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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey everyone!

This is a roleplay that was around way back when I started roleplaying, before the Guild existed for all I know. It initially started as a fanfic for the X-Men, but eventually grew to have a story all its own.

Somewhere in the western United States, right on an impossible border between a forest and a desert, unknown to most people, there exists a School. This school isn't your ordinary school. Yes, it does teach things such as math and history. But this school is far more than that. This school was created to teach those who have displayed various powers. Now, unlike magic or wizardry, these powers are inborn, caused by some genetic mutation. This means that powers between individuals can vary greatly, and just because two powers may be similar does not mean they are the same.

Of course, not all is as it seems in the School for the Special. While the School maintains a policy of laying low so as to avoid potential government backlash or the fear of society, there are some groups who believe that mutants are superior to non-mutants, and they wish to display that superiority with force and take control by any means necessary.

None of this is to say that the world as a hole is unaware of these mutations. People with powers make the news every so often, enough that the general populace is aware of them, at the least. But they have remained calm due to the perceived infrequency of such mutations. If they only knew the truth, that there lay an entire hidden society of these people, they may change their tune.

So, yeah, that's the general idea. Your characters would likely be new-ish students at the school, although perhaps they already have some control over their powers due to practicing with them before finding out about the school. The characters themselves would drive the storyline for the most part, with myself and my co-GM (if he joins this site) providing external stimulus via NPCs, including teachers, government officials, other students, etc.

Any questions, comments, snide remarks, or interest to express?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Shadow Phoenix I may be interested. The plot looks nice, but the way the weathers going, I may or my not poof.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


But I gotta ask the usual two questions!

1). What's the power level you have in mind?

2). How many characters can we have?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm interested, but I too wish to know what power levels we are talking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ooh ooh ooh! I would be very interested in joining this, for sure!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Possible interest
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Possible interest. I'd like to see the characters before I commit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'll keep an eye on this. Possible interest depending on what others have asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

But I gotta ask the usual two questions!

1). What's the power level you have in mind?

2). How many characters can we have?

1) Well, on one level I'm open to hear just about anything. This is meant to start with all the characters coming to the school for the first time. There could be really powerful abilities, but the character obviously hasn't learned control yet and is thus fairly weak. Or, perhaps they have a weak ability, but they've actually honed it for some time and have great control and interesting uses for it, and they've come to the school to expand that even further. On another level, we don't want any OP characters.

2) I think, at first, I would like to limit it to two per person. That will give you some flexibility so, as one friend of mine pointed out, you can have one character with a really interesting but specific power, and another that is a bit more general. Or twins. Or whatever. If you have a really good reason for needing more than two characters right off the bat, I'll consider it. But I'll probably open it up later once the ball gets rolling.

3) Yes, I realize there was only two. This is for me to state that I am open to ideas and suggestions, if the above doesn't sound quite right to everyone else. I think, if a few more people express interest, then this can become a reality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Mr Allen J>

1) Well, on one level I'm open to hear just about anything. This is meant to start with all the characters coming to the school for the first time. There could be really powerful abilities, but the character obviously hasn't learned control yet and is thus fairly weak. Or, perhaps they have a weak ability, but they've actually honed it for some time and have great control and interesting uses for it, and they've come to the school to expand that even further. On another level, we don't want any OP characters.

2) I think, at first, I would like to limit it to two per person. That will give you some flexibility so, as one friend of mine pointed out, you can have one character with a really interesting but specific power, and another that is a bit more general. Or twins. Or whatever. If you have a really good reason for needing more than two characters right off the bat, I'll consider it. But I'll probably open it up later once the ball gets rolling.

3) Yes, I realize there was only two. This is for me to state that I am open to ideas and suggestions, if the above doesn't sound quite right to everyone else. I think, if a few more people express interest, then this can become a reality.

Yeah, at this point, I am definitely interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Shadow Phoenix You had my interest, now you have my full attention.

I had an idea for a electromagnetic character and an arachnid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yeah, I'll go for it. I'm in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Florem
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Florem The Flower Girl

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ooh, a second character? Hmm... I might have to come up with one now!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadow Phoenix
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Shadow Phoenix He Who Dwells in the Night

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Awesome. I shall begin working on an OOC after work today.

For now, here's a generic character sheet if you want to start working on it, and about 80% of a hastily-remade example of my old character. Keep in mind, this character has gone through several generations of stories over about ten years or so, so his background is... a bit over-detailed. I haven't decided if he'll make an appearance yet in this RP.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Shadow Phoenix What's the age limits? I am wondering this because of the age of your own character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Shadow Phoenix alright! Can't wait for the ooc!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I written up this character... since I don't know too many details about the school itself, and how people are recruited, I left a few things unfinished. But this is a rough draft.

