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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spooky Tanuki
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Spooky Tanuki The Masked Dog

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Then it's settled!" Asgore announced, joyous to be having company over. It felt like it had been a life-time since he was last visited by anyone. He tried not to let it bother him too much, knowing the others were busy with their new lives above the Underground, but he couldn't help but be a little lonely. When they were all still in the Underground, it seemed like the monsters came to him for every problem, like they looked for his say in everything they did! Now, he was feeling the slightest bit forgotten. With his past atrocities, perhaps that would best for them all? To forget?

As he was daydreaming, the fluffy monster instinctively took hold of Mana's hand, but he recoiled as soon as he realized what he'd done, holding the culprit hand nervously while he glanced sideways at the lady. "A-Ah... A thousand pardons, Mana," he mumbled in embarrassment, a soft pink blush lying over his crinkled face now. "I may have mistook you as a child before, due to our sizes, but I can see now that you are not... I mean not to treat you as such." He gave a tiny dip of the head while walking, a gesture of respect for the little human. "I suppose it is just a habit of mine," he chuckled awkwardly, his long ears pressed back. "I once had a child before."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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@Spooky Tanuki
Mana gave him a tiny smile, it hadn't bothered her that he had grabbed her hand. Though she did stop when he mentioned that he had thought of her as a child. She had to grow up fast to just live, no one had ever seen her as a kid. Her eyes became glossy with tears that threatened to spill, especially when he mentioned having a child once. She looked up at him with her wide, innocent eyes. Her empty hand was grabbing the opposing scar covered arm in a vice like grip. "N-No one's ever thought of me as child before...." She mumbled, going back to walking beside him. Her eyes went to stare at the ground as they walked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spooky Tanuki
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Spooky Tanuki The Masked Dog

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@thanatosDefiant @booksmusicanime
Toriel was grateful when the two did not protest, a happy smile spreading her lips. When Frisk mentioned the possibility of seeing Sans, she only felt her smile soften, and a wistful haze clouded her round eyes. She hoped that they could see the tiny skeleton, as well. She had a few jokes that she wanted to share with him. The tall monster made sure that the oven was off and that the pie had the space to cool before turning the kitchen lights out. "Come, children," she chimed happily, adjusting her straw summer hat a smidgen and dusting the last bit of flour from her robe. She had more clothes, recently acquired, but she was still particularly fond of the robe that adorned the old royal crest. It was filled with too many memories to simply do away with. She waited patiently at the door for Frisk and Flowey, her small crochet purse in throw. She was very glad that she did not manage to forget it! That had happened one too many times before, unfortunately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by fourtimesnine
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Alphys wasn't surprised when Undyne drowned her pancakes in a pool of syrup. As expected, the determined fish knight gave her all in everything she did, even if it was pouring syrup on pancakes. A fond smile appeared on Alphys' face. Undyne had fought for the monsters' hopes and dreams to come true - she deserved her happy ending, and although Alphys still didn't fully understand what Undyne saw in her, she was glad that Undyne was happy with her. Then Undyne suddenly stuck a piece of excessively-sweet pancake into her mouth. Alphys choked a little, then swallowed it, blushing.

"Um, well, I was just wondering what to do. Grocery shopping sounds good," Alphys said, trying to regain her composure. "Also, I found an anime with fighting princesses, if you want to watch it together. I wonder if Papyrus or Asgore would be interested?"

Alphys kind of wanted to prove to Papyrus that anime wasn't a kind of cartoon for small children, and Asgore had expressed curiosity about anime before. Her first attempt at an introduction had been embarrassing, but maybe the second time's the charm?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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(I did it!)

Sans and Papyrus, the skeleton bros, were sitting at their table eating breakfast. While Sans poured ketchup on a burger, Papyrus ate his spaghetti, which was rock hard from the cold. Despite being above ground and having all this warmth, they were a bit home sick, and decided to live in the coldest place they could find. 'New Snowdin', they named it. Ah yes, it was a nice place to live indeed, where all the monsters, humans, and dogs could live together in peace and harmony... Good ol' New Snowdin. Lovely town.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DigitalDemon
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DigitalDemon The Fab

