Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 5 days ago

Batman's Log: 7-3-2-0-2-0:

"The end is upon us, and the world is no longer safe. Poisoned by a massive amount of kryptonite during a confrontation with Metallo several weeks ago, Clark - Superman, was left open for an attack from a techno virus of Brainiac's creation. With a weakened body the Kryptonian quickly fell under Brainiac's control and the techno virus allowed him to transform, manipulate, and even enhance Superman's already tremendous abilities. This new Man of Steel has enslaved countless members of Metropolis' populace with the techno virus, as well as several members of the Justice League and up and coming heroes of the Young Justice Academy. We must rise. The heroes must rise, or our futures will end. We can't possibly save them all, but how do you choose who lives and dies?

"I will assimilate this entire planet and it will serve as vessel to my new host and metahuman army.
Then... I will consume the knowledge of Apokolips and New Genesis.

This is where the game picks up, three weeks after Brainiac's possession of Superman with the technovirus. We're what's left of the League and YJ Academy. I'm also putting this in Advanced because I'm looking for people who can advance a story. You won't need to ask me when you can take down Brainiac drones or dozens of techno-zombie civilians. If you get separated from the other heroes and your powers aren't as strong or reliable as others, imagine yourself in a situation like the Walking Dead. It's as much about survival going in to stop this thing from spreading past Metropolis city limits. There will also be plenty of sub-bosses in play [enslaved heroes and villains] when in the city limits and the chance any one of us could be enslaved. Most civilians not infected by the virus have been evacuated, however with an estimated two hundred thousand infected civilians still in the city, there are hundreds of survivors trapped in the subways.



1.) No back-to-back posting.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM (none ATM) will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.


Futures End Titanpad



Superman. Cyborg. Green Lantern. And Ditto the Duplicate Man... all under the influence of Brainiac. Used to power his war machines encompassing the city, each and every one in their own way. Ditto was taken for his sheer numbers, Cyborg was simply absorbed into the nanobots all over the city, Green Lantern presumably powers a lot of the mechanics along with Superman's enemy Livewire. And Superman is Brainiac's new vessel. Much in the same way Lex Luthor once was. It was unknown what exactly was going on behind enemy lines. Just that there were still thousands of trapped civilians three weeks into the techno-invasion. And roughly sixty percent of the city was already covered in nanobots and using the raw materials of the city to build bio-mech towers and sentient power sources, massive controlling towers, and robot drone generators capable of defending themselves. It was the day before Independence Day. And Batman would be damned before he let Brainiac take the city.

Just outside of Metropolis city limits...

What was left of the heroes in the Justice League were meeting with the remaining members of the Young Justice Academy. It was crunch time, and Batman was out of options. Along with Wonder Woman and the Flash, the League had Dr. Light, Capt. Marvel, the vigilante called Bluebird, and St. William. The senior members of the Academy, Nightwing and Superboy, had been taken by Brainiac's forces days earlier. Batman believes there's a chance the two of them haven't been converted into Brainiac drones. Raven, Superbeast, the Wanderer, Static, Kid Flash, and Starfire kept the program going and were ready to go into the fray.

"The Flash and Raven will take small groups on opposite sides of the city and begin search and rescue. There's still trapped civilians behind enemy lines. They're scared, hungry, and possibly already infected with the techno-virus..." Batman said to the group in the military/science police camp, "Wonder Woman and I will also take a team each into the inner city and try to take down some of the control towers and drone generators."

The Leaguers all looked confident and sure of Batman's plans. The Young Justice Academy not so much.

"Who's going whe.." Garfield said trying to speak up before Batman cut him off.

"Doctor Light, St. William, Wanderer, and Kid Flash... Flash and Raven will escort you into the subways in search for survivors. Our com-links are on a new frequency but keep chatter to a minimum." Batman instructed, getting a nod from Barry Allen.

"Marvel, Static, Bluebird, Superbeast, and Starfire... you five are going in with us." Batman said sternly, with the Amazonian princess and former God of War behind him.

"I hope there's still a chance Superboy and Nightwing are still..." Superbeast began saying.

"Our mission is to take down the drone generators and control towers. I'm going to follow up on the only lead I have on the boys while we're in there. But the rest of you need to stay on your marks. We can't lose anyone else to careless mistakes..." Batman spoke up.

"And that's why we're splitting up. You kids in the Academy are all at different points in your careers. No matter how you look at it, something happens to the big guns... you guys are the new Justice League." Flash commented, "If ever there was a time to make any of us proud, it's now."

"Enough talk. Brainiac has to be brought down even if that means destroying whatever is left of Superman and the others. We've no time to waste..." Wonder Woman said trying to get to the point.

