Comprised of two distinct peninsula the state of Michigan comprises a region of stark geographical contrast.
The Upper Peninsula was even before the war a rugged sparsely populated part of the state. Dense forests cover the U.P and the ancient Porcupine Mountains dominate the western edge of the peninsula.
The Lower Peninsula is much more dominated by signs of Michigan's ancient glacier-cut landscape with numerous glacier-carved hills and moraines cut by the receding glacial shield.
Each peninsula being bordered on three sides each by the mighty Great Lakes gives the pseudo-nation the title of the longest freshwater coastline of any state or province in the world, and with it access to the fisheries of the Great Lakes and the mercantile opportunities of trade groups moving through the Great Lakes, whether from up through Chicago to Buffalo or from Canada to throughout.
On the Great Lakes themselves numerable sheltered bays provide natural shelters for travelers seeking to dodge the Lake's infamous autumn storms and naturally protected pockets for regional ports.
Once more the interior of the state has flecked with many smaller freshwater lakes as important to local economies as the larger Great Lakes. And as an inverse, Michigan lays claims to the numerous small islands themselves found in the Great Lakes; many undisturbed by old-world development as in the days of yore they were protected as wild-life refuges and offer up bountiful natural resources and outposts for the new post-Apocalyptic regime.
The government of the State of Michigan mirrors that of the old world government, with a recognized Governor General with executive power and two independent legislative houses. A Supreme Court operates as the highest interpretative authority in the state's laws.
Michigan Dollar
3.8 million
Economic System
Cherries, Blueberries, Pickling cucumbers, Navy beans, soy, corn, wheat, dairy, wool, copper, timber, coal, fish, alcohol and beverages
Cities of Economic Activity
Escanaba - Forestry Traverse Bay - Wineries and Brewing Grand Rapids - Brewing Frankfurt - Germans and friend chicken Michigan Sault Ste. Marie - Passage Between Lake Superior and Lake Huron Mackinac Island - Resort
General Information
Prior to zero hour in the war that ended civilization the Michigan state legislature and government evacuated Lansing on warning from the US Government, taking with them much of Lansing with them as they escaped the state capital to avoid nuclear devastation, like-wise as elsewhere in the state. As a result, when the bombs dropped the damage was merely artificial with East Lansing having taken the brunt of the assault, sweeping away the university and throwing against downtown Lansing the force of the shock-wave.
As the fires of nuclear Armageddon dimmed, efforts to make contact with the federal US government in the United States met with ill success as Washington DC met their approaches with an eerie, sepulcher silence. Over the following weeks it became evident that they were alone and the United States as it had been was no more. Looking ahead, the people saw the blackened hardships of post-apocalyptic devastation. While such a devastating attack evoked a strong unity supplies were doomed to run out eventually and incapable of meeting the demand rampant starvation afflicted the people of Michigan and the inability for the medical system to be properly supplied and maintained over the long term meant that many persons died of otherwise preventable causes.
Attempts to lighten the burden of survival by the state government that had moved temporarily west to Grand Rapids was met with poor results and they could not do much to relieve the stress and millions eventually died to starvation and poor medical treatment: not to the bombs. In a flash of a light and a flickering smoldering over less than a year Michigan smoldered back to the 19th century.
Between then and now claimant governments tried to seize power in Michigan forcing the state government to seize the National Guard units and State Police and turn them into an effective military force to pacify the unrest. The survival of the state government was determined by the force of arms.
Ultimately, the conditions in Lansing were deemed safe enough to return to the city, and what could not be repaired was taken down and the rights and responsibilities of the state government in the city was resumed with pomp on a cold mid-February.
Post-Apocalyptic reconstruction cottage industry
Official Religion
Christianity (Protestant, Catholic)
Religious Information
Adherence to faith in Michigan is in the typical Protestant style where there is no head of church, as well as continuation of the old-school virtue of separation of church and state meaning there is no federally appointed faith leader for all denominations.
While Christianity is the largest branch of faith (with over 80% of individuals) a collection of alternative faiths are practiced but are hardly anymore than 10% of the present population.
Yoopers hunt with abandon and Trolls do everything else.
Attitude Towards Evols
Military Numbers
85,000 active-duty personnel.
Military Units
The present military was drawn from the already present American National Guard and the State Police. Although in the interim years both had to be reformed and redesigned to operate in a much more militarized fashion than before. These groups have been renamed to designate their present function and are respectively known as the the Michigan Republican Guard and the Michigan Active Reserve (operating more as a part-time army with personnel trained as full soldiers to be called to duty when needed).
In the unofficial respect a number of decentralized groups have evolved who pledge their services to the government in an ad-hoc unofficial military means often referred to simply as The Rangers, though they may go by a number of alternative names themselves such as The Aventurier.
Richard "Rich" Colman.
House of Representatives
Andrew Steffonson - Speaker of the House, old man who was alive before the nukes fell. Born in the UP and has a reputation in the north as being a fighter. Representative Brier - Representative from Grand Rapids. a "Jingo".
Frank Haufman - Speaker of the Senate. Erwin Codlkya - Senate Whip from Livingston County. Haufman's own congressional watchdog.
Marc Hardwell McTarson - "The Iron Belly", Escanaba drunk and lumberjack Ellie McTarson - Marc's daughter
Nicknames: The Palmetto Republic, The Iodine Nation
Motto: Dum Spiro Spero,"While I breathe, I hope."
Nation Type: Republic
Terrain: South Carolina is a diverse land that features swamps and marshes and estuaries near the coast, a flat midlands section made of sandy soil, and a rugged piedmont upstate area that slowly becomes more mountainous as you travel north. There are a dozen natural and man-made lakes across the land, as well as a large network of rivers that flow north to south towards the sea. South Carolina is bordered by the former states of Georgia in the west and North Carolina to the north and east.
Government Type: South Carolina is a Republic where the people vote for their local congressman that represents them in the House, the nation's sole legislative body. The House has roughly eighty members and a speaker and congressional leadership from the two main parties, the conservative and liberal parties. The president is a member of the House elected by that body for a two-year term. The constitution states that the president cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.
Head of State: President Joshua Campbell (C - Edgefield) currently at the end of his first term and preparing to run for reelection.
Other Important People:
Figures of note:
Mark Rogers - Sheriff of York County and resident of Rock Hill, a small town on the North Carolina border.
Brig. General Matthew Thurmond - Chief of Staff for the South Carolina Defense Force.
Representative Alfred F. Johnston - Leader of the conservative faction of the House.
Sam Calhoun - SLED Agent operating in Rock Hill.
William "Billy" Brown - Owner and operator of The Slab House, a bar and trading outpost in Calhoun Falls, a small community that is the last stop before Georgia.
Dr. Nimrata "Nini" Ansari - An Indian-American born and raised in Charleston. She is the team leader of the Filament Project, an engineering project to restart the three large hydroelectric dams (Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond) that the US Army Corps of Engineers built along the Savannah River.
Lt. Commander Jerry Hunley - Commanding officer of the SCN Palmetto Rose, a patrol ship that protects the SC coast and merchant ships from pirates, raiders and threats.
Population: 1.2 Million
Attitude Towards Evols: We're agin' it.
Economic System: Capitalism, free trade
Resources: It's agricultural resources are tobacco, poultry, cattle, dairy products, soybeans, hay, rice, and hogs. The states lone industrial output is textile goods.
Currency: Sand Dollar
Technology: The country is mostly agricultural, but industry and technology is slowly coming back. The push to restart the hydroelectric dams will provide the state with the energy it needs to grow.
Official Religion: No official religion, though the majority of the country are Christian with a small minority of Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu followers.
A mostly rural state even in the early 21st century, the majority of South Carolina was untouched by nuclear war. The biggest target, the Savanah River Site, was hit by WMDs and wiped out. As the federal government collapsed, the state government took control and moved away from the fallout of the SRS towards the lower state, working out of the original state capital of Charleston. It was from there that the Republic of South Carolina was formed.
While the lower state and midlands stayed together, the upstate formed its own Coalition of Ten, made up of the ten counties from the Upstate. The Coalition survived for ten years independent. The main sticking point between the two factions in South Carolina was the subject of the three hydroelectric dams on the Savannah River. The Coalition laid claim on them, but only the Republic had the resources to repair them and get them working again. After years of negotiation, the Coalition was annexed by the Republic and united the former state.
Today, the Republic maintains stability while it continues to bring sustainable power to its state. The debate in government at the time is the annexations of the territory of Northeast Georgia, a territory plagued with bandits and anarchy. All the while, the military and intelligence establishment watch North Carolina and anticipate their next move.
Culture: There is a bit of a cultural divide between lower state and upper state. The low country has more power, wealth, and influence throughout the Republic as the coastline allows the low country merchants the chance to monopolize trade routes. The people in the upper state are poorer, farmers, and a bit more country.
Military Numbers: The SCDF has roughly 10,000 active duty members posted at hotspots around the country, and there are roughly another forty thousand militia troops that can be called to active duty if need be.
Military Units:
While the small army and navy are based on the pre-apocalypse American military, the militias spring from the tradition of the citizen-soldier/mountain-man that fought in SC, and harassed the British army during the Revolutionary war. They are an informal group that will call when served and have sworn allegiance to their homeland and not any particular figure or politician.
Related to the military is SLED, the nation's intelligence service. SLED as formerly the state of South Carolina's state police investigation service before it morphed into the agency that investigates and prevents all manner of threats both foreign and domestic.
