Edited the appearance description for my character. Also, what changes should I make to make my character viable for play as a hero? I don't like playing villains too much. ):
Your character seems kind of OP for this setting, tbh. From among the wind powers, freezing breath, and paralysis breath, I'd suggest only keeping one of those.
Ice breath makes the most sense to keep, given his weakness to heat. I'd get rid of the paralysis breath for sure. Think about it: oh no, bad guy! Just breath in his general direction. Problems solved without killing the poor dude. Not even Solid Snake would approve of such a thing.
@DocTachyon I edited my CS and defined Simon's weaknesses a bit more to show the extent of his powers and added a more in depth description of his candy mimicry ability
Skills/Abilities:Cassie has extremely accurate senses. She can hear, smell, taste, touch and feel more than an any human, she can detect specific smells thus being able to locate their origin. Cass' ability to remember smells enables her to identify any person she has spent at least five minutes with by smell alone, no matter how he or she might try to camouflage his or her natural odor. Her sense of hearing enables her to hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over twenty feet, or people whispering on the other side of a standard wall. She can control her hearing acuity, mentally blocking out specific sounds like her own breathing and heartbeat, all ambient sounds to a normal human level of perception, or all sounds but a particular sound she is concentrating upon. By listening, feeling and/or smelling, Cassie can tell whether a person is lying by sweat, changes in body temperature and heartbeats. In any event, with this "ability", Cassie synthesizes a very close analogue of three-dimensional 360% human sigh.
Cassie has no obvious "superpowers". She merely has her strong will, peak-human physical strength, and finely-honed sense of timing and precision. She possesses genius intelligence and has an extremely unpredictable way of thinking. She can make a weapon out of common objects and often uses her mind to win fights. Cassie was trained to become a gifted athlete, being able to jump roof top to roof top, scale tall buildings and land on her feet without ever making a sound.
Cass is well versed in street combat, gymnastics, boxing and even Kung-Fu. She is also extremely stoic, having indifference to pain and discomfort. She is also extremely intelligent showing a marked affinity for detective work (including intimidation). She is also skilled at lock picking.
Equipment:Cass currently wields two expandable batons, a multi-purpose cane that has many different modes. Its initial form is two short sticks held together by an extendable cable. It can be configured into a nunchaku-like weapon to a manrikigusari (a long rope/chain weapon with two weights on its ends), dual short batons which can be wielded in a pair, bo-staff, or even a cable with a grappling hook. The weapon can also be adjusted to combine both batons into a bo-staff. The weapon is held by a holster on the side of Mysterious Stranger's left leg.
Appearance:Cassie stands 5'6" tall, with fair complexion and an square face. Due to blindness, her eyes are milk-white. She has a perky nose with a relatively broad tip and bridge. Cassie's mouth fits perfectly on her face size, not being small or large. Her lips are slightly fleshy and the upper lip has a pointed appearance. She has a cleft chin. Cassie is athletic, weighing 123 lbs. She has scars scattered throughout her body. She has shoulder-leght blonde hair.
Costume:In Mysterious Stranger's patrols, she wears a striped purple business suit, similarly colored leather gloves, a grayed scarf, and heavily unpolished elevator shoes. On top of that, she wears a brown trench coat with a matching fedora hat that has a light purple stripe. However, Mysterious Stranger's most defining feature of her costume is her color-changing blindfold/mask (the colors continually shift in response to heat and pressure), covering all her head.
Personality:Cassie is focused, strong-willed, cautious and above all a discreet person. She's a woman of no emotions when she is needed—most of this thanks to her training. The years of hard training made her a person of few words as hers combat skills were honed in what is today and she was forced to set her charisma aside. Her shallow personality is accompanied by egoistical thoughts of her choices. She can be cynical, paranoid, rude and even stubborn. She's a vigilante, she doesn't follow rules.
Powers: A Hathoway has an interesting power that fits perfectly for his role as a villain. Hathoway also known as the Chameleon has the power to shapeshift into any person or animal that he wishes to become. This power allows him to blend into the crowd or stand out if he needs to. He can also gain flight by turning into a bird or even breath underwater by changing to a marine animal.
This power also comes with its own range of downsides. Due to the nature of the ability, Hathoway's genetic make up is completely unstable meaning that he can only sustain his changes for a maximum of 15 minutes before he has to revert back to his natural form. Also when he changes forms he is unable to change the clothes he is wearing meaning if he turns into another human than he would have to find a change of clothes or stay in the ones he is already in.
Skills/Abilities: Hathoway has been known to have a silver tongue when talking to others allowing him to get his way with most people.
A's normal form stands at 5'9" and is a slender athletic build with white hair and golden eyes. Underneath his white cloak, he wears a short plain blue shirt and dark blue jeans when he is not in disguise. His only personal possession on his person is a gold covered pocket watch that he keeps on him with a foot long chain.
Personality: A Hathoway is someone that shouldn't be trusted if people truly knew who he was. Hathoway is the kind of person that won't stop to get what he wants and this even means that he isn't afraid to take out anyone that gets in his way. Though with all this being said, A isn't the type of villain to make a big show and rather likes to work from the shadows instead. If the Chameleon could have a flaw it is that he has little value and faith in mankind as a whole and views them nothing more than a means to an end, this has resulted in his failure in the past as he has underestimated heroes that have spoiled his former plans.
History: A Hathoway was not always known by this name as he was born Alexander Hathoway in the heart of London. He lived a fairly normal early life as an only child before his powers started to manifest and his first transformation took place at the young age of four. His parents tried to suppress his powers and told him that he was never to use them around other people as they feared that if he drew to much attention to himself than he would be taken away by some shady government agency. It was not until the age of seventeen that A started to practice his powers consistently in secret from his parents and soon found it fun to mess with people while he was in disguise to get his way.
