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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reese remained quiet after he had spoken listening to the other members of The Merged to express their thoughts on the plague that's slowly killing mankind. All this back to back complaining and arguing was starting to hurt his head. He was prideful but knew he wasn't a knowledgeable God. If the decision to help the mortals was the outcome of The Merged course of action then what would be the best way to start? Reese asked himself. Thinking of what could of possibly caused a zombie. He knew not many humans believe in magic.

But then it came to him. Reese remembered when he trained with his mother on Earth for a brief 50 years in the Country known as Egypt. He was young but he remember running into many mortals that were into strange immortal practices. "That's it!" Reese shouted unconsciously jumping to his feet. "Mortals believe in science, correct! So its obviously science that created these.... zombores... When I was young I met a few mortals that used a type of science called Alchemy. What if this Earth Realm Alchemy is the cause for the birth of these zombores."

Reese scratched his head and smiled a bit. "If we are to help the mortals sending the God with the best grasp of Science is our best bet. Another thing, some gods believe this is boring and I'm one of them. I'm not asking much but I'd like approval to enter the Earth Realm and hold off some of the zombores." Even though he didn't want to help them he'd rather fight the undead then sit and watch Gods have a debate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Although Reese was the last one expected to come up with the solution he was probably the closest so far. "That's actually a pretty good point, but bodies need to be controlled by something. Alchemy can do a lot but Virology would make more sense. Unless it is a poison being spread and able to multiply in the body, but that's not likely. Even then the poison would only alter the brain to make them crazy. They would still need a soul to move on their own and I suspect the necromancers would be able to tell if the zombies have a soul or not. Then if the bodies have no soul the body could be hijacked by the virus or parasite. I feel like that's most likely, but the weird outbreaks could mean someone is spreading the parasite. We do need someone who is good at analyzing these things. I can freeze a zombie to preserve it. Then analysis would be easier."

Humans definitely weren't likely to acquire this feat by magic. A few cults probably tried to do something like this, but they would try to do it with the favor of a god or something. It's much more likely that someone has been studying this and created it. It's gonna be tough finding this guy. We would have to hope he can't teleport which he probably can, and that we would be able to catch him before he left or that we could predict where he was going and meet him. Both seem rather impossible. There is the possibility that this was an accident. There has to be many out there trying to stop this. "We need to find someone with an understanding of virology. If no gods feel up to this task there has to be some mortals out there who are researching this as well. We should get them some samples to help investigate this further."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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"I AM familiar with virology". David stated. . . he looked around the Council chambers, annoyed. "I'm just as much a scientist as I am a brewer of poultices and potions. Take no notice of my wizard's hat, Frodo." David joked. "My potions are everything from elixers of immortality to cures for cancer. I don't understand why it's so hard for us to know each other. I mean, we are all in this compact together. Oh well." He stated. "Anyway, I can research this and find a solution to it if it takes all the time I have." The torches of the Council Chambers were lit. "This council chamber really is quite charming".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Kani's feet landed on the shiny golden grass with barely a sound. The sky was held at unchanging dusk, the deep violet color lit with brightly shining silver stars. Huge trees rose up on all sides, their chocolate colored bark blending beautifully with small emerald leaves that seemed to give off their own faint light. Breathtaking voices rose seemingly from the flora themselves, but Kani knew what the source really was; they were the Lamensch, the souls taken by Occus upon the deal maker's deaths. If she focused her power, she could even see them; motes of light floating between the branches of the trees and shimmering in time to their collective song.

It was an abrupt change from the chaos of the scene she had just fled from, and she could feel her anger and humiliation ebbing away in the peaceful realm. It had not always been such a wondrous place, Kani had been here during the invasion of this realm, she could remember the burn marks and blood stains now faded to nonexistence. She gathered her energy, momentarily exhausted by the endeavor of reaching this place from the mortal world, and began striding forward. The forest was nice, but she needed Hexstirn, City of Witch-Stars, located beneath the earth. The former signs of civilization in this realm had been almost entirely wiped away, but Occus created a home beneath the Rhipaion Mountains to replace the former state.

"Come, my kin, the city is not far." Kani had with her a handful of the Fae. Nine including herself, it was all that survived of the Johannesburg population, some two-hundred in all. They had been reduced to the single digits! Her anger and guilt surged once more, if only she had been quicker to retreat! Damn her pride!

