Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


A month had passed since the day Rhona's body was sealed away and she had shown no signs of waking up. A few days after her body had been sealed, the war against the gods of old had ended and Alec left for the Egyptian Underworld. He seemed so upset but unfortunantly there was nothing that Leon could do to speed up the healing process. And while the some of the bigger gashes and cuts have healed, the giant hole in her chest remained.

Since that day, Rhona's appearance as changed ever so slightly. She was slightly thinner than before, she was pale, and (though the entire realm was covered in a black and white veil) her hair had grown a couple inches longer and had darkened slightly from a bright fiery red to a slightly darker shade. She now wore a red tanktop, a pair of tan caprees, and was bare foot.

Things had gone progressively quiet over the past month, while Leon had taken Rhona's place as a healing god. In the beginning, there was some confusion and panic as to why the sky had permanently gone dark but when scientists brushed it off as a natural occurrence, the panic died down. That is... Until the humans revolted. They had become hateful towards the gods, and with the lack of the goddess of light, it only made matters worse.

While Leon wanted to keep him and Rhona out of the conflict, fearing that he would put Rhona at risk of being found out by the council, he eventually was given no choice but to go to Nexsus and discuss what should be done about the matter.


Leon went to where Rhona rested and sat at the edge of the pedestal where she layed unmoving. He gently stroked her cheek. "We are at war again, dear sister. Has yer soul wandered throughout tha mortal realm, while yer body lies still? Have ya been tryin' ta convince that humans ta stop in yer dreams?.... If you have been watching tha humans then it's no wonder why you aren't waking up... You don't want ta wake up ta a world where yer hated, do ya?" Leon murmered softly to her while eyeing her, hoping that she would wake up. After a few minutes he sighed and bent over, kissing Rhona gently on the forehead before he stood up. "Well... If tha's tha case... Sleep as long as you need an' wake up when you are ready, love. I will wait patiently an' be there when you awake."

Leon created a portal to Nexsus and stepped through. On the other side stood the 3 gods, all of which he did not necessarily like. He said nothing and kept quiet as he walked up to the others. He exchanged no greetings and had an emotionless, stoic, and slightly uninterested expression on his face. Leon quietly eyed the gods in the room, all of which he easily recognized, but again had little to no feelings of likeness or interest for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Alec found himself back in the human realm quite often during the month. His underworld being cleaned up and the statues replaced mysteriously. He often found himself going back to rhona though, to check on her...to see her breathe telling him that she is still alive and eventually will wake up. All seemed...peaceful. After everything he still did not find himself being remotely happy with this world or what happened to rhona. Even black coffee didn't taste the same. Then...chaos broke out.

Humans attacking gods, one roped up as a warning. That really pissed him off. Egyptians were never even that cruel and they were quite an interesting people. He couldn't help it he found himself in his God form killing many humans in a berserk rage fit. Managing to dodge bullets through teleporting quickly a few inches. His death touch seemed to be on almost constantly in the human realm his eyes glowing eerily whenever he is there. He became responsible for many humans lives being lost. Something that hurt him terribly, he never killed any children or innocents though. Finding it easy to distinguish the two....not that many innocents were left.
He stopped going to earth after awhile. Finding that his anger was not helping, that the humans were lead by a mad man and that is who he should be angry at. Not them. He still cared for the humans, still helps the souls that come to him even if they never had faith in him. Staying in the underworld or with rhona made him calm down. He would come up with something....even if the humans were insane right now.

Alec finds himself teleporting to rhona'a side missing Leon by a few minutes. Somehow he has managed to avoid Leo for every time he has come here. This time he holds a small golden egg. He smiles and places it into one of her pockets to hide it from her brother. "Hey....I" he rubs his neck in his human form...finding he uses it here more then earth now. "I brought you a gift....its...,its a widget egg" he smiles somewhat. "It's a runt egg so the mother tried to eat it" he looks away. "Figure it could keep you safe...and keep you company" he looks up finding his emotions difficult to deal with. "I'm sorry" heavy sigh. "This is my fault....just...please wake up" his voice is pleading. "If you wake up...and I'm not here...just know I'll get here" sounds horribly awkward...like how he feels he silently gets on his knees beside her watching her for a few moments before standing shoving his hands into his pockets and teleporting back to his home, if the others need him then they can send for him.
@Ace of flames01
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After the battle with the old gods had ended. Landon returned to the Nexus. He stayed with Cia and Flemmings for a few days, but he was deeply bothered and didn't know what to do with it. He was angry at everything, but knew he had no reason to be angry. To much had happened to his world. He knew it wasn't actually his, but it was his homeworld, so it might as well have been his. At the same time everything was getting out of control. He was beginning to resent his own world. He wouldn't have minded just destroying all of it and starting over. The old gods created this world, the Merged could figure out how to start a new world too. One with more order and oversight. A world with more control. Landon was tired of not being able to do anything for the world.

