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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The crystal started to melt instead of crack. The liquid that it gave off went into the pile of squids and corpses. From it arose a new race. The Inklings. These were strange creatures that had been trying to escape form Cythllas mind of madness for awhile now. They did love her like a mother though, yet they had wanted to be born for so long and finally they were born. The corpses and squids were all gone, instead they were replaced by this new race.

Cythlla meanwhile fell from the crystal. She was weak though, spending so long in a crystal and being dead makes even a gods body extremely weak. Cythlla only looked around dumbfounded as to what was going on. She tried to move her limbs but only ended up making herself fall to the ground every time she got up. Though her body was weak her magic was not. She turned to see what appeared to be one of the imp. It was one named Emma, a smirk came upon her face as she lifted a weak hand at the girl. "Your just what I need." Cythlla said speaking for the first time in 30 years.

The inklings turned to go after Emma who started to run in terror at what was happening. But she wasn't fast enough, the Inklings spread their ink through the use of buckets so they could catch up to her faster swimming through their own ink and grabbing her by the ankles when they got close enough. All that could be heard from them was laughter and giggle almost as if they were innocent children.

Cythlla smiled as Emma was dragged towards her. Once close enough Cythlla rose tentacles from the ground that grabbed Emma and seemed to absorb her. Cythlla started to glow as well as she took in the essence of Emma giving herself the ability to move her body again. "What a nice meal." Cythlla said as she turned and looked at Reese remembering who he was now. "Ohh! You were the little god of war right? Haven't you grown? So how long was I out?" Cythlla said getting right to the point. She didn't care why he brought her back, only that she was brought back.

Cia turned to see what appeared to be a demigod. She had overheard that it had created life. Before seeing the Demigod Cia thought that all of them were dead. It also seemed that this demigod had no idea that Cia was the one who destroyed humanity in the first place. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Cia asked with curiosity. Cia was still on the ground as she was too weak to get up at the moment. She would need help to stand for awhile.

@Ace of Flames01
The Golden spider looked on as the siblings united for the first time. "Such a pretty thing, I guess my work here is done then. I have more good deeds to complete then." The Spider said proud of itself before going back into it's shimmer of light. When this spider would be seen again was another question though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"So who is the older twin? Do you know?" Rhona asked excited.

"uh... I am... By an hour I believe. " Leon replied grinning.

For the past half hour, Rhona has been asking Leon about these kinds of things. Who was older, who was his father, what kind of God he is. She wanted to know everything about her other half, and Leon was happy to tell her what she wanted to know.

Rhona was the first to learn of the bouncing plantoid, Flowey. It seemed harmless enough, and it was actually kind of charming.... In it's own way. " Oh hello! I've never met a flower that could talk before!" She said grinning as she walked over to it. She pet the top of it gently, a move she would soon regret.

Leon had noticed Rhona's absence and whipped around to see her talking to, his own horror, a plantoid. "No don't touch tha'! It's dangerous! " He yelled.

However, it was too late. With Rhona's guard lowered, the plantoid attacked, getting a quick bite out of Rhona's hand before Leon tore her away from the plants grasp. He moved in front of her and eyed down the carnivorous flora, eyes narrowed. " Be gone, beast! I will not let ya make a meal out of my sister! Now leave! Tell her god that this means war! I will kill him for what he has done!" He roared, his voice echoed like thunder as dark clouds circled over head.

Leon turned to Rhona and his expression softened as he looked at her hand. "Are ya OK? It doesn't hurt too much, does it? " He asked worried as a warm glow emanated from the bite mark, and the wound healed.

Rhona nodded and smiled. " Yeah. I'm OK." She murmered. She was still slightly startled from the hostile plant. "What was that thing?"

"I...I don't know... But... They are very dangerous, it seems. But don't worry, I'll protect ya." Leon murmered softly, then grinned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


The three Goddesses within the celebration had received messages from Squirrels. It came as a bit of a surprise for them, as it meant that a certain other goddess had finally started making contact to others again. They all had different reactions to the letter.

