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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That said, if you go a week without even poking into the OOC just to say you are alive, you will be automatically kicked and your nation turned into an NPC. Similarly, if you hold up the IC too much by not posting IC, you will also be kicked and NPC'd.

Yes! Thank you!

I've seen too many awesome RPs die, because a couple main people stop posting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

How does this look:

Name: Gottesland & The Albertasleut


Claims: in purple

Note: The area owned is disproportionate to the population. It's the prairies, and there's a lot of empty land between cities.

Terrain: Fertile, endless fields of wheat, corn, and grass. Only a few sparse patches of trees around, in the far north of the country. There are four main craters in Gottesland, where the pre-war cities of Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, and Saskatoon once stood. These areas are known as the "raptured lands", and are sealed off with mighty fences and walls.

Government Type: The nation of Gottesland is a self-titled 'Communist Christian Theocracy'. On the local level, this is true. On the federal level, however, it operates very similarly to how Canada's government ran. The nation is divided into Colonies (Provinces/States), with each colony having an advisory council with one Prediger. The Prediger rules his colony as a king, with the advice of his council, but also represents the colony in the national Parliament (Congress). There are 462 Predigers of 462 Colonies, and 5 Albertasleut Ministers, representing the Albertasleut Tribes. Parliament has a vote every 5 years, to elect both a Prime Minister and a President. The Prime Minister rules the country, and handles all domestic law. The President manages everything outside the country, and deals with international law and trade. There is no Senate. All law is handled between Parliament and the two executives ministers (PM and Pres). Since all the Predigers serve for life, and are appointed, there are no political parties. The only elected seats are the 5 Albertasleut Ministers, who run as independent individuals.

Capital: Argyllsberg

Head of State: President Pat MacFearghus-Kruger, Prime Minister Lukas Steinmann

Other Important People:

-Lady Victoria Albertasdottir, leader of the cult of Albertasleut. She claims to be the only living heir to the British royal family, making her the de facto ruler of Canada, and she further claims that the British royal family was appointed by God himself, making her the descended avatar of God's will. Obviously, there is no way to verify this claim, and she goes unrecognized by Parliament. Nonetheless, she has amassed a large following among the Albertasleut Tribes.

-Chief Vann-Falcon Ouellette, spiritual leader of the First Nations populations of Albertasleut.

-General Luke MacFearghus-Kruger, head of the military, and brother of the president.

Population: 4.282 million

Attitude Towards Evols: Evols are believed to be marked by God for their sin, and are banned from the Colonies of Gottesland. They are tolerated residents of the tribes of Albertasleut, but are regularly victimized by local gangs.

Economic System:
Gottesland is an agricultural powerhouse! All 462 colonies are farming colonies, with modern, industrial farming equipment. Their production of meat, vegetables, and cereal is nothing short of excessive. This surplus of food is only made greater, due to the fact that all citizens have to follow a strict system of regimented, limited meals. The local government dishes out a pre-determined amount of food to each citizen, three times a day. Everybody eats at the same time, in the same place. If they don't show up on time, they don't eat.
The Albertasleut Tribes have restored a couple pre-war oil refineries, maintaining just enough output to supply the nations farming vehicles. Any remaining oil is confiscated by the government, and kept in storage. Technology and fossil fuel is only used for farming, in Gottesland.
The nation suffers from a lack of metals, and a limited (and rapidly disappearing) supply of wood. To meet the nation's need for building materials and tools, they trade their vast supplies of food to neighbouring nations and tribes.

Currency: Bartering, although even this is discouraged. In the vast majority of cases, if a citizen wants something, they submit a formal request to the government, explaining why it is desired.

Technology: Technology is not something that the Gottesland people hold in high regard. They have some maintained very advanced machinery from before the war, but it is almost entirely farming equipment. Entertainment and other industries are not allowed to develop any new technology without express permission from the government. The only historical case of this exemption ever being granted was when the Albertasleut wanted to restore some of the pumpjacks and refineries of Old Alberta.

