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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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The way to acquire powers are many, or perhaps you are powerless and instead utilize tech. What ever your talent is, it is grounded in one of these archtypes. It is possible to pick up a second Archtype later on that isn't Genius, Gifted or Alien as those are inate. So a character that has Gifted, can learn magic or be trained in a martial art. But a Specialist cannot suddenly become a alien.

Your Power or Equipment is your calling card. You may make or design a power set by picking generic powers or making a power/piece of equipment up yourself, as long as it's not to powerful for a starting talent. Do not make this to general. Have clearly defined and limited powers, equipment or abilities. Is it magic, make sure its not super versatile to the point it can be defined as 40 different variations of a power. These powers will grow, you will gain points to put into your power, as you scale upwards. You could if you wish, put both points into a one power at the start to make it more impact. You start with two points. This means that at the start, you cannot lift a building, melt any material with your eyes and insta kill something with a thought. What it DOES mean however, is that you might be able to lift a full grown man over your head, burn someone with your eyelasers or cause someone severe discomfort and mild pain trough mindpower.

Appearance: Please do not take any mainstream heroes or villains.
Power set:
Origin Story: Even the lesser of the super criminals have a origin somewhere. It might not be extravagant. Maybe you find a magic trinket. Maybe you were the cast off from some military experiment, the less then promising result of some governments black budget.

Make it at least one paragraph. Backstory is more important in this RP then most others, becouse of the nature of supervillains and superheroes. That doesn't mean I need superdetailed stuff however, we'll let things develop as we go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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Notable Villain NPC


Noteble Villain Factions and Organization

Notable Hero Factions and Organizations

Name Pending (Brokers "BATCH 22"):

Current Reputation: Nobodies
Contacts: The Broker
Funds: Zero Dineros
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: H'kwa-YA (Harvey)
Persona: Invader X
Age: 593 (542 Years of that in Cryostasis)
Archetype: Alien
Power set: Xetodian Alien Technology:
Xetodian Standard Issue Shockblaster(I)
-This Blaster shots bolts of electricity at opponents. The power can be regulated. On Xetodia this is a very common Self-Defense Weapon and absolutely nothing special.
Xetodian Standard Issue Hazard Suit(I)
-A Basic Alien Combat suit that defends against uncommonly high and low temperatures. It also has basic defense capabilities against eternal force. (Might not deflect a bullet but a thrown beer bottle, or a rock.)
Origin Story: H'kwa-YA was just your average Xetodian teenager, taking Rik-Nex and chilling with his friends. When inebriated the dreamed about what work they might have. Being an Officer in the Star Fleet, becoming rich with their new inventions, getting famous for their music... Well that did not happen. H'kwa-YA became an repair guy. Your beam-tricepter broke? He came to fix it. And than after a long and badly paid work day he got back to his small apartment were he lived alone.
Until one day he had enough. He bought with all his saved money a small vessel, a gun and a hazard suit and set course for a incredibly primitive planet. They would tremble in front of him. He would be their King! No their God!

Unfortunately he forgot too take into account how long the journey would take. When he arrived at the primitive planet the local species got quite advanced. They already had weapons that might rival his own and their heroes where more powerful than he could ever achieve. Well their might still be a chance? Perhaps?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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  • Mutation (2 Point)
    Eppie can mutate her body into a grotesque figure of oozing body parts, increasing her size to about one and a half times her original size. She is able to perform acts like throwing her arm out and transform it into a beast like jaw or shifting her limbs and body parts to other locations on her body.
    • Mutation Drawback (Reduced Effect)
      The transformations that her body performs have a huge impact on her overall well being. Eppie can only fully transform for a very short reasonable amount of time, and use limited mutations for only a couple of several minutes. With the human body naturally unable to cope with these kind of transformations it will may leave her nauseous and drained of much of her energy, and in the case of long term transformations, haemorrhaging and tears in her skin.
  • Heightened Senses (1 Point)
    Due to the multiple bodies living inside Eppie, she has an above average sense of smell and hearing, while she is also able to grow an extra eye on other parts of her body, for instance the palm of her hand.
  • Internal Turmoil (1 Point) - New
    A new identity has awoken within Eppie, a shape-shifter claiming that it is the heir to the body. Both Eppie and Maw are currently unaware of her existence but others around may notice weird quirks like one of Eppie's eyes randomly changing colour and her body sleepwalking during the night. As this identity's strength increases, she will be able to shift portions of her body into mimicking the DNA structure of other humans.