After a few days in the Nexus he went to his cold dark realm to explore more. The time to himself didn't help either. He sought to train more, but felt discouraged in his training as he felt it was pointless. He did practice manipulating his new arm. He could keep it stable for days at a time, and could even sleep with it on now. It was taking him no concentration at all anymore to keep his prosthetic. He could even manipulate it to take different shapes and sizes of tools and weapons. None of this helped his mental state though. He was still distraught and actively training was difficult for him. That's why just working on his arm with no thought was easy for him. He sort of just meandered in the darkness trying to forget his thoughts. One day, he was interupted by the humans who thought they could challenge the gods. They had found his realm. Unable to see anything they were rather clumsy, but with technology they could trace Landon. The tactical team was no match for him though. He quickly disposed of them all and threw their bodies back to earth. The human invaders were a nice distraction for a moment. He began to look to humans and earth as a type of distraction. Their pathetic individuality and sacrificial teamwork amused him. Mortals were rather fickle. He thought just a few years ago he was the same. He changed a lot since then.

He noticed that the earth was in constant darkness now, and that some were crying out for light, even the moon at night. Landon saw this opportunity and took it. He left his cold dark realm to visit earth for a while. He went to Iceland and blended in with the humans. He lost his prosthetic in order to keep his cover. He just told anyone that asked about it, that he lost it in a hunting accident when he was attacked by a wolf. A few days after arriving on earth he met humans that asked for even the moon to provide light on the gloomy world. Landon brought the moon out that night and told them the truth about him. They didn't believe him at first, but when no moon came the next night, they begged him to bring it back again. The next night he brought it about again and the group praised him for the moon. Some were still doubtful, but the word spread and many began to worship him in this time of chaos and darkness. As word spread, the anti-god collaboration began to come as well. Landon protected his worshipers as they fought with him against Sven's militia, but soon his own were joining their ranks. Swayed by the anti-god agenda, his followers numbers were dwindling. A spy had even gotten close to Landon. Fotunately for Landon the spy was only able shoot him in his prosthetic, before he obliterated the spy. With this turn of events he decided to return to the Nexus. He was looking for information from Cia on the god's propositions to deal with the humans. Assuming they had made any yet. He stepped down into his shadow like he was on a staircase. He walked back up the staircase in the Nexus through a shadow that proceeded to be his as he completed the jump. He took note of the four gods that were there and gave disregard to all, but Cia. He walked over to her with a smile that had been missing for the last month. "Hey Cia. How are you doing? It's been a few days since I last saw you. I was wondering if you knew what was going on with this anti-god agenda and what the other god's have been saying about it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


A month had passed since the alien war god had sent everything into a wave of chaos and death. A month since its peaceful counterpart stopped it. Back then, after the battle was over, Claire took Yuki and Miriam back to her dimension of music to rest. However, something must have happened, as there were several aliens among the shadowy, twilit denizens of her realm. A fight must have broken out where she had left the humans and the aliens, and her monolithic sentinels did their job, preserving the peace by sending the side that was attacked to safety. Claire was honestly disappointed that such a thing had happened, but what was done was done.

Claire had a difficult time explaining what had happened, as she didn't quite know all the details herself. She told them that a war god named Zeltrax had corrupted several individuals and deceased deities for his own purposes. What that purpose was, was not known to her. She told them that some sort of device that acted as a seal had been broken, and whatever was inside put an end to Zeltrax.

As the month continued, Claire, Yuki, and Miriam had watched from the realm of Dusk and Music. They witnessed this new deity unite the humans and use the alien technology for themselves. They saw Cythlla's corpse. They watched the human challenge them for no other reason than to prove that they did not need gods. Unlike the heroic warriors of fiction, who fought against gods to preserve free will and life, however, this man was maddened. He was attempting to kill them just to prove his statement, not noticing the destruction and pain he and his followers were sewing across the Earth.

Yuki, being the one more familiar with Cia, left to go seek her council on what to do. Claire decided to stay and protect her denizens, and help the aliens with their needs. She also stayed behind to make sure that Miriam didn't leave her realm to do anything stupid.

When she arrived in the Nexus, Yuki found that other deities had the same idea. She remained silent, for it was obvious that they had all come for the same reasons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One Month Later

Reese was devastated about the news he received. Cythlla's death was probably way heavier on him then most of the other Merged. Not many knew of his secret feelings for the goddess. Reese's hate for humans grew even more once he visited the site of her death. He took what little hope he had left and decided to go visit his old friend making his way to the Sahara Desert. Something he would wished he had never did wants he reached the small settlement. There he searched and searched for Belle but couldn't find him. His hide out destroyed, burned and ripped apart like a tornado ran through it. Reese was slowly worrying about the location of Hus friend and began to ask around seeing if anyone had seen someone that matched Belle's description.

For four days straight he asked and the most he got was nothing. Not even a response for the people he asked. He returned to Belle's hideout and planned to stay there until his old friend returned. He waited for three days and still no sign of Belle. That's when he remembered Belle always had a secret behind his secrets. Reese searched through the base for something that would look out place. Soon he came across a wall that looked like it was forced to look like the other walls. Removing the door Reese entered the room quickly recognizing the walls that are decorated with blood splatters. "No..." He whispered as he examined the room his site coming across a body slumped up in the fetal position.

"No, no, no no no no no..." Reese repeated more and more as we walked to the corpse noticing the dark red puddle that was present under the body. "N-no." He whispered kneeling down next to the body ignoring the blood. At first Reese wanted to believe it was an intruder but then he seen it. In the corpse's bloody hands was a nearly disintegrate book decorated with blood and bullet holes. Reese began to cry as he read the remaining word on the book. "Damned" it said. He cried even harder hugging and squeezing the corpse ignoring the blood that spilled onto his clothes and hair. Someone he loved like a son and felt as if he was the last remanding family he could trust was now dead.