Terrain: The GUC has a mix of wide open forests, mountains and fertile (if not irradiated) farmland, allowing for a great number of natural resources. Several rivers both natural and manmade flow through the area letting for easy transport and irrigation. The mountain is now home to long and twists tunnels that are rumored to run straight down to the south. However, the GCU stays within its own tunnels for mining most of the time although there are guards just in case. Many small towns have been either fortified and turned into outposts or looted and picked clean so materials can be sent back to the big cities for materials, some looted towns have trees replanted to expand the forest even more. Several old world harbors and estuaries naturally make for good trading ports and shipyards which the GUC has recently begun exploiting.
Winters can get harsh in the GCU, mostly in the north were unfortunately most of the farms are located. Water ways can also freeze up and cause other transportation leading to the winter sometimes being called the "Frozen Winds" as quite literally everything can freeze up. It goes without saying that winter is the harshest season for the GCU as they aren't nearly as well prepared or equipped to deal with it like their more northern cousins. A GCU saying goes, "If something doesn't work in the summer, we say its broken. If something doesn't work in the winter, we say the Frozen Winds caught it and its lost now."
Government Type: The GUC runs on a system very close to the modern US, divded into three branches: the Adminstorum (Supreme Court), the Execatorium (Executive) and the Senatorium (Legislative). The Execatorium and the Senatorium are both very close to their actual counter parts (although each senator in the Seantorium can must be relected every 8 years). The Adminstorium is actually the Hold Church of Amercanism who uses the Constitution to see if actions are "allowed by the founders".
Capital: Independence - Built upon Philadelphia's old city; part city and part fortress.
Head of State: President Willian S.J. Tarrot
Other Important People: Great Iron Lord, General Karakzaw the Slayer of the Steelermen High Chancellor Alesand Yorland of the Atalanti Republic Divine Americanism Minister Adams Jenkins Jr. the Pious Head of the Cabinet Andrew Tillman Speaker of the Senatorium Diago Ralou
Population: 6.3 Million
Attitude Towards Evols: Neutral - Don't really do much against them but also don't actively go out to hunt them down. Kinda don't really care about them if they're doing well or doing bad.
Economic System: Interventionism
Resources: The Grand Union Commonwealth is rich in natural resources of iron, coal and timber. Through extensive labor, some portions of Pittsburgh have been able to some small steel mills although they are nothing compared to what the City of Steel could once produce. Its many rivers and fertile soil still produce a good number of crops even though it is irradiated, able to feed most of its population most the time. Harsh winters will almost certainly results in famine as not only will crops die, but fishing will be very difficult.
Currency: Iron Dollar - Excessively in coins and not actually made of iron.
Technology: Manufacturing abilities uses a strange hybrid of cottage and mass production with each worker hand making a very specific part or set of parts for a larger contraption. Steam engines are a common sight which are used to power vehicles and heavy machinery.
Official Religion: Americanism
Religious Information: Americanism worships the founding fathers as gods, namely Washington, Franklin, Jefferson and Adams who represent virtue, knowledge, equality and liberty. The rest of the founding fathers are less deities. Famous revolutionary figures such as Paul Revere are revered as saints. People who are seen as "patriotic" enough are counted as living saints and are held at the same level of actual saints although they are rare.
There are some other religions in the Grand Union territory, the largest of which is Christianity but is only really popular in the more rural lands. A few cults of several various ideals and beliefs are present but are tiny and spread out with the largest being the Forge Father Cult located in Steelermen lands. Some other minority old world religions can be found in small pockets within cities.
History: The origins of the Grand Union Commonwealth can be traced to the Independence Shelter located under the Constitution center in Philadelphia. As the world ended, people slowly began to go mad due to low supplies, bad living conditions and other environmental factors leading to them worshipping the founding father which had their own exhibit in the Constitution Center.
Upon leaving the vault, missionaries where sent far and wide to try and spread the ideas of Americanism as scholars went to work studying the Constitution to set up a new government. Soon a new nation sprung up in the ruins of south eastern Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth. By reclaiming the old train lines, they were able to spread their reach into the rest of PA before encountering their first real opposition: the Steelermen.
The Steelermen was something of a well organized barbarian nation to the eyes of the Commonwealth, but the then President Thomas Numen realized the worth of these raiders, not only as military units but also their city, the Citadel of Steel in Pittsburgh. Through skillful negotiation, Numen had absorbed the Steel Legion into the Commonwealth and now had access to their industrial abilities. A similar tactic was used in their dealings with the Atalanti Republic, a small south New Jersey republic, thus forming the Grand Union Commonwealth.
With the resources blessed by nature of their state and the blessings of the founding fathers behind their back, the GUC now stands on the debate of its grand plans of "inheriting" the USA.
Culture: Sylvanians are well known to be a blunt and industrious people who try to be as fancy and formal like those in the 1700's however they are also some what hotheaded and are very rowdy when riled up. Steelermen are more so and are much for brutish compared to Sylvanian "elegance". Atalanti are much more reserved and free spirited.
Military Numbers: 65,000 Professional 15,000 Irregular/Paramilitary
The Militarium is the military arm of the GCU and is placed under the command of the Execatorium with the President at its head. However, most of the time it is placed under the command of the Militarium Council Commitee instead.
The Militarium is divided into several subunits that goes as follows:
Terra Militarium - Foot soldiers, regulars, irregulars, auxiliaries, mercenaries
Equites Militarium - Cavalry and armored units, recently artillery has been listed under their command
Nauticus Militarium - Navy ships and vessels
Datalus Militarium - Experimental weapons and information intelligence
There are also then two irregular, paramilitary forces: the Militarum Localis (the Militia) and the Adminstorum Adeptus (the Inquisition). In accords to the Holy Constitution, common men and women are used as a "well trained and equipped militia for defense", on paper. In reality, while they are given some training, they tend to use the worse weapons and are treated as more or less meat shields which can also be used for offensive operation. The Inquisition on the other hand is the militant arm of the High Church of Americanism and although few in numbers, are extremely effective at both preaching and fighting who also serve as internal police to assist actual policing forces (who often are just Militia).
For cavalry, the GUC utilizes three categories of cavalry: riders, pattern and armored. Riders are your typical horsemen with lances, swords or a carbine of some sort with leg and chest armor. Patterns is slang for any post-war vehicle either made from scratch or largely rebuilt with each location making its own variations off a basic design. Armored doesn't reference any specific tank or anything, it just means any old work vehicle that didn't not need too much repairs to work and have kept their original designs. Of course, riders and operators of all three categorizes customize and decorate their mounts and vehicles as they wish as long they are not blasphemous or inappropriate.
Artillery is consider a "god of the battlefield" so much so that Molly Pitcher is prayed to before each shot. The CGU uses a variety of mortars and cannons, although it is only the limited number of old world mortar that see active field use. Most other cannons are just for defense due to their heavy, cumbersome nature or mounted on vehicles if made small enough.
In terms of naval capacity, the GCU uses Monitor-styled ironclads of varying sizes. Several types of steam powered river barges and rafts are used both by the civilians and the military to navigate the internal waterways with varying amounts of armor and armaments. Perhaps the greatest ship is the old WW2 vessel, the USS New Jersey . Despite being an absolute bitch to move around, its guns are understandably devastating. However, its limited ammunition stockpile and the fact almost every bit of the firing process is done manually mean that its rarely used as a proper battleship.
State Troopers - Standard regular foot soldiers of the GCU, they're often nicknamed "Bluecoats" after their signature blue uniforms which resemble those worn by the Continental Army. Because regiment is raised from a different region within GCU proper (although they can be recruited from Steelermen and Atalanti areas), there is little standardization of equipment. While the uniforms looks close most of the time with minor regional difference, regiments can be equipped with a variety of bolt-action and semi-auto rifles.
Immortals - Steelermen raiders of the finest caliber; these auxiliary units are about as disciplined and professionally trained as Steelermen will get. Although they still wear their wild, crude armor, Immortals are invaluable shock units and CQC specialists who get access to their native melee weapons as well as pistols and shotguns. They also serve anti-tank and anti-fortification roles through the use of their Boomstick explosive javalins which are basically glorified land mines on a stick.
Pathfinders - Elite units of the Terra Militarium who hail from the Deepwater Guards of the Atalanti Republic when it was still independent. Now a days it consists of members from both PA and NJ who have bloodlines that go back to old world military and law enforcement agencies. They are the only ones who get to use refurbished old world equipment. As one might expect, their numbers are lower compared to the other two major unit types and thus are usually bodyguards, shock infantry or special forces.
Sentinels - Officially they are the "well maintained militia" documented in the Holy Scriptures of the Constitution. However, these soldiers are barely given and training and have some terrible weapons provided even if provided arms; many just use whatever they have at home. There is little wonder in how commanders see them as meat shields for more valuable units and how they're given the name of "Shitinels".
Inquisitors - Warrior priests of the Adminstorium, these guys technically aren't military but a strange quasi-paramilitary force for the High Church of Americanism. They most serve as proper dedicated bodyguards to pious leaders and missionaries.