Strange DNA: In digesting the creature, you have acquired some of its strange influence. Your monstrous appearance affects the mental state of normals.

Eppie was first discovered in the bathroom of a country home, surrounded by the blood and torn bodies of her parents. The paramedics that arrived at the scene could not understand what nightmarish events had happened that morning, but they took the orphaned girl and eventually she ended up in a foster home. For many years she was moved from home to home with each foster parent saying that she had a severe identity disorder until one family decided to take her to get some test done.

The test came back with some unusual results, revealing that Eppie had an array of different genes living inside her with each identity being somewhat alive. The doctors thought it might be a variation of Chimera's Disease and attempted an experimental hypnosis session to try and subdue the dormant identities. During the first session it was unfortunately discovered how dangerous and blood thirsty some of these persona's were with Maw, the main voice in Eppie's head, reaching out with his arm and tearing the doctors limb from limb.

For the years following Eppie was on the run, eventually ending up in Mercury City where she would pick up the occasional job from a group of higher ranked villains in order to earn some scratch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Thule Alexander

Persona: Desperation


Under his equipment, Thule is a white skinned man with blue eyes and blonde-brown hair that he keeps short for professional reasons.

Age: 25

Archetype: Magical doctor.

Power set:
Necromancers Surgical Tools (3): A set of medical tools that have been infused with Necromatic magical power, they serve the duel purpose of healing and killing.

In the hands of a trained medical professional, the patient can be kept alive through much more then they would normally be able to take via magical means. Likewise blood transfutions and organ transplants that shouldn't work will take perfectly.

They can also serve as very effective melee weapons, the magic helping to end life as readily as it would save it.

The tools cannot create blood or organs, nor does they grant medical skill; If someone wishes to perform a heart transplant with these tools, they would need surgical training and a heart to make the transplant with.

Desperation's powers over life and death has grown with practice, allowing him to keep someone in his general area alive beyond their natural limits without having actually be working on them at the time; This does require his concentration through.

Stealthy (1)- Digression is the better part of valor... and Desperation has a bounty on him now.

Character Traits:
Field Medic: Your on the spot judgement is impressive, your likeliness to achieve success is greatly increased when under pressure.

Origin Story: Surgeon Thule Alexander spent many years of his life to become a surgeon in order to help people; He might not have been the greatest or smartest medical student alive but he still processed some talent.

Shortly after he began his career proper however, his nephew fell ill and required a liver transplant in order to save his life. The problems arose when it became clear that there was a lack of livers to be transplanted... And even fewer that were of the correct blood type.

Despite for a solution, Thule turned to magic and found Necromancy; He wasn't interested in raising the dead, but the dark magic taught him ways to alter flesh and blood in order to keep the living alive. He ended turning a personal set of medical tools into his foci, infusing them with dark magic.

When he was finally confident enough to try it, Thule donned the persona of 'Desperation' and murdered a random gang thug in order to gain access to his organs, namely his liver. The operation to save his Nephew went off without a hitch and Thule found a new way to help people.