"Let's do this..." Superbeast mumbled to himself shifting into a massive t-rex, "Who wants a lift into the city?" he asked now with a growl from his giant cranium.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 34 min ago

"Yeah, but no pressure, right?"

Exhaling, Virgil knew he wasn't quite mentally prepared: he'd never really worked with a team this large.

Rolling his head over his shoulders and cracking his neck, he reached into the black and yellow coat open over his shoulders, whipping out a stack of metal, which quickly became encased in a glow of electricity. As it unfolded, Static hopped on, his saucer bobbing as he adjusted his power to his weight: a trivial task at this point. Floating up, Static noted, "Time to see what's up with this 'Braniac'. Most of my rogues can't even pass algebra!"

Floating over by Superbeast, taking a moment to admire the extinct form he was taking, Static couldn't help but note the team makeups, pointing out, "I think you're on the wrong side for that: the other team is like a no fly zone!"

Then again, Virgil wasn't exactly the most acquainted with the League's various heroes. He wasn't one of those weirdoes who creeped around on superhero fansites...except his own sometimes, though never for long. Sorry 'staticslover09', but your love will forever go unrequited.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Xiu shifted around uncomfortably. She still wasn't entirely comfortable in a mask and collar. One more reason why she hoped the teams would be splitting up. Then, she'd have been able to slip out of her uniform, and fight Brainiac by her own means. Still, she knew compromises had to be made, and she wasn't playing by her own rules. She wasn't Gunrat, on the loose in Shanghai or Gotham, any longer. She was Bluebird, saving Metropolis with the Justice League, and following the orders of her superiors.

She glanced to her right and left, immediately noticing how few heroes remained. The thought, that Brainiac alone could have brought the entire Justice League to its knees, weighed heavily on Xiu. If ever there was a mission, where mistakes weren't an option, this was it. She double-checked all of her guns, to make sure they were fully loaded. Hollow-point rounds in her chest-holstered semi-auto's, regular rounds for the hip-holstered revolvers, rubber bullets for the pistols tucked in her boots, and armour-piercing rounds in the rifle on her back. Once everything seemed in order, she reflected on her training, planning out her reactions in various scenarios. This was her chance. Everything had to be perfect.

"WHO WANTS A LIFT INTO THE CITY?", a great rumbling voice inquired above her.

"Oh", she proclaimed as she looked up, snapping out of her contemplation, "I'll take a ride, Superbeast."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

St William felt annoyance enter his mind and such emotions made his eyes flash a holy white light. He in the end was fine with helping rescue survivors, but he had a desire to exterminate the evil robots and have his sword bring God's judgement upon the abominations that were bringing evil into this city.

"I am certain that you will wish that me and my sword was with you when you try to take out those towers" he said with his arms crossed. He had his helmet off and he was giving his teammates a look over to judge on whether this formation was a smart idea. First there was Dr Light, an ex villain from what William had heard of him. He wasn't sure if he could fully trust Doctor Light to not turn and run when the first sign of extreme danger arose, William would keep an eye on him in case. Next there was Wanderer and Kid Flash, both from the Young justice Academy. That made him worried about their experience in this kind of crisis. It looked like he would need to have more faith than assurance in this situation and as a Catholic that wouldn't be too difficult.

After some more talking it seemed that Wonder Woman was done with this conversation. Even though William didn't really like the Amazon thanks to her pagan beliefs and origins, he had to agree with her eagerness to start ridding the city of this evil. St William focused his attention on Superbeast when the young hero shifted in a large T-Rex and he causally looked at the beast, not scared at all of the creature's appearance.

"I'll take a ride" he replied answering the transformed hero's question and then easily hopped onto the beast's back in a single jump, all thanks to his superhuman strnegth allowing him to incredible leaps. He could have gotten into the city quicker, but this would save his energy for when he needed it most, patience was a virtue that would help keep him strong for the coming battle. Even though he was assigned search and rescue, William was certain that he would see some combat and being ready for it was very important.

"May God have mercy on those poor souls that have died this day and on those that will" he said out loud as he watched the chaos erupting around the city. Judgement Day was at hand for Metropolis, St William thought to himself.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AgeTea
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AgeTea The Wandering Oracle

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lowering himself, Theo lifted a lizard into his palm and it looked up at him, seemingly saying something to him before hopping off and Theo nodding, his eyes were blue, signifying his power was in use and he looked around at the team and nodded, it seemed funny that all but two of the group could actually fly without help, vice versa his group was faster, though the Flash family was blindingly fast, almost making his speed underwhelming honestly. Seeing superbeast say something about Superboy and Nightwing, Wanderer felt a pang of guilt and sorrow for the guy, patting his now enormous leg, Wanderer spoke between the connection in his he had with him "I'm sure they're fine Gar-...Superbeast, sorry" he smiled and showed his dagger like canines.