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((So, wait, what time is it? Because some people said evening, and some people said morning. I'm just gonna go with morning.)) As the sun rose to the precise point where it broke through her blinds, Aryla awoke. Stretching, she hopped out of bed, and went to have breakfast. The only furniture she had in her 'kitchen' was a fridge, a bench and a hotplate, as she preferred to sit on the floor. Pushing boxes out of the way to make some space, she sat down with a cold piece of bread covered in jam. As she crunched down on the last bite, her dog, 'Moot', had already made it's way to nibble on the crumbs. After breakfast, she got dressed and ready for the day ahead. This was her first day living in this house... In the street filled with monsters... This made a lot of people afraid to buy this house, but the prospect excited her. They can't be all bad... Right? She thought as she stepped out the door, the sun blindingly bright compared to her lightless house. The first thing she saw was a large goat-man walking a girl across the street, and a similar goat-woman walking a child holding a pot plant towards 'Grillby's Diner'. She walked a few steps, and then fell asleep in the middle of the street.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Chara smiled as the sun rose, turning the grey Pre-dawn of the suface into a vibrant and colorful veiw of their new playground. Since the barrier broke it had become much easier for Chara to move about and remain in this world without needing to be tethered to anyone. Chara was basically a ghost now, but with a far more powerful Soul, and while they didn't quite understand what was going on in the world at the moment, they knew enough to make this a new stating point. A new plan.

Now, to find Asriel.

Chara drifted through the neighborhood, searching, when they came across a human who seemed to be sleeping in the middle of the street. Out of curiosity, they reached out to touch and perhaps wake the human, but the attempt failed when their hand phased right through the girl's arm. Sighing, Chara tensed up as she noticed her mo- Toriel, walking down the street along with Frisk, (ugh) and...

Asriel! Or, Flowey at the moment. He looked pretty funny being carried around in a flower pot, and not extremely happy with the situation either. Chara went over and whispered to him. "Remember me? Time for a new plan, partner."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Spooky Tanuki

A white, inconspicuous van followed by a moving truck made its way through the small town. This town, originally just a quiet, insignificant spec of civilization, was now occupied monsters that were thought only to be silly local legends. This made the town of key importance to the government, for if the legends are true, and these monsters could steal the souls of humans, then something must be done. Thus, a secret agency was formed, one that very few knew about. It was only known as the UCCP, its acronym meaning unknown except to those within the organization. They had pulled skilled individuals from various organizations, most notably the military and the various intelligence services. They had one goal, and only one.

To monitor the monsters, protect the civilians from harm, and detain/eliminate any monster who threatens the safety and security of the people and the nation.

Alyona leaned against the passenger side window of the vehicle, watching the small town pass by. Next her, driving the van, was her partner Walter. She glanced over to him, observing his face of controlled, frustrated contempt. He was not thrilled about this assignment as much as she was. These monsters, ones who could absorb the very souls of humans, had peaked her curiosity, and was now happily allowed to violate every facet of their lives here in town. Find every secret, and maybe even get to see what they're made of if things get frisky. The two vehicles stopped in front of a house a few blocks away from where the monsters had settled in town. Walter turned to Alyona with sigh.
"Alright, this is my stop, once we get what we need from the truck, you'll ride with the driver to your home on Willow Street. Have fun meeting your new neighbors. From there you'll-"
"I've read the briefing, Agent Krauss, I know what my mission is. I'll be the face, and you, the..." she paused motioning her hands into air quotes "...'brains' of the operation."
Before Walter could respond she was already out of the van and on her way to the truck. Walter seethed and shook his head. "That confidence of hers is gonna get her killed, and I'm not sure if I should care or not..." he thought, watching Aylona hop into the moving truck.

Soon they were off again, this time to the street that was soon becoming known as "Monster's Alley". Here was were the majority of the monster population from the underground had settled. Though it wasn't just houses, but even a monster owned business or two. Hell, there was even a bar not to far from where Alyona's new house was. Aylona, while not showing it, couldn't help but wonder at what she saw. Strange creatures walking the streets, all so odd and bizarre in their own way. From talking cats to walking skeletons, it was a sight to see for sure. "What on earth have I gotten myself into...." Alyona thought with a sigh as the truck pulled up in front of her new home. As she exited the truck, she saw her neigbor's door open. It revealed.... well.... a large goat, demon, thing wearing most notably a sun hat and a unique robe. She was followed by a boy who held a flower.... with a face on it... that talked.... Alyona immediatly reconnized them from the mission file, particularly the boy. His name was Frisk, apparently the one responsible for this whole mess. He was the acting "ambassador" when the monsters first emerged and since then has been the strangest center piece of monster-human relations. Putting on her warmest, friendliest look, Aylona aproached the group.