Reese wiped his tears and left Belle's hideout walking back to the settlement with a seriously pissed face. His human form quickly shifting to his god form as he reached the town. "You do this!!! You all did!!!" Reese repeatedly shouted punching a wall completely destroying it. His little demonstration quickly alerted the people that he wasn't human and had to be dealt with. A man in his possible late thirties attempted to reached for his weapon that was created just for god but by then Reese was already rampaging on half of the population killing anything that lived, breathed or moved. in just a mere 3 hours the once full settlement was a ghost town.

Ruins of Mount Olympus

Reese sat on the stairs of the once notorious Mount Olympus. Its been some time since the massacre and Reese has changed a bit. The once small child like God was now a 6'2" God with the appearance of what mortals would call a fit young adult. His hair a more redish color due to the blood that he was uable to get out. He sat there smoking a cigar, a new habit of his, speaking to himself. "The Goddess you loved is dead....someone you loved like a son....dead..." Reese stood his hands in his pockets and looked back at the destroyed building that once sat high upon Olympus. "Zues...." He whispered his grandfather's name. "As of now there's only choas and I'll set it straight. For now on Reese the God of War is dead.....Reese God of Destruction is all that remains...." Reese stated leaving Olympus making his way to the Nexus. If there's anything that needed to get done. The Nexuas was probably Reese's best choice of where to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia tried to smile at Landon, but it looked more like it was forced than anything. She knew what had to be done. And she would be the one to start it. Cia had a look of sadness on her face. Flemmings also had a melancholy look on his face. "We can't stop the humans anymore. I'm afraid that all of us would have to agree at this point that there is only one option left to us now." Flemmings said as he turned to Cia who looked like she was in real mental pain.

"We have to get rid of the humans. In one attack, we can't give them a chance to fight back." Flemmings added looking at the others. "To those of you who may have some kind of connection to the human's considered it severed. Those mortals you cared for are most likely dead now." Flemmings added as he looked towards a portal showing a view of earth. "It's best if they return to the earth they came from. I will be doing it." Cia added as she turned away from the group.

This was something that Cia never wanted to do. This would be one of the last things any Pacifist like her would ever do. It was beyond the last thing actually. She opened a portal that lead to a small shrine deep in the earth. The portal was big enough that it looked like it was part of the room. "My mother created this shrine as a reset button of sorts. The Human race will be no more." Cia said lightly touching the dusty shrine.

Tears could be visibly seen falling from Cia's face. She was almost forced to this. After this moment she would be changed. Cia's eyes glowed green and yellow at this point as she started to activate the shrine. Once it activated the entire earth could be felt shaking. A moment later the earth cracked open to reveal monsters made of earth and dirt. Many of them looked like average creatures like monkeys, giant turtles, even squids. The only major difference however was that these creatures were all colored red and black.

Once the creatures were released they started to devour the humans, even dragging some of them into the earth with them. Thousands of screams could be heard screaming out. Even Sven was among them as he was attacked even. He tried to fight back but was overwhelmed. The Human race was becoming extinct. Paving the way for new Civilizations to rise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Leon remained quiet throughout the entire thing as he watched the extermination of all humans with an indifferent look. Men. Women. Children. All were devowered by the monstrous golemns and none escaped their frenzy. Leon knew that Rhona was seeing all of this, even while her body was inanimate, and that seeing a race she cared for so dearly, be completely wiped out would only make her refuse to wake up. He knew that this would hurt her severely and that she may never wake up again because of this. While he did not show it; Leon was infuriated, yet depressed, on the inside.

"Since it seems ya have everything under control, I will be returnin' home ta check on her." Leon replied finally in reference to Rhona. With that said, Leon disappeared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Alec was helping a regular amount of souls when millions of traumatized ones overwhelmed him. His eyes widen as the souls scream at him causing him to end up on his knees. They were lashing out at him scared, furious of their deaths, the children spirit wailing in the dark area meant to help him judge hearts. With him being overwhelmed he stays in human form kneeling, head bowed. The human race that he had cared for was demolished and they were taking it out on him. While this wasn't all of them, it was enough to break him. He seemed to be accepting the back lash, the screaming, the wailing, all of it in silence. He seems like he has just given up, this race he cared for was gone and the traumatized souls were all that remained. He could be heard whispering in Egyptian versions of apologies and forgiveness. To the point where his whispering becomes a sort of soft chant that interweaves with the screaming, wailing, and sobbing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A lot of thoughts rushed through Landon's head as Cia gave her solution to the problem. Most had been thought about during the last month. Destroying the human race wasn't his favorite choice, but it was a solution he was oddly fine with. At least he didn't protest the action. Portals were opened to show the earth as it was destroyed, but Landon watched Cia as she began the process instead. Just because it was happening didn't mean he had to watch it. It even became hard to watch Cia as she began to cry. As her eyes even began to glow, he couldn't handle it anymore. It seemed like all that surrounded him was sadness and pain. He had done well for himself to segregate these emotions. He didn't like to be sad and ignoring it was a solution that worked for him. It also made him rather cold. He felt sorry for Cia as she pushed herself to do what was needed, but also didn't know how to help in her distress. Not knowing what to do with everything around him, he simply walked off into the Nexus and separated himself from everyone. He lied down in the field and closed his eyes, relaxing and trying to sleep until this whole thing passed. Sleep was a good retreat from the pains of the world. No thoughts or feelings could invade, except maybe dreams, but those didn't mean anything and he hardly remembered them anymore. He lied there in a light sleep until the commotion ended and the gods weren't crushed in watching the sad state of affairs occur. They would probably be sad for a long time, but at least then they could be cheered up. Now only pity could be shared and he had none to share, he could solve his own problems.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Leon had returned home and appeared before Rhona. After a few moments he had noticed something in one of her pockets that wasn't there before. He reached into her pocket and pulled a small golden egg. Realizing who it was from, Leon sighed. "Bloody hell... Well. Better go return it. There's no way we can care fer the beast here..." He murmered, glancing at Rhona once more. He then proceeded to the Egyptian Underworld.