They moved in silence until they came to the base of the steep mountain side, following the edge past a mostly reclaimed ruin of a temple. They came upon a great archway carved into the cliff, decorated by swirls of unfocused magic and flowing carvings. Kani had never studied the walls before, nor did she have an interest to do so now, so she did not know what they were of or about. Neither did she become aware the lack of interest was magical in nature, a ward protecting the knowledge hidden in the carvings of the entrance to Hexstirn.

It did not become dark as they descended into the mountains, it was as if the light shone through the stone above like it was water. The tunnel ended in a grand hall covered in stylized art depicting the history of Occus and his ancestors, large portions of the walls were covered in events yet to happen, but they all seemed disjointed and while some idea could be gleaned, the next panel would prove the idea impossible. It was clear these were visions of possible futures, though the further along she looked, the less Kani was able to guess at what she was seeing.

She disregarded the colorful room and took a seemingly random set of turns. The group found itself in a room filled by a large central table carved of dark wood. Bowls and platters of a variety of meals were almost overflowing off the table top, and Kali could sense the enchantment on the table that would replenish the food and keep it preserved.

"Stay here," she commanded them. "I will appeal to the Warlock on my own." Her words were hard with self-recrimination, though by the way the others drifted towards the table without comment no one had noticed, or were so mellowed by the atmosphere of this place they didn't care.

She approached the large wooden doors on one side of the hall with a steady gait. It was time to have a war of words.


As it appeared, a zombie could dream. They were mad things, nonsensical memories and thoughts from life blended with a crazed, frantic frenzy of need. The need to act, not knowing what that act was until there was a meal within sight. It wanted that. It was a simple thought, almost innocent, but drenched in sadness, jealousy, and hunger. A zombie dreamed of the living.


New people had joined the survivors, a young blonde girl from the coast was one of them. It was immediately apparent she wasn't normal, or it would be if anyone knew how to look. A taint of darkness touched her, and the flakes of divine energy still clung to her years after her meeting with an immortal. Her despair and fear matched the others, but hers was somehow more. Desperation and the faintest embers of hope clung to her, and the barest inklings of relief were nestled within the cloud of emotions.

She simmered with a quiet power and she smelled of a sea breeze. Every so often, when she was surprised, her skin would almost shudder. No, the girl was not normal.

She approached Claire nervously, wringing her hands. "You- oh sorry, I'm Hannah," she had a British accent, "you said your sister was looking for water? Any idea when she'll be back?" Hannah was very, very concerned about water. "I- the people here gave me some, but I already drank all my ration. I- I might be dehydrated."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sven at this point had finally fallen asleep at his desk. His picture was all over the news as well as his location. It had been revealed that he was working on a cure. Anyone with access to media at this point knew about him, there was much hate towards him for creating such a thing. All Sven wanted to do was to find a better way to domesticate animals. But someone within his lab stole his creation and attempted to use it on other humans instead, hoping to become a ruler of some kind. However they failed as clearly it had turned into something else.

Before the outbreak Sven already had P.E.D.A. after him for his experiments on animals. That was laughable at this point though as P.E.D.A. had become over shadowed by human rights activists. Some of the protestors were starting to get violent now though, throwing things at the building, mostly just rocks. It was this noise that woke Sven up. He started to get back to work again. If a god chose to try to intervene now though they would have to deal with a stubborn man.

Cia in the meantime had been searching through use of her portals for the man responsible for this virus. She finally found him after looking at someone who was watching the news. "I think I found the source of the problem." Cia said to those left in the council room. "This mean created the Virus, he seem's to be working on a cure though." Cia said, she hoped that with this information one of the gods of knowledge could appear to Sven maybe help him even. Though hopefully said god would not become greedy and try to recruit Sven as a worshipper while they were at it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Belle walked along side the operation table wearing his causal blank expression. Others would cry at the site unable to even enter the room but sometimes you have to put away emotions for the greater good. Strapped down on his operation table was a young child probably no older than ten already infected with the horrific virus. Belle examined the undead child's movements under the straints as he did so Arai appeared over his shoulder giving the child his attention. "My word what happened to this young mortal."

"Humanity." Belle responded leaving the table and walked to a room that held only a chest. He opened the chest revealing his book. "Don't tell me you're gonna be writing this down in that stupid book." Nobu stated appearing on his shoulder. "G.O.D.S. isn't stupid, this book will fix mortals mistakes." Belle responded setting the book on a table. The book almosts snapping the wood it sat on from its unusual weight. He opened his book to a specific page and began writing down the characteristics of the zombie. "And he's off..."