Neo-Confederate States of America Remnants of the Old Confederacy Deo vindice "Under God, our Vindicator"
Nation Type Confederate Republic Claims Terrain Northern Georgia is an irritated area, as Atlanta being a target for multiple WMDs. The closer you get the old world capital, the more radiation there is. The Confederacy put a travel warning, due to the radiation and infestations of beasts that roam the area of Atlanta. The rest of Georgia remains somewhat untouched. The summers got a few degrees hotter and the winters several degrees colder. During the summer, there are chances of acid rain that comes down from Florida. The complete opposite can occur, such as droughts. During winter, the occurrence of the blizzards are too common, sometimes prolonging winter into the summer days. There are several rivers that run out of Georgia and thirteen barrier islands. It has mountainous regions as well. Florida remains significantly untouched compared to Georgia. It retained it's tropical savanna climate. It's rainy season consists of acid rains and horrific thunder storms. Hurricanes are common as well.
Government Type Non-partisan Republic Capital Tallahassee, Florida Head of State President Andrew Griffith Other Important People Gaspard Darche, Vice President and President of the Senate Luther Knox, Speaker of the House Lyod Cadwell, Florida Confederate State District Judge Ike Adkins, Georgia Confederate State District Judge Delmont Huckleberry, Ambassador Harley Crawford, General-in-Chief Elrod Soyer, Lieutenant General
Population 2.4 million, slave population not included 1.2 million slave population Attitude Towards Evols Evols are what African Americans were back then to the old-world Confederacy. They are strongly hated. Due to the capabilities and rarity of Evols, they are highly sought after for the slave trade. Economic System Laissez-faire Resources Neo-Confederates boast about their production of cotton, tobacco, textiles, timber, furs, rice, oranges, fish/game, coal. Currency Confederate Dollar, Slaves Technology The use of wagons, horses/mules are still in use. Slave labor is prominent due to the lack of technological equipment. The lack of industry doesn't help the advancement. Although, rail roads are still in use, mainly using coal or other sorts of fuel. Official Religion Christianity Religious Information Most Neo-Cons believe they are living within the time of the Rapture. They know the world that once was, is no longer there. They believe demons took possession of Old World animals and deformed them into grotesque creatures. They also believe that since they are stuck on Earth, they still have a chance to brought in Heaven if they do God's bidding, whatever that may be.
History After the fall of WMDs and the fall of Democracy, old ideologies started sprouting up, such as the Neo-Confederacy, believing they can rebuild the once proud nation of United States, but this time in the framework it should have been constructed on. This ideology came from a man called "Lee". He was based in Florida and tried to rally support for his ideology. Many Southerns took to it, allowing him to gather manpower quickly.
The March on Tallahassee took place after the Neo-Confederate was the strongest faction in Florida. It took over the Kingdom of Miami, ruled by King Franc. After the Confederacy took over Tallahassee, the rest of Florida was theirs, as it was loosely controlled by previous owners. Upon using old ideologies, the faction latered declared themselves to be the Neo-Confederate of America, using a blend of the Confederate and Florida flags as their own.
"Lee" was the first president, but died before the annexation of Georgia. The newly elected president, Andrew Griffith followed in the forefather's footsteps, continuing the annexation. Georgia was compromised of several mountainous tribes, which took a few years to completely annex. These tribes banded together to find their singular opponent. Yet, the Neo-Confederacy was more advanced and organized, allowing them to eradicate the Georgian residents. Settlers shortly moved out of Florida and into Georgia to establish colonies. A railroad system was inputted, called the Lee Rail Road, after the first president.
Now, the Neo-Confedarcy has high hopes in rebuilding it's centuries old former glory. It also has several slave uprises in the habitable regions of Northern Georgia, greatly affecting it's agricultural production.
Culture Florida tends to be more civilized than Georgia, due to the fact that Georgia is the outskirts of the Neo-Confederacy territory. Georgia is predominately made up of "hillbillys" and farmers. Those in Florida are plantation/slave owners or government/military officials.
Military Numbers: 47,000 Active-duty 23,000 Reserved 10,000 Slaves
Military Units In the dawn of the Neo-Confederacy, it's armies were made of volunteers that came from their farms to take up arms against the Kingdom of Miami. These volunteers had a choice at the end of the war, either go back to their homes and farm or stay on to build a true military. "Lee" managed to coax many farmers into staying, with promises of land in the north. After several years, "Lee" managed to fashion a military similar to that of the Old Confederate.
During the Annexation of Georgia, The new President, Andrew Griffith, tricked slaves to fight for their freedom, using them mainly as a front-line. Allowing them to be wiped out so that his professional armies can seek out the Georgian tribes. This practice is still in use today.
Terrain: The deserts and vast prairies of the League territories are pockmarked with radioactive craters and separated from each other by mountains and cliffs. Former cities and metropolises have been reduced to rubble. A great deal of the land is now infertile, unable to sustain plant or animal life, and has been termed "The Badlands." The arable land that remains is barely sufficient for the purposes of subsistence farming, though the hills and mountains have become home to resilient, prolific and edible (if slightly mutated) breeds of mountain goats.
The exception to this grim picture is the Grand Canyon. Somehow, the Grand Canyon has expanded and now houses a long, verdant valley that grows along the Colorado River, making it the Nile of the Southwest U.S.A. Though the land is rocky and makes for poor farming, certain areas of the canyon are forested and filled with game, and others still make for good pasture.
Government Type: The League of First Peoples is an alliance of four nations: The Navajo Nation, the Utah Republic, the United Pueblos, and the Hopi Nation. There is a central government, and there is a treaty which forces all member states to enact certain policies, but by and large each of the nations is autonomous.
The League's central government is akin to a mish-mash of the former U.S. government and the organization of the United Nations. There are three branches: the Security Council (executive), the Assembly (legislative), and the Supreme Court (judicial). They serve very similar functions to those of the U.S. The head of the central government is called the Secretary General, and he is elected from a group of candidates from each of the member nations. Each nation within the League is considered independent and is free to withdraw their membership if they so choose; however, doing so also means relinquishing the benefits provided member states.
Certain institutions are controlled by the central government. Namely, while each of the four nations has their own military force, the central government also musters its own and the Secretary General has supreme command of all five forces in times of armed conflict. Likewise, while each nation determines for itself what to goods to produce, all produced goods are divided up amongst the four nations to feed, clothe, and otherwise sustain the citizens of the League of First Peoples.
Capital: Canyon City is located in the eponymous Grand Canyon. It is far longer than it is wide, stretching along part of the Canyon. Every bit of available space is used: besides the makeshift homes built along the bottom of the canyon, buildings have been carved into the canyon's walls like the Ancient Pueblos might have done. There are emergency shafts and elevators from the pre-Collapse era that lead on up to the upper half of the city - a useful defensive position in case of emergencies.
Head of State: Secretary General Bill Bigishie (affectionately called "Big Bill") is from the Navajo Nation and a firm believer in Theodore Roosevelt's "Big Stick" style of diplomacy. He is an idealist, but he's no fool; he knows very well how dangerous the shattered U.S. is and has compared it to the Sengoku and the Dark Ages of Europe. Still, he strives to maintain peace in the region as long as he can, and is not averse to the prospect of diplomatically inducting neighbors into the League. Thus far, that seems unlikely to happen.
Bill has helped keep rebellious tendencies at a minimum by arranging for non-violent demonstrations of the standing military's capabilities. He knows well that subversive elements remain, but he'd rather they bide their time rather than act in the present. He hopes these elements will slowly disperse once the League is stable.
Other Important People:
President Jeremiah Evans of the Utah Republic is a man who manages to do a good job while not taking his job very seriously. He is a close friend of the Secretary General: it was these two men who were key to bringing Utah into the League's fold, and they both have a mixture of respect and disdain for the other. Jeremiah is serving out his third term, and it's believed this one will be his last.
Captain Diane Keyoni of the Council Guard is a local hero who has contacts among most of the folk who live out in the Badlands. She has jurisdiction over the border regions of the four nations. It's hard to pin down precisely what her job is: she delivers rations and the mail, scavenges from pre-war ruins, hunts bandits, and has served in a police-like role. Whatever the case, this Navajo woman is the person to turn to should you have problems in the Badlands.
Population: 3 million
Attitude Towards Evols: Evols are a matter of hot debate in the four nations of the League, both in the courts of the nations individually and in the Supreme Court. Some people think they ought to be treated as, well, people; others think they need to be exiled. The Assembly has yet to take an official stance, so the four nations each make their own decisions on the matter. Some vigilante justice has been meted out against Evols. The Secretary General would like to put a stop to that.
Economic System: There is no currency in the League of First Peoples. All essential goods (food, water, medicine) are distributed by the central government to the four nations, and from the four nations to the citizenry. Major industries are government owned; ranching, agriculture, arms manufacturing, and others all supply the government so it may work toward the public good directly. However, this does not stop people from making their own goods in private and trading them with others. It does mean that the barter system has replaced currency and that the acquisition of foodstuffs, lumber, metals, and other such things are considered public enterprises.
All the land is government-owned as well. The farms, pastures, and hunting grounds are thus worked by the citizenry and then provided to the population at large for free. The ruins of destroyed cities are similarly owned by the government at least in name; scavenging expeditions are sent out to recover useful materials and bring them back to the populated areas, and those resources are then supposed to be used for the benefit of the people. Some scavengers, however, prefer to go looting without informing others they have done so, keeping whatever they find for themselves. Thus, while scavenged goods are publicly owned in theory, it has been difficult for the government to enforce that rule.
Resources: Agriculture and ranching are the primary industries in the League. Mining is also conducted, but the ores produced are of little use to the League; there aren't many sites left in the ravaged southwest that can turn ore into usable steel, and trade isn't exactly easy to conduct in the post-apocalyptic age. There are still some operational gas and oil production facilities as well, a valuable resource in this era. A small amount of timber is collected, but the present policy is to let the forest growing in the Grand Canyon continue to grow.
