Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@FrengoNo...? I was just saying cause I thought it was an interesting fact. Your estimation was nearly spot on for the speed and amount of time taken by the American military. I thought that was cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@FrengoNo...? I was just saying cause I thought it was an interesting fact. Your estimation was nearly spot on for the speed and amount of time taken by the American military. I thought that was cool.

*Maintains eye contact to assert dominance*

Haha, nah sorry man, I came across a bit too bitchface there didn't I? My brain is a little frazzled atm, first day back at work and all. I had a nap but that made things hella worse, but at least if you listen closely you can hear the world's smallest violin playing somewhere in the background.

Anyway, it's midnight and I've got work in five hours. See y'all tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So, Gripus, what does the scouter say about her power level?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ugh, just noticed that I copied the wrong link for the picture of Liliana's sword. Here's the base concept for what it actually looks like. Sorry about that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@FrengoHahaha, it's all good! I'm not good with words, so the fault could lie with me instead. Social anxiety is a real struggle :p anywho, I hope you get enough rest!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Al Valkanos

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Race Overview: HUMANITY

Titles: Al's not quite famous enough to have earned a title

Appearance: Al's taller than average, with decent muscle tone, but his long body makes him look leaner. His hair is a messy, unkempt mop of muddy brown hair, and his facial features are surprisingly soft. Albeit, he's usually got a bruise or bandage marring them.
His dress style is pretty comfy; he mostly wears loose fitting traveler pants and tightly buckled boots boots, with a cotton shirt and dingy longcoat up top, with the sleeves rolled to his elbows for a can-do look. His right hand and lower arm is wrapped in bandages for better wrist support and also so he doesn't lose his grip. On his back he has a heavy greatsword kept in a sling. He made a necklace out of a a beast's fang, and wears it as a lucky charm.

Weapons: Al's weapon of choice are greatswords. Currently, he wields a claymore a little over five feet in length. It's steel, and weighs in at about nine pounds, much heavier than average.
He's not terribly picky about substitute or auxiliary weapons.

Steed: A small, rickety cart drawn by a single horse. The cart contains his few worldly possessions. The driver's seat is too big for one person, but too small for two.

Abilities: Al is strong - much stronger than his frame would even suggest; he spent his youth wrestling animals for fun, when he wasn't toiling away with hard labor. He can dent metal with his fists, and can lift and throw even very heavy objects. He's durable to boot- It's pretty common for enemies to take a sledgehammer to his face, because anything less probably won't phase him. On top of all this, he has a frighteningly high pain tolerance. One can only wonder how many concussions he's received.

Talents: Naturally, his self-taught fighting style takes advantage of his strength and constitution, and focuses on Al throwing his momentum around to deliver maximum impact haymakers. Drop kicks are common, as are wild punches, suplexes, and throwing whatever's handy, up to and including the enemy. Additionally, Al carries around some form of greatsword, since he finds their length and mass are good for slinging around. A solid blow from him can cleave through bone or failing that, batter the enemy like a heavy iron club. They also make handy throwing weapons.

Magic: No magic. Physical skills only.

Backstory: It's not precise to say Al's forgotten his past due to amnesia. It is, however, accurate to say he's forgotten where it is. However, when growing up, he was always considered a strong boy, even in a rural community where the pastime was wrestling wild animals. Al, however, couldn't be content living a life of mostly farming and whiling away the hours on the porch. He was the sort of child who liked to wander. One day, the year he became a man, he wandered a bit too far, and ever since then has gotten increasingly lost. Determined not to let that get him down, the then fifteen year old began a new life, the life of an adventurer, sellsword, and treasure hunter.
For most of his career, Al's worked alone, getting by the skin of his teeth. However, that changed when he shared a meal of boot leather soup with a young orphan. Since then, he's found a traveling companion in Serpica.
Together, the pair have headed west. The bounty offered by the empire is more than lucrative enough to put an end to all their financial troubles.

Starting Location: Actium
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Serpica

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Race: Lamia

Race Overview: A creature with a human upper half but a snakelike lower half below the waist. Lamia have strong jaws that they can unhinge, a forked tongue, slit pupils, and sharp fangs. Their tails are very strong.

Titles: That Tiny Lamia Hobo on Third

Appearance: Serpica is a small Lamia girl with tan skin and long black hair pulled up into twintails with wire she found (Thereby giving her three tails total). She wears a dress made out of a burlap sack over her body (The pinnacle of street fashion), and has slitted amber eyes. Her thick tail is a black, scaled affair with an off-white bottom like many snakes. Her fangs tend to stick out over her lower lip, and she is quite filthy most of the time.

Weapons: None.

Steed: Black Thunder (A broken wooden rocking horse)

Abilities: Is a Lamia.

Serpica knows all the best dumpsters, especially for food.
She is very cute, despite filth.
She can put away a surprisingly large amount of food.
Iron stomach from eating garbage.
Very good at solo card games.

Magic: None

Backstory: Serpica grew up as a homeless orphan in Actium. She never knew her parents, and relied on herself and the kindness of strangers to make it through life. She survived however she could day to day, digging clothes and food out of the trash, and entertained herself with broken toys and stray animals. Then, one day, a fellow hobo took her in and made her into an honorary adventurer. Her life was about to change.