Arai walked around the undead child digging his hands through its body. Normally humans wouldn't feel the touch of a god but the zombie reacted hectically screaming trying to break free from its restraints. Arai laughed. "You mortals done it again!! Trying to play a role of a god!" He rolled and laughed on the floor while Belle continued to write. "Yes, it seems mortals have really put themselves in a bad predicament." Belle said closing his book walking back to the operation table.

"How are the various gods gonna handle this!?" Nobu questioned with a wicked grin on her face. She was happy that choas of this magnitude was happening she just couldn't get enough of death. "The various pantheons won't handle it." Belle replied. Arai and Nobu looked at him with a confused expression. "Most of the elder gods have recently been defeated or succeeded by their Offspring or The Merged." Both evil spirits where speechless.

"Don't worry Anubis was one of the Causalities and the list of fallen Gods and Goddess doesn't-." "LIES! You don't know if any of the crap your speaking is true!!!" Nobu angrily responsed seriously pissed by how Belle spoke of her ancestor. Belle smiled. "Don't believe me but when the time comes you'll have no choice to." The zombie interrupted their conversation with its screams which wasn't the best of timing. "Speaking of my book we have to figure out what these creatures are made off. I'll need your dark magic Arai." Belle ordered Arai quickly disappearing and Belle's palms radiating negative energy. Soon he began to slowly rip the undead child limb from limb searching for the origin of the virus for when it comes in contact with a mortals body. Nobu sat in a corner giving Belle a cold look as he continued his operation. If Anubis is really dead she was gonna get revenge even if she's bound to Belle's body. She'd try to find a way to cause the person who killed her ancestor harm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


At first, to clear her mind and calm down a bit more from the meeting earlier, Claire just stuck to listening to her music. She had managed to preserve her human items, even when moving about as a goddess, though she did have a bit of trouble doing so all those years ago. She needed to listen to the music in order to focus on relaxing, but then a girl came up to her. She must've been one of the new survivors that kept popping up and joining their little group every time she and Yuki went out to do something. Claire personally didn't mind, but it did mean that their food and water runs had to be more frequent.

She looked...weird to say the least. Appearance-wise she seemed normal, but there was an aura of negative emotions emanating from her. Not to mention the fact that she smelled like she just stepped off a ship after a long voyage out at sea. Honestly, Claire wanted to ponder just what exactly this girl had gone through. Just looking at her brought about a sense of dread and despair that Claire had really only seen when she played that one video game. Huh.

In any case, the girl was moving her lips, which meant that she was trying to say something to her. Claire removed her headphones, and found that she was starting to think that she was dehydrated. Claire expected something like that to happen. After all, Humans need water to survive, and the current situation with the world didn't exactly hand out free beverages. Claire leaned back onto the wall, and stretched her arms over her head, before reaching down at her side and grabbing her water bottle. It wasn't full, as she needed to keep up the act, but a majority of space in the object was taken by water. She handed it to the English-accented girl.

"Here. I don't know if it's enough for you, but it's still something."

Claire took a moment to pause the playlist.

"Still...Don't know how long she'll take, but I know she'll come back, so don't worry. Who are you anyway?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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Hannah eagerly took the bottle of water, "Thank you so much!" She gasped after sucking down a mouthful. She hesitated a moment, and then decided to risk offending the girl by gulping down another, even larger, mouthful. She was quick to offer it back after that though. "Sorry, I don't want to drink it all, we've still got your sister coming. That should sate me for a bit longer." She did seem calmer after having a drink, and a previously unnoticed feral look around her eyes seemed to utterly vanish.

"I'm Hannah, I came with MSF on a helicopter, but one of our patients went off and ripped the pilot out of his seat. We crashed near Swaziland and almost made for Maputo. Glad we didn't." She shuddered, remembering the way the ghost had described the fate of that city... She sighed warily, "Lost the rest of the crew in a town near here, 'cept Harry." She gestured to an exhausted man dozing against the wall near the back. "He was the co-pilot." She explained sadly. None of the other doctors had made it.