Food is a little tight in the League. While very few people could be described as "starving," it's hard to argue that anyone is "well fed." Rationing is practiced in all four of the member nations.
Currency: Barter, but essentials are provided to the citizenry for free as fairly as possible.
Technology: Bits and pieces of the electrical grid remain, and there is a small but steady stream of gasoline and oil available. However, because much of the southwest was so devastated in the war, new towns and cities have had to be built, and there's not enough power to supply everyone with utilities. Thus, while foodstuffs and ores are collected on a mass scale by whole communities, most everything else is produced in a cottage industry.
Official Religion: Free religion is the name of the game.
Religious Information: Both Christian beliefs and the traditional practices of the Pueblos and Navajo are common. Some people are believers in all of the above.
History: When the nukes fell and the U.S. collapsed, the reservations in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah were relatively untouched. The already semi-autonomous indigenous nations managed to mobilize themselves quickly enough to secure a defensive perimeter and carve out a spot for themselves. The Navajo, the Hopi, and the various tribes that made up the United Pueblos were all initially at odds, but after a series of raids from outside factions crippled each of them, they decided to work together. A few years later, the League of First Peoples was officially signed into being.
The birth of this confederation of states had a rocky start, but soon refugees from the more devastated parts of the four states were coming to them for help. These refugees were let in, and so were the refugees after that, and soon the three nations of the League had a sizable enough population. They were able to focus on infrastructure and build more permanent settlements.
When the Republic of Utah found itself attacked on all sides by raiders and worse, it turned to its neighbors for help. And help they did, and when all was said and done they offered Utah a place in their League and permanent protection. Utah accepted, and since then the League of First Peoples has been a small but noteworthy power in the region.
Culture: The League has a diverse collection of cultures. There is no majority racial group in the four nations, but caucasians and Latinos outnumber the racially indigenous population. However, the cultures of the Navajo Nation, the Hopi Nation, and the many tribes that make up the United Pueblos are actually dominant in their respective nations, and people have actively taken steps to become full members of the tribes (which is a requirement to vote).
The three original member nations - the Navajo, Hopi, and United Pueblos - all allow refugees from outside the League to join them and eventually become members of their nations, as if they themselves were Navajo, Hopi, or Pueblo. The most recent addition to the League, the Utah Republic, is actually the former Utah state government that sought membership in the League for defensive purposes. It also welcomes refugees. This open-armed policy has become a badge of pride for the League's citizens, reinforcing altruistic and community-oriented behavior while also fostering a self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude toward other nations not in the League.
This is not to say that there is harmony and that everyone is content with the current government; far from it. Many citizens and public officials would prefer to have a more "American" style of government and disdain the cultural shifts that have taken place. They are very vocal about their desire for change, and a few have tried to seize control of the government from the tribal leaders (and been summarily dealt with). For now, however, they are a minority. The majority of people are content with the current state of affairs and are slowly incorporating indigenous customs into their own culture. This relative contentment, however, is not guaranteed to last, and it will take some time before the First Peoples are truly stable.
The new towns that have sprung up in the League's territory look much as you'd expect of a Post Apocolyptic town: like large junkyards that happen to be populated. The old cities that remain are shadows of their former selves.
Canyon City is much more vibrant and unique. Houses have been carved into the canyon walls, and large communal housing is common. Thanks to this, the buildings have a much cleaner look (though not quite so clean on the ground level) and are really quite solid.
Like this, but made partly from modern materials with that rugged "Post Apocolyptia" aesthetic.
A great many people are beginning to live in communes called kivas, though the transition to this style of housing is still underway. Some kivas may only be home to a few families while others comfortably house twenty families or more. These communes often develop their own rules and regulations generally intended to make sure all members contribute to the group. Of the four nations, the Republic of Utah has been the least keen on adopting kivas and provide only nominal support for their construction. Its citizenry have begun to establish their own, but call them communes or communities rather than kivas.
Military Numbers: 30,000 professionals 50,000 militia
Military Units: While the League has some problems actually organizing its army (thanks to essentially having five armies from four separate nations), it does have some very unique advantages. For one, it has an actual steady resource of oil and gas. Secondly, its terrain is perfect for a defensive war of attrition. Thirdly, while there aren't many military weapons available, there are some civilian vehicles still around in varying states of disrepair.
The League has arranged the Council Guard accordingly. The Security Council directly commands a vehicular unit called they've dubbed the League Cavalry. This cavalry unit consists of civilian vehicles that have been repaired, armored up and converted into actual combat vehicles: pick-up trucks with machine guns mounted on the bed, vans turned into sloppy APCs, and jeeps with blades sticking out of the wheels are just a few examples of the "Frankentanks" that have been produced. Each of these vehicles is different from the next, and their drivers outfit them however they feel works best. They're also decorated however the driver wishes, much like how fighter pilots of yore would paint their planes.
The rest of the Council Guard is organized more like the former U.S. Army infantry. Squad and platoon based combat is the norm and is what they train for; defensive combat and ambushes in the hills, desert and mountains are their specialties. They aren't as well equipped as other nations' troops, but they're very dangerous when fighting in Canyon City or in the wilderness. They have excellent scouts and sharpshooters in their ranks, but they don't have much in the way of heavy weapons like RPGs or machine guns.
The Council Guard only make up a portion of the professional standing army - roughly 10,000 troops, give or take. The remaining 20,000 are soldiers beholden to their nations first and the Security Council second. This makes it difficult for the Secretary General to properly command the army, as sometimes the national generals are less cooperative than is desirable. Descriptions of individual units from these nations are below.
The Navajo Nation, being the most powerful of the nations in the League, also has a more grandiose perception of itself. Their military arm is called the Grand Army of the Navajo, and their specialty is the same as that of the regular army: fighting defensively in the rough terrain of their homeland. They also boast the best sharpshooters outside the Council Guard.
The Puebloan army - the Union Guard - has more unorthodox elements in its ranks. For instance, their Cliffrunners are specialist soldiers equipped with climbing gear, gliders, small arms and explosives. A common tactic is to lie in wait at a high vantage point before gliding over the enemy and dropping their explosive payload. Another unit, the Sand Wraiths, are jokingly called the "Pop Tarts" because of their use of tunnels that go between the Grand Canyon and the Badlands. They are known to burst out from the sand, fire several shots at passing opponents, and then retreat back into the tunnels.
The Republican Army of Utah has a tough, mobile Engineer Corps that can set up defenses relatively quickly. Otherwise, its soldiers are much like the rest of the League's forces: experienced but not very well equipped.
Likewise, the Hopi Nation has a rather regular force with one exception: most of the Honor Guard, the Hopi army, are well trained in hand-to-hand combat. This does not mean they are melee specialists; it merely means they have a fallback option for shorter combat ranges. They prefer to rely on their guns than on their machetes, knives, and axes.
The militia are less well equipped and typically carry hunting rifles, pistols or melee weapons. Bows and arrows aren't unheard of, either; the art of archery is still alive in the Four Nations. Still, the militia can't stand up to a large professional army and mostly exist as supplementary forces to the Confederate Guard and as an emergency defense.
When you read a recent post, see "OOC" "in" and "app", and think "Oh whoops guess I shouldn't post it in the OOC like everyone else did hurr durr" and then put it in the wrong place.
Name: Badyoyo Tribes Flag: Nation Type: Tribes Claims: The Gold area in Texas Mississipi Louisiana and Alabama. Terrain: Swampish, humid, nasty.. With lots of bugs.
Government Type: Chief Ashwanni, and his four generals rule over the Badyoyo Tribes. Making it a council of sorts. Capital: Baton Rouge, in Louisiana. Head of State: Chief Ashwanni. He is a dark and dangerous man ruling the people through fear and force, with his loyal soldiers klling any who dare speak out against him or his generals. He appears as a man of African ancestry with skin the color of ebon. Scars line his face in a ritualistic manner where he cut them himself and include the cropping of his own ears into points. His teeth are yellowed with the use of nicotine and drugs that keep him in a constant state of euphoria, he has sharpened these teeth into points so that he can better tear flesh, and put fear into his enemies. He can often be seen wearing clothes made from alligator skin and scales.
He is a cruel merciless man without good intentions towards anyone besides him and his military forces. He is usually married to multiple wives at a time, all of whom are typically chained to the floor in his private quarters so that they cannot go more than 30 feet. He keeps so many wives as he likes variety, but typically grows bored with one after two years of being married, then he kills her and takes one or two more. To put the point home of obedience to him during his wedding celebration he has the former wife cooked and served as a centerpiece for the wedding dinner of the new wives. He is known to be a cannibal by just about the entire nation of his, and also known to be a heavy drug user. Though he is quite insane it only further influences his military to be similar as they rule through the powerful fear they cause to course through all of their citizens.