His tail waved with...a weird sense of excitement, he had been considered a hero a while now, but never had he worked with the real Justice league, it was...unfortunate that something this bad had to happen, but none the less he was working with his idols and now they were even relying on him, not him exactly but he was one of the Young Justice members and in so meant they were needed. Patting his leg one more time and he killed the connection he had made with Superbeast. Walking away from Superbeast as people started asking for rides and walking over to Kid Flash, he wrote quickly pulled a small pad full of things, before writing on it and showing it to Kid Flash.

"I'm going to link up with you if that's alright, seeing as you're fast, you are the best candidate for me to connect to...aside from Flash, but I'm sure he is a little less inclined and...yeah I don't know him all that well"

He had already made the eye contact needed for the connection to start, but Kid Flash would have to let him in before anything could happen and for him to talk. He hated that this was his curse, the lack of voice. He felt Esa growl in his mind and he sighed before looking back at Kid Flash, writing more real quick.

"You don't have to just so you know, it will be easier is all, I do have the animals to talk to you guys I suppose though" he put the pad away.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wally couldn't believe that Braniac was able to bring the Justice League down like this. They've defeated him so many times before, how could they loose now? Did Braniac have something up his sleeve, did he have a trap? Wally just couldn't believe it, not one bit. He was shocked, and scared of what Braniac could accomplish if the rest of the heroes failed.

Not good, not good at all. Wally thought, he hoped they would win, because he couldn't imagine what would happen if they didn't.

Wally crossed his arms, the debriefing was pretty simple. The Flash and Raven were the leaders of his team, and would lead them to the subway. Like he said, pretty simple. Wally thought about his best friends, Superboy and Nightwing. They had to be alive, he hoped they'd find them both alive. Batman and Flash were pretty serious today, Wally couldn't blame them. HALF of the Justice League and Young Justice were M.I.A. They were the new recruits of the Justice League now, and they had to stop Braniac from hurting anyone else. What a burden, he thought.

After Superbeast asked, well roared if anyone needs a ride. He noticed he was really, really pissed off. People asked for rides, but after that, Wally wanted to speak with him.

Wanderer walked over to him, with a pad, Wanderer showed what was written on the pad to Wally. "Link with me...? Uh, sure." Wally said. It would be awkward, but it would be still pretty useful. Wally looked around the base, he then speeded to Gar. A yellow blur flew in front of Gar, and Wally stopped right next to him, "Superbeast, you okay man? You look like me right now, which is not happy." Wally was concerned, this was devastating for Wally, but he could only imagine how it felt for Garfield to loose his mentor to Braniac.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dr. Light listened to the plan, such as it was. Defiantly not as detailed as one of Luthor's, or even his plans. With most people that wouldn't be a big deal, but with Batman, the guy who was famous for his strategies and attention to detail, it was a huge deal. Apparently recent events had taken more out of him than Light had thought.

If this was a a normal meeting, he'd be trying to figure out how to take advantage of this weakness to seize control of the group, but this was far from a normal meeting. Like it or not, Batman was the best man for the job. They needed him to plan their attacks if they were to stand a chance. Sure, he'd like to be in charge, but not if it meant his death or Earth falling to Brainiac.

He drifted over to Batman. "Don't worry, we'll get you old apprentice back. Brainiac needs them alive, which means that we can rescue him. We just need to find him." After that he flew over to meet the various new women on the team. Batman had made sure to only put Raven on the team with him, one of the few women he wasn't entirely interested in, likely to keep him focused on the mission. Nice to know the Bat wasn't so far gone that he'd overlook something so basic.

"Hello." he said to Starfire. "It's nice to meet someone new, especially someone so beautiful and intriguing. After this mission is over what do you say to getting something to eat? I know this great place in Tokyo where you can tell me all about your homeworld." Not that he was really interested in her homeworld. Honestly, she was the first Tameranian he had met and was curious how they were different from human woman, in multiple ways. Besides, he was getting tired of unpowered groupies. He needed a challenge and these super women might just provide the "conquest" he sought.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wally notices Starifre was getting hit on by the perverted asshole, AKA Dr. Light. Wally speeded over there. "Dr. Light, what do we have here?" Wally said, crossing his arms.

What was this guy trying to pull? Maybe he did have good intentions, but come on. This guy was known to stalk women.

Wally did expect to get attacked by this guy for interfering, but he to be honest, deep inside, Wally did like Star too, seriously she was smoking hot, but he knew she probably wouldn't be interested into guys like Wally. Wally was smart, but cocky, too cocky, and known to have cheesy pick-up lines.

