Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Every story has a beginning, and this is ours. Adventure awaits in the KALOS REGION, where discoveries are both new and endless. Embark on a quest for self-discovery with your friends, partners, and rivals to become the best you can be. The Kalos Region brings on a boundless pot of opportunities for those who travel it, allowing for Pokémon Trainers to battle Gym Leaders for their shot in the Kalos Leauge, Pokémon Performers to show their abilities in Showcases, Pokémon Coordinators to perform for audiences in Contests, and even having athletic competitions for trainers and their Pokémon in the Pokéathlon. Dreams don't just stop there, you can reach for the stars in Kalos as a breeder, musician, journalist, anything you want to be. Your drive and determination are the only things you need, and being able to free your mind will help along the way.

Join us in Pokémon: New Roads, for something exciting and new! Adventure awaits!

  • Follow the rules of the Guild.
  • I'm looking for people who will fit into the group well, so it's not first come first serve, it's the quality of the character and if we can find room for improvement because I want to grow together, not grow apart!
  • Lengths of post are mid to high casual, meaning I want at least two paragraphs. The sizes of those paragraphs have to be at least more than two sentences each! Nothing crazy, but I'm more of a quality of quantity kind of guy, and I don't believe I'm asking for too much!
  • Grammar, everyone is on different levels, I know I make mistakes so you don't have to be perfect, just make sure you know how to edit your work if need be! We want to have fun, but we want to understand that fun too!
  • The OOC is for obvious out-of-character talk where you can mention other things that aren't relevant to the RP or that are, it's also a place to get to know one another as writers OUTSIDE of the Role-Play. You can also mention if you're leaving for a period of time, make sure to keep things casual when you talk to one another. No weird stuff!
  • To be one of those guys, I'd like to know your Top 3 Favorite Pokemon Types! Put it at the bottom of your CS, after you have finished!
  • You must wait AT LEAST two posts after yours to be able to post again!
  • Make sure to have fun!
  • If you have ANY questions, on ANYTHING feel free to ask.

Feel free to use your own Character Sheet, but make sure to include these basic things in there!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First! Yay! XP
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Those of you that have RPed with me in the past might recognize this guy. He's a Kalos native, so it fits for him to be here.

Name: André Bellamy
Age: 18
Class: Movie Star/Fairy Tale Man

Appearance: André is a tall young man, standing at exactly six feet. Although he doesn't like to do so, he excersises a little bit so that he doesn't look like a fat slob, and is physically fit and toned as a result. He doesn't spend too much time in the sun, so he has a fair complexion. He keeps his blond hair short, and neatly styled at all times. There is never a hair out of place. He has a round boyish face, a small nose, and large baby blue, almond shaped eyes, which he claims are his best feature. His mouth is usually in some kind of smile, which shows off his perfectly white teeth. Except for his hair and eyebrows, he has no hair on his upper body. He's also pierced his earlobes so he can wear earrings.

André is very much into fashion. He likes expensive designer clothing, and he usually dresses more formally than most people his age. Being famous, he has a certain reputation to uphold, so he makes sure to look his best wherever he goes. His fancy wardrobe mostly consists of button down dress shirts, vests, trousers, and dress shoes. He even wears a tie and blazer often. He always keeps his clothes neat and tidy. It is rare to see him in a simple T-shirt and jeans. His wardrobe contains a lot of different colors, but pink is by far his favorite. These days, André wears all pink from head to toe. His current outfit consists of a frilly pink dress shirt that fits him well. In place of a tie, he wears an elaborate necklace made from pink pearls. On top of that he wears a magenta trenchcoat. He also wears a pair of pink diamond cuff bracelets around both wrists, and a diamond ring on a pink band on his right ring finger. On the bottom he wears tight magenta trousers held up by a fuchsia leather belt with a gold buckle. His choice of footwear include a pair of fuchsia dress shoes with bright pink spats on them. He accesorizes this with his signature pink beret on his head that has a magenta heart barette attached to it, and a pair of pink diamond stud earrings decorating his ears. He carries around a pink heart shaped messenger bag that has a magenta ribbon tied into a bow attached to it, and he wears a pair of pink cat's-eye sunglasses, with diamond studded rims.

André has developed a taste for diamonds and gemstones. He will occasionally be seen wearing random pieces of jewelry every now and then, regardless of whether it was intended for a man or not. He enjoys experimenting with fashion, and likes trying out many different things, including wearing women's clothing, wigs, and sometimes make-up. He feels women get nicer clothes than men do, and it lets him get away with wearing more jewelry than a man can. He can pass for a convincing woman when he's all made up. He often wears rose scented perfume.