Veronica Emily Davis

Veronica Emily Davis




Veronica possesses the mighty ability to control the electromagnetic phenomena. This ability manifests itself as control over electricity, and magnetism. Each in their own ways. First, and foremost, Veronica can control magnetic and electromagnetic fields. However, Veronica has the ability to emit her own electromagnetic field that she can perceive, and manipulate as she pleases. This field manifests as a dome that goes out twenty feet in all directions. This gives her a wide variety of abilities, the most notable being her ability to move any ferrous material, whether it be metal (Iron, steel, etc), or otherwise - assisted by a background ability. She's capable of manipulating these materials much like any other bender-type. However, another ability she has deals with attraction and repulsion of these metals. Yes, she can attract anything ferrous to herself, and repulse it. However, she can magnetize metals such as steel by touching it and "passing" the ability onto another source. She can't control it like she normally could - it automatically attracting all metals around herself. Another technique she's capable of by creating these fields is a "shield". In effect, it's essentially a shield that stops any metals, and holds them within the field until she disperses it. The mechanics, however, is that Veronica is setting her field into "automatic" mode, where it automatically catches any metal, and this method takes quite a bit of concentration.

The other half of her ability is minor-electrokinesis - nothing that'd make her Thor, however. Electricity and Magnetism is very closely connected, and thus, she has a limited control over the energy. Just to address the obvious, yes, Veronica is capable of controlling electricity in the direct way. Such as controlling how it flows, or producing electricity that she can directly shoot at a person. It isn't like a bolt of lightning, more like a continuous stream. At it's extreme, it's no more powerful than a, say, stun gun. Though, make no mistake, any amount of electricity can stop a man's heart. Veronica is capable of distributing larger amounts of powerful electricity on touch, which is powerful enough to fry someone if she holds on for long enough. Veronica is also capable of dispersing electricity - low amounts of it, however. She can't possibly shut down a dedicated electrokinetic. Veronica can control electrostatic forces, and cling to objects. Veronica's own abilities also give her a flight ability. She can't fly high like Superman, but she can levitate ten feet off the ground at a pace comparable to herself walking.

Whenever Veronica starts using her power, her eyes start glowing green, with green electrical arcs appearing from her eyes.

Had to mix limits in here so she's not too OP. These powers have a large amount of limits which restrain her from becoming Magneto. Starting with her level of skill, she's very new to her new superpowers. She's not exactly a master, and is prone to losing control, and accidental usages of her power. Which can be... quite messy. Veronica's power is dependent on whether or not she currently has a magnetic field up. Up until she does, she's powerless. Veronica is only capable of control metals within the bounds of her own field, which extends twenty feet in all directions. Anything outside of it is out of her hands. Veronica's fields have a limited "charge", shall we say. Over time, the electromagnetic field will eventually decay, and become unstable. When it becomes unstable, obviously, her control within the field will deteriorate. Up until it finally gives up, and she's powerless. This happens after using her fields for a large period of time... takes around fifteen minutes of sustained use for the field to start getting wonky. Once it runs out, Veronica will have to haul ass and absorb electricity, or another Magnetic field, in order for her powers to start working again.

Obviously, anything that isn't metal or electricity is a completely different ball-park. Someone can beat the fuck out of her if they pull out a wooden plank or sex toy! Veronica's electricity powers aren't as strong as a electrokinetic mutant's ability. She can't produce a powerplant's worth of electricity, but what she can produce can be a pain in the ass for someone without an insulator of some sort. Now, electricity has a range before it starts to disperse. The further it goes out from Veronica, the less powerful it'll be. For balance, let's just say that Veronica's Electromagnetic fields hold the electricity together, and it'll disperse the second it leaves the field.

Veronica's magnetic field can be destroyed by high amounts of heat. In fact, if a metal is too hot, she can't control it. And metal is a very good heat conductor. She won't be able to even get her magnetic field up in the first place if it's too hot. Which means that heat-based Metahumans are her bane. Veronica's power is electrically based, and very charge/current based. Water is what disrupts those currents. If someone throws water on her, say a cup, then her power will be interfered with as the currents will go into the water. If she's the slightest bit wet, all electricity will go into the water no matter what she does (Though, the water will evaporate eventually). Getting submerged/soaked in water will cause Veronica's charge to disappear, and she'll be powerless up until she's dry, and finds electricity or a magnetic field to restart her power. Now, Veronica's power is connected to her own bio-electricity. This works against her in two ways. Using her powers will begin to disrupt the electrical signals in her body. Which can potentially cause violent twitching, or she'll lose the ability to properly control her body parts. Which can be a pain in the ass. The other way it's a weakness is that it's a steady, careful, balance. In case another electricity comes into the mix, it can screw up her power. Now, while Veronica can control electricity, she has to be on guard, prepared, etc.

