after his escape he knew he shouldn't go to civilization, for both his safety and that of the civilians, so he stayed in the wilds, feeding himself by hunting at wild animals. It was hard for him to stay out of sight, and reports of a big cat-like creature being spotted around the places he came weren't uncommon, however, by keeping on the move and staying as far away from humans as possible he was able to stay away from any confrontations, till now...

Likes: Meat and Fish
Dislikes: Vegatables, fruits and other 'herbivorous' food
Crush(es): None
Relationships: None
Other: He has a weak spot behind his ears, and if scratched there he becomes a bit more docile, but just a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Massasauga
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Massasauga Special Forums Operational Detachment - Delta

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"When do I get paid?"

Name: Hawkins, Victoria, Rose
Nickname(s): Vicky, Hawk, Misfit
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Openly straight, closet lesbian
Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance Details
Hair color: Blonde
Skin tone: Fair
Scars: Gunshot scar on her abdomen and up in her left shoulder
Tattoos/Piercings: Tribal tattoos all along her arms, jump wings tattoo on her back with the "AIRBORNE" insignia patch tattooed just above it
Height/Weight: 5' 10" 166 lb.

Fears: Dying a slow and painful death alone, overly pitch-black places, hospitals
Talents: Knife work, hunting, singing, drinking

Personality: Blunt, very rough around the edges, and a general hardass. A vengeful person. Sticks to her guns and tends to jump to them first at the sign of trouble.
Biography: Victoria was never a normal girl. Her father never openly stated it, but he cursed her mother for not providing him with a son. And instead of trying again, he decided to mold Victoria into something that fit his bill. He took her out hunting and fishing, trying to get her to enjoy all the things he did as a kid. She never felt forced, even when her mom obviously disapproved of it. She wasn't brainwashed into liking these things, but it just so happened she took to them more than her father had hoped. It was a great way to get outside.

She hated school all the time and never wanted to be there. Days spent in education may have been good for her, but she was always one who liked the outside. She also had a case of bad attitude when it came to teachers and other classmates. Never a bully, but she tended to get wrapped up in more than her fair share of fights. She liked to talk back with her fists rather than her mouth, and so eventually other students stopped messing with her. Still, her mother enrolled her in the women's choir at a young age against her will in a desperate attempt to breed some shred of femininity into her daughter. Victoria took to it only to really keep her mother off her case about being an outrageously tomboyish girl.

After graduation, she snuck over to the recruiter's office and enlisted for a six year contract in the United States Army. Not one to be outdone, she willingly shot high for Ranger School despite her parents wishing she would keep herself out of danger. She didn't make the cut for Ranger, but she still managed to make the 101st Airborne. After six years and a couple tours around Afghanistan and other places in the middle east, she found her reserve life boring and the worst and most boring two years of her life she ever spent. After she got out, she snagged a nice job with Academi working security for a lot more pay then she was getting from the Army. She was called up to help do some rather unusual game hunting by some high-up and well-paying people in the scientific community. She didn't care, as long as the pay was good.

Theme song (to drive the point home)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

//Quote, by or about character//

[Will find an image shortly]
Temperance is of a lean build, standing no taller than five foot and three inches, she weights a surprising amount for a girl so small. With her dense bone structure and elegant muscle mass, she clocks in at an amazing two hundred and thirty pounds. Her skin in no less pale than that of anyone who spends most of their time in the dark, but it once looks closely they can see that she has a dark hue to her skin. From the sides of her cheeks down most of her body, his skin is dicoloured with darker spots and stripes that resemble that of a Clouded Leopard. A pair of medium sized feline ears settle in place of her regular human ears, covered in fur that matches the patterns on her skin. Her eyes are a bright violet that reflects light in the dark, with the slit pupils of the feline. From the knees down though, her legs change. Her skin is covered in thick fur, leading down to feet that largely resemble those of the leopard.

Name: Temperance
Project Number: 1730
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Cloud Leopard - 15%
Panther - 3%
Rhinoceros - 2%

Appearance Details
Hair color: Black with silver streaks
Skin tone: Pale, with dark spots and stripes
Scars: Plenty?
Tattoos/Piercings: A barcode between her shoulderblades.
Height/Weight: 5'3/230lbs
Significant Markings:
Feline ears on top of head
Feline tail, bushy in nature, soft to the touch
Spots on her skin
Feline legs from the knees down

Bone Structure; Temperance has densely built bones that are very tough to break because of her Rhino DNA, though they are heavier than normal.
Reflexes & Agility; With senses as sensitive as hers she can feel the change in the wind when something in moving towards her, giving her an early warning and more reaction time. She also has the capable of rotating all of her major joints 350 degrees without dislocation.
Night Vision; With feline genetics, Temperance is able to see in the night as clearly as if it was daylight. She may sense heat signatures and

- At least one paragraph, if not two. Lists of traits will not be accepted. period. -



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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cottonmouth
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Cottonmouth Mr. Memescene

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"It doesn't really matter what you try, this is your final destination."

(Closest images I could find. Clothing in extras.)

Sammler, Nemo, Smiley
Nickname(s): The Ghost/Geist, Smiley, Der Bluthund.
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Contractor primarily for the German government

Appearance Details
Hair color: White
Skin tone: Pale (Near White)
Scars: Faded stab wound scar on his left forearm on both sides. (Blade went through his forearm)
Tattoos/Piercings: NA
Height/Weight: 6' 0.5", 180 pounds

Fears: Betrayal, aging, loss, bright lights and high heat.
Talents: Quickdraw, sharpshooter, cooking, custom weapons and ammunition, advanced investigative and tracking skills, photographic memory.

Personality: Nemo has always been a rather eccentric person both physically and mentally. Even though he wasn't exactly reclusive or anti-social, his habits often left him by himself. He tries to display himself as the most charming and polite person he can nowadays. But below his methodical behavior, he seems to be a bit unstable and cruel in times of extreme duress.

Nemo is particularly well read and uses his knowledge often in the field. While this boosts his preparedness, he is weak to surprises and new tactics. He is a natural interrogator and has a knack for sniffing out lies and getting information. He finds the process highly entertaining. Labeled a borderline sadomasochist, Nemo is someone who seems to greatly enjoy the duties and risks of his job and has a very high tolerance to pain.

Not all days are spent working however. Nemo has an obsession for all things high class or vintage. Most of his days off he spends listening to classical music and indulging his senses any way he can. His custom equipment and clothing reflect his interests. His hobbies have calmed him over the years, resulting in a more slow and relaxed approach to situations.

Biography: Nemo was born as a orphan in Cologne, Germany. He studied at a local school and passed through with relative ease. However despite his high success, his biggest downfall was the hard time people had working with him and his violent tendencies. To compensate, Nemo only focused more on his personal abilities. His lack of any real social ties and display of exceptional skills made him a prime target for the government. At the age of eighteen he was approached by the German Federal Intelligence Service with an offer to work for them. Nemo didn't hesitate at the opportunity.

In his early trial years he primarily operated within the GSG9 before moving on to take special missions straight from the MAD, BfV, and BND. While he took on a wide array of tasks, he excelled the most at high value tracking and assassination type jobs. As time went on his employers gradually gave him more personal freedom in what he does. Even though his methods are unconventional and often extreme, his track record speaks for itself.

Present day Nemo tends to branch off to jobs not associated with the government. As a man who likes to keep out of the light, his works reflect this. Just about anything shadowy or shady Smiley Sammler has dipped his hands into at some point.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MThePathSeeker
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