"Hello there! Might you three be my new neighbors?" She asked as she approached, waving.

"Well, here it goes, the operation is ago...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DigitalDemon
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DigitalDemon The Fab

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After being phased through by Chara, Aryla woke up, with a strange goo on her hand. She wiped it off dismissively and continued on her way. Weird... It couldn't have been water because it hasn't even been raining... I wonder... She spent quite a while wondering about this before she decided that, much to her disliking, she should probably get acquainted with some of her new neighbours. She approached the female goat-person, and her child?... "Uhhh... Hello! Goat... Lady.... Uh.. I just wanted to say that... I've recently moved into the house down the road.... So if you need me for anything... That's probably where I'll be.... *cough*... Well... Just thought I should introduce myself.... Uuhhh, my name's Aryla, by the way! Aryla Foxx. Uhhhh.... What's yours?"
@Spooky Tanuki
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Flowey's beady black eyes flickered to all the people coming up to them. He shrank back into his pot slightly. He did let his eyes flash to Chara at one point so the ghost child knew that he had seen them, and gave them a look before looking at the Aryla girl and the mysterious girl who had yet to introduce herself. Is this town filled with women? He thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

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@Simple Unicycle
Mettaton, currently in her full form, held a small child's hand and led her around the area, muttering things about her performances and wondering where the monsters she recognized were at. The child was trying her best to keep up with the robot, taking short but quick steps to stay by her side, but a large ax was in her other hand, slowing her down by two or three steps. A few monsters noticed the child with the weapon, but were more distracted by Mettaton. They tried to ask quick questions or get a signature, but she nervously told them that she had to get the child to place where she could be taken care of. Some monsters told Mettaton that they should find Toriel, but Mettaton already tried looking for her.
"Are we there yet?" the child asked in a quiet voice.
"Kim, darling, please be patient. I'm still trying to get used to the area myself! Give me some time," Mettaton tried to calmly reply.
After a few more minutes of walking around Mettaton ended up in New Snowdin, a town not far from the main area covered with snow. She remembered that two skeleton brothers, Sans and Papyrus, hang out in this area so she decided to try finding them instead. It was going to be way easier to find them, knowing they would most likely be eating breakfast in the new Grillby's at this time of day, but she still had to find the building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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@booksmusicanime@Spooky Tanuki@thanatosDefiant@DigitalDemon@Skepic

Chara rolled their eyes as the humans began flocking to Toriel like... ducklings, or something else equally cute and annoying. They were a little angry that Flowey hadn't answered them, although considering the situation it would raise a bit of suspicion if they started having an all-out conversation. "Hmm... Watch this." Chara snickered as they went over to one human who seemed totally uninterested in the group, just some guy walking down the street.

He was weak, easy to posses and control as Chara made him walk over to the group, a crazed grin on his face mirroring their own as Chara found that he carried a pocket knife. He drew it slowly from his pocket as Chara made him speak, an introduction mocking those of the other humans who had walked over to talk to Toriel. "Hello! I don't know any of you but find you all extremely annoying. Especially. You." As Chara made the human say "you" they made him lunge at Toriel with the knife aimed for her heart, leaving/unpossessing the human at the same moment.

Chara hovered nearby to watch the "fun", laughing and looking around for more weak humans they could sick on Toriel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DigitalDemon
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DigitalDemon The Fab

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When the man lunges for Toriel, Aryla reacts fast to hold him back, and wraps her arms underneath his shoulders. She may not know this Goat-lady, but anyone who has the intent to kill some random stranger shouldn't be uncontrolled. "What the hell is wrong with you, dude?! Just because she's a monster, doesn't mean you have any right to hold a knife to her!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Simple Unicycle
After about ten minutes of walking around the area Mettaton couldn't find a building that would most likely be Grillby's, but did pass a house that seemed like a place the skeleton brothers would stay at. She brought the child to the door, lightly knocked on it, then called out, "Papyrus? Sans?" Mettaton was still unsure that the brothers would be at this place, but she had to at least try checking.
"Why do I have to stay with the bonebros?" Kim asked while looking at Mettaton with a tilted head. The robot made faint smile, patted the child on the head with her free hand, and quietly waited for an answer to the door without replying to the kid's question. The child repeatedly tugged on Mettaton's arm, wanting an answer right away, but Mettaton didn't want to tell Kim that she was going to leave her with someone else, knowing that the child was already attached to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