Other Important People: General Beudreux: A Powerfulman with a strong support from his elite troops know as the Batons. He is known for wearing a Alligator head over his own and other animal skins draped over his otherwise nude body, which is covered in tattoos contrasting his albino skin. Pale pink eyes stare out of the darkness from his alligator head dress and he grins ferociously. General Tyrese: Always covered in a coat of grease, smelling of diesel and gas. He is the General of the mobile forces anytime warriors are going anywhere in a vehicle he is the one calling the shots. He is noticeable by his large wrench that he converted into a large machete. General Kazim: The general in charge of the backbone of the warriors in the Badyoyo tribes. He wears a loin cloth and alligator skins draped over his body with a crown of alligator teeth upon his head that have left hardened scarps in his scalp where they bit into his brown skin over and over again. His face has been tattooed with that of a white skull and his arms have white swirls tattooed up and down his arms. He can typically be found riding around in a huge eighteen wheeler mobile base that’s heavily armored with canons bolted down on the many platforms along the trailer. General Mokimbo One of the smarter of the generals, this man actually knws how to read and write properly which has given them a boon when using old world technology so he can teach them. This has also come at a odd cost with him having many books that use old english mainly shakespearean type stories which causes him to speak in a similar manner. He tends to walk around completely nude except for a pair of boots and a turtle shell that he occasionally wears over his groin.
Population: Around 3 million give or take. Around 500,000 are slaves. Attitude Towards Evols: They consider them blessed folk usually placing them in the hierarchy under the generals and chief. They are often used in the warbands and act as powerful sources of inspiration to those underneath them as they are believed to have powerful spirits or demons residing within their bodies.
Economic System: There is a currency system in place with bones being the primary source. Any kind of bones except for birds, are worth something as they can always be found for in some kind of use. Teeth are especially sought after especially those of humans as they make great decorations and ornaments. There is also a trade systems which is how things are given back and forth between most people, while a lot of the time military higher ups will just take what they want. Resources: Scrap metal, slaves, seafood. Currency: Bones or straight up trade. Technology: A heavy mishmash of old tech, some modern, and even tribal. They throw together what they can, but sometimes they find a gold nugget like a generator that can power a building using sunlight.. But not very often. The main military has access to a natural gas valve that was left closed and so all the gas left behind in the deposit and in the lines was still there. THey don’t know for sure how much there is but it seems to be enough to regularly refilled natural gas vehicles of which they have very few.
Official Religion: Voodoo (or a bastardized version of) They believe in the dead that the dead empower the living and that they can bring the dead back to life to serve them. They typically sacrifice humans to gain their powers and wear their bones, cover themselves in the burned bodies ashes, and sometimes even eat the remains.
Religious Information: They believe in the dead that the dead empower the living and that they can bring the dead back to life to serve them. They typically sacrifice humans to gain their powers and wear their bones, cover themselves in the burned bodies ashes, and sometimes even eat the remains.
History: A while back the states were broke up into several different tribes, and were slowly being united under a single man, through the use of his military forces either violently forcing them to join his new union or with a helping hand. As they were unified, a general became prominent who went by the name Ashwanni. He rose to power quickly and gained the favor of all the soldiers of the tribes. He pulled upon the loyalty of the other generals and brought them into his fold as they turned and fought back against the former leader, slaughter him and his closest men as they performed their coupe and took over.
Slowly the tribes devolved from civilized people to even more primitive as Ashwanni kept any advanced good for those closest to him in stature. They ruled with iron fists as they brought more and more of the tribes into the fold eventually creating enormous warbands. SLowly they moved into what used to be Texas capturing a chunk of it as they made anyone they met either submit or killed them ruthlessly. They now look to their borders as they expand more everyday, needing more soldiers, more women to give birth to new children. Ashwanni looks to the surrounding lands as he begins to plan his next moves to conquer the peoples who surround them.
Culture: They are very primitive in train of thought and action, they use primal beliefs and practices alongside technology that they don’t truly understand though can rig together enough to make it work. Many are cannibals and all of them believe in spirits and demons, and believe that they can summon these beings to aid them in their times of need or in combat.
Military Numbers: 101,000 Roundabouts. Military Units: The units are all very primitive in style and dress, wearing leather, scales, and shells. They sometimes wear normal clothing, but not very often. They make use of multiple types of weapons, both melee, and ranged. When they are going to battle you can sometimes hear them singing songs from a time past loudly as they march. Here is what you can expect to see in the warbands.
Badyoyo Boys: They are the backbone of the warbands coming from all walks of life, with all sorts of weapons, whatever they happen to have scavenged passed down or taken from a dead enemy. This includes, rifles, muskets, swords, knives, clubs, brass knuckles, and even more. They differ also in what they wear everything from skins to pieces of suits, and even alligator scales. They are typically on drugs of their own manufacturing such as meth, heroin, and cocaine.
Super Boys: These men have taken on a whole new level of devotion to the badyoyo tribe. They are the deadliest of the deadly they train their bodies for extremely endurance cause themselves great pain all the time so that when they are injured they ignore it even if it kills them. THey are given some of the strongest armor and some of the best weapons.
Greasey Boys: Some of the more intelligent of the warbands they help repair and run the vehicles in the warbands, they also operate the heavy weapons that are upon the vehicles as well. (Vehicles will be explained more later.)
Loud Boys: They are Badyoyo boys that control the music, they got the beat. They use loud speakers on and off vehicles to play music from the past to inspire the warriors and strike fear into the hearts of the enemies. Their favorite song happens to be “Loser” by Beck. Though they play many other things, often at the request of the Warband’s chanting, or General’s Discretions.
Watah Boys: They run the rafts, canoos and other boats of the Warbands. (More on these later.)
Ghost Boys: They paint their bodies black, they wear no clothes, and carry only swords, daggers, axes, bows, and crossbow. They are the type to find hovering over your bed while you sleep and slide the blade across your throat. They are the stealthy ones of the warbands and even the other boys don’t mess with them.
Land vehicles: This includes a strange assortment of vehicles with everything from sedans, to trucks, and even some 18 wheelers. These vehicles are usually armored with scraps and weaponized with with makeshift weapons. They either run on kerosene, or natural gas.
Water Craft: They vary greatly as well, from paddle boats, and canoes, all the way to steam boats that have been fixed up to be used, which there was actually quite a few still laying around. They are typically rather well armed, Except the smaller boats of course.
Heavy Armaments
Catapults Old Beat up browning Fifty Cals. Cannons. Ballista. Some Mortars (sometimes they blow themselves up by accident) Some infantry useable rocket launchers (RPGs, AT4s… But.. Very very little)
Full name: The Federated States of the Atlantic Short names: Bermuda, the FSA
Nation Type: Merchant Republic (think Venice, on an island scale, minus canals) Claims: Bermuda, the Azores, Madeira, The Canaries, The Bahamas (basically an Atlantic island empire) Terrain: As the islands in question are mostly far from land, generally the same as they are in our world.
Government Type: Initially instituted as a provisional Republic until a surviving heir to the throne could be found, the Most Serene Republic of Bermuda was declared after an expedition to the British Isles revealed that no central authority remained and that the fate of the Royal Family was unknown. Rumours circulated that they had fled to the Falkland Islands when the bombs fell, but there was no way to confirm this. Bereft of a Monarchy, the people of Bermuda gradually came to terms with a Republican government, although it has never been decided either way whether or not the Monarchy could be reinstituted if a heir could be proved beyond doubt - indeed, the two major political parties are called the Royalists and the Republicans, based on the original debate between those in favour of finding a Monarch and those in favour of maintaining an independent, Republican Bermuda.
Capital: Hamiliton, on Bermuda Head of State: Samuel Kipps, Chancellor of the Federated States and Governor of Bermuda Other Important People: - Christopher Thompson, Chief of the Defence Staff of the Federated States - Laura Hyaline, Governess of the Bahamas - James Harrisson, First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff of the Federated States - Adriano Coelho, Governor of the Azores - Thomas Cratchet, Archbishop of Hamilton
Population: ~1'700'000 (population of entire FSA)
Attitude Towards Evols: Never really turned up in Bermuda itself, although examples of the species have been discovered in the rest of the Federated States. They are generally ignored unless proven dangerous, in which case they may be driven away or hunted down.
Economic System: The control of the largely capitalist economy is monopolised by the merchant middle class, with the 'working class' generally consigned to more menial labour such as agriculture and, importantly, fishing. Bermudian trade is dominated by several large, privately owned but government subsidised companies modelled on those of the great European Powers of the colonial age.
Resources: Bermuda produces little itself, other than fish (which have seen a population boom with the end of large-scale commercial fishing). However, a lucrative sugar-trade has been built in the overseas possessions in the Bahamas, and Bermuda intends to expand its monopoly on the resource (as well as branching out into other products, such as spice and tropical fruit). Shipbuilding has also seen a significant increase, some of which are exported. With Bermuda's lack of many deep-water shipyards, vessels are usually build on specially constructed structures out at sea, or inland and then transported to the coast. Bermuda seeks to secure a wood-trade route to ensure supplies will continue to fuel the industry.
Currency: Bermudian Pound
Technology: Technologically, Bermuda is divided by its social classes, which, while flexible and easy to cross from one to another (being based on wealth), still maintain differing roles in society. Some electronic navigational equipment remains, and is primarily owned by the Royal Navy (a name retained from its time as a British territory) and the wealthier Merchants. Because of Bermuda's lack of natural resources, advanced industry has largely ground to a halt, making imports (and thus the necessity of achieving monopoly on the sugar trade in the Caribbean) necessary to maintain Bermuda's technological level. The first factories and metal-works are beginning to crop up in some of Bermuda's territories, but industry is nevertheless limited.