"What about you?" She asked, curious about the friendly girl who shared her blessed water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon stepped up to the portal as Cia found Sven. He stared intently at him work as Cia explained his situation. It seemed like a group of gods interested in going were prepared. Although there reasons were very different, ultimately the same goal should be achieved, hopefully. This is going to be fun, I thought I was the young god I feel like I'm about to be the babysitter.

"Cia were going to need a portal we can use to travel to this Sven. And if you could join us that would be helpful we may need more portals to capture a zommbie as well.
David you'll be helpful as well if you choose to help us. You said you should be able to help Sven so you would be appreciated.
And Reese, lets go kill that boredom. I'm tired of sitting around here too.
If anyone else would like to join us the more the merrier."

Landon wasn't a god of many words. Especially when dealing with the other gods. They all seemed very finicky and impulsive, and Landon feared that might rub off on himself. He often mimicked those around him in little ways and as long as he noticed it himself he could stop it. Being short with the gods was an easy way to annoy them and that was a 50-50 chance on either making things drastically shorter or drastically longer. He was eager to return to the mortal plane at this point. One of the mortals good points is that they do think often. Turns out having the ability to change the world at a whim left little to thought, unless that thought was pointed towards decieving others to gain ones goals. Talking with beings who's thoughts were pointed at improving and were often selfless was refreshing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rhona was running down the halls of Olympus as quickly as she could. She was late, very late, and she could only hope that the meeting wasn't over yet.

After getting lost a few times, Rhona had finally found the meeting room. She loudly burst through the doors and ended up tripping, landing on her hands and knees upon entering the room. "P-pardon my tardiness...! *huff* Bu-... But I was informed that I meeting for the merged was taking place here...! Ah... Excuse me for a moment... I need to c-catch my breath...!" She replied wheezing a bit as she was breathing heavily. Rhona blushed embarrassed upon her loud and obnoxious entry and because she was winded so easily. She was certain that the others would mistaken her for a mortal.

After about 5 to 10 minutes, Rhona had finally managed to catch her breath and stood up. "Um... Forgive me for the intrusion... A-and my tardiness... But I was informed of a meeting being held here today... I hope that the meeting had not concluded already..." She repeated not making eye contact with anyone. Her cheeks were still a brighter red from embarrassment as she could practically feel every pair of eyes on her, staring her down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"Claire Florence." said Claire with a grin. "semi-popular DJ, at your service."

Had Claire simply arrived when the plague broke out, then she would've had to make up some sort of tale, inspired by the fictional events of movies and books that have played with the concept. However, Claire was actually on Earth when the plague was at its worse. Her story would be her actual experience.

"There's not much to my story. I was in town for a party, when everything went to hell. Got out of the place, but lost some of my stuff on the way. A bunch of us decided to stick together, and boom. We're all together here now. Least I got this." Claire showed her Ipod. "and with the generator, I don't have to worry about it running out of battery."

"So you're using the generator for your own selfish reasons, huh?"

Claire jumped when her sister showed up. Yuki had just returned with the water, and let the others handle it. She spun a tale about being very sneaky to bring back as much as she could, but in reality, she just used her powers to fill the things up. Sure, she had to do a little extra to purify it, but no one had to know. In any case, Yuki just giggled as she watched Claire jump away. She looked at Hannah with a bit of curiosity, but decided to leave it for later.

"Hello!" said Yuki. "I'm Yuki, Clarice's sister."

"It's Claire!"

"Clarice, even if it's the zombie apocalypse, I'm still your little sister. Therefore, it's my duty to embarrass you in any way I can."

Claire opened her mouth, but found that she just didn't want to deal with it today, so she just said,

"Hannah, meet my sister. Yuki, can you get her some water?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ace of Flames01

Cia nodded to the others. "Of course I can make a portal, but do be careful. I fear he may be the stubborn kind." Cia said as she held up her hand changing her portal to where Sven was working. It was wide enough for the others to open. Of course this was in the first floor of the lab. Sven was on the second floor. Cia had opened other portals as well to various places where the others would need to go. "Good luck. I do hope we can bring this to a close." Cia said to them, she wasn't exactly planning on going into any of the portals herself, simply holding them open for them.

Cythlla turned her attention towards the Rhona who had just entered the room. "All you missed was a meeting about how foolish the human's are. Seems they created a virus that is bringing back the bodies of their dead. Entirely made by science as it turns out, no magic was involved in this at all." Cythlla said explaining the situation. "These foolish god's on the other hand have decided to help the stupid humans. I personally believe that they should be left to their own fate. They made this mess, they should be the one's to fix it." Cythlla said, with that she exited the room. Having her tentacles come up from the ground and making her disappear as they receded into the ground.