Miriam had just looked at the drink in her hand to see if it was meant for deities, but soon shrugged it off as she read it. It spoke of a being committing a major crime. The creature had killed those of a race beyond its dominion, which actually was pretty much a crime. The Dragon may lead the remainder of the Humans that she knew of, but he had no right to do any such thing. Honestly, she would've just had him put to death. However, it wasn't because she wanted him to pay in the extreme, it's just that she wanted to fight it herself. Unfortunately for Miriam, the death sentence was an execution, not a duel, so she had to treat in a normal way. So she had chosen to vote for weakening the Dragon's powers.

Yuki and Claire, on the other hand were a bit more complicated in their decisions. They had been split on the punishment. Yuki, thinking that there must have been some reason for its action wanted to punish it by weakening its powers. Claire, still being very sour of the destruction of mortals, wanted the Dragon dead for possibly causing another disaster so soon after the new races had risen. Yuki was going to attend the trial, but Claire had her stay to make sure that things don't get out of hand in this party. She told her that she'd attend it herself. Yuki was a bit surprised that Claire would attend such a gathering. They hadn't spoken about what happened 30 years ago.

In any case, Claire went and made a portal to meet with Cia. She stepped through, and let herself be moved from one place to another. When she arrived, she acted casually. Even though she didn't know her that well, Claire thought she could at least make her feel a bit comfortable by acting as if she was a normal person. It also helped to hide the grudge she held against her from all those years ago...not really, but it was better than nothing.

"Hey, Cia. Nice to see you finally doing something. I know it's not long for us, but three decades is actually pretty lo-"

Claire noticed that there were others here. One was Landon, who she also barely knew, and the other was someone that she had never even seen before. Unless she saw them during that one time when she, Yuki, and Miriam tried to get drunk. She couldn't remember that time very well. In any case, this new girl was...pretty much attractive.

"So who's the new girl? She doesn't really feel like one of us...Oh! Are you two fighting over her? I mean, she's hot, but we do have a trial to do, so I think we should focus on the bigger thing first."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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The Nexus

The Dragon looked almost amused before returning to a normal outlook on his face. "This is wrong. The Neja are fascistic conquerers, and they must be stopped, before they ruin other races. Their entire out look on life, due to their culture, is to destroy everyone and anything that isn't them, by enslavement. They sought to enslave my race, and I returned their attack with a warning. If I wanted to, I could have destroyed them all, or at least, more than I have already slain, to stop them from conquering all mortal races."

"They are a race that builds HIVES. They can replenish their numbers and MORE in two years. The Humans build cities. Unless they begin having children in wildly large numbers, they cannot compete with the Neja, or even come close to their level of reproduction, and they don't have portal technology to fight back against their enemies, who took out most of the people's farms."

Arkannyn spoke. "I don't believe that we should start doing things like this to other gods, and I don't believe we should wipe out population centers either, but the Neja's only weakness is their lack of firearms and low technology. Their portals, however, are high tech, they are supernaturally tough and strong, and they reproduce in such a quick way that it will be difficult for any race to fight back. The Humans exist in larger numbers than most other races for now, but they were once seven billion strong, and are a race of what are technically war veterans of traumatized people. Why not just censure The Dragon with a tougher penalty if he does it again?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Xoxi stops running, fishes through her bag, and finally starts talking.

"The name is Xoxi. I made a thing and now I'm here. Also hello llllllllady you seem rather enticing."

After doing some rummaging, Xoxi finally pulls out Gyro and places him on her head.

"Anyway yeah I'm new here, who are you people, what's this about a trial, and why does she look super nice?"

Xoxi said that last part while pointing to Cia, afterwards also extending an arm for her to get up with, and Gyro rested peacefully on top her head.

