Batman's Log: 7-3-2-0-2-0:
"The end is upon us, and the world is no longer safe. Poisoned by a massive amount of kryptonite during a confrontation with Metallo several weeks ago, Clark - Superman, was left open for an attack from a techno virus of Brainiac's creation. With a weakened body the Kryptonian quickly fell under Brainiac's control and the techno virus allowed him to transform, manipulate, and even enhance Superman's already tremendous abilities. This new Man of Steel has enslaved countless members of Metropolis' populace with the techno virus, as well as several members of the Justice League and up and coming heroes of the Young Justice Academy. We must rise. The heroes must rise, or our futures will end. We can't possibly save them all, but how do you choose who lives and dies?

"I will assimilate this entire planet and it will serve as vessel to my new host and metahuman army.
Then... I will consume the knowledge of Apokolips and New Genesis.
This is where the game picks up, three weeks after Brainiac's possession of Superman with the technovirus. We're what's left of the League and YJ Academy. I'm also putting this in Advanced because I'm looking for people who can advance a story. You won't need to ask me when you can take down Brainiac drones or dozens of techno-zombie civilians. If you get separated from the other heroes and your powers aren't as strong or reliable as others, imagine yourself in a situation like the Walking Dead. It's as much about survival going in to stop this thing from spreading past Metropolis city limits. There will also be plenty of sub-bosses in play [enslaved heroes and villains] when in the city limits and the chance any one of us could be enslaved. Most civilians not infected by the virus have been evacuated, however with an estimated two hundred thousand infected civilians still in the city, there are hundreds of survivors trapped in the subways.
1.) No back-to-back posting.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.
8.) There is no rule #8.
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM (none ATM) will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.
Futures End Titanpad
Superman. Cyborg. Green Lantern. And Ditto the Duplicate Man... all under the influence of Brainiac. Used to power his war machines encompassing the city, each and every one in their own way. Ditto was taken for his sheer numbers, Cyborg was simply absorbed into the nanobots all over the city, Green Lantern presumably powers a lot of the mechanics along with Superman's enemy Livewire. And Superman is Brainiac's new vessel. Much in the same way Lex Luthor once was. It was unknown what exactly was going on behind enemy lines. Just that there were still thousands of trapped civilians three weeks into the techno-invasion. And roughly sixty percent of the city was already covered in nanobots and using the raw materials of the city to build bio-mech towers and sentient power sources, massive controlling towers, and robot drone generators capable of defending themselves. It was the day before Independence Day. And Batman would be damned before he let Brainiac take the city.
Just outside of Metropolis city limits...
What was left of the heroes in the Justice League were meeting with the remaining members of the Young Justice Academy. It was crunch time, and Batman was out of options. Along with Wonder Woman and the Flash, the League had Dr. Light, Capt. Marvel, the vigilante called Bluebird, and St. William. The senior members of the Academy, Nightwing and Superboy, had been taken by Brainiac's forces days earlier. Batman believes there's a chance the two of them haven't been converted into Brainiac drones. Raven, Superbeast, the Wanderer, Static, Kid Flash, and Starfire kept the program going and were ready to go into the fray.
"The Flash and Raven will take small groups on opposite sides of the city and begin search and rescue. There's still trapped civilians behind enemy lines. They're scared, hungry, and possibly already infected with the techno-virus..." Batman said to the group in the military/science police camp, "Wonder Woman and I will also take a team each into the inner city and try to take down some of the control towers and drone generators."
The Leaguers all looked confident and sure of Batman's plans. The Young Justice Academy not so much.
"Who's going whe.." Garfield said trying to speak up before Batman cut him off.
"Doctor Light, St. William, Wanderer, and Kid Flash... Flash and Raven will escort you into the subways in search for survivors. Our com-links are on a new frequency but keep chatter to a minimum." Batman instructed, getting a nod from Barry Allen.
"Marvel, Static, Bluebird, Superbeast, and Starfire... you five are going in with us." Batman said sternly, with the Amazonian princess and former God of War behind him.
"I hope there's still a chance Superboy and Nightwing are still..." Superbeast began saying.
"Our mission is to take down the drone generators and control towers. I'm going to follow up on the only lead I have on the boys while we're in there. But the rest of you need to stay on your marks. We can't lose anyone else to careless mistakes..." Batman spoke up.
"And that's why we're splitting up. You kids in the Academy are all at different points in your careers. No matter how you look at it, something happens to the big guns... you guys are the new Justice League." Flash commented, "If ever there was a time to make any of us proud, it's now."
"Enough talk. Brainiac has to be brought down even if that means destroying whatever is left of Superman and the others. We've no time to waste..." Wonder Woman said trying to get to the point.
"Let's do this..." Superbeast mumbled to himself shifting into a massive t-rex, "Who wants a lift into the city?" he asked now with a growl from his giant cranium.