Sven meanwhile payed no attention to what was going on within his lab. He hadn't even realized what was going on. Of course human's could not see the portals to begin with. And even if that were true Sven couldn't care less. So far all of his attempts on the computer at a cure had ended up with the subject either exploding, or turning into something worse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PerseusArchean
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"What is that even suppose to mean?" Scott snapped angrily. He threw the book aside in frustration. "Belle! How unspecific. That could mean anything!" He had found mention of this Book twice before, once called 'The Mortal Records', and once called 'The Book of Power.' A Sorceress by the name of Madeline Rennette had written of it in her Grimoire, which was later mass produced and sold even to the Humans for profit after her death in the early years of the War of Immortals. The problem was Madeline was French, and Belle could refer to any number of creatures, it was exceedingly annoying that she never named the Book's carrier. The other book he'd read about it in was much older, written by a pre-Fae Vampire, who also called the Book's carrier Belle, the confusing part was the writer was Greek, so his theory of Belle referring to a beautiful woman was looking less likely.

Unless the name was Belle? What kind of name was Belle? Latin maybe? It might be older. It could very well mean the word was the carrier's name, not in fact a vague describing word as he'd originally thought.

Grumbling under his breath, Scott turned to his table of ingredients. He spotted a worn pouch and hummed thoughtfully. Was a glimpse of the Book worth a bit of Hecate's Ashes?



Hannah immediately brightened at the prospect of more water, but seemed torn between drowning herself in every last drop right this second, or continuing to be polite to the kind sisters. Eventually her British blood won out. "It's nice to meet you, Yuki. Thank you for the water, I'm quite parched. It's been a long journey inland." It hadn't been, not really, but Hannah would need to tell some white lies to disguise the real reason she was so desperate for water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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David looked across the lab of Sven. "Cool lab, what are you doing, Sven?" David asked, from behind him. "I can see that your little experiments have led to something approaching the death of the entire Human race. Good job." He stated sardonically. "I can help you, Sven. I know people who can help you undo this botch up of epic proportions." He looked down towards the floor. "Mind telling me what the whole idea was for this little invention of yours?" The lab was filled with vials, the potion like substances impressed David. For a mortal, this man was incredibly smart.

Sven turned to look at David with a look of scrutiny in his eyes. He did not like to be talked down to like this. "Get out of my lab. I don't know who you are but you have five seconds to leave here before I call security." David said to the strange boy who had just entered the lab room. "What is happening is none of my fault anyways. It was management's they let someone run off with the prototype of the virus, it wasn't even complete yet!" Sven said frustrated in what had happened.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, Sven, but the facts of the matter are that people even greater than the great scientist responsible for this invention have no idea how to get rid of the filth that you have accidentally unleashed. Now, security won't hear you. No one is here but us now. They've taken a nice detour to a lovely diversion I call the dream land." He sighed. "I am your new science partner. I need your lab and access to all of your materials."

Sven's hand clenched tight as he heard this man's arrogant words. "Trust me, know scientist could help me at this point. And if you really are my new lab assistant then I'm afraid I don't believe you, I have heard nothing of this. I don't need help anyway's I need to do this myself, right the wrong I've made." Sven said the arrogant boy. Sven was angry and David constantly trying to butt in wasn't exactly helping him. "No one, not even a God of science would understand this Virus better than me. This parasyte is my creation, and I'm going to end it." Sven proclaimed.

"It's so fitting you should express yourself in those words." David spoke. "I am no mere mortal." He spoke his supernatural words with a reverberation between every syllable. He transformed himself into a tall, blonde, blue eyed, tanned man, six foot tall, muscular with a body builder's muscles rippling everywhere. His shape shifting spell then transformed him into a Vulcan from Star Trek, with a Star Fleet uniform. "Arguing with me would be illogical". He joked. He then transformed into his normal teenager's body. "I am so incredibly good at alchemy, in a way I am a god of science".

Sven watched as the boy transformed. He stuttered a bit, then spoke. "You are a god of science. I must aplogize." Then Sven's tone changed completely back to his own arogance. "Is what I would say if I believed you. Your nothing more than a hoax. If the god's were real they would have helped us a long time ago. They would have prevent this hole scenario. If they are real then they are useless. Mankind can make it on their own without the help of the gods. Now get out! I have no need for you." With that Sven went back to his work.