Personality: First off, André has tastes that are usually considered femmine. His favorite color is pink, and a lot of his things are pink and have hearts on them. He likes fashion, and he has a taste for cute things, and he's not really emabrrased by it. He really doesn't understand why boys in this country have an issue with guys liking that kind of thing. He just guesses it's because they're insecure about their masculinity. André is very obsessed with beauty and looking good. As a movie star, he feels he has to maintain a certain image, and because people don't want to be friends with an ugly person. He always makes sure he is perfectly groomed before leaving the house, and as such it takes him a while to get ready in the morning. Because he puts so much effort into looking good, he hates getting dirty, as it ruins all the work he put in.

He really values his relationships. He goes to great lengths to make friends and fans everywhere he goes. He often attends parties to meet new people. Someone not wanting to be his friend upsets him, and he will try to make that person his friend whether they want to be or not. For the same reason, he also likes love and romance, and as such he comes across as a flirt. He openly hits on people (he's openly bisexual, so guys as well as girls) he considers to be attractive, though he is usually more polite about it then most guys, because he is genuinely looking for a relationship. He also likes pairing people up who he thinks would make a good couple, regardless of gender and orientation, and jokingly teasing the two involved.

He can be charming and manipulative when he wants to be. He uses his charm, charisma, and the occasional bribe to get what he wants from people. He knows just what to say to win people over, which sometimes helps him get his way in many situations. While he is polite and well-mannered, and typically acts friendly towards others, he treats people like objects to make himself feel better. He can be self-centered, and disregards how other people feel and what they need if it's not benefiting him somehow. It's not something he does consciously, it's just how he is. He was brought up believing that people's affections can be bought, and it's worked out for him so far.

Having become used to being given whatever he wants, André has been spoiled by wealth. He has an appreciation for the finer things in life. He wears expensive clothes, drives around in fancy cars, takes exotic vacations, and freely spends money like it grows on trees. He is very generous with his money, since he has so much of it, trading a a few dollars for something better is no problem. He's also found it much easier to woo people with money. He especially enjoys being famous, and being adored by many. He doesn't mind the the craziness that comes with being a cleberty either. Bad publicity is still publicity, as long as people are talking about you, then that's all that matters. André has always been accustomed to life on top. His worst fear is losing it all, whether that be ruining his movie career, or losing his hard earned friends.

Background: Born in Lumiose City, Kalos, André's childhood is not what one would consider normal. His parents are both famous actors, and since his birth he's been in the lap of luxury. Due to his parents being famous actors, and therefore often busy, André rarely ever saw them. He was also homeschooled for a while, and was rarely able to leave the house. He felt lonely being in a big empty mansion with only caretakers that were too busy to keep the kid entertained. André's parents brought him expensive toys to make it up to him. For a while the shiny new toy would make him feel less lonely, but soon he would get bored of it, and the loneliness came back. He thought something better would solve the problem. When his parents announced a new trip, the young boy cried, and of course, his parents brought him a new, better, more expensive gift once they got back. The same thing happened, it would make him feel good for a while, but soon he'd get bored again. He would continue to ask and receive more and more expensive things throughout his childhood. It was great, and André grew accustomed to wealth and having anything he wanted on a whim. It was nice, but it still wasn't enough, the bad feelings still didn't go away.

André recieved his first Pokemon from his parents. He asked his parents for a sibling so he would have someone to play with. His parents laughed, and said they would work on it. Shortly after that, his parents brought home an adorable Cleffa that he named Jolie for their son, and the subject of wanting a sibling was dropped. André bonded with this Cleffa quickly due to their similar natures. She is the only gift his parents gave him that André hasn't grown tired of. She is the closest friend André has ever had.

At some point, his parents thought it was a good idea for him to start interacting with other kids, so they enrolled him in a private school. When André started going to school, and meeting other people his age, he got a lot of attention from them due to the fancy toys he had that they couldn't afford. At recess, every kid wanted to play with him. Being with others made him feel just as good, if not better, than opening up a brand new toy. It was then he thought that if new toys won't help, then maybe people will. He made lots and lots of friends, and Andre was happy for a while. Soon his family had to move away, and André was transferred to a new school. Having lost all the friends he made, André was upset for a while, but he soon worked to make new friends in this new place, and he was happy again. Then his parents moved once more, and the cycle continued. He was never truly content though, because he always had to leave all his friends behind.