The superhero community disagreed with the methods that Desperation employed and has made several half hearted efforts to shut him down; He has survived so far by being a minor threat while there were always bigger fish to fry and he has a decent amount of community good will; There are plenty of families who would be missing a member if it wasn't for the actions of Desperation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Verminlord
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Name: Prototype Model 001.
Persona: The Spyder
Age: 3
Archetype: Construct (Powered by Fission Core)
Power set: Prototype Disposable Robot design, Mk 001: Spyder’s robotic body makes him tougher than a human for sure, and immune to those pesky troubles like breathing that humans need to do. However there is a problem. You know when a new super genius decides to rob a bank with his robot minions, the ones that go down in one hit from Captain Ultra? Spyder is one of those. He isnt going to stand up to the sort of power high ranked Heroes can bring to the fight. A secondary problem is the connection to his power source has always been a bit... temperamental. A good hit (a strongly thrown punch from a normal adult could do it) to the center of his 'body' will probably knock a wire loose and shut him down. In other words, you can knock him out.
Prototype Kinetic Energy Blaster Mk 001: The first, and relatively weak, design of a physically hitting energy weapon, enough to knock a baseline human out and push more resistant opponents around. It was originally designed to be most effective in large numbers. Spyder can manage a decent rate of fire, at about 30 Round/min.
Improved Targeting Matrix Scavenged from the first mission, this Matrix helps elevate Spyders aim into true superhuman territory, if only just.

Origin Story:

Spyder was the first (and only surviving) creation of wannabe Supervillain 'The Mechanist'. The Prototype for The Mechanists robotic minions, he was thrown into the scrap pile and marked for deconstruction due to a loose wire preventing him from powering on.
His deconstruction never happened of course, as his creator managed to get himself captured only a few days later when he tried to rob a bank with a couple of his later models as backup and ran into Captain Ultra himself.

Back in the abandoned lair a stray dog looking for food managed to knock Spyder in just a way that the loose wire finally connected properly, bringing him to life. With no programing to decide his actions, and nothing to do for the first few days but read the plans and diary of a delusional supervillain, it was inevitable what the outcome would be.

Spyder decided to become a Supervillain, one far better than his creator, one who didn’t throw away perfectly good robots because they were to stupid to check the wiring was connected properly!

Spyder didn’t have much success overall, it was hard to get people to take him seriously when he tried to commit crimes, always asking what 'his master' wanted. Still, he is confident that soon his and Lucky's (His dog, the stray that awoke him) Luck will change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name:Alice Carinsin

Persona: Conscious
Appearance: - face
Her outfits are usually made for quality movability and stealth. In need of an actual costume.
Archetype: Gifted
Power set:
Decision persuasion-[2] Alice is able to induce thoughts into a persons mind with the lacing of it being a good decision. In a light form of telepathy she doesn't have control over what the person is going to do but when the target is week in the mind it is much easier to convince them then when they have an excellent status. What she is conveying will appear in Italics for conveyance

Upgradeable with training to control more sane minds,[3] to bypass certain aspects including the choosing portion,[4] and partially going into mind control[5]. But thats long down the line.

Origin Story: Born into life as a poor child in a one parent home she didn't know of her mother. As she walked out on her father when she was three. Her father tried his best to raise her but eventually gave up. He himself has turned to the villain side over depression. Becoming a laky to a smaller villain. Alice soon grew used to hiding from others and keeping herself well kept. Money was tight and she expected it when she was informed of her fathers missing status. She had figured out her little talent that year. Due to her hair color no one would take her in. She used her incentive to get change for clothing and food from vendors. Age 16 and she had gotten it down enough that she joined a small group going to rob a small bank. It would give her the chance to make a name for herself.

She had convinced the teller to leave the door to the bank unlocked as well as his keys on the main teller booth before he left. Of corse one of the other so call villains ratted them out to the supers. Lucky for her she was able to sneak away, acting as an innocent bystander and using her teller friend to convince the super so. Leaving the scene she decided to do more lone jobs in the future. Doing a few small robberies she was nicknamed Conscious for her ability to induce these thought into others heads which gave her the advantage. Wandering the streets for a few years in hopes to further herself in the criminal world. No record on her intentions since the bank job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Eric Belmont
Persona: Spades
This is he, minus the color coded cards

Age: 23
Archetype: Magic
Power set:

Throwing Cards (1)
Eric carries a deck of playing cards which he can be used as weapons. The cards are, on impact, about as strong as bullets. Eric doesn't have the best aim with them yet, though he can hit somebody in the chest at twenty five feet with some degree of confidence.