"...anyway yeah so I heard something about a trial?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese watched as the new race was born before his eyes. He was satisfied with what unfolded before him. A grin present on his face through most of what transpired. Though he did crack a frown when he had to watch Emma be devoured by Cythlla. She was really like a daughter to him but sacrifices had to be made in order for him to have his love. Reese smiled as he was acknowledged by her. "Yes! It is I Reese. I go by the God of Destruction now but besides that you've been out for 30 years my love. And I have resurrected you in hopes of procreation." Reese stated a smiled still decorated upon his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Somewhere in the Artic Circle

Another average day began in a Tari settlement. A morning blizzard had rolled through, promising a fresh blanket of snow. The wind was howling and white was all that could be seen as snow poured heavily from the sky. For a while, everything seemed peaceful.

However, this was about to quickly change. In the distance, a lone woman in showy clothing, followed by a horde of creatures truly vile, could be seen.

"Such beautiful, white fur..." The woman said with a seductive smile, as she pet one of the abominations on the head. "Kill them all and give it to me. Won't you, dear?"

The creature made a screeching noise than it, as well as the other monsters, ravaged through the town, destroying houses, killing all in sight or those who were not quick enough to get away. Soon the settlement was set ablaze, and throughout this, the woman stayed behind and watched laughing as chaos started to unfold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec arrives at the nexus. He doesn't really want to be there, but at this point theres not much else he can do. His hands are in his jean pockets and he looks rather casual. If anything he seems more out of place then usual. His eyes seem to be his warning sign though. Its like he has an invisible i-am-pissy today sign on his forehead. His anxiousness at hearing from Audrey causing him to be more on edge then usual.

Audrey meanwhile, looks delighted at what its planning. After all, Alec said to watch for her not to actually tell him. it rubs two leaves together. Oh how delightful this will be. Blackmailing the one who created your own race is the most amazing thing besides a fresh meal who walks into your mouth. Soft laughter echoes from the trees.

@Ace of flames01
Flowey wraps vines around its face. A similar motion to a human clutching their face after being slapped. "Im sowwe I'm jus hungry." It sounds innocent enough, but really it would take as many bites as it can. It tilts its head down and looks pitiful. Really it could uproot itself and find a different spot...but this is so much fun! It tilts its head upward as if looking up at them at the mention of not knowing what it was. "I'm flowey." it goes back to looking pitiful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I don't know about the dragon. It might have overreacted, but it is trying to protect the humans. I think a warning with a just punishment would be fine for now. Something like taking away the same number of humans as mortals that it killed. If it does something like this again, then it should certainly be killed."

Just then a new goddess came into the Nexus. She introduced herself as Xoxi, and that she made a thing. He wasn't sure what that thing was at first, but then some sort of strange mouse began running around and perched itself on her head. She also seemed very interested in Cia. The way she greeted her seemed weird and flirtatious. Landon wasn't sure how he felt about this. He didn't have much time to think of it before he felt something terrible.

@Ace of flames01
The Tari were enjoying another nice day, building houses and carefully harvesting plantoids. Suddenly a loud screech broke out through the chill wind. Many more followed as the Tari noticed a wave of vile creatures charging their village. The Tari quickly prepared to defend themselves, grabbing their spears and swords and releasing their akhluts to slow their advance. Some of the Tari cried out for Landon to come help, while all were praying under their breath for protection. Their prayers weren't unheard.

As Landon was about to introduce himself to Xoxi, he heard the first prayers. His mind reeled for a moment hoping if this was a small incident but a wave of prayers came and continued in his mind. Something was seriously wrong. He was becoming angry, not even sure what was going on yet, but whever it was that was making his people cry out like this would pay. His arm quickly formed as dark energy coursed wildly through it. His whole body was covered next making him look like a humanoid mass of visciously swirling ice. He took a step past the two goddesses as he disappeared into a dark hole. His next step emerged into the arctic circle on the edge of the Tari's village. He saw them fighting off strange beasts. Both sides had suffered several casualties. Landon saw several of the beasts on the cities edge fighting Tari warriors. He instantly shot twelve massive icicles that came from his hand like fingers. As the strange beasts were instantly impaled he ordered the warriors to clear out what few beasts had made it to the village. He would hold off the line for anymore to enter.