At the age of thirteen, André's family moved to Virbank City, to further their careers. There, his parents encouraged their son to follow in their footsteps, and become an Actor. They put him in acting classes, and used their connections to pull a few strings, and get him and his Cleffa a starring role in a major film. He didn't want to do this at first, but did it anyway to please his parents. While making the movie, he came to enjoy being on a movie set, and acting. When his first movie went to theaters, and became a box-office success, he enjoyed all the fame and attention it brought him. Or more specifically, he liked all the adoring fans. He also enjoyed the piles of money, expensive things, and all the glamour that being a movie star brings. He decided to pursue a film career, while also attending school when he wasn't filming. After doing that for a few years, he became as famous and successful as his parents. He is often chased by Papparazzi and crazed fans, and he is also often the subject of ridiculous rumors in gossip magazines. Usually, they involve him spending absurd amounts of money on something lavish, being seen at a party, or romance rumors with various other celeberties. (Not long after hitting puberty, he discovered how attractive people were, and the joys of love. Although he's never had a serious romantic relationship, much to his disappointment.) He doesn't mind all the craziness that much. As long as he has all his adoring fans, then all is well.

While playing with Jolie one day, she suddenly evolved into a Clefairy. André was very excited by this. Jolie had turned into a more adorable Pokemon than she was before. After doing research, and learning about the Fairy type, as well as the complete lack of male Fairy type specialists, André decided he would specialize in Fairy type Pokemon when he had time to catch and train more Pokemon.

André has everything now, devoted fans, a luxurious life, and piles of money at his disposal. Despite this, he still isn't satisfied. He feels like something is missing, but he isn't sure what that is. He decided to take a break from making movies for a while to try the Pokemon trainer thing he never had a chance to do. He decided the best place to do that, would be in his home region of Kalos.

Pokemon Party:

Jolie the Clefairy

Miscellaneous: He might enter a Pokemon Showcase, it's always bugged him that only girls could enter.

He carries around pink roses to give to people.

He speaks with a French Kalosian accent, and uses French words in his speech often, but is still able to speak English just fine.

Favorite Types

1. Fairy
2. Psychic
3. Ghost, or Normal. I don't really know what my 3rd favorite type is...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

yup good to see old andre again. good to see you too crimson. :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'll get to work sometime today. I had a character so it should be fairyly easy. *hue*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Dio older

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Crimson Flame
I remember RPing with Andre somewhere before!

Also, I'm excited to start up! I'll throw a character of my own up there either tonight or tomorrow morning! :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Crimson Flame
I remember RPing with Andre somewhere before!

Was it on here, or Serebiiforums? Since I don't recognize your username.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Good to see it's not first come first serve. I've been looking for a good Pokemon RP. I'll bring in an old character (if that's okay) some time today.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Crimson Flame
On here, old guild.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Logan Snow

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Class: Aspiring Ace Trainer


Personality: Cool dude through and through. Chill, laid back, and relaxed. Believes there is to much drama in the world. Going here, doing that, worrying about this, and who goes there. Logan doesn't get too hyped about anything besides his friends and family. He isn't lazy either he actually has a get up and go attitude, but don't rush him. He hates being rushed. As remarkably lax as he is about doing things he always seems to get it done right on time. He likes to brag about it too. "See, I told you it would get done. You worry to much." That's pratically his catchphrase. He can often be found staring at something like he is about to say something profound. Which is usually the case, but sometimes he can use it to his advantage pulling pranks by suddenly spouting out random facts. His laid back attitude shows up on the field too. Prefering defensive strategies until he sees the opportune moment to strike. His favorite food is Blukberry Milkshakes and his favorite color despite his clothes is green. He says he doesn't look good in green.

History: Born and raised in Geosenge Town, Logan is the son of Hotel Marine Snow's owners. That being said Logan had contact with all kinds of people from all over the place. Traveller's from Kanto to Unova visited the odd little town for it's unique tourist attractions. From world leaders to popular movie stars every kind of trainer, traveller, and tourist passed through Marine Snow's doors. One of such people was Logan's hero, Crasher Wake. Wake was Logan's favorite wrestler from Sinnoh. He stayed up late on fridays just to watch him. So when he passed through Geosenge on his retirement tour Logan couldn't pass it up. Logan waited in line for ten hours for Wake's autograph. Finally he met him and was asked his name and where he was from. When Wake heard Logan was from Geosenge and his parents owned the hotel he gave a big smile. "Kid, don't ever let your folk's place down. It's got to be my favorite place I have ever stayed." Logan nodded and smiled wide speechless that his hero's favorite place to stay was his home town. The next day Logan begged for a pokemon of his own. Being the protective parents they were Logan's father caught him his Golett Oleg. Ever since that day it has been a dream of Logan's to become a world renown trainer so that one day he can use his fame to promote and perhaps one day expand the family business.