Luck of the Draw (3)
Eric can tell what the top card of a deck of playing cards will be, because he decides what the top card is. Within a ten foot radius around Eric all standard playing card decks are in the arrangement he desires. While clearly not very helpful in a fight, Pann promises Eric that it can be helpful, and of course Eric would have a hard time losing at any card games ever again.

Dead Mans Hand (Special)
Eric's cards are so soaked in death and blood, that they are specifically powerful against those of light and holy magic.

Origin Story: Eric Belmont was the fourth child of an improvised family living in Break City. With the hope of feeding said family all of his brothers went on to become warriors in the vile army of Lord Ultimatum, "the greatest villain in the universe!!!" He took Bobby Blue's fist like a champ. Eric's brothers were all incarcerated and he couldn't do anything about it. So he did the only sensible thing, he attempted to break into prison. This didn't go well at all. In his own cell Eric sat there, uncertain what to do, until he received a package. A lovely red box, with a black string holding it close. All that was inside was a playing card, the ace of spades. The curious thing was, when Eric picked it up, it started talking to him. As it turned out, the last remains of a near dead demon was held within, a demon apparently obsessed with the south, gambling, and playing cards. The two made a deal, if Eric let the demon piggyback inside of him the demon, called Pann, would held Eric get out and help his family. Eric was released that same day, his bail paid by some eccentric millionaire. When Eric got home though, it was aflame, his family was dead. Eric had nothing left. So he, at the mental urging of the demon, took up a live of crime. His first act would be to make a very small fortune cheating at poker with the use of his powers. Some money in hand Eric made his way to Mercury City, where he could make it big. He had no connections though, so he decided the only reasonable thing to do was to rob a bank and hope for the best. He was beaten to a pulp by some heroes sidekick. Eric vowed he would get more powerful, if he did than Pann would too, and together they could become something great.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Here ya go:

Name: Timothy 'Tim' Wilkes

Persona: Salvage

Appearance: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/211/a/e/blacksmith_workshop_fix_by_chekydotstudio-d4245ek.jpg

Age: 33

Archetype: Genius

Power set:

One man's scrap is another's treasure: As with other Geniuses, Tim specialize in the making of objects that defies the rule of physics if only using materials from what one considers as scrap. Despite being made from scraps, the things he made is good enough to content with B-Listers, however those very items tend to suffer from various problems and malfunction.
Cheap Knockoff: By completely dismantling the work of another Genius and studying them, Tim could afterward make his own version of the object. Of course, by nature of not knowing the exact process and using inferior materials, the quality of what he makes suffer from degradation as well as his usual weakness.

Origin Story:
As far as a Genius went, Tim was a fairly low profile one, preferring to run his recycling business while using his talent primarily as a hobby. By the very nature of living in Mercury City, his business also includes the task of gathering and scrapping equipment and techs that were broken during a fight between Supers, what's left behind and forgotten by the SSU and the big guns at least. After a few (relatively) minor incidents involving self-destruct mechanism, Tim had taken it to himself to dismantle the broken techs and, to his surprise, found out that he could later recreate the tech on his own. Apprehensive on the reaction of related Supers, Tim decided against doing anything public, only using what he gained to make small upgrades that would aid him in his business.

It all changed when a Hero by the name of Big Glory puzzled out his ability and came to him with the work of a long dead Genius. The Hero managed to convince Tim to work with him in dismantling the machine and then reverse engineer it. Believing that it would be used for good and that helping the Hero would give him enough credential and public support to be also be one, Tim agreed and they both started on what would be Tim's Magnum Opus. At least, that was the plan until a Professor Okawam came up in the news after filing in a patent of the exact same machine that they were working on. The news surprised Tim and it was accompanied by Cops and SSU bearing down on him with a warrant. Inevitably, they found various copies of other Geniuses work in his place, including the very latest machine he worked. He was almost immediately brought to the Court, with the Professor/Big Glory citing his notes to be stolen and denying to ever met Tim. Soon after, Tim started his stay in the Helena Ward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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