Upon arrival, Leon automatically noticed that the place had been over run by the souls of those who were eaten. "oh fer cryin' out loud! Alec?! Alec! Alec where are ya?! He yelled, his voice cutting through the ocean of voices as he pushed and shoved through the crowd, making his way over to Alec. Eventually he found Alec, curled up in a ball, murmuring something in Egyptian.[color=ed1c24]"Bloody hell..." He sighed, picking up Alec, cradling him in his arms.

Leon carried Alec to his room and ploped him onto his bed. "Well things have certainly got out of hand haven't they, lad?" He replied, taking out the widget egg. "I believe you dropped this, yea?" He paused for a few minutes and stared back Alec then sighed and placed the egg on Alec's nightstand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ace of flames01
Alec once on his bed gasps, as if he had been holding in his breathe. He slowly looks at Leon then sees the egg. He manages to stumble up and gently hands it back to Leon. "The creatures that are of this world don't need essentials of the earth world" he speaks quietly, his voice sounding hoarse. "It is a gift for her....since I cannot keep it." He looks at Leon a look of tiredness in his eyes. "It will help protect her....just in case" he then proceeds in sitting on the edge of his bed ha head bowing he seems...exhausted. The spirits had not harmed him physically, but they did seem to do something to him. "The souls are trapped" he whispers. "Eventually with time they will fade, but until then....this is my part of the underworld now" he runs a hand through his hair and seems...defeated. A race he cared for is gone...wiped clean away and trapped here...slowly fading away as if they never existed. It saddened him deeply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"I see. Very well. I'm certain that she would be overjoyed ta receive a gift. Though I am not so certain that it will protect her as well as I. " Leon replied and chuckled softly. His expression turned sad and he actually started crying, which was practically unheard of. "She is hurting, too, ya know. More than she ever has before because of all of this. I fear she may never wake up now. I.... I think I am going ta lose my sister forever now..."

Leon wiped away his tears and sighed, regaining his composure. "This will probably be the last time you see us. So I thought I should just say my and her farewells. So... Goodbye, Alec. I wish you tha best." With that said, Leon disappeared once more. Sealing his and Rhona's home, so that none may now enter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The earthen shrine chamber, so deep beneath the surface as to make the sun a distant dream, became suddenly bathed in light. It poured from gaping holes in the musty air, leaking in through the shredded fabric of reality. Within this luminosity, strange shapes could be dimly spied, amorphous and in lethargic motion. Only one figure could be definitively spotted as it trundled ever closer with its branchlike fingers extended, but even after its twisted mockery of a human leg breached the rift no being present could identify it. One or two, spurred on by the pandemic madness of the end times, might recall a similarly grotesque shape flitting in and out of memory, a glowing outline never willfully subjected to further examination. When this shambling thing set foot in the earthen chamber, however, none could shake a certain dread—the dread of an audience with a superior entity.

Aforgomon stood before them, and cracked open its mangled shark jaw. Within its gullet a miasma of darkness whirled and span, its shadowy contortions uniquely reminiscent of the god of nightmares, whom no god had seen for a month or more. Infants. Always were you blind, yet never have you stumbled so. In your infinite ignorance, do you misunderstand the notion of godhood? Only small fractions of humanity rise against you, but you judge every human guilty, and shed bitter tears of hypocrisy. Any god who did not expressly oppose the apocalypse knew that they were accused. They are more worthy than you—you infants who presume divinity. What have you ever accomplished? And with a sob and a flick of the wrist, you immolate an entire history. Such naivety is not Great. Aforgomon raised its hands, spindly fingers dancing. Black phantasms circled its body. From the myriad tears of light, more shapes could be seen advancing. A clean slate is necessary, after all. But it is yours. Come, you infant gods. Witness Greatness.

From the tears of light, the old gods emerged. Poseidon, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Athena, Ah Muzen Cab, Cabrakan, Xing Tian, Guan Yu, and several more. Having been banished to world of the Great One’s choosing, they appeared changed. Neither puppeted nor enraged, they seemed simply grim, and emanated murderous intent. They surrounded the Merged like ruinous sentinels, and above them Aforgomon towered as it strode toward Cia. The shambler’s ungainly walk turned into a maniacal run, its body became swathed in paralyzing nightmares, and it reached out for Cia to pull her to pieces.