He said nothing else. As he worked on his computer he suddenly found what he was looking for. Not quite a cure, but a Vaccine. The work of the God's was pointless, they had come here for naught as the cure was found by the human's not the gods.

"Okay, I considered emasculating you but that would be cruel. . . You are now a Primate. Keep your intelligence, but you won't be going out for a date in a while". Lightning flashed through the outside as Sven felt electricity course through his body. The transformation was nearly instant, it took three seconds for the energy to fulfill it's alteration of Sven's body. "This should be able to work. When you are ready to at least respect us, the transformation will be reversed".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reese was having second thoughts on going. He honestly had no choice but to help the mortals. But he couldn't bring anything to the table but his muscles and war tactics, which isn't that useful at the time being. Shaking off the excuses he entered the portal arriving on the first floor of Sven's laboratory. "Damn...its been awhile since I've been on Earth but I didn't expect them to progress so rapidly." Reese whispered to himself looking for a way up to the second floor. When he reached Sven's lab he notoced he wasn't the first to arrive which konda obviously by how many times he got lost. Hopefully he doesnt get stuck in a maze cause he does hes honestly dying in that maze. Reese waited near the door allowing hinself to be seen by Sven. He didnt say anyting though he did just leaned against the exit starring at the man who's succeeded in bringing the mortals to their knees.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

At first Rhona was hesitant to follow the other gods but quickly made up her mind to follow them through the portal. "I've made it this far... I refuse to give up now...!" she thought as readied herself, then ran and jumped into the portal.

Rhona, this time landing on her feet, found herself in what appeared to be a mortal dwelling. "So this is what the human world is? It's much smaller than I had expected it to be..." She murmered to herself. Rhona had never made it to the mortal realm before but she had heard stories of it from her parents, leaving her quite confused. However, she quickly rid herself of her suspicions to focus on the task at hand. Rhona desperately wanted to help the humans but she lacked knowledge of science and even her divine powers could not cure this new disease. This made her slightly depressed and feel useless as a goddess. All she could do now was sit and wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon decided to hang out downstairs and let the brainiacs do there thing. It sounded like they were certainly having fun as it sounded like there was a gorilla up there. Landon was looking out a window at the rioters trying to assess how aggressive they were being. David and Sven needed a quiet area to work and if these protesters got too out of hand, then someone would need to step in. He was also curious as to why they were protesting. His musings were abruptly interupted with a new cohort to the group. What does she mean by it's smaller than she expected?

@Ace of flames01
"So who are you? I'm guessing you're here to help out. What's your specialty?" He returned to looking at the people with lots of questions on his mind. "Why do you think they're rioting? Sorry I muse a lot and sometimes other thoughts help." Landon continued to watch the situation for signs of growth of aggression. He wasnted to stay a step ahead in case things were going to get out of hand. Prevention is better than correction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec appears inside the waiting room. He seems..pissed to say the least. He is in his 8 foot tall God form anger clear in his blue eyes. He spots the portal and walks through, noticing the others he speaks his voice rumbling like a deep growl. "The heck happened." He knows he's late, but dealing with this many souls has caused him to be a bit busy. All of the souls seemed fine until he went to deal with them. They were traumatized. To add to it when he did go to earth the town he loved was riddled with the undead. He took out many of them but heard of the meeting. Again he knows he's late, but right now he feels the need to be angry at something.
His clawed hand grips his spear as he stands there his ears folded back and his finery somehow gleaming more. As if even the items he is wearing is angry. His tail seems like a rigid whip and he looks as if at any moment he will lash out unless given reason not to. He waits almost eerily calm as he holds onto that anger. After all, he had come to be fond of the living mortals. Finding them clever and interesting to watch.now they just wander around as empty husks of who they were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Damn." Belle cursed as he stopped lumps of meat soaked in blood laid slowly rottening. He chopped and ripped the undead child to the bone even snapping the bones to get different perspectives. "What type of disease is this?" Belle questioned sitting in a seat that was near the operation table. Arai looks at what was left of the child and shook his head. "And we're the ones that are insane." Belle ignored Arai and left to go clean himself up. Nobu still sat in a corner pissed about Belle's previous false claim. Sadly she had a small feeling that told her it was true. Anubis is dead and Nobu will never get to see her ancestor again.