But this guy was, like what? 45, 46, older? Plus, he was mildly unattractive and a villain! He might be on the good guy side now, but who says he won't become a villain again after all of this is over? Well, if everyone is still alive by then.

But, whatever Star does is her thing, and there was no question to it. So Wally only said one more sentence to Light, "Don't pull anything, pal." Then he blasted off.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 6 days ago

Captain Marvel smirked as he stood beside his fellow leaguers, looking at the Academy's best and brightest or at least whoever was left. He knew very well that he should probably be among the new blood considering his own age but luckily he had gotten into the world saving game early on and had enough experience now that he was a cut above the common teenage hero. The world's mightiest mortal was pretty awestruck as Superbeast turned into a T-rex, sure he'd seen him transform from time to time but still it was a dinosaur! Extinct for hundreds of thousands of years and here was one right before him! Billy was more then ready to take on Brainiac head on. He knew very well that taking on the mechanical monstrosity one on one was a bad idea but he had the likes of ace detective Batman, Thyma-somthing warrior of the Amazons Wonder Woman and the slightly creepy reformed villain Dr light on his side along with the new blood heroes of course. He couldn't help but smile at the fact that this was his life, sure it was dire circumstances that brought this fish mash of powers and gadgets together but one could not say that this was cooler then a popsicle in the void of space.

Not many of the Leaguers really believed that Light had turned over a new leaf but Billy figured he was okay for one major reason: he was still a weirdo as proven by him hitting on the hot alien girl. If Billy was a villain he wouldn't be doing anything to make anyone on the JL upset if he was infiltrating them, he would be the perfect boy scout until he finally decided to strike and take them all out. Capt Marvel was about to waltz over and try to get Light to lay off of Starfire but he was beat to the punch by Kid Flash. Probably wouldn't be the last time with the kid's incredible speed. Billy immediately spun around and began walking in the opposite direction as if nothing happened. It seemed most people were chatting with each other so Billy figured he would try to strike up a conversation with one of his new teammates. He strolled up to Bluebird and put on his Marvelous charm.

"Sooo how you liking playing in the big leagues now Blue? Is it all that you dreamed it to be?" Billy asked as he stood beside the heroine on the t-rex and looked at the other heroes.

This, of course, was cut short the minute Batman walked up and told the knight to get off the dinosaur.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 5 days ago

Outside of Metropolis city limits...

Batman approached St. William, who was currently riding on the back of the giant red t-rex along with the gun toting Bluebird.

"Finn, you can come down off of there. Raven will be teleporting Flash's team into the hot spots around the subway stations leading underground..." Batman began saying as the hero leaped down, "Contrary to your beliefs, I need somebody with striking power going in with the Flash in case one of the compromised heroes shows up. Your blade could hurt Superman, but that will be another time. Metallo, Parasite, and Cyborg were all active this morning and completely compromised."

"So Green Lantern, Livewire, Superboy, and Nightwing may all still be okay?" Superbeast said with a growl, with Bluebird still riding on his back.

"Green Lantern and Livewire are presumably fueling this 'machine city' as far as my scanners can tell. I'm hoping Richard and the clone..." Batman began to say seeing a look in the eye of the t-rex..., "..Superboy, are still on our side. We won't know for sure until we get in there and do some damage. Maybe there's a survivor who's seen something we can go on..."

Minutes later, Raven teleported the Flash's team into Metropolis as covertly as possible just outside of a subway station under a small bridge. There were three stations within a square mile or so, however there were dozens of drones to avoid. The nanobots hadn't claimed this city with their gray blanket of tech, however the heroes didn't have much longer to rescue survivors as the whole city will eventually be taken.

"There's nearly one hundred tunnels under Metropolis including ones out of use, and the ones still being used today. Three subway stations in this sector need investigating. Check in with me if you find anything but keep com chatter down as always..." the Flash instructed blitzing away presumably to other subway stations a bit further away.

Batman's team went in loud and fast with Wonder Woman knocking down a tech'ed out skyscraper as soon as they were in the inner city. This was as much to cause a distraction for the search and rescue team as it was for Batman to gain more intel. The t-rex went in with Bluebird leaping off of his back the second drones hit the scene. Just a few dozen but the group was close to what appeared to be a power cell or a drone generator. Superbeast shifting into the Igoonian rock ape, albeit a red one.

"Terminator used to scare me as a kid, you'd think techno-zombies would bug a guy in the real world..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bluebird's leather boots struck the ground with a hearty thump, knocking soot into the air from the neglected city street. As Wonderwoman sent the skyscraper tumbling downward, fortunately in the opposite direction, Bluebird raised herself up and looked around. She quickly had to cover her eyes and mouth, as a dust cloud erupted from the building's collapsing base. Moments later, the rush of dirty air settled, and she was again able to attempt to get her bearings. She squinted through the thick brown haze, looking for approaching enemies.

