Name: Byz'zul (Cover name-Lucas White)
Persona: Emerald Sorcerer

(Credit to White Youkai on Deviantart-check them out!)
Age: 23
Archetype: Magic
Power set:
Channeling Magic (1)-Byz'zul's magic is focused on a particular object, in this case a pentagram tattooed on his lower back, and a larger tattoo on his arm and upper back. Aside from various inks (red, white, black), these tattoos are made up of burned bone, crushed stone and the extract of the rare Black Lotus plant. Some of these ingredients have decayed over time, as a result of the natural processes of the body, but so long as the tattoos themselves remains, they are still usable as a focus. The powers he can manifest by tapping into this focus are varied, but seem to draw upon infernal magic.
Currently, he is able to manifest fire as blasts or as a sheathe of energy around his hands (this fire does not burn him, but other creatures are less lucky). The other spell he currently possesses could be termed "contract vision" or the ability to see agreements and deals that tie people together. He must focus to 'see' the details of the deal however.
All of these spells do have a drawback however, overuse will cause his tattoo's to heat up to dangerous levels, inflicting rather dangerous burns if overused. Byz'zul discovered this the hard way, as an embarrassing visit to the local burn center can testify.
Familiar (1)-Byz'zul's second ability takes the form of a being bonded to him, a large venomous snake named Azazel. Azazel is, in theory, Byz'zul's loyal companion and adviser, in practice his sarcastic attitude and fondness for flustering his supposed "master" conceal this quite well. Azazel is, as one might imagine, far more intelligent then the average snake, and perhaps, the average politician. Intelligence only goes so far without language however, to get around this barrier, Azazel, thanks to a well placed enchantment, can communicate telepathically with Byz'zul and other sapient beings. As a result of being a magical creature called into service by a sorcerer, is somewhat tougher then one would expect a snake to be.
Furthermore, his venom and his constrictor capabilities make him the terror of the local rodent population, and an ideal method of delivering a surprise attack.
It should be noted that communicating with Azazel telepathically does contribute to towards Byz'zul's usage of magical energy, and will contribute towards the buildup of energy within his tattoos, and thus the dangerous consequences that can result from unsafe buildup of energy.
Origin Story: Born to a human and a demon taken physical form, Byz'zul takes after both of his parents in astonishingly contradictory ways. Despite the fangs, claws, pointed ears and horns he inherited from his demonic father, he inherited his mother's lack of tolerance for meat and much prefers vegetables and other mild foods. Likewise, he acquired his father's taste for fine wines...along with his mothers almost uncanny ability to get drunk from a single glass of alcohol. Like his father, he has an instinctive connection to infernal magic, and like his mother, he has a distinct fondness for snakes, spiders and other things that crawl....things that don't tend to mix well with fire, which his father's brand of infernal magic has a certain...
affinity towards. Aside from this quirks of personality, much of Byz'zul's history is fairly straight forward.
While his father, a demon known as Zepar and his mother, a charity worker going by Marie are not precisely in Hell's good books, Byz'zul still benefited from their knowledge regarding the human world and the ways of infernal magic, indeed, his familiar is the result of a ritual performed by his father. His current low status in terms of magical power is less the fault of his training and more the fact that the type of magic he practices, which relies upon channeling certain types of energy, in this case infernal energy, requires a certain amount of use to increase in power. It may help to think of the focus point of his channeling as a door, currently, the door is cracked and only a little infernal energy gets through, as more energy is called up however, the door slowly inches open. Despite his education in infernal matters, and the streetwise wits his mother was able to pass onto him (to mixed success admittedly), college education and a well paying job was never in the cards for Byz'zul. Nevermind the fact that a enforcer-for-hire demon and a charity worker didn't exactly pull in enough cash for a college fund, the sad fact is there are precious few colleges who would willingly welcome a student with such clear demonic heritage.
So Byz'zul followed his father's footsteps after he left the metaphorical nest. He worked as a minor enforcer to pay his bills, and when that didn't yield enough money, he, to his great embarrassment, also took a job as a topless waiter at one of the more risque nightclubs in the area. Poor or no however, a half-demon has to have his pride. Byz'zul left his job at the nightclub and is currently seeking a way to enhance his frankly pathetic cashflow. While he's worked for shady people-and downright villains at times, Byz'zul has never really crossed the line into committing crimes on his own initiative. This, however, may change very soon. All an intelligent criminal would have to do, after all, is wait for the next big A-list throwdown. With everyone nice and distracted, who'd bother with a C-lister robbing a small bank during the chaos?