'She's a powerful subject to be sure, but that's what scares me' - unknown scientist

Name: Kat
Project number: Unknown
Sex: Female
Age: 17
King Cobra 5%
Komodo Dragon 10%
Tiger 15%
Appearance Details:
Hair Color: Black, worn long to shoulder height
Skin Tone: White, very pale.
Scars: 3 clawed slash on left forearm, blade slash following the line of her jaw on the right hand side.
Tattoo/Piercings: N/A
Height: 5'6, weight 60kg
Significant Markings: Short Tiger Tail (she can hide it easily with normal clothes). Her eyes also resemble those of a tiger, and each of her index fingers actually has a small retractable claw instead of a normal fingernail.
Tiger Sight: As she possesses the eyes of this apex predator, Kat has excellent long rage vision even in low light conditions.
Tiger Tail: Her tail aids her exceptional agility, she is able to pull off feats of dexterity that few others would be capable of.
Improved hearing: Whilst she doesn't posses the full ears of a tiger Kat has very acute hearing.
Claws: Each of Kat's index fingers lacks a finger nail, instead she has a single retractable tiger claw. However the claw can also be coated with a lethal mix of Cobra and Komodo Dragon venom should she need it. They also help her climbing ability to a degree.
Heightened reflexes: Kat's Cobra DNA gives her lightning fast reflexes, when it comes to quick yet precise movements she's a natural.
Sub-dermal armour: Komodo dragons boast very tough and thick skin that provides them a great deal of protection. Fortunately for Kat though she shares this trait, it manifests below her regular skin.
Personality: Kat is somewhat reclusive by nature, she prefers to act from behind the scenes if at all possible and tries to stay out of the limelight. However she's still a very altruistic individual, she has suffered greatly in her life and doesn't want to see others go through what she has. She is also fiercely loyal, but slow to trust. If she's known you for a while and you've done right by her then you'll find few friends as dedicated as Kat. However she is very distrusting of new comers, don't expect to earn her trust or her friendship easily.
Cold: Having 15% of her DNA from reptiles means that whilst Kat isn't coldblooded she certainly doesn't like the cold and is likely to suffer the affects of extreme cold more acutely.
Light frame: Whilst her sub-dermal armour provides her some measure of protection a powerful impact would do a lot of damage to Kat.
Softly spoken: Kat's vocal chords aren't fully formed, she is capable of speech but only in very quiet tones. If she tries anything louder she can only manage snarls like those of a tiger.
Calculating sentimentalist: Whilst Kat can be very calculating in harsh situations willing to do just about anything in order to protect herself or those she cares about, she takes threats against her friends very seriously. After having lost so much in the past and forming relations slowly she doesn't wish to go through such pain again.
Kat doesn't remember too much of her life at the facility, what she does remember was sparring and weapons training, lessons in survival skills, regular health checks, minimal rations and restless sleep. The pathetic cycle never seemed to end.
However since the escape, Kat has tried to explore the new world she's found herself in. She has found that her innate abilities allow her to hunt and steal with ease so she's been able to get by quite easily. She likes to find vantage points where she can observe human society unobserved in order to learn more.
To this end she's taken up residence in an old church, quite secluded and falling down, on the outskirts of a small town with a rail line to a major city. She's managed to make the basement somewhat habitable, and uses a ledge along one wall to jump onto passing trains in order to visit the city and to return home again.
Weapons practice: She finds the fluid motion of a weapon somewhat comforting in a strange way, it was one of the few things she remembers enjoying back at the facility.
Kindness and altruism: In her observations Kat has noted that some people help others or are kind to them for no other reason than they can be. She doesn't quite know why but she finds this very admirable and tries to do the same, in her own subtle way.
Thievery: Kat's biological makeup disposes her to the art of stealth and thievery. She's become quite the adept pickpocket and burglar, but she tries to only take what she needs to get by nothing more.
Loud noises: Her sensitive hearing leads Kat to dislike very loud noises, she has acclimated to the noise of suburbia but the sound of gunfire, hounds and the like sets her nerves on edge.
Bright lights: Again Kat's superior eyesight means that excessive light can be painful. She's gotten used to the lights of the city, but sudden changes in light such as the activation of spotlights can disorient her.
Bullies, thugs and opportunists: Whilst in her observations Kat has seen some people doing good she's also seen bad. Muggings, intimidation, violence, she has an immense dislike for such practices.
Crushes: Kat did have one crush back at the facility, there was another girl about her age who shared her cell block. She had bright green eyes that Kat used to just get lost in, the two never spoke however as the green eyed girl had no vocal chords. One day Kat staggered back into her block to find the cage that usually contained the green eyed girl was gone. Kat never discovered what happened to her, but hopes that one day she might find her again.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Equipment: Kat still wears the black leather jumpsuit she had at the facility, she usually wears a long trench coat over the top of it these days as well as a matching hood and sun glasses if she has to enter crowds. She also has a pair of swords in her possession, she found these at the church and they reminded her of weapons used at the facility. Thus she has practiced with them extensively and is rather confident with them. Lastly Kat stole a 10mm pistol and some ammo from a thug she tracked home, she doesn't like using the weapon but she'll use it with some skill if pushed.
Relations: Dolor, friend/dependent. Kat does her best to look after Dolor, however she knows that certain parts of his personality aren't acceptable she tries to give him the benefit of the doubt. She hopes that as he matures he might grow out of some of his more, vindictive habits.