Her thoughts where interrupted by Belle walking back into the room wearing his usual Egyptian getup. "Nobu I need your Alchemy Manipulation...." There was a brief silence before she vanished and Belle's eyes glowed a light purple. "You're a mistake to the chemical make up and must revert back to prim! He shouted causing the disassembled, mangled body parts to reattach until the the child's boy was completely restored. To Belle's disappointment the child was still a zombie. He killed the child as a zombie and wasn't able to restore it to human even in death.

"Not even Alchemy.....what have....they done...." Belle covered the body and began to pack putting his book in a backpack and throwing it over his back. Exiting through a hole and walking onto the sand Belle looked back the exit he took to leave his 'base' closed. His environment was pure desert probably the Sahara. "Belle I sense an enormously amount of Aether coming from one location." Arai stated looking in the direction he mentioned. Thanks to Nobu Belle noticed it as well. "Then that's where we're headed if I'm to get more information for my book we must go into the heart of this storm." With that Arai used his Dark manipulative abilities made Belle vanish with the deserts harsh winds transportering Belle to the location.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

In a cinema for a new movie's grand debut, even the harshest of critics, no matter how seemingly bent against this genre of fiction or that, could not simply disregard the media they meant to watch. The slimmest, meanest connoisseur stifled his morose gripes until the food timidly set before him passed his sunken lips. No master of their craft, however infinite their knowledge or instant their conclusions, held the ability to judge a work of art sent his way until after its experience. So it was that Aforgomon, bare-soul being beyond the veil of sleep, waited until it knew the undead wretch beneath its claws could offer no more insight into a dead man's dreams before it turned its head to paste between its heel and the arid, hard-packed savannah dirt.

Trickles of multicolored gel slathered between its nauseating, sharklike teeth. A mind already reduced to little more than a raving animal's did not satisfy an undying craving for knowledge for long. Aforgomon turned this way and that, invisible to the humans and husks that ran in a frenzy around and between its legs. For now, the village panic had subsided. Those humans whose gifts were greater had congregated in fortified buildings in which to wait out the undead threat, while the remaining poor souls were split between the dead and the doomed. Not many at all of the things that lurched across the dirt paths of the little town were human anymore, and a funeral quiet had settled over it like a fog. A new idea seized hold of Aforgomon, and it took a single step toward the nearest house.

Immediately, the closest undead -whether qualifying for insanity or deprived of its opposite- turned blindly and with frothing mouths to the smell of life. Unopposed, the first zombie grabbed hold of Aforgomon's leg and leaned in to tear with yellow incisors its pale flesh. Where enamel met epidermis, however, light instead of blood sprayed out, and within the brilliant gash could be seen infinite, starry space. The pressure difference sucked the unfortunate creature inside, messily cramming it through the tiny hole and into an alternate dimension. An instant later, the rift had closed, and it was as if the zombie never existed.

Its famished fellows fared similarly. One, mistaking Aforgomon for corporeal, attempted to slice off a chunk from it with her claws, and instead tore into the dimensional incongruity that surrounded it—a tear into a dimension of fire that incinerated her in milliseconds. A third undead reached through Aforgomon's phantomlike body, toppled over, and was the next second crunched beneath the Great One's solidified foot. Only a few titanlike strides brought Aforgomon within a stone's throw of the house. With ritualistic slowness and deliberation, it raised its arms over its head, and with its leprous digits formed a perfect circle. Growing stiller than death, it reached back into its crepuscular memory for a specific dream: its own.

An eerie blot of light, shaped like a stab wound, manifested in front of the circle formed by its fingers. From this rift stretched a plethora of vile, gelatinous tentacles of all shapes and sized, rushing forth through the hole in their prison to a new dimension. They smashed through the house as if it were kindling, prompting shrieks from the humans hiding within, but got no further. Aforgomon closed the rift and severed the tentacles to drop, lifeless, to the ground. One human, stunned and perhaps driven mad by the impossible sight, shivered against the floor until Aforgmon plucked her. In its cold vicegrip it offered her to the zombies, but it robbed them of their treat after a single bite to hold the woman skyward instead. The virus flooded her system, a chemical wildfire that burned and decayed all it touched, and curious Aforgomon touched her changing mind to sample her dream.
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