At first, all she could see though the cloud was the ominous glow of some large tech contraption, perched at the corner of the street. But sure enough, the silhouettes of Braniac's drones could be seen assembling around them. An entire horde of them, it appeared. As they marched forward, looking as inhuman as possible, Xiu heard the thumping of Superbeast repositioning himself on the ground beside her, in yet another ferocious form. She took this as a hint. It was time to smash some robots.

"Terminator used to scare me as a kid, you'd think techno-zombies would bug a guy in the real world...", Superbeast bellowed.

Bluebird gave a teasing chuckle. "I don't know. I'm more reminded of Jiāngsh- *err*, Night of the Living Dead", she commented, whipping out her two magnum revolvers, "This would be far more fun, if we were just killing Arnold Schwarzenegger."

She raised both guns in front of her, locking onto the heads of two of the drones. Her brow furrowed, as she focused on her shambling opponents. Leading the targets, she slowly inhaled, and held that breath in.

"Perhaps some things are...", *BANG!*, *BANG!*, "best left to the imagination", she breathed, smirking devilishly at the two drones, now tumbling to the ground with large holes in their heads.

"Hey, Batman! Are we just gonna mow through drones, or should I start blowing things up?", Bluebird inquired, resetting her aim on two more of Brainiac's minions.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 34 min ago

Charging into battle, Static glided over the congregation of techno-zombies, hands flashing with lightning. As they shambled underneath him, some stretching their arms out at him, Static lowered his own hands, laughing, "Aw, look they're trying so hard! Shame zombies can't jump."

At Bluebird's query, Static shot back, "They're fish in a barrel: I'm gonna see what I can do about that tower!"

Keeping out of harms way, Static flew over, pressing a hand against the solid surface, not needing more than a moment to tell he'd need a way to break it a bit before he could have a chance to fry the innards. But at the same time... "Kind of hard to justify smashing it open with Captain freakin' Marvel right behind ya."

Before he could get in another thought, a mechanical whirring was heard, followed by a blitz of energy. Virgil swerved out of the way as a bolt of energy pierced through his coat. Looking up, he saw an automated turret was in the mood to get friendly. Flying higher in hopes of taking some evasive action, he called, "Hey, I just-" Virgil didn't have time to finish, as a few more turrets used him for target practice. Worse yet, their aim was just good enough to avoid hitting the tower, but their coverage was too good for Static to get out of the way. "Man, I'm not liking ya, Brainiac. How am I gonna hit my banter quota like this!?"

Gliding out of the way, he spotted a tech-infested car, or what might have been one, not to far away. Knowing he couldn't stop, he sped over, lightning arcing from his hands as he grabbed the car. Rotating himself, the lightning hurled the vehicle up and over towards one of the turrets. Charging, Virgil raised his hands as the car approached, going a bit high, before Virgil brought it down, dunking it right on his target. The vehicle bent in the barrel right as it was about to fire, the energy going off right in front, the explosion ripping its front apart, rendering it useless as the vehicle crashed back into the ground.

"Whoo! That was totally outside the three point lin-" Static began, before the other turrets continued to hail him. Flipping around, clinging to his saucer as he briefly did a somersault, Static grumbled, "Okay, that's just foul..."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Finn was still annoyed at missing direct action and worried that his sword would not find any evil to smite. This wasn't how he had imagined his assistance with the Justice League would turn out. He understood Batman's reasons, but it didn't seem right in his mind, having inexperienced heroes be in the main attack seemed like a bad case of judgement.

"I still think it is a bad idea to not have you strongest fighters hit the towers. This mechanical menace will have his strongest defenders protecting his source of power. It's important to always fight scientific evil with the power of faith. I hope your decision doesn't prove to be wrong" he said to the Cape Crusader and joined the rest of the rescue team. He felt a strange and dark sensation when the heroine Raven teleported them into the city, Finn was almost certain that it felt like demonic power. This made him uncomfortable being around the woman since her dark power was contrast to his divine abilities.

He listened to Flash give a rundown on how many tunnels there were underneath Metropolis and from sound of it this would probably take a long time to search unless the scarlet speedster searched for survivors on his own, which he did to Finn's relief.

"I was hoping to put my sword into that evil machine's heart and send it straight down to hell. I pray that there will still be evil for me to smite when this whole rescue situation is all done" he said gripping the hilt of his sword firmly and looked around the tunnel for any signs of life.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the team were brought to the subway, Wally noticed how there were know techno zombies to fight, which put him out of his good mood. Wally wanted to beat up techno zombies. It was boring to just sit around and do nothing. Wally was hoping the Justice League would stop babying them, and let them fight the good fight too, Wally should've known better that they wouldn't.