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Papyrus was about to put a forkfull of spaghetti into his mouth when he heard Mettaton's voice ring out. He swallows the fork and, in the blink of an eye, runs to the door. He opens it and peeks his head out, looking Mettaton dead on. "AH! MY FAVORITE SEXY RECTANGLE! WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU?!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

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@Simple Unicycle
"U-uhh, Papy, look d-down a little," Mettaton stuttered slightly, then pointed to the child that she was still holding the hand of. Kim was pokerfacing at the tall skeleton brother, still processing what he meant by 'my favorite sexy rectangle', then made a disturbed look at him. She mouthed the word "Gross" then went back to her neutral face but with squinted eyes, wondering if the skeleton and robot were a couple. Mettaton made a nervous chuckle at the child then turned back to Papyrus. "Take care of her for me," she whispered, hoping Papyrus would accept the offer since they're extremely close.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Papyrus looked down at the child, then back at Mettaton. "OF COURSE, MY DEAR! I SHALL PROTECT THIS CHILD WITH MY LIFE! COME ALONG NOW..." He paused for a moment, then asked, "WHAT IS ITS NAME!? EVERYTHING HAS A NAME! EVEN FRISK HAS A NAME, SURPRISINGLY!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

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@Simple Unicycle
Mettaton did a sigh of relief then said, "Her name is Kim. Kim Verandine." She bent down to the child then said in a soft voice, "Go ahead, darling. I'll check in as many times as I possibly could if you want me to." Kim blinked a few times at the Mettaton, hugged her with the arm that held her hand before, then went over to Papyrus. Mettaton smiled then stood upright explaining, "Try to keep Kim active. Maybe do a few puzzles together, or train using those bones of yours. She will always talk when she's hungry or wants entertainment, but she's very quiet, so pay attention. When Kim isn't asking for anything then either put her to bed or hand her over to your brother."
The robot remembered the child was still holding her ax, quickly telling the skeleton before she left, "One last very important thing. When you're 'bone training' with her, you don't have to go easy. She has that..." Mettaton pointed to the child's weapon, hoping she won't actually use it on the brothers. "Well, I'm off now! Ta-ta!" Mettaton exclaimed, turning around and waving goodbye before she quickly walked off.
Kim turned back at the skeleton then asked in a low tone, "Are you and TonTon dating? Also, you're the one that makes spaghetti, right? I'm hungry, and I have a taste for it." Seconds later a loud growl came from the child's stomach, making her pat her stomach with her empty hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

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"AH, NO! ME AND THE RECTANGLE ARE NOT DATING! I JUST ENJOY HER SHOWS, HER MERCHANDISE, HER RECTANGLULAR SHAPE, AND JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE! NOW, YOU WISH FOR SOME SPAGHETTI?! FRET NOT, YOUNG ONE, I'LL GO MAKE SOME!" With that, Papyrus runs to the kitchen and grabs a container full of spaghetti. He sets it down at the table where he and Sans were sitting, and pulls up another chair.
"WELCOME TO OUR HOME, KIM! THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS!" He gestures to Sans with one hand. Sans looks at Kim for a moment, says "sup.", then goes back to eating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Simple Unicycle
"If you like her in a fan or friendship type of way, what about a relationship type of way?" Kim asked while going over to the table and sitting down in the chair. She does a simple wave at Sans then starts eating, her bangs slipping over her eyes and making her stop in mid-bite. Kim puts her bangs behind her left ear, clearly showing the two brothers her different colored eyes, then goes back to eating. "Also, if you're skeletons, how do you digest the food, or eat it at all? And why bother wearing clothes? And how do you even see without eyeballs?" the child babbled on with questions between forks of spaghetti, her voice a little louder so both of them could hear. She asked similar questions to Mettaton, and due to her curiosity, she's doing the same to the brothers. After about twenty questions Kim finally stopped talking with her plate empty of spaghetti, but she stayed sitting on the chair, waiting for at least one answer or explanation to her questions.
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