Finally at the age of twenty-one decided to move to the Archer City in the United States which seemed to be a mecca for superheros and villains alike. It was here that he wanted to make his mark on the world and start his goals to live a life a luxury and pleasure. Now he lives his life in the shadows of Archer City as the villain called the Chameleon as he tries to gain the attention of the Mobius Club.
Alias: "Archer's Archer" (most often reduced to simply 'Archer')
Nickname(s): Kenny, Ken
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Powers: Magical bow and quiver, Moderately wealthy (makes 72,000 a year, pays out 60,000 a year in upkeep, keeps about 1,000 a month in 'mad money').
Skills/Abilities: Excellent marksman, Olympic athlete, High society connections, Charming personality
Equipment: Cornucopia quiver: A magical item gifted to him by a mysterious benefactor. He is able to draw an unlimited number of arrows from the bristling quiver with any single effect he desires. They only last for ten seconds so they are never a permanent solution.
Acid Blackout Blade Bola Boomerang Boxing Glove Cable Explosive Electric Fan arrow Fire extinguisher Flare Flash Grenade Greek Fire Grenade Glue Jet Magnetic Net Siren Smoke Suction Cup Tear Gas
Bowmans bracer: An Olympic fingerless armguard, with a snap of his fingers he can summon a bow into his grip with a range limited to his ability as an archer.
Appearance: 6'2" eyes of blue, 150 gymnast build. His casual outfit is a simple brown bulletproof business suit to keep him unassuming and overlooked as much as possible while still selling top-of-the-line sports equipment to private owners and securing the big deal for the cities sports team. It is also thickly padded to make him look like he has put on weight, he wears a fake knee brace and falsely uses a cane, claiming he had to permanently retire due to a training injury. All quite shades of batman/Bruce Wayne.
Costume: His costume is far more specific with a bulletproof body stocking and hat in grayscale camouflage coated in flame retarded chemicals with higher class bulletproof padding for shoulders, faceplate, chest, thighs and boots. It all came piecemeal because some pieces he had to save up for.
Personality: A reluctant hero thrust upon with power and responsibility. He wavers between uncertain and cocky depending on his reliance of his equipment. He has a pathological fear of bees/wasps/hornets when a nest was shot down next to him at summer camp and he nearly died from the dozens of stings.
History: An heir to the archer empire along with his siblings, he is what you would call 'land rich, money poor.' Private school, superb athlete, Bronze in gymnastics, silver in archery. Usual uptown lifestyle, right?
He survives on the family name but is under specific orders to make something of himself. If he wants to gain access to the family wealth, he has to EARN 1 million dollars. No donations, no endorsements, W-2 tax return work. The olympic financial commission awards $10,000 for bronze, $15,000 for silver, and $25,000 for gold. He only needs 40 gold medals or 1000 bronze in order to retire...
For his first year, he worked in the high-end yuppie-puppy sport store until an old woman came in with her grandfather's bow and quiver. She was on hard times and needed the money. With great reluctance, he bought them from her with his years worth of life savings. Nearly ten thousand dollars. He act of selfless generosity was rewarded when he got home and found a package on his table. Inside was nothing more than the oddly horn shaped quiver and a bracer.
He is now hoping to give the superhero gig a shot and see what can come of it, perhaps he can gain family favor by saving the city enough times. Quote ...Spectacular.
Terribly sorry for the lateness of my post. And I do realize it says I've been on the thread this whole time. I think I may've left my Ipad open to this thread. Also, I'm reading from the last page up so... Everything will be in backwards order from when it was posted.
I still haven't got my character looked back on after some edits I made.
Still quite a bit powerful, and you're gonna want a bigger personality and biography sections if you want to approach that power level. I'd recommend cutting his strength down some, perhaps make him a tad shorter(25 ft? 20?), make his silver scales resistant to bullets/lasers, but not entirely immune to them, and cut down his endurance, too. Even then you could probably afford to add to his personality and history. The bigger and better those sections are, the more comfortable I am with letting people have powerful characters.
Just out of curiosity, how many others are we waiting on before we begin?
When the character applications start to slow down a bit more and/or when we hit 6-7 accepts. Though, even when the RP starts, I'm planning to keep applications open pretty much forever, unless you guys otherwise object. Also, I still need to post some information about some villains and heroes that are notable in the OP, and I'm considering a character of my own.
Kennith Archibald Archer
Assuming this is WIP?
A Hathoway
Accepted! To the characters tab, with ye.
@DocTachyon I edited my CS and defined Simon's weaknesses a bit more to show the extent of his powers and added a more in depth description of his candy mimicry ability
Just add a couple more sentences to personality. Also, how strong is the lightning? Can he, like, blow up a car in one shot? Less powerful than that? More?
I edited my CS, and updated the broken pics. Let me know Thanks.
If I'm going to allow you the power level you're at now, I'd like to see a high-casual sheet for something like this(and even then, I dunno if I can allow being bulletproof.)
Otherwise, axe the adamantium claws and go for something more earth-metal(you can make it cut through a lot, but I dunno about adamantium. And, inf addition to all of his other abilities, I don't think Spiderman level dexterity is appropriate. I mean, Spiderman can dodge bullets pretty casually. And like I said before, I don't think being bulletproof will fly, sorry.
Oh right, been trying to figure stuff out but for some reason inspiration is hard to come by these days. :( But I think I might have a few workable ideas now so we'll see how things turn out.