Official Religion: Hutterite Anabaptist Christian

Religious Information: The only official religion is of the Hutterite people. It's essentially the religion of the Amish, but with allowances made for farming and crafting technology. The Hutterites upheld the belief that the meek would inherit the Earth, and when the nuclear war happened, destroying much of the world's population, they believed this to be God fulfilling his promise. As such, the Hutterites uphold a strict policy of peace and pacifism, and forgiveness at all costs, in keeping with what they believe to be God's law.

When the bombs fell, the great cities of Canada were wiped off the face of the Earth. Nearly all of Canada's Anglo-Franco population was erased. This left the German Hutterite colonies of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba as Canada's largest demographic. With their large food production, policies of til-death marriage, no contraception, and now no competition from the rest of Canada, their population exploded! They established colonies all across the prairies of Canada, and even trading outposts as far as New Brunswick. The surviving Anglo-Canadians, now without a centralized government, or any societal structure, flocked to the Hutterites for food and shelter. Being largely non-Christian, and unable to speak German, they formed a segregated peasant class in the new society. Even after being integrated into Hutterite society, the majority of Anglos rejected the religious teachings of the Hutterites, and upheld more urban, pre-war values. This grew over the years, until a religion was founded around it. Anglos began worshiping the historical figures of Canada, as the gods of a lost era, with the British crown (Canada's official head-of-state) at the centre. Eventually, as tension began to form between the Hutterites and Anglos, the government decided to form designated 'tribal land', where the non-Germans could form their own communities. These became known as the Tribes of Albertasleut (Alberta's People).
Over time, the surviving Native tribes of Canada gathered together, and merged with the Albertasleut, swelling the tribal population.
As the governments of the Hutterite Colonies became more and more centralized, they decided to establish a proper Parliamentary government, who would manage the law of the land as a single entity. They dubbed this formalized nation 'Gottesland' (God's Land), and appointed Joseph Jager and Albrecht Schmidt as the nations first President and Prime Minister, respectively.

Culture: The official language of Gottesland isn't English. Instead, English is considered a commoner's tongue, used by the less devout, the less moral, and the less clean. The language of the holy and the pure is German, and this is the only language spoken in government. The one official organisation where English is used is the military. This is because only non-Hutterites and Hutterite non-Christians are allowed to serve as soldiers.

Military Numbers: 20,760
20,000 English servicemen
230 German ministers
200 First Nations servicemen
100 French servicemen
230 Company Commanders

Military Units:
The Gottesland military is populated exclusively by non-Germans, with the exception of unarmed ministers.

Soldiers operate in groupings of 102. 100 servicemen, 1 minister, and 1 commander. Within these companies are soldiers of various rank, but they all work together as a unit, and only the commander has the final say on any given decision. In the event that the commander becomes incapacitated, the minister steps in as the company's leader, until a new commander can be assigned.

Being a landlocked power, Gottesland has no navy, and technological limits don't allow for an air force. Every soldier is either an infantryman, a specialist, or an artillery operator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Jotunn DraugrFirst off, I've already state I cannot see imgur and require people to use tinypic at least for land claims. Its in the rules.

Gottesland is an agricultural powerhouse! All 462 colonies are farming colonies, with modern, industrial farming equipment.

What do you mean by "Modern, industrial farming equipment"? Modern stuff is actually really complex full of electronics, big harvesters and even satellites. Industrial age things like simple tractors might be allowed, but nothing modern by our standards.

Technology: Technology is not something that the Gottesland people hold in high regard. They have some maintained very advanced machinery from before the war, but it is almost entirely farming equipment. Entertainment and other industries are not allowed to develop any new technology without express permission from the government. The only historical case of this exemption ever being granted was when the Albertasleut wanted to restore some of the pumpjacks and refineries of Old Alberta.

So wait, how technologically advanced are you? As stated above, there is nothing which can rival the old world in terms of tech even in farming levels. I've already made a similar note about oil refineries and pump jacks in a previous post, the way you've worded it sounds like they rediscovered the technology for oil-related things. But I'll let Dihn talk more about that.