Official Religion: Church of Bermuda - Anglicanism, in essence, with the ecclesiastical centre moved to Hamilton. There are also large populations of Catholics in the Azores, Madeira, and the Canaries, but with the destruction of Rome, many have instead turned to the Archbishop of Hamilton for spiritual guidance. Religious Information: Same as Anglicanism. Catholics, bereft of a Pope, generally follow the teachings of the last known Pope to hold the office, and base religious decisions on his ideas.
When the bombs fell on London at the twilight of civilisation, Bermuda stood with the British motherland in her hour of need. But, as technology failed, the ships grew few in number, and the shooting stars of falling satellites split the sky asunder, the links with Britain grew weaker and weaker.
With London's authority gone, and no contact with the outside world, the Bermudians fell to fighting among themselves. The First Civil War of Bermuda, as it came to be known, was a bitter struggle between the Royalists, who held onto the hope that contact with the British government and the Crown could be reattained; and the Republicans, who rejected London's authority, and desired to make contact with the United States of America, 'who would not abandon us in our hour of need, as the British did'. Their critics were quick to point out that the Americans had also abandoned their bases on Bermuda, and that contact with them had been lost before it had been with London.
After a decade of strife had elapsed, the two factions met in Hamilton, a shadow of its former self, and came to a compromise. Both groups recognised that, without units, Bermuda would not survive - already thousands of people had died after the imports of staple crops came to an end.
A new Constitution was made, instituting the Royalists and the Republicans as the first two political parties. It was decided that a Provisional Republic would be installed, and that if an heir to the throne could be proven - a big if - a referendum would be held to decide whether or not the Monarchy would be reinstated.
The first ships went over the sea - old luxury liners, left rotting in Bermuda's harbours, mended and patched up. East and west they sailed - to America, where the scale of the destruction and collapse was laid bare; to Europe, where the United Kingdom was found as a shattered union of its own.
And the ships also sailed to the many little harbours of the Azores. It was with this contact, with an island chain as at war with itself as Bermuda had been, that the first seeds of expansion were sown.
Promising aid to first one faction, and then another, Bermuda slowly unified the Azores archipelago, with a government sculpted to the interests of the Bermudians. In time, the island were again as one, the new government installed with a new constitution as well as a currency and economic union with Bermuda, forever binding the island to the will of Hamilton. And few complained, as the Bermudians did not oppress the people, nor did they extort from them - much.
Across the Atlantic, in Madeira and the Canaries, the process repeated itself, sometimes simultaneously. English became the lingua franca of the islands, but the language was enriched with the vocabulary of the Spanish and Portuguese. The Bermudian Pound, revalued more strongly against the accumulated gold in Hamilton (most of which had been taken from the Azores), grew the economy of Bermuda by 50% in just seven years, while the other island profited by the increase in markets when communications reopened with the outside world via Bermuda.
The commercial interests of Bermuda grew with the fostering of the wealth of its new possessions, and so its interests turned to the rich bounty of the Caribbean, which expeditions had found to be in a perpetual warfare, but rich in the now scare luxury resources such as sugar and spice. The Bahamas, a former British overseas territory themselves, presented the geographically closest opportunity for exploitation, and it took little effort to convince their war-torn people that they were the representatives of the British, come to restore order.
The Acts of Federation, six years after the unification of the Bahamas under Bermuda, saw the united islands become the Federated States of the Atlantic, still technically a provisional republic, but now firmly a new multinational state with a common bond - that of survival.
Bermuda now dominates Atlantic trade, its large (if diverse) Royal Navy sure to intercept any foreign vessel sighted in 'the FSA's territorial waters' - i.e. all of the Atlantic in the quadrilateral of the four major island chains. The nation now seeks to bring more of the Caribbean under its sway - primarily the Antilles and the Turks and Caicos Islands, with the absorption of Cuba both debatably possible and up for consideration in Hamilton, due to the large number of Hispanics that would populate the nation and overturn the dominance of English-speaking Bermudians.
Culture: The culture is varied, mainly rooted in the pre-apocalypse foundations. The FSA is a multinational state, embracing all cultures within its borders. English and Hispanic (a merger of Spanish and Portuguese) are the two biggest languages. The Hispanics are the largest ethnic group, but the British Bermudians currently hold more political power. Social change is beginning to question this arrangement.
Military Numbers: ~8'000 - ~0.5% of the total population, rounded down to the nearest thousand. There is two-year national service for everyone, and families with members in the military are given government financial help in some areas of life.
Military Units: There is enormous emphasis on the navy in Bermuda. The fleet is a mismatched, combined force composed of modern vessels (refitted to allow some less sophisticated functions to work using contemporary technology - i.e. bad technology), 'new' ironclads made from steel imported from the Appalachian region along with certain metal alloys from recycled naval vessels that could not be adapted, and colonial era-like frigates made mainly of Canadian wood. There are even two 'balloon carriers' - special 'ironclads' with flat decks designed to accommodate hot-air balloons for reconnaissance.
In each 'fleet group', there are one or two ships with radio. Messages from the central naval authority are transmitted to these 'radio ships' (which are changed each time the fleet sails), and then broadcast to the whole fleet group using semaphore.
The army is primarily a defensive force, equipped with tank traps (not used often these , trench-constructing equipment, and guerilla-style weaponry (such as remote charges and landmines).
Approximately one quarter of the army is an 'interventionist task force', equipped with rudimentary muskets, primitive firearms, and even some makeshift artillery groups, which more resemble cannon rather than modern artillery. The primary function of the ITF is to support pro-Bermudian groups in wars, in order to set up a friendly government in the region involved, rather than to launch all-out invasions. The central government is looking into expanding the offensive capabilities of the army.
Name: Liberty Commonwealth Flag: Nation Type: Tribal Commonwealth Claims: Terrain: Warm and relatively dry, but interspersed with the occasional toxic death trap. Rains are random, either being very rare and light, or heavy and continuous, but tends towards the extremes
Government Type: Aristocratic Republic - every tribe elects an Aristocrat who rules them for the rest of their life. Every Aristocrat gets a seat on the Grand Council of the Commonwealth. The Council then elects a Cabinet of Chieftains, who officially lead the Council. The Cabinet then elects the Head Chieftain, the de jure leader of the Commonwealth. The Chieftain then hands his Cabinet their roles. Capital: Ashington - set in the ruins of Washington DC. Head of State: Head Chieftain Michael K Simpson - very liberal and open-minded, he wishes to re-establish pre-war America under the Commonwealth banner. Other Important People: Deputy Head Chieftain: Margaret O'Reilly - her job is to play devil's advocate to Simpson. As such, he deliberately hired a very conservative, reactionary minister to better govern the country. Though she respects Simpson, she disagrees with most, if not all, of his actions Councillor for Justice: Stephen Davies Councillor for Trade: Alan Carpenter Councillor for Foreign Nations: Juan Martinez Councillor for War: Chloe Valentine Several NPC Tribal leaders Population: 2.4 Million Attitude Towards Evols: Wary. Not willing to trust them entirely, but not so suspicious as to actively attack them.
Economic System: Serfdom - The elected Aristocrat controls their entire tribe. The leader is thus responsible for the whole tribe's production. Resources: The Commonwealth specialises in scrap metal and machine parts, with Arms Manufacturing being their biggest industry. Close behind are the Shipbuilding, Tool-making and Construction businesses. 'Metal from the Commonwealth' is synonymous with 'high quality' which is lucky since they have very little else. Coastal regions use fish to boost the economy. Most of the Commonwealth's food comes from the Confederate States in the south, much to the Commonwealth's chagrin. The individual member states also have particular specialities, just not those of great importance. Currency: Commonwealth Dollar Technology: They are somewhat advanced. Old Machines have been stripped down for scrap, but the workings of them have been researched and they are developing new machines. Lack of coal and oil means that wind and water are the main sources of power. Solar panels have been found - some of them actually work - but the people know far too little about how they work to recreate them.
Official Religion: Anti-Abrahamic Religious Information: They have several bibles, and some old-world currency that says 'In God We Trust'. However, they have come to the conclusion that God was a demon who promised to protect the old world. Since the Old World crashed and burned, they have come to the conclusion that God is either dead - which means there is a mightier force out there who should be feared - or a traitor who cannot be trusted and must be opposed. Furthermore, they believe God is an actual living being and will do all they can to and and kill him for his crimes. Furthermore, since it is Satan/Lucifer whom always opposes God, some Satanic sects have started cropping up. They are yet to take control of parliament, but they are becoming powerful.
History: After power in DC was broken and the government officially shut down, parts of the East Coast shut down with it. Entire cities fractured, dividing into various factions. The subsequent 'civil wars' lowered the population significantly, till there was nothing but a few lucky or powerful survivors. These survivors grouped together in anarchic clans, working together to keep each other safe. Some bright sparks settled in the ruins of Washington, which they called Ashington. Foragers and looters raided the old buildings - the White House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, amongst others - and brought back interesting documents and papers that had survived. The Ashington settlers came to the conclusion that Old America had a Commonwealth, where the States worked together to protect and better each other. Not wanting another bloodbath, the Ashington Settlers started reaching out to other nearby settlers. They explained how the system worked and invited them to join. Long story short, the ball got rolling and the newly-christened Liberty Commonwealth has begun advancing along the coast. It is their goal to one day have the whole of America under the banner of the Commonwealth once again. Culture: The Commonwealth has two kinds of people - Aristos, and the people that aren't them. If you are an Aristocrat, you have a duty of care over the common people, who in turn promise to work your land, serve in your armies and obey your laws. This often translates into 'You vote for an Aristo and then do whatever work they tell you to do'. Commoners are hard-nosed, pragmatic people who work their entire lives - they have little love for the lazy and the weak. The only exceptions are the elders and children - old people have earned their rest and they are not so jaded as to rob children of their childhood. Aristos, under the unique system of the Commonwealth, are either particularly passionate or particularly lazy Commoners. If a tribe is smart and lucky, they will pick a good, compassionate leader who actually looks after them. But tribes do elect, far too often, tribe leaders who are lazy, incompetent and privileged.