Pokémon Party:

Oleg the Golett

Miscellaneous: Logan's Theme

P.S. My favorite types are Grass, Poison, and Bug.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eleventhfret
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Eleventhfret Depeche toad

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Denny Hey, I was wondering if it's cool if i made like, a rival type character, just somebody who's kinda Jaded. Sorta like Assha- I mean Gary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dio
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Dio older

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Go for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

I should get my character loaded in when I return home
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Double Posted, but whatever. . .


Name: Marie Martel
Age: 15
Class: Pokemon Trainer/Delivery Girl


Personality: Marie believes in dishing out her own of justice. The girl is kind enough and respects others as far as they respect others and themselves. Her thought process does not allow for error in part of others and reprimands those who she believes does wrong. It is difficult for Marie to find error in her own actions. She’s a loyal friend when befriended and would never betray someone as it goes against her morals.

Marie desires to get stronger, both her and her pokemon, in order to carry out her ideals.

Background: At a young age, a wounded Ralts appeared on the doorstep of Marie’s house. The girl took great care of the Pokemon until it healed, setting off their companionship.

One day, after she grew up a bit, a local elder asked if she would deliver a package to Aquacorde City. She agreed to it and took Ralts along with her as company.

They entered the Santalune Forest expecting nothing to be of issue. . . Until, that is, Marie had to quickly dodge to the side as a wild Beedrill attempted to attack in the middle of the forest. Marie (now scared) didn’t know what to do. Ralts, heavily sensing the distress from it’s friend used Confusion on the Beedrill. The Bug became heavily damaged and in a confused state, ran itself into a tree knocking it out.

Happy to be unharmed, Marie scooped up the small Pokemon in her arms and cheered, thanking the small creature to which it cheered in response. When they finally made it to Aquacorde, Ralts picked up a Pokeball it found and gestured for Marie to use it. Happy to oblige, Marie did so and the two were companions for life.

From then on, she liked to travel around some of the towns around Santalune City delivering packages to and fro’ working relationships with the various town-folks.

Pokemon Party:



-It wouldn’t be too wierd for Marie to know about anyone.

Favorite Types:

1. Fairy
3. Fighting
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonjuice7


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ITs too late for me to think it through tonight, but i will try to get Alex Starr posted in the next 24 hours or so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eleventhfret
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Eleventhfret Depeche toad

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Wesley Gerren.

Age: 16

Class: Pokemon Trainer/martial artist


Personality: Wesley is a practical person, often having him come off as rude. Really, Wesley just hates formalities and speaks how he feels openly, unless he wants something and is trying to manipulate someone. His main focus is studying pokemon and getting stronger, humans are more of a side mission.

Background: Wesley is the son of a wealthy pokemon breeder in Pastoria, splitting his time between training at the Veilstone Gym and exploring the Safari zone, getting free admission because his father oft helped them out financially. Wesley had a fascination with pokemon to rival his father's. Wesley's father had given him a shiny shinx for his tenth birthday. It wasn't until he was 14 that he decided he wanted to train pokemon, from then on Wesley made a vow to defeat Crasher Wake, the strongest trainer in the area.

Years after, when Wesley was 16, having defeated Crasher, and with a larger arsenal of pokemon, he made the decision to go to Kalos looking for a certain powerful trainer his father claimed to be the strongest of all. He started by looking for the professor of the region as soon as he got off the boat.

Pokemon party:

Favorite types: Fighting. Fire. Electric.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@eleventhfret i can already tell logan and wesley are gonna bump heads. if wesley ever mentions defeating wake in front of logan he is going to flip shit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(You can ask for a starter from the Kalos Region or you can bring one of your own. Nothing OP, but I'll let you know if it's approved or not anyways!)

If we're allowed to start with two Pokemon, I'm adding a Togepi to André's team... >_>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

i was waiting for denny to say something about that too. either way i still planned on logan starting in lumiose anyway or at least heading there. i was wanting to pick up a chespin as logans official starter. depending on denny's answer i may add chespin prior to the start.
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