"This is sooo boring.." Wally said, he was practically jumping up and down. He needed something to let out all this energy on, and yes, his powers do make him very...active. That's the word he at least uses. Wally then looked around with the team he was working with. They all could kick ass easily, but still. The Justice League doesn't let them do anything, hell even the Flash rounded up all the survivors, so we wouldn't have to go scavenging and find techno-zombies to fight.

This mission might've been scary, but Wally still wanted to fight. Not just for fun, but for Nightwing and Superboy. For the people that got captured or lost their lives because of Braniac. And for his sister, Iris. He hoped Iris was safe. The two teams were all the heroes that were left to defeat Braniac, and he prayed that they would. They were the world's last hope. Wally believed they could beat Braniac together.

Yet still, Wally had a grim feeling, that possibly not every hero will live through the fight, and it would be harder to defeat Braniac then they all thought this time.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 5 days ago

Outside of a subway station on the corner of Shuster Ave. and Siegel St. one of the enslaved Justice Leaguers made himself known. Out of the grey nano-machines that were blanketing over some trees and what looked like an old pet store across the street morphed an un-dead machine man, formerly known as Victor Stone. Cyborg shifted his arm into an energy cannon like nearly every time he blasted something, and took a shot off at Raven knocking her out of her hovering position. The Flash showed up in the blink of an eye, not knowing they were under fire. Sure there were a few dozen techno-zombies scattered throughout the area but not as many as other more populated parts of the city. Hardly anything for the fastest man alive to worry about.

"I checked a subway station a few blocks further out and ran about a mile deep into each tunnel before getting swamped with drones. Those zombie tech faces almost make you wanna lose your lunch." he said to one of the other heroes who wasn't checking the underground subway tunnels nearby as Batman instructed.

"If the drones can not infect you I will assimilate you myself!" Cyborg screamed in a mechanical voice while leaping from behind a blanketed car husk taking fire at the heroes.

"I'll find the others, try not to get killed!" Flash said bolting off and taking down a few techno-zombie drones who were gathering to support the enslaved Leaguer.

Across town...

"I'm going to follow up on a lead, are you...?" Batman began to ask Wonder Woman mid-battle before she answered cutting him off.

"We're fine here Batman, if you think Nightwing and Superboy may still be alive find them." the Amazonian said ripping a techno-zombie drone in half with her bare hands before pulling her spear and throwing it through two more making a kabob.

"No wonder little girls wanna grow up to be you!" Superbeast yelled at Wonder Woman, now back in his furry humanoid form using his enhanced speed and reflexes to scale the outer surface of what was thought to be a drone generator.

"Maybe my lightning beast can fry this thing with too much power. Static, Marvel.. one of you guys wanna help a guy out?" Superbeast yelled shifting into the Lightning Beast of Winath.

The red lightning dog-like creature now scratched its way to the top of the drone generator avoiding blasts from nearby anti-air turrets. Oddly enough the firepower didn't harm the machines controlled by the machine city skyscrapers or the nano-machine grey blanket of tech covering over half the city now. Batman made note of this before slipping between a couple buildings and disappearing into what looked like a crack in the metallic floor.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 6 days ago

Billy headed out with the rest of the team as they took off towards the city but along the way got distracted by a group of techno-drone zombies just waltzing about. Captain Marvel hadn't had much to punch other then simulations prior to today so he was taking this as an opportunity to get the feel for the art of warfare again. Captain Marvel showed up just in time to hear his name along with Static's at the request of the hairy hero Superbeast.

"Help's my middle name!" Captain Marvel exclaimed, as he came flying straight at the drone generator tower before shooting upwards mere centimeters from the surface of the building.

"See ya at the top beastie boy!" Marvel teased at Superbeast.

After a moment Billy thought about how clever his comment really was calling Superbeast beastie boy. The teen chuckled to himself as he reached the top of the building and landed in a triumphing pose. The red lightning beast form of Superbeast reached the top as well super charging the generator's power supply with the alien lightning from it's body. The generator's green glowing bits began glowing brighter. Smoke began erupting from specific areas. And then Cap asked a stupid question, mind you he doesn't think things through....

"So how are we going to go about thi-- you know what, never mind I think I can probably guess." the teen called down to Superbeast as he shot once more into the sky above the clouds.

Calling upon the mighty powers of Zues, Billy summoned storm clouds below. With no words, only a smile, the hero plummeted downwards towards the building just as when he would assume Superbeast would be getting out of his striking distance on top of the evil skyscraper. As the divinely empowered teen neared the building he reeled his fist back and struck the skyscraper. Captain Marvel's fist hit dead in the center of the largest glowing 'bulb' just as lightning struck the same very spot. The raw power made a large indentation in the building bulb and fried some of the innards.