At the same time, rifts of light suffused the Nexus, and the home of Leon and Rhona. From those tears, too, marched Aforgomon and an entourage of the elder gods. Serqet, Bast, Ptah, Thoth, Sehkmet, Freya, Tyr, Ullr, Sol, and Heimdal stood by its side. Evidently, during the past month, the dimensional shamble had not only consumed Thalios and taken his power, but prowled the entire array of dimensions for the souls of the fallen gods and alternate versions of itself. This version looked oddly amphibious, with mottled brown hide immune to physical attack and a gaping froglike mouth from which another face leered. Most of the Egyptian gods attacked Reese at once, lambasting him with deadly poison, monstrous cats, and accursed books. Ptah, a creator god, willed meteors into existence to rain down on the so-called destruction god. The majority of the Norse gods, meanwhile, attacked Yuki. Sol burned with the heat of the sun against her, not only threatening the dancer with waves of consuming fire but also empowering the arrows of Ullr and the great blades of Heimdal and Tyr. Freya and Sehkmet, meanwhile, as the war goddesses of their respective pantheons, combined their incredible power to take down Landon. Living, hateful blood whirled around him like a maelstrom, and blasts of light rained from above. With their respective runic sword and bloody hatchet, the goddesses converged on him.

Meanwhile, the amphibious Aforgomon walked toward the house of Leon. Your violation will not be hidden. It stands like a city on a hill. From between the planes great tentacles reached out and encircled the home, swaddling it completely with the intent of crushing its seal and all that lay beneath with their weight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia noticed Aforgomon coming a her. She was fast enough to put up a shield to protect herself. Though at this point something in Cia had changed. "You say those things, yet you never tried to help the humans." Cia said looking at him. Her eyes still glowing. She was also still connected to the Shrine making her a good deal more powerful as she was connected to the earth. At this point several of the earth beings that were attacking the humans came up to protect her. Many of them going after the Old Gods in the Nexus along with any near her.

Though a few tried to just keep Aforgomon from moving. "This is our choice, you can't change what's happened. Just give up, you filth." Cia said with a look of disgust in her eyes, a look which had only ever been seen by Flemmings. This was the hatred that Cia had kept bottled up finally coming out. With Cia's look of disgust the ground came up around Aforgomon to try and devour him.

Flemmings in the meantime found himself fighting multiple old gods. His fists clenched as he jumped back before opening portals to punch at the old gods from a distance. He was using his power of Absolute Rule to keep some moving so he could do his finishing upper cut on them. The first to feel his wrath was Aphrodite, then Artemis. "Your time is done. Just give up!" Flemmings said echoing was Cia had said about them giving up. Flemmings at this point had been stabbed in his stomach by Poseidon. However this didn't stop him as he went after Poseidon next, still with a trident in his stomach. Flemmings could take damage that was for sure. And he would stand by the decision that was made.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Yuki, Claire, and Miriam were forced to watch as human race, those that were good, and the rest that were evil, were wiped from the planet. Their lives, snuffed out, because of the insanity and obliviousness of an individual with several devoted followers. This was not something that they took lightly. Claire and Yuki, and Miriam to a degree, were close to the humans. They had lived among them and learned what they could do by studying the products of their efforts and imagination. Claire wanted to hurt whoever decided to end them all, but decided against it, as such an act would prove nothing, and do nothing. Yuki wanted to speak out, but if she had, there would have been no point. The deed had been done, and she could do nothing but watch in shock.

Sensing something extreme about to happen to Yuki, Claire rushed out of her own realm, heading to the Nexus. She had every reason to worry, as another deity had come. In an extreme reaction to the extinction of life on Earth, Aforgomon had released several old deities to eliminate those in the Nexus. Yuki was caught off guard, as she was still trying to recover from the shock of earlier. Four deities made an attempt on her life with empowered weapons, and the heat of the Sun. Unfortunately for them, Claire would not have it. She had been using a glitch-core track to increase her speed. The only downside was that she had to pause several times in different parts of the area, but it helped Yuki.

The goddesses of Dance and Song, of Dawn and Dusk, looked at each other.

"Any requests?"

Yuki thought quickly, as they had little time before the old norse deities attacked again. Only one piece came to mind.

"Let the Departed roar."

"Tall order...'kay, sis."

Claire stopped the music she was listening to personally, and snapped her fingers. Immediately a chorus of singers began bellowing out from nowhere, and the sound of instruments unseen was heard.

With the organ sounding, light and darkness began pooling together in separate spots besides Claire. Yuki, collecting herself, and calming down, walked forward, and began twitching violently as a guitar began to screech. Suddenly, she was gone. the wind had come to her aid once more, with Claire's light and darkness following suit. The Light and Darkness rushed away from Yuki, and started to attack Heimdall and Ullr. Heimdall's horn was destroyed, so that it would signify that his end would happen in this battle. The two norse gods, however managed to fend off and disperse the two constructs of light and darkness. Heimdall rushed toward Claire while Ullr began shooting arrows at her, marking her as their new target.

Yujki engaged Tyr personally, risking an attack from the advancing Sol. Every move was meant for dance. Every move summoned a different weapon. A halberd, a shortsword, a mace, etc. Yuki had to rush him, and keep him on the defensive so that he'd let his guard down. Unfortunately for her, the rapidly increasing heat of the area meant that Sol was getting closer. She almost thought that she wouldn't have made it, until...

...Claire stood in place, not even attempting to step away or avoid anything, and Yuki wasn't trying to do anything to tell her otherwise, she just continued dancing. Claire began muttering something in a masculine voice, repeating maddened ramblings of strangeness and assured control. The darkness and Light began working quickly. They swirled around the area like a maelstrom. They moved quickly, attacking the enemies of, and defending their commanding mistress, and her sister.