Military Numbers: Most of the population owns a gun, but there are only about 30,000 official servicemen and women. In emergency situations, tribes may be forced to levy a certain number of warriors to protect the Commonwealth Military Units: Your average soldier will wear fatigues, a chestplate (typically metal) and a reconstructed Service Rifle and Pistol. Commonwealth weapons are simple, reliable and cheap, though far from tbe strongest. Levies often don't get the joy of what little armour the Servicemen use. One exception to the rule is the mystical Peacekeepers. Peacekeepers consist of maybe a hundred men, all clad in advanced military armour and carry pre-apocalypse weapons P90s and Anti-Materiel Rifles. These men are elusive and secretive, serving essentially as the government's answer to the SEALS.
Terrain: Fertile, endless fields of wheat, corn, and grass. Only a few sparse patches of trees in the far north of the country. There are four main craters in Gottesland, where the pre-war cities of Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, and Saskatoon once stood. These areas are known as the "raptured lands", and are sealed off with mighty fences and walls. Rumors circulate through cities of Gottesland, of great inhuman monstrosities emerging from the irradiated depths, but none can comment with any degree of certainty.
Government Type: The nation of Gottesland is a self-titled 'Communist Christian Theocracy'. On the local level, this is true. On the federal level, however, it operates very similarly to how Canada's government ran. The nation is divided into Colonies (Provinces/States), with each colony having an advisory council with one Prediger. The Prediger rules his colony as a king, with the advice of his council, but also represents the colony in the national Parliament (Congress). There are 462 Predigers of 462 Colonies, and 5 Albertasleut Ministers, representing the Albertasleut Tribes. Parliament has a vote every 5 years, to elect both a Prime Minister and a President. The Prime Minister rules the country, and handles all domestic law. The President manages everything outside the country, and deals with international law and trade. There is no Senate. All law is handled between Parliament and the two executives ministers (PM and Pres). Since all the Predigers serve for life, and are appointed, there are no political parties. The only elected seats are the 5 Albertasleut Ministers, who run as independent individuals.
Capital: Argyllsberg
Heads of State: President Pat MacFearghus-Koln, Prime Minister Lukas Steinmann
Other Important People:
-Lady Victoria Albertasdottir, leader of the 'Kingdom of Albertasleut', a rapidly growing cult. She claims to be the only living heir to the British royal family, making her the de facto ruler of Canada, and she further claims that the British royal family was appointed by God himself, making her the descended avatar of God's will. Obviously, there is no way to verify this claim, and she goes unrecognized by Parliament. Nonetheless, she has already amassed a large following among the Albertasleut Tribes.
-Sir James Painter, Albertasdottir's second in command, and leader of the millitant wing of 'the Kingdom'.
-Chief Vann-Falcon Ouellette, spiritual leader of the First Nations populations of Albertasleut.
-General Luke MacFearghus-Koln, head of the military, and brother of the president.
Population: 4.282 million
Attitude Towards Evols: Evols are believed to be marked by God for their sin, and are banned from the Colonies of Gottesland. They are tolerated residents of the tribes of Albertasleut, but are still regularly victimized by local gangs.
Economic System: Gottesland is an agricultural powerhouse! All 462 colonies are farming colonies, and have managed to hobble together a series of coal-fired and man-powered contraptions to accelerate the farm work. Their production of meat, vegetables, and cereal is currently nothing short of excessive. This surplus of food is only made greater, due to the fact that all citizens have to follow a strict system of regimented, limited meals. The local government dishes out a pre-determined amount of food to each citizen, three times a day. Everybody eats at the same time, in the same place. If they don't show up on time, they don't eat. Each colony possesses a stockpile of pickled and dried foodstuffs, in case of famine, and make regular shipments of preserved food to Argyllsberg. Argyllsberg functions not only as the capital of the nation, but as an international trading hub, where all Gotteslandish exports are pooled and priced. The Albertasleut Tribes operate a series of coal mines across the country, maintaining just enough output to supply the nation's many farming vehicles. Any remaining coal is confiscated by the government, and kept in storage. Technology and fossil fuel is only used for farming, and pursuits relevant to farming, in Gottesland. This is the way it has always been. The nation suffers from a lack of metals, and a limited (and rapidly disappearing) supply of wood. To meet the nation's need for building materials and tools, they trade their vast supplies of food to neighbouring nations and tribes. Those at the lowest rungs of Gottesland society are sent out on scavenging missions, to collect metal scrap. This helps keep everything running, during times of slow trade.
Currency: Bartering, although even this is discouraged. In the vast majority of cases, if a citizen wants something, they submit a formal request to the government, explaining why it is desired. The government is not keen on granting requests either, unless it directly increases production, or encourages 'Christian values'.
Technology: Technology is not something that the Gottesland people hold in high regard. They have maintained and collected some very advanced machinery from before the war, but it is almost entirely farming equipment. Entertainment and other industries are not allowed to develop any new technology without express permission from the government. The only historical case of this exemption ever being granted was when the Albertasleut wanted to restore some of the pumpjacks of Old Alberta, in an attempt to add oil-power to Gottesland's productivity. This effort is ongoing.
Official Religion: Hutterite Anabaptist Christian
Religious Information: The only official religion is of the Hutterite people. It's essentially the religion of the Amish, but with allowances made for farming and crafting technology. The Hutterites upheld the belief that the meek would inherit the Earth, and when the nuclear war happened, destroying much of the world's population, they believed this to be God fulfilling his promise. As such, the Hutterites uphold a strict policy of peace and pacifism, and forgiveness at all costs, in keeping with what they believe to be God's law.
Ethnic/cultural makeup: 79% German 14% British 5% First Nations & Metis 1% French 1% Chinese
History: When the bombs fell, the great cities of Canada were wiped off the face of the Earth. Nearly all of Canada's Anglo-Franco population was erased. This left the German Hutterite colonies of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba as Canada's largest demographic. Due to their colonies being far away from any urban development, they were entirely untouched by the bombs. With their large food production, policies of til-death marriage, no contraception, and now no competition from the rest of Canada, their population exploded! They established colonies all across the prairies of Canada, and even trading outposts as far as New Brunswick. The surviving Anglo-Canadians, now without a centralized government, or any societal structure, flocked to the Hutterites for food and shelter. Being largely non-Christian, and unable to speak German, they formed a segregated peasant class in the new society. Even after being integrated into Hutterite society, the majority of Anglos rejected the religious teachings of the Hutterites, and upheld more urban, pre-war values. This grew over the years, until a religion was founded around it. Anglos began worshiping the historical figures of Canada, as the gods of a lost era, with the British crown (Canada's official head-of-state) at the centre. Eventually, as tension began to form between the Hutterites and Anglos, the government decided to form designated 'tribal land', where the non-Germans could form their own communities. These became known as the Tribes of Albertasleut (Alberta's People). Over time, the surviving Native tribes of Canada gathered together, and merged with the Albertasleut, swelling the tribal population. As the governments of the Hutterite Colonies became more and more centralized, they decided to establish a proper Parliamentary government, who would manage the law of the land as a single entity. They dubbed this formalized nation 'Gottesland' (God's Land), and appointed Joseph Jager and Albrecht Schmidt as the nations first President and Prime Minister, respectively.
Culture: The official language of Gottesland isn't English. Instead, English is considered a commoner's tongue, used by the less devout, the less moral, and the less clean. The language of the holy and the pure is German, and this is the only language spoken in government. The one official organisation where English is used is the military. This is because only non-Hutterites and Hutterite non-Christians are allowed to serve as soldiers. Among Hutterites, clothing consists of white or plaid shirts and suspenders for the men, and plaid dresses for the women. Black is worn on Sundays, and in government. Hats are commonly worn, but the style changes depending on the colony. Among Albertasleut, clothing varies greatly. Many replicate the fashion of the Hutterites, while others wear more casual and modern outfits. Denim is a universal material among all workers, and has become so popular that non-Hutterite men often get married in Denim tuxedos. Non-Hutterite women are discouraged from dressing provocatively, or from wearing pants, but no law is in place to regulate this. It's simply up to the traditionalism of any given community. In some, it's even common to see public nudity.
Military Numbers: 20,760 20,000 English servicemen 230 German ministers 200 First Nations servicemen 100 French servicemen 230 Company Commanders
Military: The Gottesland military is populated exclusively by non-Germans, with the exception of unarmed ministers.
Soldiers operate in groupings of 102. 100 servicemen, 1 minister, and 1 commander. Within these companies are soldiers of various rank, but they all work together as a unit, and only the commander has the final say on any given decision. In the event that the commander becomes incapacitated, the minister steps in as the company's leader, until a new commander can be assigned.
The majority of the military consists of foot-mounted servicemen, armed with rifles and swords. The nation has a large horse population, but it is reserved for farm work unless during times of war. Still, a small portion of the military is trained in mounted combat, just in case.
Artillery is mostly limited to recommissioned cannons, which were left in working order along various Canadian forts as demonstrative set-pieces before the war.