He looked out over the empty ice and saw the swarm of disgusting creatures coming towards the village. He touched his hand to the ground and instantly a solid wall of black ice surrounded the village. The floor of the village was also solidified as well. The only way in was by going over the wall. He didn't care about the beings that invaded the arctic circle. The gods had made their races, but an assault of this level wasn't of their own doing. Something else was at play in this attack. He looked again over the tundra and saw something else amongst the monsters. A different being, not disgusting at all, in fact quite beautiful. Landon probably would have taken note of this, except his rage fueled only a desire to end whoever started this. Landon began walking across the tundra towards her completely ignoring the monsters. If any of the beasts touched him, he froze them with such a severe frost that they shattered upon hitting the ground or even toppling over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rhona hid behind Leon as the plantoid spoke, still cautious of the events that had transpired only moments before. The creature seemed innocent, yet she dared not to approach it.

Leon, on the other hand, had enough. He grit his teeth and growled as he turned to the plantoid that addressed itself as Flowey. "I told ya to leave! Now die you infernal creature! Go! Hell calls you! Tell yer god this means war!" He roared angrily. His eyes glowed a bright blue and covered Rhona's eyes, as a giant bolt of lightning smighted the plantoid, turning into a pile of ashes. He returned to Rhona, who had become quite frightened by what had just happened. "We need ta leave. It's not safe here." Leon murmered softly as he gently held his sister's hand. A sudden heavy rain began to pour from the dark clouds that had gathered overhead.

Rhona nodded, then the 2 took off running as fast as they could for the Irish countryside; the rain covering their tracks.



The woman watched Landon kill her monsters with the most intoxicating smile on her face. She licked her lips hungrily. " My, my. What a naughty boy. You broke my toys." Her voice was smooth and sent shivers down Landon's spine. The woman disappeared for a split second then approached Landon from behind. She then proceeded to hug him from behind and press her chest against Landon's back. "How do you plan on making it up to me, hm?" She whispered into Landon's ear, smiling slyly. By now, Landon had already started to fall under the woman's spell and succumb to his sexual desires.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As Landon left Cia looked in bewilderment at what had happened. It wasn't untill she had oped a portal to look into the battle that she realized what it was. A war had begun, yet Cia had no power to leave and help. She was too weak. When Xoxi gave Cia a hand to try and help her up Cia just smiled and didn't take a hand. "I'm afraid that if I were to stand up I would only fall back to the ground." Cia said with a smile. "It's good to see you all again." Cia said to all of the gods who had come into the nexus for the trial. It was when Cia noticed the battle between Shone-lee that she started to get angry though. Yet she was still powerless to go anywhere, she would have to wait untill the courted ended to go anywhere.


When Cia saw Claire however Cia got a sad look on her face. She knew that Claire hated her, and she wouldn't be suprised if someone raised a voice against Cia's own crimes even though she believed herself to be in the right.

Flemmings finally entered afterwhile with the votes tallied as to what the punishment would be. Dejor was behind Flemmings and entered right after him, he had a grin on his face showing off his fangs.

Flemmings looked at the Dragon with an blank face, one that was fitting of the one who would be passing judgement. "Your defense is noted, I do agree that the Neja may be a problem in the future, as such your sentence will be shorted from 100 years of weakness to 50." Flemmings stated making sure to make this a fair trial.

"Dragon, the crimes against you have been noted. For the crime of attacking another gods race within their own territory with your own powers, you have been sentenced." Flemmings stated before his own eyes began to glow. "ABSOLUTE RULE!" Flemmings shouted this spell would prevent even a god from moving for a few short minutes.