Light surrounded Ullr, and ate away at his body by entering it. Darkness surrounded and bound Heimdall, entering his body just like the light did with his ally. Soon thee two were no more, and all that was left of them were a broken bow and a broken horn.

While Claire uttered these words, Yuki, began to enact her own finishing touch. As the god and goddess attacked her with weapons and dangerously close solar flares, she danced faster. She moved from one spot to another among the wind within moments, though the heat and the lucky weapon strikes still hurt her body. Power began to gather around her once more, and once again, it shot into the sky, forming a circle. However, this was different. Instead of simply dropping a dagger, it shot out two several chained harpoons. They pierced through Sol and Tyr, anchoring them in place as the dagger fell once again.

If one listened carefully, they'd hear a metal sound amongst the Roar of the Deaparted Souls. A moment after it, and the two norse gods disappeared as dust. Yuki fell unconscious, as keeping herself whole from attacking a being with the heat of the Sun seemed too much of a burden to carry for her alone.

Claire made her way to Yuki, and cradled her in her arms.

She smiled gently, as her music continued manipulate the hurricane of light and darkness.


@Ace of flames01@Lugubrious

When Claire made her way to the Nexus, Miriam had nothing else to do. The humans were dead, and sharing the fight with a bunch of other deities would just mean another abrupt ending to a battle she'd look forward to. So she just stared off into the mirror that overlooked the Earth. She came across a strange thing. a building that was still standing. Suddenly, a bunch of otherworldly tentacles reached out, and started to wrap around it. Miriam smiled.

She jumped through the mirror portal, and forced the fog to gather. Using them, she made an entrance to the area around the building, Cleaving through one of the tentacles with the base form of her Rakuyo. She stood as the tentacle piece wriggled and twitched before going limp, giggling and laughing.

"Heheheh...Hyahahahahaha!!!! Lookie here! The first battle on Earth after the deaths of every mortal! I feel so honored that I get to fight in such an event!"

A mist began forming. a thick fog condensing deeper and deeper, until normal sight was lost in a vastness of murky white. They came in clumps and patches, spread out and separated, but they worked. They acted as teleporters for Miriam, allowing her the ability to go from one spot to the next in an instant, as long as the mist there was thick enough. They also helped speed up the process, as she used them to send cleaving attacks in the form of arch-shaped fog. A few minutes of repeating her attacks, and the tentacles that were already there, were visibly chopped up pieces.

Miriam looked about, and found the amphibious being that was responsible approaching the building. She smiled at it, and said,

"I once saw a lizard warrior slash faster than the mortal eye can see. I wonder how much more of a challenge you'll be compared to the game I found it in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


There was a loud pounding noise that echoed through the realm, like someone tapping their finger against a glass fish aquarium, and the realm trembled furiously for a few minutes. Somebody was trying to destroy the barrier and whoever it was, was clearly not someone in search for an idle chat.

Suddenly, Leon saw it; a beast of squid like characteristics and the size of a titan. This was unfortunately something that couldn't be reasoned with. Leon shot a powerful jolt of lightning, rivaling that of Zeus' power, into the sky, electrifying the barrier. It charred multiple of then tentacles and severely shocked the remainder of the body, though it unfortunately was not enough to kill it but merely stun it. "Bloody hell you're a tough bugger aren't ya? Fine. But I'm not letting ya touch Rhona with a single one of those filthy appendages of yers!" He replied as he teleported himself to the edge of the barrier, where he found a goddess with silver hair and a twisted smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landon had fallen half asleep as Aforgomon entered. He managed to successfully shut out the world, but it would only last a moment. As Landon woke up he sensed the presence of Aforgomon again. Not having been able to see him before he just took in the feel that Aforgomon gave off. It felt different now though. Before an endless power backed by curiosity strode about, almost as interested in the Merged as the Merged were in the humans. Now there was hatred behind it. It mirrored how Landon felt when he was invaded during the beginning of the month. He hated the humans then and gave them no mercy at the time. There was even more to him as well, death lurked about like a foreign obscenity to the aura. Landon opened his eyes to try and catch sight of the thing this time, wondering what was wrong with it. His first sight was something very different though.

He opened his eyes to see a fireball falling straight for him. He quickly created a shield with his good arm and formed his other. The fireball felt like it had substance behind it, like being hit by the sun. It quickly melted his shield and fizzled out leaving nothing behind though. He stood up and looked around quickly and saw he was in the eye of a red maelstrom. Occasionally pieces of the red ventured close enough to the center to cut him. It was like liquid blades had surrounded him. He hardened his body in response to his new predicaments. Another sunblast came at him and he stopped it fine with his prosthetic. What he wasn't expecting was the two goddesses that were right behind it. Sekhmet and Freya came crashing down on him as the orb fizzled out. Freya's sword knicked his shoulder as she pinned him to the ground, and Sekhmet cut off his prosthetic at the wrist. Landon took in the shock of the blow for a moment only to be shocked that it was two beautiful goddesses that had assaulted him. The scantily clad goddess Freya was using her body to keep Landon pinned while the similarly scant lion goddess Sekhmet was attempting to cut off his limbs. This is definitely someones fantasy, maybe not the killing intent though. Landon managed to barely shift his legs from underneath Freya to avoid Sehkmet's wild swings. Soon Sehkmet stopped trying for his appendages and lodged her hatchet in the side of his thigh. With a furious roar Landon was done with this game.