As for military, two things:

1) You said in your religion that are stress peace and stuff:
As such, the Hutterites uphold a strict policy of peace and pacifism, and forgiveness at all costs, in keeping with what they believe to be God's law.

I can only assume that you mean that it cherry picks parts of the belief but you've said you are a "Communist Christian Theocracy" which leads to something of a bit of a paradox in what your people actually believe in versus the need for a professional army instead of well trained militia that are just summoned for defense.

2) In general some more details would be welcomed, exact demographics don't matter as much to me compared to the actual total numbers and the stuff under the "Military Units" tab just seems... bland and boring compared to other people's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 6 days ago

I'd hazard first generation motorized tractors are questionable at best since there's not really any surviving models laying around that aren't show pieces used by old farmer's sons who take them to the county fare to show off. They wouldn't even be decked out for the tractor pull.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hmm. As much as I love my home state, I have been contemplating giving it up and shooting for something a bit smaller in scale. Like, town or county sized.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Byrd Manif you so feel like it, feel free to do it, just redo your claims.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FightOwensFight
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Republic of New England

Nation Type: Federal Presidential Republic



Government Type: The Republic of New England functions in a manner that is for the most part similar to that of the United States before its collapse. A bicameral legislature is still in place under the New England Congress with a House of Representatives and a Senate, with members of each house serving four year terms. The Supreme Court functions almost exactly as it did under the United States. Perhaps the most remarkable difference in the Republic of New England is the office of the President, who serves as many six year terms as his or her reelections allow.

Capital: Boston, Massachusetts

Head of State: President Samuel Monroe (NA-RI) -

Important People:

John Scott -

Miles Sabine -

William Bedford -

Eliza Holmes -

Kenneth Westmore -

Alexander Mulder -

Population: 6.7 Million

Attitude towards Evols: Neutral - Will only hunt down those who commit crimes against the state or its people.

Economic System: Interventionism

Resources: Various Seafoods (Fish, Clam, Lobster, Crab, etc.), Whale, Lumber, Iron (sparse), Furs, Granite, Marble, Cranberries, Blueberries, Apples, Peaches, Sweet Corn, Dairy, Potatoes, Maple Syrup, Copper, Zinc, Tobacco.

Currency: New England Dollar


Official Religion: None

Religious Information: For the most part, New England is a land that simply isn't very religious since the collapse of the United States. While there are still those who practice the religions of old, many have instead simply abandoned their beliefs in the wake of nuclear war and instead look to either the government or each other in these trying times. The separation of church and state is an ideal that is held to dearly throughout New England as a result. While those who continue to preach are allowed to do so in peace, they are for the most part ignored, with the only notable exception being those preaching Americanism. The deification of historical figures from the United States past is considered dangerous to many within the both the government and general populace.


Culture: The people of New England still hold to the same shared heritage and culture which bound their states together after the collapse of the United States. A hardy people who are far more accustomed to the harsh winters they face in the north than their former countrymen to the south and west. As the firsts European colonists once did, the coastal populace of New England looks to the sea to secure a stable source of food and their futures. Those who live in the sparsely populated forests of northern New England rely mostly on themselves to survive, or the occasional traders from the coastal farmlands.

Military Numbers:

Military Units:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So the idea is that the Republic of South Carolina would be an NPC I guess. Gives a decent enough NPC for the other countries around it to use.

Name: The Democratic Nation of Jackson

Flag: WIP

Nation Type: Democracy


(The pink blob west of North Carolina.)

Terrain: Jackson is located on the banks of the Mississippi and the majority of it rests on a floodplain, though the outer edges of the territory encompass the Chickasaw Bluffs that extend a hundred feet above the plain.

Government Type: Jackson is a true democracy. All members of the territory vote in all matters. An official head of state is the Commander in Chief of the Democrats known as the Party Leader. The Party Leader serves as executive and enforces the laws of the state, but he can make no executive action without a 2/3rds majority of the people of Jackson.

Capital: Jackson

Head of State: Andrew Jackson McCullough

Population: 500

Attitude Towards Evols: Wary.