"You are to have your powers severely weakened, if you are to use your powers you must be touching the target. For 50 years you will be like this!" Flemmings ruled. With this Dejor walked right up to the Dragon he opened his fangs wide and bit into the Dragons back. With this the Dragon would be severely weakened. Dejor finished his meal before spitting that same power into a box and locking it. Dejor would not keep this power for himself, even he knew how unfair that would be. He handed the box to Flemmings before turning to those who came to attend the trial.

"Is there any other troubles anyone would like to bring up to the Court?" Flemmings asked looking around the room.


Cythlla listened with a smirk until she heard the words, 'Procreate'. Surely Reese was joking. "Y-You must be joking, I will not do such a thing with the likes of you. I am thankful that you brought me back I am, however agreeing to do 'that' with you I'm afraid I am going to refuse." Cythlla said at this point she was nervously backing away. She was still weak despite having just ate. Her inklings were standing in front of her with their buckets ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Reese face remained the same. An unnatural smile on his face even after Cythlla decided to deny his generous demand. "Oh...." He said lightly his eyes closing to form slits. Taking one step Reese vanished....well not exactly more like he moved at an alarming speed and stopped behind Cythlla. Reappearing behind her he firmly gripped both of her shoulders looking down at her. His smile having a more threatening glare to them then a smile should. "That wasn't the right answer." Reese responded his grip on her shoulders tightening. "I gave you life so it shouldn't be to much for you to return the favor.... Oh! I have a better idea how about I snap you like a twig and slowly kill you until I get what I want." Flames seem to be noticeable in Reese's eyes as he said his statement. "After all not many people care for the death of a Goddess that only creates trouble. Heck! That's all I ask of you once I receive what I want you're free to go...." Reese ended with a devilish grin. He did love her so tough love is fair in these types of situations, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Claire was slightly taken aback at how the trial went. It was...much shorter than she expected. She didn't really know why they called them over if they were just going to go over the facts and hand out the punishment. She did guess that it was out of some sort of tradition and respect, as the Dragon was the leader/guardian for some of the remaining humans. Learning of the intention behind its actions did influence her thoughts on the punishment. She didn't want him to die now, but he really should have addressed the issue with them first, or contacted other races to warn them.

In any case, the trial was pretty much over. The Dragon was weakened, and his sentence was cut in half time-wise. What else was there to address?...Well, there was one thing. Honestly, she it was a little bit of revenge, though it didn't really hurt anyone. Who knows, maybe this would help her get over what Cia did.

"Uh...Yeah. I kinda got something to say...but it's not really related to the Dragon, though."

Claire thought a bit, and decided to tell the Dragon her thoughts on the matter after all. Just so nobody gets that mad at her for anything. She turned to the scaly creature and said,

"[color=f7941a]Speaking of which, I think it'll help if you tell someone before you do anything next time, dude.[.color]

Claire returned her attention to everyone else, and took a breath.

"So, yeah. Everyone knows that Cia just came back after a pretty frikkin' long time, right? So I'm thinking that she should probably get to see what happened to the world in her absence...and NO. Looking through a portal doesn't count. She should see everything for herself. In fact..."

Claire pointed at Xoxi and her friend/pet (Claire didn't quite know much about them).

"I think that girl should be her tour guide!"

Claire couldn't help but feel as if she had been watching too much of those anime DVDs that Yuki saved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 5 mos ago



Xoxi truly had no idea what was going on with anything. Legitimately 5 minutes in the nexus and boom fingers are pointing, people are disappearing, dragons are weakening, and more things didn't end with ing are happening.

"I mean, I'll do it, but I haven't been over to where the Americas are and stuff. I'd like to see them, so I guess I can now that this place exists for me, huh?"

For a moment, Xoxi thinks, then she talks.

"I have several questions. First one is where did the guy that faintly reminded me of a walrus go? He looked like he needed some help, in my opinion. Second, does anyone here have booze? No reason just curious."

Either way, Xoxi walks over to Cia and places her on Xoxi's back.