He reformed his prosthetic with extra reach and knocked Sekhmet back with a clean blow to her snout. He next grabbed both of Freya's wrists and wrenched her grip free of him and the sword. Half of the blade had pierced his shoulder and lodged into the ground making it difficult for him to move left or right. He slowly sat straight up pulling the sword out of his shoulder and pushing against Freya's wrists to get her off of him. As Sekhmet came back at him, he shoved Freya to into Sekhmet and rolled back towards the sword. He stood up and removed the runic sword from the ground. Sekhmet threw a smaller quicker sun orb, as Freya ran at Landon. He easily stopped the orb with his prosthetic and swung the sword up at Freya as she came at him unarmed. Freya jumped back as Landon was just short of cutting her up the middle of her body. They were done underestimating each other.

Landon could feel the power of the sword coursing through him. Freya's maelstrom was weakening considerably. This must be a primary source of her power. Landon created a storm of his own to counter Freya's. Blood clashed with hail in a storm who's winds seemed to attack each other while they blew both ways creating even more fury. Freya summoned a spear in replacement to her lost sword. Her and Sekhmet put distance between themselves to surround him. As Sekhmet began launching sun orbs at him Freya rushed him from the side. He stopped the orbs with his prosthetic and lept back from them to put Freya in the line of fire. He barely managed to block and avoid Freya's attacks until the sunblasts stopped. His back was up against the wall of the storm now. He held his ground as Freya pushed him to his limit. Her fighting skills significantly outmatched his own, and if she had her sword he would have been gone by now. He needed to do something now though or else the approaching Sekhmet would end him. As he parried the next attack with his prosthetic he shot a blast of encaspulated darkness at Freya. She blocked the ice, making it shatter and explode in her face. She jumped back and was next to Sekhmet in the center of the ring. The blast had frostbitten her shoulder and part of her face. Landon launched a similar attack, but this time while he slashed, throwing an arc at the both of them. Freya dodged her half while Sekhmet diffused her's with a burst of light. He continued to unleash a barrage of the arcs at the two pushing them backwards. He was very lucky Freya lost her sword in the initial ambush. If they had merely dueled him, he certainly would have died.

He pushed them back to the deadly maelstrom and continued his barrage. Freya subsided her torrent of blood, leaving only the hail storm. As Sekhmet and Freya tried to rush through and exit the storm, Landon placed his prosthetic to the ground and created a wall on the outside of the storm. He extended the wall in a half circle around the storm. He also made a wall on the inside of the storm to trap them inside of the storm itself. Landon concentrated and used his strength to keep the tunnel up and intensify the storm. The sword empowered him and the ice and hail shredded at the goddesses. He also added the darkness to the hail, causing bursts of frostbite as they made contact with the goddesses. Freya managed to stumble out of the storm tunnel cut, bruised and half frozen only to have Landon thrust her sword through her back and into her heart. He removed it from her as she collapsed, like a limp doll, onto the ground. The storm subsided and the walls crumbled to reveal a disfigured and torn Sekhmet, frozen in place.

Landon's prosthetic collapsed and he stumbled away from the goddesses. He searched for the source of the hatred and death and noticed it was coming from the direction of the portal. He noticed the other gods engaged in their own fights as he stumbled towards the portal. As the other end of the portal came into sight he felt another anger as well. He barely managed to catch sight of Cia's eyes, full of rage, as sight was cut off by earth engulfing what must have been the original monster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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Vengeful Cia received an odd tilt of Aforgomon’s head. When the gohma arose from the earth around it, however, the Great One did not hesitate. Screaming, it swiped at the nearest gohma’s head, splattering its entire upper half into mud. Another, molded like a shark with centipede legs, lunged forward to bite its ankle. Its fangs pierced the shambler’s gruesome excuse for skin, drawing forth a brownish ichor that instantly shifted the creature into an alternate dimension. Still another, a great mongoose, dove for it, but to its misfortune the clutching hands of Aforgomon grasped its body and pulled it, shrieking, in half. All the while, the knowledge seeped into Cia’s head. Your monumental naivety is worth of a squealing lemming, not the mantle of godhood. When the travelers of the vast abyss sought to destroy this earth, I cooperated with the consumed nightmare god to recall the disease that ended them. I saved this world, while the legion of newborns dithered about. Cia suddenly knew it to be true.

The earth sought to devour Aforgomon, but the Great One transcended those wordly binds. Faded partially out, it merely walked through the mass of churning soil. All of creation is accursed to have you. Billions of innocents slaughtered for the sake of ease. I weep with them, as one in trance. It held its glittering hands out over the shield that guarded the self-righteous one, and from jagged holes of light in its palms spewed forth lava from a burnt dimension. If it did not break through the barrier, it would turn to diamond-hard obsidian around it. Even now, I can change it all. My father is greater than I, but I am my father’s son. I am who I am. Do you doubt me? My niece does not.

A trio of gohma arose at Aforgomon’s back to destroy it. Before they could law claws on him, their bodies were sundered with a flash of glinting iron. Behind Aforgomon stood Cythella, newly reborn from the dreams of the Merged gods thanks to the power of the Great One. The noisome maw of Aforgomon seemed to smile. Dreams are my reality. My niece lives again. The humans can live again. Doubt us not! For a moment, Aforgomon seemed to pause. It had let something slip.

