@Raxacoricofallapatoriusdo u take doodle requests
Always, but I never make promises b/c eventually everything is just

@Raxacoricofallapatoriusdo u take doodle requests
Actually there's still one spot open in 3C, as well as two spots in 1A if I'm not mistaken, so Jack's fine. 2B is full assuming @rougeLily's character is accepted.
@Raxacoricofallapatoriusdoodle connor aggressively chewing gum
i'll give you a hug
<Snipped quote by Raxacoricofallapatorius>
yeah yuhh haha, I'm going to assume that I've been accepted and start working on the relationships now, can I???!?!
@Symphoni Not reserving spots, but I think you may be okay. Think it's going to boil down to who gets cs's completed and submitted first at this point.
@rougeLily Have to wait for confirmation from Hushed to know if you're accepted. Don't worry, she'll let you know. ^^ But if you want, go ahead and start working on relations. Wouldn't hurt.
@Symphoni Honestly, don't know. We've had several wanting to join and some are making secondary characters. O.o The apartments are filling up. Don't know what Hushed will do if we fill up.
@Lady AmaltheaThe internet gods must've wanted a little variety. Can't blame them, everybody loves chicken.
@Aewin THank you, I'm cravin for some fries today.
@Symphoni Honestly, don't know. We've had several wanting to join and some are making secondary characters. O.o The apartments are filling up. Don't know what Hushed will do if we fill up.