"You're coming with me by the way, I'm gonna show you the world attractive lady."

Gyro saw Cia on Xoxi's back and immediately did the logical thing and climbed gently on top of her head.

"Also, attractive lady, Gyro doesn't bite. I've known him for a few hours and you can trust me on this."

Xoxi then looks towards Claire, and maybe asks a dumb question.

"Wanna come with? You seem kinda chill."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alec has his arms crossed the entire time. He is half paying attention half thinking of other things. He raises an eyebrow when the idea of a tour guide comes up. What an odd proposition. With a shrug he starts heading off so he can teleport back to Audrey. He has words for the beast. Words...and possibly a bit of fighting. He could easily kill the things with his death touch, but for some reason he can't seem to bring himself to kill the vermin. How complex his feelings have become.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A few hours had passed and a steady rain poured over the moors of Ireland. A faint giggling and laughter could be heard coming from a hobbit hole in one of the moor's hillsides. Inside sat Rhona, who was as she was braiding Leon's long hair, and Leon, who held a slightly annoyed expression with a tinge of pain from squiring, which resulted in his hair being pulled.

"There! All finished!" Rhona said happily as she tied up the braid. Leon had a look of disbelief and slight dissatisfaction. "Well? Go on! Take a look!"

Leon went over to a nearby puddle and looked at his reflection. He turned his head to get a better look of the neatly braided, french braid on the back of his head. He grinned looking quite satisfied.

"OK my turn!" Rhona replied turning around.

"Me?" Leon asked pointing to himself.

"Yes you! I braided your hair, now you have to braid mine!"

"Ya know tha' I've never done this before, right?" Leon asked as he scooted up behind her and started to braid Rhona's hair.

"I know. But I want you to do it anyway. Besides, my hair is longer so it should be pretty easy." Rhona smiled.

Leon sighed. After a half hour and 10 retries, he finally finished. "There. Done. Go take a look... Though I can't promise tha' it looks any good." He said mentally exhausted. He then floped on his back and closed his eyes as Rhona went over to the puddle. Unlike Leon's, Rhona's braid was fairly messy yet it held quite well.

"This is actually very good for your first try, brother." Rhona replied crawling over to Leon.

"Yeah well... It took me 10 tries ta finally get it right. Tha's tha best I can offer, I'm afraid. " Leon groaned not opening his eyes.

" Yeah well... I like it anyway!" Rhona replied cheerfully. Leon snorted then smiled. Rhona looked at for a moment and smiled for a moment before looking out of the entrance to their shelter and watched the rain fall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01

Landon continued walking towards the woman at a slow steady pace. He never even flinched as the monsters ran at him and froze instantly upon touch. The woman grinned even at the sight of her own beasts destruction. She was truly a monster in her own right. Little did he know she was a monster of desire. The woman gave him a taunt with a lecherous voice. He felt a shiver go through him. He wasn't sure what powers this goddess had, but he was certain to kill her. Rage wasn't necessary to kill, just the absence of mercy.

In the next moment she disappeared and he felt a small pair of arms try to wrap around him. Well she'll be easy to kill now. He thought to himself. As he tried to freeze her though, he couldn't, nothing was happening. He thought to try and shoot an icicle out his back, but still nothing happened. He found himself getting confused. I have no semblance of mercy for this whore. Why can't I kill her? His monstrous form began to melt and shrink in her arms. His head was getting even foggier as he found himself desiring her. "Why do I want this now? Stop. I control myself. BRAAAGH. He continued to fight in his mind. Control was something he always sought to keep. With the powers of a god, corruption could easily follow. Acting on his emotions was not something he could entertain. He didn't necessarily control his emotions, but he always controlled how he acted them.