Economic System: Free trade.

Resources: Corn, hay, beef, hogs, wheat, and poultry.

Currency: The people of Jackson trade through a barter system.

Technology: Cottage industry.

Official Religion: N/A


The Democratic Nation of Jackson is among the newest states in the Shattered Union. It is only ten years old and founded by the man known as Andrew Jackson McCullough. His backstory is shrouded in myth, with some saying he is a former Neo-Con general that deserted his men in Georgia, while others think he is a disgraced apostle of the equally mysterious Patriot.

Andrew Jackson McCullough was said to have destroyed a raider camp on the banks of the Mississippi single-handily. It was on the ashes of that camp that the Nation was born. Taking in rejects, outsiders, and even the odd runaway slave turned the small community into a patchwork nation that keeps to itself and trades with merchants on the river. It is surrounded on all sides by the unfriendly wilds, raiders, and wild beasts. Further through the wilds are the much larger nations that may have designs on Jackson and its spot on the Mississippi. Despite all the hardships, the Nation survives.

Military Numbers: 200 to maybe 250, and it is made up of all the able-bodied men and woman who can fight.

Military Units: The Jackson's military service is the Democratic Party, a militia group made up of those that can and are willing to serve. The Party is split into several different sub-units and platoons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 6 days ago

We do need more single-nation communities like that I feel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Please use tinypic to upload claims.
Maybe I just ask on how they hunt whales tho? Any modern method of using large ships is out of the picture so I assume you have to use the old fashioned native american way of harpoon the poor thing enough times until it bleeds out and you just drag it back to land. In which case its not exactly a very efficient nor safe method.

@Byrd Man
Look good but can I ask you just claim one of the really small bits of territory near you? Its to keep mapmaking simple so I don't have to go around looking for dots. You don't need to really settle and control the entire province, its to keep things clear on the map.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Byrd Man
Look good but can I ask you just claim one of the really small bits of territory near you? Its to keep mapmaking simple so I don't have to go around looking for dots. You don't need to really settle and control the entire province, its to keep things clear on the map.

Done. Sloppy paint claim, but it's a claim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Could the Federated States of the Atlantic be added to the map please?

My next post will be coming up soon - no point in waiting now, is there :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Just checking in to say I will be posting tomorrow!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Warden
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The Grey Warden Commander Shepard

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I just finished up my essay (that was due today) and I feel proud of myself :).

And I forgot to say that @Abefroeman can private message me if you wish to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Jotunn DraugrFirst off, I've already state I cannot see imgur and require people to use tinypic at least for land claims. Its in the rules.

<Snipped quote>
What do you mean by "Modern, industrial farming equipment"? Modern stuff is actually really complex full of electronics, big harvesters and even satellites. Industrial age things like simple tractors might be allowed, but nothing modern by our standards.

<Snipped quote>
So wait, how technologically advanced are you? As stated above, there is nothing which can rival the old world in terms of tech even in farming levels. I've already made a similar note about oil refineries and pump jacks in a previous post, the way you've worded it sounds like they rediscovered the technology for oil-related things. But I'll let Dihn talk more about that.

As for military, two things:

1) You said in your religion that are stress peace and stuff:
<Snipped quote>
I can only assume that you mean that it cherry picks parts of the belief but you've said you are a "Communist Christian Theocracy" which leads to something of a bit of a paradox in what your people actually believe in versus the need for a professional army instead of well trained militia that are just summoned for defense.

2) In general some more details would be welcomed, exact demographics don't matter as much to me compared to the actual total numbers and the stuff under the "Military Units" tab just seems... bland and boring compared to other people's.

Okay. I'll repost in tinypic.

All I was really thinking was tractors, combines, and grain silos. Things that might not be common in every country. My idea about what makes the Hutterites such a neat addition to this world is they wouldn't have been hit by any bombs during the war. So anything that could be maintained and repaired over the years might still exist in some form, however primitive and junky. Imagine a rusted out tractor, with parts replaced with salvage, but a tractor nonetheless.