The Captain turned to look at Superbeast, "I've got the volts but not the amps. Or I have the amps but not the volts. No wait its-- basically I have a lot of power but it's not constant enough." he sputtered out as he once more charged energy in the clouds, readying another strike.

The excessive electrical discharge would probably be good for his compadre Static as well. To Billy's understanding, Virgil got his electrical charge from actual static charge in the air or something weird like that. Cap didn't usually pay attention to any convoluted description of other metahumans' powers. He dug the young hero's style. The goggles, the suit, the flying metal discs that formed his current glider. Marvel pondered switching his cape out for a cool coat.

"Better to keep with the classic.." he thought, readying another strike from above.

"You got this, Marvel!" Superbeast screamed upwards as more techno-zombie drones entered the area below.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

St William was about to go further down into the subway when he heard the sound of weapon fire and the cry of one of his teammates. He immediately drew his sword and ran in the direction of the sounds. The closer he got the more he could make out the now more mechanical voice of the hero cyborg and guessed that the minion of the wicked demon Brainiac had found them. It looked like not all of the enslaved Justice League members were off defending the towers and that meant St William would have a chance to smite evil with the power of God. Once he got on the scene Finn almost immediately had to jump to the side in order to avoid being hit right in the chest by a blast from his former teammate.

"Victor Stone, I hope you've asked God for mercy, because I have to exorcise the evil that has taken over your mind. In the name of God I command you to stand down!" He ordered Cyborg and then shoved his palm out at the enslaved hero and his techno-zombie minions. They would then be hit with a massive wave of invisible force that would send them and everything not bolted down flying. St William's first tactic was to unbalance them and then go on a more direct assault. In this situation he needed to save his energy and not use it carelessly. With a single leap he jumped at into air and came down upon a techno-zombie with an aerial spinning slash. His blade easily cut through the creature's body, slicing it in half and causing it to fall to the ground.

William then began to swing his sword around in very quick and precise slashes to take down the mechanic horrors as quickly as possible. He managed to kill five at once with a powerful sweeping swing of his sword in a 360 degree spin and decapitated all five of them. His armor was much lighter than normal armor of its style and it offered more range of motion, William was not hindered in the slightest when it came to high speed movement. He also incorporated leaps and aerial maneuvers into his assault upon the evil creatures. A more aerial and kinetic style of fighting would help him keep moving among the techno-zombies without losing any momentum and it was best to not remain in one place.

"I will not allow you wicked creatures to continue your acts of sin upon the innocent people of this city! I shall send you all to hell by my righteous blade!" St William shouted as he sliced through one techno-zombie after another and made sure to try keep track of Cyborg so that he wasn't taken off guard by the mind-controlled metal man. After cleaving a creature's head in half, St William made another shoving motion with his hand and sent several more techno-zombies flying with his Hand of God technique.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 34 min ago

Feeling the electricity about in the air as he flew from yet another disabled turret, Virgil took a breath, electricity flowing from his fingers down to his feet. "Keep it up, Cap!" Static called, before heading to an area in even more need.

While the swarm of drones below began to swell, Static glided down, where the turrets would be less likely to target them. Spotting a clustered group, he noted, "Good thing I played a bunch of zombie games as a kid." Flipping over, he fell from his saucer, landing in the middle before releasing a burst of energy across the ground...to little apparent effect. Well, that wasn't quite true, as the techno-zombies began to encroach on his personal space. Hopping up, as his saucer turned back around, his hand clung firmly to the underside as he made to get away, but a grabby hand or two found their marks, gripping him on his coat and leg.

"Hey! You're invading my personal spaaaaaace!" Static whined as only a younger brother could as he kicked one leg free. Starting to float up, he felt his coat get caught, slipping one arm out before floating up, swapping his grip and getting his other arm free, coat falling into the group unceremoniously. Flipping his saucer, he hurtled up, landing on the upward side, before aiming his fingers like pistols. Saucer circling the group he'd attracted, he floated up a bit as he fired a series of small electrical bolts, which once again seemed to impact with little to no effect. However, the opposite charges combined with the larger one he done moments ago effectively halted the drones for a bit, as the now charged zombies clung to the electrified surface, unable to move.

Of course, compared to Wonder Woman and Bluebird's trails of beaten drones...shaking his head Static called, "I'll line 'em up..."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This was a BIG problem. Cyborg decided to show up, and show up with some techno-zombies. "Looks like we have company! This'll be fun." Wally streaked across a techno-zombie, throwing it into a wall. He then slammed his fist into it's face in the blink of the eye. He then practically ran through the mechanical minions, breaking them. He then took a U-Turn and upper-cutted another a techno-zombie. Wally stopped to breathe, but as soon as he stopped, he had to avoid being blasted by his former robot friend.