Starting Location: Actium
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh boy. I have a feeling that while Gripus ends up with all the elf chicks, Luca's going to end up with a contingent of little beggar girls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oh boy. I have a feeling that while Gripus ends up with all the elf chicks, Luca's going to end up with a contingent of little beggar girls.




Also, waiting on rechonq on actium to make a post. I'll proceed on Campus Magnus otherwise.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Completed the sheet for Sarai, and posting here for your convenience, @Frengo

Name: Sarai

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Titles: (These titles are known only to a niche few, who are familiar with her story)

Death's Favored Friend

The Reapers Daughter

Maiden of Lisandris


Sarai stands just a bit above 5ft, with a healthy body that makes itself known despite her conservative clothing. Despite her soft appearance, there is a kind of light in her eyes that makes those with good-sense wary of her.

Weapons: A silver dagger.

Steed: N/A


Sarai was born with an innate sense of feeling the cycle of life and death, such that it has given her an affinity with the living dead, among other abilities.

Ballad of Death - Weakens all living (not undead) creatures within audible distance of her voice. Undead within reach gain strength with every note. The longer she sings, the more undead will begin to gravitate towards her, making it possible for her to pull large crowds of lesser undead towards her location. Plugged ears nullify this ability.

Death Pact - Mindless undead will not touch her unless she strikes them first. Undead with rational minds will find it hard to approach her with ill intent, but can overcome the compulsion with effort.

Transfer Vitality - Sarai can mediate the life forces between two creatures, living or undead, making it possible for her to transfer wounds and illnesses between the two. If she pushes herself, she can do this between whole groups. Needs skin contact for this to work.


She can sing beautifully, mostly ballads and mourning tunes.

She can sketch.

Able to cook great food . . . so long as it involves meat.


Sarai is a capable healer, combining her natural abilities with training she received from the monastery; however, this is just a cover up for her true affinity.
Sarai is a talented Necromancer, able to summon and control about twenty lesser undead at a time, or even some Lesser Wraiths. At most, Sarai can command a single Revenant with difficulty.
Sarai has had no formal training with Necromancy whatsoever, and everything she can do in relation to the practice is purely instinctive.


Sarai was - and still is - a girl born to love death. Every aspect of it, she has embraced. Born to a noble family in the City-Fort of Lisandry, outside of Iron Coast, she immediately proved to be an unusual child. Pets that she loved in life stayed with her long past their expiry date. Back at her manor, the unburied corpses of her pets kept her company, and frightened the whole household. She would talk to them, play with them, and act as though nothing had changed between them.
Once, on the eve of her fifth birthday, the chamberlain of the household witnessed Sarai in the act of raising the dead - a skill that has long been the subject of persecution under the empire since the dawn of Magnor Dragonblade. Her parents, in an effort to conceal her abilities and hide the disgrace that was their eldest daughter, sent her to a monastery to be trained as a healer for five years. Ironically, this did nothing but further enhance Sarai's potential as a budding necromancer.
The more she learned about preserving life, the more she learned about bringing about death. The teachings of the monastery's healers proved to her that life and death were not a cycle, merely a straight line, with one stage following the next. She began making no distinctions between the living and the dead.
The monastery elders, upon learning that she had simply gotten worse, attempted to curb her fascination with the dead by introducing her to the land of Iron Coast, where the greatest and most terrible necromancer to ever surface preformed the greatest feats of necromancy to ever behold the land, and with it, the atrocities that followed. For seven long years, they lectured her on the terror of undeath, and the lives of people that must be respected, all the while furthering her training as a Healer.

Needless to say, this backfired horribly.

Sarai was more enraptured than ever with the concepts of life, death, and undeath. She struck a deal with the head of her order: In return for helping out all those that would go to Iron Coast to end the threat of a burgeoning army of undead, under the command of a suspected Wraith, she would accompany them to those lands of death. Hands tied and unable to think of anything more to do for her, she was given their blessings, and now roams among the many adventurers and would-be heroes on their way to the Dead-lands, free to practice her art as she wished.

Starting Location: Actium
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ugh, just noticed that I copied the wrong link for the picture of Liliana's sword. Here's the base concept for what it actually looks like. Sorry about that.

And there I was thinking Liliana carried around a 1x1 interest thread in her scabbard!

@IncredibleBee Help a brother out, who's Serpica? Ah okay, I see. Righty'o... hmmm... hmmm, yup, accepted!

@Shisa Okay, I got a little problem with Serpica. See, it looks like she and her friend fancey themselves a shot at claiming that prize money; however, given that she has no combat skills makes the whole thing seem a little odd. I mean, Iron Coast is crawling to the brim with monsters, and she wants to travel across a dead landscape to put down a powerful Wraith? Is she suicidal?

She seems better suited to a comedy or a drama, where as this RP is grounded in the idea that at some point the "heroes" will need to kill stuff. Maybe take her back to the drawing board and give that girl some teeth?