Any chance you could save me the trouble of reading through 13 pages of posts, and sum up what the restrictions on oil are?

I've based the culture, ethnicity, and religion of my country off of a real group of people, called the Hutterites. They are alive today, and they're basically Amish, except they think it's okay to use modern farming equipment. In real life, they self identify as a Communist Christian Theocracy. All property is owned by the state, and the state enforces strict Christian laws on its citizens.

The Hutterites don't believe in violence. The entire army of Gottesland is composed of Non-Hutterite minorities, who are treated like Native-Americans on reserves, with a lot of exemptions and special circumstances. The Hutterites don't believe in enforcing their laws on Non-Hutterites.

I can expand the military info, no problem. Just wanted to get the application out there ASAP, to see if the country was otherwise acceptable.

Again, the size of the country is important, because it accurately reflects the real locations of the Hutterite colonies of Canada today, and emphasizes the fact that the country is mostly open farmland, with a lot of distance between each town/outpost. Even today, the vast majority of Canada's prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba) are mostly empty, with long stretches of unoccupied grassland.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

Okay. I'll repost in tinypic.

All I was really thinking was tractors, combines, and grain silos. Things that might not be common in every country. My idea about what makes the Hutterites such a neat addition to this world is they wouldn't have been hit by any bombs during the war. So anything that could be maintained and repaired over the years might still exist in some form, however primitive and junky. Imagine a rusted out tractor, with parts replaced with salvage, but a tractor nonetheless.

As someone whose worked with shop folk and the sort of people who have to repair equipment like tractors for the better part of seven to eight years, it's usually not that easy. There's not a lot of standardization across brands and doing simple shit like re-tapping holes is a massive pain in the ass and can easily turn into a horror story. And when you get machines as big and complex as these:

It can get insane. And they're already uncommon machines as-is.

I'm sure a few enterprising persons can wrangle it. But we also come into the roadblock that is access to the materials. And even if you can get all the bolts that can take the sheer force of working on equipment like that you come to the issue where you're not going to have much in the fuel and producing the ethanol to the quantity to keep them in the field is going to eat into food output and effect end-result food costs.

Ethanol is also murder on engines (for example: alcohol holds onto water and when so much water gets into the engine it murders it, so when higher concentrations are introduced in the fuel then there's a greater and greater risk water will be present, alcohol is also corrosive and can eat some of the non-metal parts in an engine) so when the finer components in motors are murdered on a cut ethanol blend you're not going to replace them. They'd hang on, but not for long. And soon you'll be forced into smaller plots so the same small team can manage it all on more antiquated supplies or you're going to need to pull in more people from the larger community to help, cutting into an already limited population that'll cut on people doing innovative work so that they can eat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trigani
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Trigani Profanity Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ClocktowerEchos@Dinh AaronMk Could we possibly get a tech-level explanation on the 1st OOC post? Something to refer back to when we need to.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Jotunn Draugr>

As someone whose worked with shop folk and the sort of people who have to repair equipment like tractors for the better part of seven to eight years, it's usually not that easy. There's not a lot of standardization across brands and doing simple shit like re-tapping holes is a massive pain in the ass and can easily turn into a horror story. And when you get machines as big and complex as these:

It can get insane. And they're already uncommon machines as-is.

I'm sure a few enterprising persons can wrangle it. But we also come into the roadblock that is access to the materials. And even if you can get all the bolts that can take the sheer force of working on equipment like that you come to the issue where you're not going to have much in the fuel and producing the ethanol to the quantity to keep them in the field is going to eat into food output and effect end-result food costs.

Ethanol is also murder on engines (for example: alcohol holds onto water and when so much water gets into the engine it murders it, so when higher concentrations are introduced in the fuel then there's a greater and greater risk water will be present, alcohol is also corrosive and can eat some of the non-metal parts in an engine) so when the finer components in motors are murdered on a cut ethanol blend you're not going to replace them. They'd hang on, but not for long. And soon you'll be forced into smaller plots so the same small team can manage it all on more antiquated supplies or you're going to need to pull in more people from the larger community to help, cutting into an already limited population that'll cut on people doing innovative work so that they can eat.