By now he had melted back into his normal self, even his prosthetic melted. He couldn't find control of his mind anymore. He didn't know what to do. Thinking became difficult. The feel of this womans body pressed up against his was overwhelming him. As she whispered in his ear, his body was screaming for hers. He grasped for the thoughts of anything other than taking this woman. Thoughts of his people he needed to protect, of the vengence for the fallen Tari, of just ending this monster, even a flash of Cia came to his mind as he fell to his knees, paralyzed by this woman's touch. The question was would he fight it until his mind broke or give in to his desire for the goddess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01
Alec gives up with a two finger salute he teleports to Audrey. The noises of the lush forestation around him adding to the creepiness level of where this plant lived. And then he looks up he realizes there is sunlight coming through the leaves. He stands there for a second then storms up to the plant. "AUDREY WHAT THE HELL" The plantoid waves a tiny leaf as if waving. "Well you said watch for her...nothin about telling you....or eating her...or anything." It laughs. "AUDREY" Alec's voice actually booms with anger as his eyes glow. Audrey seems to snort. "You know what we are" its head tilts. "Cmon canine get over it" Alec snarls. "Tell me everything or your giant pain in the ass self is dead." Audrey would be rolling its eyes if it had any. "Well one of the smaller ones spotted her...before it was killed it said man and woman exited cave." it tilted its head back and forth. Alec crosses his arms. "Nothin else boss" Alec nods and teleports back to the cave...where its raining. "Perfect....absolutely perfect...matches this mood perfectly" Being soaked now he spots a very dead flowey. "which way did they go hmm." He stands in front of the dead plant and picks a direction walking whilst soaking wet. "Couldn't tell me leon...oh right" He starts muttering untranslatable things in egyptian and looks rather annoyed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Shone-Lee saw Landon struggle in her embrace, desperately trying to hold onto his sanity. She wasn't going to let him though. One of her hands slowly slid down to his stomach as she licked his neck then nibbled on his ear and laughed softly. "Stop fighting it and just give in to every dirty little fantasy that's running through that little head of yours so we can have some real fun." She whispered in his ear turning him around to face her. She kissed him long and passionately before then releasing him with a sly smile and teasingly gestured him to follow her, with a single finger, through a dark and mysterious portal.


Mean while, in the twins' little hobbit hole, a drenched Leon and Rhona could be found snuggling up to each other in an effort to keep warm as they slept peacefully to the sound of rain and the faint echoing of thunder in the distance. It has been a long day for the 2. Little did they know that this was only going to be the beginning for them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flemmings thought on the idea brought up of having Cia go see what the world is like now. "I see no harm in doing this, you may continue to do so." Flemmings said not seeing any problems with the idea. "However as Xoxi is fairly unknown I would ask that you accompanty them too." Flemmings stated, he would prefer someone he knew much better to go with them as Cia was his sister.

As everyone else left though Flemmings made his way towards The Dragon. Dejor at this point had left as his job was currently done. When most the gods had cleared the room he approached the dragon and spoke so no one else could hear. "I would like you to keep me updated on anything that has to do with the Neja, if you find any proof that Dejor was the one who move the Neja against you then I will see what I can do." Flemmings stated. He wasn't about to let the humans be annihilated after all.

@Banana@rechonq@ace of flames01
Cia smiled at the chance to be able to go somewhere, she was starting to get her strength back though and ended up gently getting off of Xoxi back. "I can walk, so carrying me is unnecessary." Cythlla said in a kind voice. "And I would like to see Canada first, I have something I need to take care of first." Cia added as she opened a portal that revealed the battle in Canada. Cia had seen the kiss though, her eyes started to glow and give off the green smoke, a goddess of jealousy would be born this day.

Cythlla looked at Reese with a look of fear in her eyes. "You have gotten scarier haven't you?" Cythlla said, then her eyes went from fearful to interested. "I like that, but I'm afraid that in order to bed me you will have to do more for me than just bringing me back from the dead. Prove to me that you love me, kill whatever females and males of your race that are close to you." Cythlla said with a smirk. If she couldn't escape then she would make sure that she had some form of control within this relationship.
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