Name: Kat
Project number: Unknown
Sex: Female
Age: 17
King Cobra 5%
Komodo Dragon 10%
Tiger 15%
Appearance Details:
Hair Color: Black, worn long to shoulder height
Skin Tone: White, very pale.
Scars: 3 clawed slash on left forearm, blade slash following the line of her jaw on the right hand side.
Tattoo/Piercings: N/A
Height: 5'6, weight 60kg
Significant Markings: Short Tiger Tail (she can hide it easily with normal clothes). Her eyes also resemble those of a tiger, and each of her index fingers actually has a small retractable claw instead of a normal fingernail.
Tiger Sight: As she possesses the eyes of this apex predator, Kat has excellent long rage vision even in low light conditions.
Tiger Tail: Her tail aids her exceptional agility, she is able to pull off feats of dexterity that few others would be capable of.
Improved hearing: Whilst she doesn't posses the full ears of a tiger Kat has very acute hearing.
Claws: Each of Kat's index fingers lacks a finger nail, instead she has a single retractable tiger claw. However the claw can also be coated with a lethal mix of Cobra and Komodo Dragon venom should she need it. They also help her climbing ability to a degree.
Heightened reflexes: Kat's Cobra DNA gives her lightning fast reflexes, when it comes to quick yet precise movements she's a natural.
Sub-dermal armour: Komodo dragons boast very tough and thick skin that provides them a great deal of protection. Fortunately for Kat though she shares this trait, it manifests below her regular skin.
Personality: Kat is somewhat reclusive by nature, she prefers to act from behind the scenes if at all possible and tries to stay out of the limelight. However she's still a very altruistic individual, she has suffered greatly in her life and doesn't want to see others go through what she has. She is also fiercely loyal, but slow to trust. If she's known you for a while and you've done right by her then you'll find few friends as dedicated as Kat. However she is very distrusting of new comers, don't expect to earn her trust or her friendship easily.
Cold: Having 15% of her DNA from reptiles means that whilst Kat isn't coldblooded she certainly doesn't like the cold and is likely to suffer the affects of extreme cold more acutely.
Light frame: Whilst her sub-dermal armour provides her some measure of protection a powerful impact would do a lot of damage to Kat.
Softly spoken: Kat's vocal chords aren't fully formed, she is capable of speech but only in very quiet tones. If she tries anything louder she can only manage snarls like those of a tiger.
Calculating sentimentalist: Whilst Kat can be very calculating in harsh situations willing to do just about anything in order to protect herself or those she cares about, she takes threats against her friends very seriously. After having lost so much in the past and forming relations slowly she doesn't wish to go through such pain again.
Kat doesn't remember too much of her life at the facility, what she does remember was sparring and weapons training, lessons in survival skills, regular health checks, minimal rations and restless sleep. The pathetic cycle never seemed to end.
However since the escape, Kat has tried to explore the new world she's found herself in. She has found that her innate abilities allow her to hunt and steal with ease so she's been able to get by quite easily. She likes to find vantage points where she can observe human society unobserved in order to learn more.
To this end she's taken up residence in an old church, quite secluded and falling down, on the outskirts of a small town with a rail line to a major city. She's managed to make the basement somewhat habitable, and uses a ledge along one wall to jump onto passing trains in order to visit the city and to return home again.
Weapons practice: She finds the fluid motion of a weapon somewhat comforting in a strange way, it was one of the few things she remembers enjoying back at the facility.
Kindness and altruism: In her observations Kat has noted that some people help others or are kind to them for no other reason than they can be. She doesn't quite know why but she finds this very admirable and tries to do the same, in her own subtle way.
Thievery: Kat's biological makeup disposes her to the art of stealth and thievery. She's become quite the adept pickpocket and burglar, but she tries to only take what she needs to get by nothing more.
Loud noises: Her sensitive hearing leads Kat to dislike very loud noises, she has acclimated to the noise of suburbia but the sound of gunfire, hounds and the like sets her nerves on edge.
Bright lights: Again Kat's superior eyesight means that excessive light can be painful. She's gotten used to the lights of the city, but sudden changes in light such as the activation of spotlights can disorient her.
Bullies, thugs and opportunists: Whilst in her observations Kat has seen some people doing good she's also seen bad. Muggings, intimidation, violence, she has an immense dislike for such practices.
Crushes: Kat did have one crush back at the facility, there was another girl about her age who shared her cell block. She had bright green eyes that Kat used to just get lost in, the two never spoke however as the green eyed girl had no vocal chords. One day Kat staggered back into her block to find the cage that usually contained the green eyed girl was gone. Kat never discovered what happened to her, but hopes that one day she might find her again.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Equipment: Kat still wears the black leather jumpsuit she had at the facility, she usually wears a long trench coat over the top of it these days as well as a matching hood and sun glasses if she has to enter crowds. She also has a pair of swords in her possession, she found these at the church and they reminded her of weapons used at the facility. Thus she has practiced with them extensively and is rather confident with them. Lastly Kat stole a 10mm pistol and some ammo from a thug she tracked home, she doesn't like using the weapon but she'll use it with some skill if pushed.
Relations: Dolor, friend/dependent. Kat does her best to look after Dolor, however she knows that certain parts of his personality aren't acceptable she tries to give him the benefit of the doubt. She hopes that as he matures he might grow out of some of his more, vindictive habits.