Also, how common are these snake people? They seem a little on the ghoulish side of things, so it would be nice to know if they're common throughout the Empire, or if people look at them as a disgusting minority.

But let it be known that I am a kind GM. If you wish to keep her as she is, then now's your chance to state your case and I'll take it under further consideration. Preferably though, she wants to be able to have a realistic prospect of surviving more than 24 hours outside the walls of Campus Magnus!

@TheHangedMan Looks like someone wants to steal Magnor's tower! Could make for an interesting story arc. Accepted, although be wary, she may walk freely among the mindless dead, but the Empire wont be so easily deterred if it discovers her true magic leanings.

Phew, that it? This is starting to get a little crowded, I might have to consider closing it to new entries. I'll move over the new characters and catch up with the IC.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Huh, looks like Tsabal is gonna have evil-y necromantic competition then...

EDit: Didn't notice @rechonq post. Sorry

Edit2: And done, that was quick. THE FRYING PAN RETURNS!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@AtomicNut Forgive me, but what exactly is going on near the end with Pyria? I get that she started to charge off but after that I'm confused.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@AtomicNut Forgive me, but what exactly is going on near the end with Pyria? I get that she started to charge off but after that I'm confused.

She tripped on the pan.


Edit: Okay, I saw a rather idiotic typo. Fixed it.

Edit: Not just a typo, the frypan wasn't even there. Editing again. Shouldn't make posts at 1.30 AM.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Frengo Alright, you do make fair points, but as you've invited me to state my case, I believe I'll do so.

Okay, I got a little problem with Serpica. See, it looks like she and her friend fancey themselves a shot at claiming that prize money; however, given that she has no combat skills makes the whole thing seem a little odd. I mean, Iron Coast is crawling to the brim with monsters, and she wants to travel across a dead landscape to put down a powerful Wraith? Is she suicidal?

Combat skills? Perhaps not, but being a street urchin all her life has given her an excellent mind for geography and the flow of cities. It's established that Al has no sense of direction, and as the two are a duo, her presence is important in this regard. Not to mention, the man has little money. Being adept as scavenging in an urban environment for free food and shelter is a skill that can't be accurately quantified, but whose importance should not be understated.

As for her reasons, we'll have to go into the mind of a terrified, abused little street rat. Nobody loves you, you don't consistently have food or shelter, and what little money you manage to scrounge together is more often than not stolen by people stronger than you. You have nothing to lose but your meaningless life, and you have everything to gain. You can make a difference and save the empire, earn real money for once in your life, sleep in a real bed with real food, and perhaps even earn the affection of the populace. You can give your life meaning for once. If you want impetus, then there it is.

She seems better suited to a comedy or a drama, where as this RP is grounded in the idea that at some point the "heroes" will need to kill stuff. Maybe take her back to the drawing board and give that girl some teeth?

If need be, Serpica can strangle someone with her tail. Perhaps not the best tool against the undead, but it is something. For the most part, however, she'll be relying on Al to do most of the work while she stays in back. She wouldn't know how to use a weapon to start, but over the course of the campaign she could probably learn to use a crossbow at least.

Also, how common are these snake people? They seem a little on the ghoulish side of things, so it would be nice to know if they're common throughout the Empire, or if people look at them as a disgusting minority.

They are somewhat ghoulish, and I think that they would absolutely be an uncommon race. I'm certain that she's faced prejudice for it before, but I believe in the overall goodness of Humanity. She's been kicked around plenty, but she's also been helped begrudgingly by those with an ounce of pity. Or piety, perhaps.

But let it be known that I am a kind GM. If you wish to keep her as she is, then now's your chance to state your case and I'll take it under further consideration. Preferably though, she wants to be able to have a realistic prospect of surviving more than 24 hours outside the walls of Campus Magnus!

In closing, I doubt she could last even a couple of hours outside a city by herself with the roving undead, but together with a strong adventurer who is ostensibly able to make these travels just on his own, her chances increase exponentially. As long as she stays near, of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She could also bond with the resident fellow orphan waif DRAGON and soar the skies and torch shit. She's probably the only one small enough to ride on top of Pyria's whelp dragon form without encumberance.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

...just reakized I'm looking the map all wrong ^^;; editing my post a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Shisa Well, I'll never pry a character from the hands of an author who seems ready to fight off a band of real life Belorussian bandits to defend it. Also, as she's more or less going to be part of an iron cast duo, I doubt any problems will arise later down the line. The fact that she's been designed to fill in Al's weaknesses gives the idea further merit.

Still, I do feel kind of bad for unleashing a ten year old snake child into a world full of death and misery.

Oh wait, no I don't.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OneStoryToMany

OneStoryToMany A Teller of / Tall Tales

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So like has anyone else noticed, there's a bunch of pairs?

The two orphans, the two drow (I don't know if this counts since my character is only half-drow, but I digress), the two necromancers....and so on and so forth. Or am I just crazy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So like has anyone else noticed, there's a bunch of pairs?

The two orphans, the two drow (I don't know if this counts since my character is only half-drow, but I digress), the two necromancers....and so on and so forth. Or am I just crazy?

You're not. I'm half tempted to ax one of my characters for the sake of... not repeating.
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