Well ethanol is one thing. So what's the rule on proper oil? Alberta is one of the richest oil reserves in North America. It's literally mixed in with the dirt. You can just filter the crude out of the ground.

As for parts, are there no machines anywhere in America anymore? Surely it could be traded for.

And as for being a pain in the ass, these are religious zealots who are banned from enjoying any type of entertainment. All they do all day is work. Fixing a broken engine would almost be a relief, because it would be a break from doing the same thing every day of their bland lives.

I think it could hypothetically work, but it's up to you guys. If not, can you tell me if horses exist in this world?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 6 days ago

@ClocktowerEchos@Dinh AaronMk Could we possibly get a tech-level explanation on the 1st OOC post? Something to refer back to when we need to.

When approaching post-apoc tech I'd say look at it from a survivalist standpoint. All the modern industry and infrastructure is dead or broken. Society is broken apart so there's no idle hands and minds to put heavily towards things like building tanks (The game Banished is honestly something to consider when thinking of these ratios). So what's left to use or be made by this post-apocalypse societies is whatever can be built by hand or in the garage.

Old school manufacturies without mechanical assistance or heavy assistance like that of the heavy period of the late Industrial Revolution is basically gone. Maybe someone could build water-wheels to grind their corn better or to link up some parts to put together a sheet of cloth. But all the major materials or the manpower to throw together something more modern is gone.

I really don't have a personal guidebook to it all but simply knowing the technology you're looking at and asking not, "Do I want this?" but, "Can this be built?"

A lot of technology can be more fragile than you might think and a lack of standard parts production might kill a lot of things or make them more complicated than its worth.

Really, the most simple description would be a "wood and iron" mindset where "wood and iron" represents anything before the advent of what we'd consider modern technology. And then throw onto that an idea of "duct tape philosophy" where some modern things could or actually can be held together with scrap. It of course takes knowing what it is that's the center of the piece of technology or even what the base is.

Like I can imagine a 1991 Nissad Hardbody D20 persisting stubbornly past a nuclear apocalypse. But there may not be a lot of these on the road and no modern company will ever permit this thing to exist. But anything post '97 Dodge Ram may not make it. And Jeeps with their maintenance records will probably run out of parts and get left by the wayside.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

Well ethanol is one thing. So what's the rule on proper oil? Alberta is one of the richest oil reserves in North America. It's literally mixed in with the dirt. You can just filter the crude out of the ground.

The problem with things like tar-sands is they're not a straight-forward process and have more resource intensive methods than simply pumping them up out of the ground and shipping it off to be refined. You have to separate the viable petroleum from the base contaminates and then separate what you used on the sands from the oil. To do so you're going to need to throw in a lot of additives. Before you can even think of processing the resulting crude into viable gasoline or oil, most of which last I checked isn't onsite in Alberta but goes abroad.

Just because they sit on it doesn't mean oil isn't usable right away and it may be more intensive than the population can handle. And when a lot of major infrastructure would be in the cross hairs of an atomic attack we can safely say the process to turn crude to a refined product is shut down. And what wasn't nuked probably got caught in the crossfire of feuding factions because these sites would be seen as so lucrative, then they'd get ruined in the process.

So in the end: probably not.

As for parts, are there no machines anywhere in America anymore? Surely it could be traded for.

While they would, their value within a community would skyrocket when nothing new is being manufactured. Neighboring or rival communities could just hold onto parts from their ruined machines to keep up operating machines until the fuel runs dry.

And as for being a pain in the ass, these are religious zealots who are banned from enjoying any type of entertainment. All they do all day is work. Fixing a broken engine would almost be a relief, because it would be a break from doing the same thing every day of their bland lives.

I think it could hypothetically work, but it's up to you guys. If not, can you tell me if horses exist in this world?

I'll give you that, but simply wanting or knowing is different from doing.

Like I could build a nuclear bomb. The process is publicly available online. For free. But I can't; because I don't have the materials nor may I be able to.
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