@ClocktowerEchosHow does this look:
Name: Gottesland & The AlbertasleutFlag:
Claims: in purple

Note: The area owned is disproportionate to the population. It's the prairies, and there's a lot of empty land between cities.
Terrain: Fertile, endless fields of wheat, corn, and grass. Only a few sparse patches of trees around, in the far north of the country. There are four main craters in Gottesland, where the pre-war cities of Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, and Saskatoon once stood. These areas are known as the "raptured lands", and are sealed off with mighty fences and walls.
Government Type: The nation of Gottesland is a self-titled 'Communist Christian Theocracy'. On the local level, this is true. On the federal level, however, it operates very similarly to how Canada's government ran. The nation is divided into Colonies (Provinces/States), with each colony having an advisory council with one Prediger. The Prediger rules his colony as a king, with the advice of his council, but also represents the colony in the national Parliament (Congress). There are 462 Predigers of 462 Colonies, and 5 Albertasleut Ministers, representing the Albertasleut Tribes. Parliament has a vote every 5 years, to elect both a Prime Minister and a President. The Prime Minister rules the country, and handles all domestic law. The President manages everything outside the country, and deals with international law and trade. There is no Senate. All law is handled between Parliament and the two executives ministers (PM and Pres). Since all the Predigers serve for life, and are appointed, there are no political parties. The only elected seats are the 5 Albertasleut Ministers, who run as independent individuals.
Capital: Argyllsberg Head of State: President Pat MacFearghus-Kruger, Prime Minister Lukas Steinmann
Other Important People: -Lady Victoria Albertasdottir, leader of the cult of Albertasleut. She claims to be the only living heir to the British royal family, making her the de facto ruler of Canada, and she further claims that the British royal family was appointed by God himself, making her the descended avatar of God's will. Obviously, there is no way to verify this claim, and she goes unrecognized by Parliament. Nonetheless, she has amassed a large following among the Albertasleut Tribes.
-Chief Vann-Falcon Ouellette, spiritual leader of the First Nations populations of Albertasleut.
-General Luke MacFearghus-Kruger, head of the military, and brother of the president.
Population: 4.282 million
Attitude Towards Evols: Evols are believed to be marked by God for their sin, and are banned from the Colonies of Gottesland. They are tolerated residents of the tribes of Albertasleut, but are regularly victimized by local gangs.
Economic System: Gottesland is an agricultural powerhouse! All 462 colonies are farming colonies, with modern, industrial farming equipment. Their production of meat, vegetables, and cereal is nothing short of excessive. This surplus of food is only made greater, due to the fact that all citizens have to follow a strict system of regimented, limited meals. The local government dishes out a pre-determined amount of food to each citizen, three times a day. Everybody eats at the same time, in the same place. If they don't show up on time, they don't eat.
The Albertasleut Tribes have restored a couple pre-war oil refineries, maintaining just enough output to supply the nations farming vehicles. Any remaining oil is confiscated by the government, and kept in storage. Technology and fossil fuel is only used for farming, in Gottesland.
The nation suffers from a lack of metals, and a limited (and rapidly disappearing) supply of wood. To meet the nation's need for building materials and tools, they trade their vast supplies of food to neighbouring nations and tribes.
Currency: Bartering, although even this is discouraged. In the vast majority of cases, if a citizen wants something, they submit a formal request to the government, explaining why it is desired.
Technology: Technology is not something that the Gottesland people hold in high regard. They have some maintained very advanced machinery from before the war, but it is almost entirely farming equipment. Entertainment and other industries are not allowed to develop any new technology without express permission from the government. The only historical case of this exemption ever being granted was when the Albertasleut wanted to restore some of the pumpjacks and refineries of Old Alberta.
Official Religion: Hutterite Anabaptist Christian
Religious Information: The only official religion is of the Hutterite people. It's essentially the religion of the Amish, but with allowances made for farming and crafting technology. The Hutterites upheld the belief that the meek would inherit the Earth, and when the nuclear war happened, destroying much of the world's population, they believed this to be God fulfilling his promise. As such, the Hutterites uphold a strict policy of peace and pacifism, and forgiveness at all costs, in keeping with what they believe to be God's law.
History: When the bombs fell, the great cities of Canada were wiped off the face of the Earth. Nearly all of Canada's Anglo-Franco population was erased. This left the German Hutterite colonies of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba as Canada's largest demographic. With their large food production, policies of til-death marriage, no contraception, and now no competition from the rest of Canada, their population exploded! They established colonies all across the prairies of Canada, and even trading outposts as far as New Brunswick. The surviving Anglo-Canadians, now without a centralized government, or any societal structure, flocked to the Hutterites for food and shelter. Being largely non-Christian, and unable to speak German, they formed a segregated peasant class in the new society. Even after being integrated into Hutterite society, the majority of Anglos rejected the religious teachings of the Hutterites, and upheld more urban, pre-war values. This grew over the years, until a religion was founded around it. Anglos began worshiping the historical figures of Canada, as the gods of a lost era, with the British crown (Canada's official head-of-state) at the centre. Eventually, as tension began to form between the Hutterites and Anglos, the government decided to form designated 'tribal land', where the non-Germans could form their own communities. These became known as the Tribes of Albertasleut (Alberta's People).
Over time, the surviving Native tribes of Canada gathered together, and merged with the Albertasleut, swelling the tribal population.
As the governments of the Hutterite Colonies became more and more centralized, they decided to establish a proper Parliamentary government, who would manage the law of the land as a single entity. They dubbed this formalized nation 'Gottesland' (God's Land), and appointed Joseph Jager and Albrecht Schmidt as the nations first President and Prime Minister, respectively.
Culture: The official language of Gottesland isn't English. Instead, English is considered a commoner's tongue, used by the less devout, the less moral, and the less clean. The language of the holy and the pure is German, and this is the only language spoken in government. The one official organisation where English is used is the military. This is because only non-Hutterites and Hutterite non-Christians are allowed to serve as soldiers.
Military Numbers: 20,760
20,000 English servicemen
230 German ministers
200 First Nations servicemen
100 French servicemen
230 Company Commanders
Military Units:The Gottesland military is populated exclusively by non-Germans, with the exception of unarmed ministers.
Soldiers operate in groupings of 102. 100 servicemen, 1 minister, and 1 commander. Within these companies are soldiers of various rank, but they all work together as a unit, and only the commander has the final say on any given decision. In the event that the commander becomes incapacitated, the minister steps in as the company's leader, until a new commander can be assigned.
Being a landlocked power, Gottesland has no navy, and technological limits don't allow for an air force. Every soldier is either an infantryman, a specialist, or an artillery operator.