Veronica is a girl that stands out due to two things; her eyes, and her hair. Her eyes are a bright-green color, and round almond-shaped. Quite large, too. Easily the most pronounced part of her face. As for her hair, it's standout because of it's wavy (Almost curly) hair texture, and how it goes straight to her back. Which creates a sharp contrast with her white, ivory skin. Which means she fits the raven hair, ivory skin trope! Speaking of her skin, it lacks scars due to her life-style which didn't involve too much action. She does have a few scars on her skin from childhood falls, and blunders while playing Tennis. Veronica is obviously Caucasian, and is a pot of various European backgrounds. Hailing from Quebec, Veronica is part French, Icelandic, and Welsh. Which shows in her striking and pronounced facial features. Her face is oval shaped, and her facial features are quite sharp, and blend into each other quite well. Starting with her full, pointy-lips, which are barely disproportionate to her medium-sized button nose that is round and compact. Her ears are a crescent shape, and are larger than she'd like them to be. In fear of being called dumbo, she keeps them hidden behind her hair. I've already gone over her eyes. Veronica's build was enhanced by her genes somewhat. She's a skinny girl that stays fit due to a large amount of exercise, and her metabolism working in her favor. Veronica doesn't have a lot of body fat on her, and a faint muscle tone. The girl has a bit of height to her, standing at five-foot-nine. Standing tall as the guys! Not something that she is particularly proud of, however.

I'll get to this later

Hailing from Quebec, Veronica is the daughter of a CEO of a clothings company. Veronica lived the privileged life, baby! However, unlike most people, she didn't really have mommy and daddy around. Due to the fact that the circumstances of her birth weren't ideal for either party. Her mother was a young, impressionable, model who was looking for fame, and her father took advantage of that. Getting the model to sleep with him in order to get herself a name. She agreed - and Veronica was the result of that relationship. Now, her father was too busy running his company, and didn't care too much about her, and her relationship with her mother was shaky at best (Being ashamed of her daughter). So, Veronica was left in her father's mansion, and in the care of a team of maids and butlers. Which meant that it was up to them to raise her... and the results weren't pretty.

Growing up, Veronica didn't exactly develop a kind heart. Taking what little interactions that she had with her parents to heart, she developed the idea that she had to be great to get to the best places in life. Better than other people - and that she could step on them as she saw fit. This trait manifested and became pronounced during her time in school. Going through school, Veronica did everything in her power to become the best. The best looking, having the most friends, and excelling in school - due to her father's influence, she could go to wealthy, high-class, schools. Even if she didn't legitimately accomplish it, she did a few backdoor deals in order to accomplish it. She became the epitome of hubris, and she had plenty to back it up. Due to her ruthless pursuit, she gathered a lot of friends in school.

Veronica's main claim to fame was Tennis. She drove herself to become a Tennis star, boasting that she would become a professional, and laugh at everyone underneath her. However, after gym, her power had manifested in the locker room. Lockers were torn off the wall, and sent flying, and Veronica had no idea that she was doing it... until she willed it all to stop. Veronica, scared out of her mind, went home and experimented, and realized that she had this amazing power. She quickly vowed to learn it, realizing that it was just proof that she was superior to other people, and took pride in her ability. All in private. Whenever she was alone in her room, she'd bring some dinnerware, and play around. Despite practicing, she could never quite get it down. However, she learned that she had the ability to control electricity, and immediately went to work learning about this ability until the epiphany dawned on her that she could affect Electromagnetism.

Veronica became the Prom Queen, and a few years after that, she graduated from school. Getting ready to reach the next stage in her life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Mr Allen J oh ffs... I was gonna do electrokinesis (purely electrical manipulation/generation) with gear, namely gloves, that she could use as electromagnets, if she put current thorough them...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Mr Allen J oh ffs... I was gonna do electrokinesis (purely electrical manipulation/generation) with gear, namely gloves, that she could use as electromagnets, if she put current thorough them...

Sorry homie. I think there's still gonna be a difference in powers between the two. Though if Shadow Phoenix says no to my power then I'm using plant powers.

Oh yeah, I'll be making changes to my character sheet depending on how things go.
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