Meanwhile, Poseidon knew better than to come into the melee range of Flemmings. The old god surrounded himself in a raging typhoon, constantly pushing anything around him away while threatening to drown them and allowing him to smoothly retreat. Jets of boiling water lambasted Flemmings, and the barbed limbs of the Kraken stretched from pools of water to lacerate his godly flesh.


Amphibious Aforgomon’s mouth opened wide, exposing a skinless green face with a deathly, jeering grin. Challenged by some beast? You have much to learn about greatness. Be still while I instruct—moving will make it worse.

It held out its rubbery claws, and between its wart-covered palms a tiny black dot began to beat. Faster and faster it fluctuated, growing denser and denser, until the seabed strider threw it forward. Abruptly the black hole erupted into a singularity of gravity and darkness, pulling in everything that wasn’t nailed down and most things that were to crush them all into a single spot no bigger than the head of a pin. Aforgomon alone withstood it perfectly, its form becoming like ethereal water as it faded partially into the infinite abyss. The crumplezone roared forward toward Rhona’s house, but against three Merged Aforgomon couldn’t afford to waste a single second. It raised its arms in a salute to the moonlight sea, and from the sky columns of watery light surged down to blast Leon and Miriam. All the while, however, the alternate Great One left its face uncovered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Reese was quick to notice the heat that radiated from the various meteors spawned by Ptah. One even smashed against his back and imploded sending him hurdling through the air. Several Egyptian gods began to rush him as they seen this as a chance to attack. When they came close enough Reese regained his center of gravity and was quick to protect himself. He even through a couple of punches himself getting a few of the gods. "Damn it's like a portal just shitting out Gods....!" Reese stated mainly to himself as he took out five more gods with blows to their heads. Not to far in the distance floated Ra and Ptah spamming meteors and Ra increasing the flames of the meteors. Honestly they was doing most of Reese work for him. All he had to do was distract his attackers as metros snuck up behind them and took them to marshmallow heaven.

After about a hundred meteors Reese stood in an open empty space wondering what to do with the spammers. While he was stuck in his thoughts Ptah spawned more meteors somehow increasing their speed with each summon. As he did this Ra progressed to Reese's location hiding himself amongst the meteors. Reese snapping out of his thoughts as a meteor breezed passed him. "Fuck off!" He shouted dodging the meteors and closing the distance between him and Ptah. Reese got a few feet away from him and was surprised by Ra aiming to pierce him with his hand that was covered in flames. Reese quickly grabbed him by the collar and hurdled him at Ptah completely catching both of the spamming gods off guard. While Ptah and Ra try to recover from the counter Reese clenched his fist and charged at the two striking one of his powerful blows blowing a large whole through both of the Gods bodies. Resse dusted his hands as he walked away from the scene. "And that's what happens when you mess with destruction." With that Reese took off to help whatever God he believe that is in need of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Cia looked at the Great one with an unamused look. She was different than she was before. She had to stand by her decisions now or regret them forever. "What's done is done. You can't bring back the human race. Your doing nothing more than holding onto the past." Cia said looking up at The Great one with her eyes still glowing green and yellow. At the same time Flemmings could feel his own power growing thanks to Cia.

"Thank you Sister." Flemmings said fixing his tie before looking up at Poseidon with a smile. He opened up several portals that reflected his attacks right back at Poseidon. Despite Poseidons continued attacks and defenses however thanks to Flemmings defenses he could now counter it. "Absolute Rule!" Flemmings yelled as he was able to force Poseidon to stop moving. He then moved a few portals right onto the body of Poseidon to take away the water defense by sucking up the water and dumping it elsewhere.

Flemmings started to bob and weave his body at this point with his fists up slowly approaching Poseidon. One thing that Flemmings had enjoyed from the humans was their boxing. And a move he had learned from them was something called the Dempcey Roll. Flemmings then started to use this exact movements of bobing and weaving to pound on the water god over and over again untill finally punching off the poor gods head. He stood up cracking his knuckles. "I will be missing watching boxing from the humans I admit." Flemmings said with a smirk on his face before turning to face Aforgomon.

Cia's eyes continued to glow now giving off yellow and green smoke. "Stop being petty and die like the rest of the humans. The world has been needing a reset for a long time. Pollution at an all time high, much of the earth has been destroyed through warfare. The humans have done too much damage. This wasn't our fault it was theirs." Cia said at this point noticing Cythlla had come back as well it seemed.

"You call her your niece and bring her back despite the human uprising being her fault. I saw her creating weapons with the humans, you never even bothered to stop her though." Cia said. Cythlla looked as if she were in a sort of stasis. Though the moment she woke up she wouldn't just go for the other gods, but Aforgomon as well. That was if she woke up.

Cia at this point rose her hand to the heavens, a beam of incinerating light came down however it was different from before, it had a helix of green and yellow smoke curving around it. At this point Flemmings stepped in from behind Aforgmon, he held out a hand at Aforgomon, his own eyes glowing with power just like Cias. "Absolute Rule, STOP." Flemmings yelled. If this was successfull it would stop Aforgomon from moving at all. The Incinerating ray of light got ever closer to the Great One. "Speak your last words filth." Cia said before the beam would incinerate Aforgomon giving him a chance to speak before his end.
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