"If any of Victor is still in you, he better be ready to get his ass kicked!" Wally slid under a techno-zombie then grabbed it by the legs, he swung it around, the techno-zombie and Wally turning into a blur tornado. He then tossed it into a wall, it breaking from the impact. This was the excitement Wally needed! He then spun around a couple of the robotic punks, creating a little vortex. They went in the air, and they went falling, HARD. Wally stopped, panting. "Keep 'em coming!" He yelled.

This was getting pretty interesting, Wally was told not to hold back on Cyborg, but he still hesitated, plus Wally was pretty busy with Stone's undead robots. (See what Wally did there? Get it? Since they're called techno-zombies?)

Wally didn't know what he was thinking before about the Justice League and the Young Justice Academy failing earlier, they're totally gonna kick Braniac's alien ass!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Angel Vicky
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Angel Vicky As sweet as Angel Cake

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Starfire nodded at her orders. 'Drone generators and control towers'. Her powers of flight and energy bolt blasts would surely come in handy. As soon as the mention of hope that Nightwing and Superboy could still be alive, she placed her hands together as if praying. “I hope so too...we have lost too many of our own.” Then a glinting light caught her eye as she turned to St William. His armour was very shiny. She had not seen a 'metal clad' man before and she stared somewhat at the armour. Drawn to it like a magpie to jewels, she was about to poke it when she interrupted.

"Hello." Dr.Light said to Starfire. "It's nice to meet someone new, especially someone so beautiful and intriguing. After this mission is over what do you say to getting something to eat? I know this great place in Tokyo where you can tell me all about your homeworld."

Star blinked at the Dr. and before she could tell him to get lost as he used to be a supervillain and WAY too old for her, she heard a voice to her left. "Don't pull anything, pal." Then Kid Flash blasted off. This made Starfire chuckle. Someone was looking out for her and she was glad for gentleman like them on her side. Kid Flash and Captain Marvel were on hand to make sure she was fine. She was new to this world and its culture, she was naïve and could be taken easily advantage of. By the likes of Dr.Light. Still, she felt reassured being by Bluebird's side. That gal could Bang! Bang! shoot pesky men dead. She was a girl's girl but she got along with everybody. Or tried to at least.

Star lifted off the ground and glided along the lower levels and keeping up with the t-rex. Big beasties like that did not scare her in the least. After all she battled much larger nasties on Tamaran. A t-rex was a cute and cuddly pet compared to some of them.

Battle Theme

Soon she got to work helping her team mates. She had to take strategic points down. She would go after the largest and heavily guarded towers. Her agility and endurance meant she could assist Wonder Woman in the air whilst holding her own. She could take the brunt of the battle so that her human team mates did not have to. And therein she began to descend her hail of green light bolts like rain from above. She had to keep the drones off her friends. Her friends were everything and within her was building that fury of righteousness, keeping their safety in mind. The more she destroyed, the less would harm them.

“Hah! RA! HAAAGH!!” She threw one glowing energy bolt from her hands after another in quick succession as she soared the skies with a trail of blazing fire behind her that derived from her flaming red hair. She rained down terrible amounts of green fire, even shooting short bursts of laser fire from her eyes, leaving a trail of explosions in her wake. Her eyes glowed with green fiery resolve as she then swerved and dodged incoming drone fire from the air. Star stopped and hovered in mid air and encased herself in a green dome of energy. The drones fired upon it and their blasts reflected off and unharmed the Tamaranean Princess. She growled as she pushed the dome outward and it ploughed into the drones around her. “RAAAAAAGGH!” Her ferocious warrior roar echoed through the atmosphere.

All of that raw power, all of that raw naked emotion that lay dormant deep within her. Her primal battle instincts took over the usually gentile red head. Suddenly a larger drone flew toward her. She raised an eyebrow and clenched her fist tightly. “Sorry to disappoint you.” She flew directly into it and smashed it to pieces as she rammed her fist through its mechanical parts. “But I am stronger than I look...” Star gazed down at the falling drone parts onto the city below. At times it was like she was blowing hot and cold. This time she blew hot as ice as she did not seem to care of the destruction she was causing. But the world was going to hell right now. She could not afford to worry about destroying the city. It could be rebuilt. Lives could not. She once again clenched her fist in determination, glaring at the drones before her and she flew higher into the stratosphere to lure more away from Captain Marvel who was concentrating fire upon the generator. All the others could see was a green shooting star blasting across the city, luring more and more drones away from the Justice League members. Her friends. No-one was going to hurt them...

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