The uniform of the military deviates from one company to another, but is generally green camo, coupled with a coloured beret. The most accomplished companies of Gottesland's military are known for wearing blue berets, inspiring a great many folk ballads about this quality.
During times of war, many soldiers are outfitted in heavy metallic armour, forged in the haphazard style of Ned Kelly.
Being a landlocked power, Gottesland has no navy, and technological limits don't allow for an air force. Every soldier is either an infantryman, a specialist, or an artillery operator.
Claims: The Republic of the Cascades currently holds de-jure claims upon Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. However, a majority of the British Columbian region remains uncolonized and thus, unowned.
Terrain: Nuclear and biochemical arms fell through the clouds and changed our nation, and our world, forever. Not only did these weapons kill countless of millions and destroy our homeland's former glory, but they brought untold and unfathomable damage to our mother earth. Luckily, unlike the wastes to the once metropolitan east, the great mountains of stone protected swaths of land from which Cascadia grew. Had it not been for the Cascade mountains the Republic would not exist. While the Pacific Northwest has retained many of her green forests and even fresh water, places such as Idaho and eastern Oregon paint a different picture. Even before the war eastern Oregon was largely deserts and plains, now even the plains have shrunk and the sand turned to glass in the hellfire. Turning large amounts of the region into what is now 'The Glass Sea'.
In addition to the major changes on the Republic's eastern border, 'Sasquatches' as they are called no longer live as a mere myth. Some call them 'Yetis' in the mountains, but closer to the sea-level these brown-furred half-men dwell where only devoted and professional hunters travel in the great wilderness of the Northwest.
Government Type: Much like the former United States, the Republic of the Cascades is established as a series of 'regions' with their own elected officials representing them in Portland. However, the United States was merely a federal republic. The 'regions' that form the Republic hold far fewer rights and autonomy as the states of America formerly held. Thus, laws are not designated per region, but are law throughout the entire nation. This does not mean democracy is not a precious thing to Cascadians though. In fact, the ideals of democracy still shine bright upon the Rockies. Presidents are elected in a much more direct system and Cascadia lacks any form of 'electoral college'. Instead, elections by popular vote reign supreme in both the Presidential and Senatorial elections.
The Senate of the Cascades is the primary and central authority of the Republic, second only to the President themselves. Within the Senate all 52 representatives from the 13 'regions' of Cascadia vote and decide the fate of our glorious nation.
Capital: The capital of the Republic has been a hotly debated issue since her founding shortly after the Great War. Originally the former politicians and military officials who came together to form the Republic founded the nation in Seattle, Washington. However in a referendum shortly thereafter Portland, Oregon was voted for as the capital. Thus the two cities have a bitter rivalry and ceaselessly bicker over who truly reigns supreme as the 'Home of Cascadia'. However, the Senate and residence of the President reside in Portland as of current.
Head of State: President Joanne Hochins, Cascadian Progressives Party (Social Democrats) Madame President Hochins currently serves her second term as President of Cascadia and continues to be hopeful for achieving a third and final term to continue solidifying the Progressives position as dominant party in Cascadia. Under the Hochins administration continued environmental protections have been put in place alongside the continued expansion of the coastal economic fund in the hopes of restoring Cascadia's position as dominant producer and supplier of canned fish and other aquatic products.
Other Important People(s): Vice President Eric Ovkar: Chairman and General Secretary of the Progressive Party alongside his position as second fiddle to President Hochins, Ovkar is believed to be the one of, if not the, primary mover in the Progressive Party. While Hochins leans towards the moderate or centre of the spectrum Ovkar appeals greatly to the more radical of the Party. However he has yet to gain the Far Left's interest.
Senator Nathaniel Birch: Head and Spokesman of the Cascadian Conservative Party. Birch has grown to become a major player in Cascadian politics and has served as opposition to the Progressives for over twenty years. Many of the rural and coastal constituencies of Oregon and Washington remain loyal 'Birchites' and his popularity continues to grow. Under Birch's stated platform, the rest of British Columbia would join Cascadia alongside a full military endeavor in bringing Idaho into the fold.
Field Marshal Richard Ortega: A Hispanic-Cascadian, Ortega holds the singular position as Field Marshal of the Cascadian Armed Forces. While not an expansionist Oretga has long viewed the pacifistic and 'free-willed' Progressives as a hindrance in the goals of the Cascadian Military. However, he remains loyal to his government and nation.
Population: While there is currently no completely accurate 'head count' of Cascadia's population. The general consensus states that the Republic of the Cascades currently holds a population sitting rather statically around seven million.
Attitude Towards Evols: The issue of Evols remains fiercly contested in the political landscape of Cascadia. The Progressives that dominate the Senate and Presidential seat currently hold a rather unpopular coexistence and rehabilitation position on Evols. Stating that Evols, despite the possible dangers, still have humanity and human qualities. Thus, establishing a space for Evols within Cascadia is key.
The Conservatives hold the position that Evols remain dangerous and inhuman. That they are simply animals removed of all humanity, and that it would be mercy to put the creatures to death or at least force them from our borders.
Economic System: The Republic has, since it's founding, held a interventionist stance upon economic matters. The economy should be free and the markets open. However, to keep fairness and prevent the inevitable creation of conglomerates, the state holds the chains of the economy and many nationalized industries exist.
Resources: Due to the lush environment of Cascadia, products such as timber and agricultural goods currently reign as the key trading good of the state. However with the Hochins administration Cascadia has seen a steady increase in coastal investment and thus small fisheries once again have begun to dot the shores.
While they exist, Cascadia has yet to master or truly invest in re-opening and operating the mines that once brought so many families from the east and to the Pacific's shores. However many Conservatives believe major investment and manpower should be put into bringing a legitimate form of industry to Cascadia's markets.
Currency: The Rocky Dollar. A paper-backed non-ore currency with bills ranging from $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and finally $100.
Technology: Cascadia, while far more orderly and stable than many of their stateless neighbors, remains unindustrialized and predominantly agricultural. Cascadians have indeed mastered massed agriculture in the form of horse-drawn plows and other such improvised equipment. This is predominantly due to the state funding of agriculture and organization of state-run major farms.
Militarily few pre-war vehicles such as jeeps or APCs exist in an operational state. As of current there are no operational tanks, rocket-propelled artillery, or combat aircraft in the armed forces or perhaps existence. However, small arms such as automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, and the like remain. Plus the Cascadian armed forces prides itself on holding horse-drawn artillery pieces.
Official Religion: Even before the war the Pacific Northwest had few major religious movements. Thus, the Republic holds no official religion or intolerance towards the religious. However, a large amount of Cascadians statistically hold atheistic or agnostic views. The religions that due exist worth mentioning are the always present Protestants and smaller Catholic groups. Plus the capital of Portland holds a minority of Orthodox Christians that have existed in the Oregonian state since before the war.
History: As previously mentioned. Shortly after the shattering of the former United States the surviving politicians and military officials residing in Washington and Oregon came together to prevent their states from falling into anarchy. In the first few years, known commonly as 'the troubled spring', a military tribunal controlled the major cities of Oregon and Washington. This tribunal of Cascadians ruled with an iron grip and used lethal punishments against all acts of banditry. Once peace had been restored to the cities and the rioting and looting ended, the tribunal turned their eyes towards the rest of the region and began a decade of restoration by fire. The settlements that did not immediately concede to Cascadia's new claim to power were put to the sword and many lives were lost to form the initial Republic.
After Oregon and Washington had been quelled of the post-war anarchy and a government was justly established. The tribunal stepped down and allowed referendums on the capital of the nation and the updating of the preexisting constitution of the Cascades. Thus, the Republic of the Cascades as we know it was established with the first elected President being Conservative and former General Cameron Plank. Under the shortly lived Plank administration plans were drawn up for a eventual exploration and 'restoration of order' to Idaho and Northern California. However upon Cascadian explorers finding the existence of a state calling itself 'Jefferson' plans of military expansion south were ceased, much to the embarrassment of Plank. The Plank Map however has remained as both a militarists dream and a general's ambition.
The last eight years have seen a oceanic mindset under the Hochins administration. Joanne Hochins came to power in a sudden surge of urban and even suburban support from the coastal regions in the name of the Progressives. This coastal support has come with a great reward, as Hochins set her entire administration thus far upon putting the Republic upon the ocean. Thus far no military naval armaments have been instated but fishing as both a sport and business has begun to soar over the last decade.
Culture: Cascadian culture is built upon the ideas of liberty with restraint. While all Cascadians have the right to speak, write, and believe as they wish, in the political realm only the major cities hold substantial power. Thus, Cascadians living outside of Portland, Seattle, Salem, and Olympia must band together to have any real say in how the nation is run, represented in the Senate or not. Aside from the minor authoritarian beliefs held within Cascadia, Cascadians hold a strong connection with the arts and the environment. Cultural works flourish in the urban centers of the republic and many of those seeking works in literature, art, and architecture need only venture to Portland or Seattle to find their niche in society.
Military Numbers: The armed forces of the Cascades has seen better days. Currently only seventy thousand men serve in the Mountain Guard. With ten thousand of those men serving as specialists.
Military Units: The Republic's main defense against outside invaders and bandits has, since the beginning, been the Mountain Guard. The Mounties are the backbone of Cascadia's defense, even if they are merely a predominantly conscripted force of fighters from across the Republic. Of the seventy thousand Mounties, ten thousand of them serve in the Cascadian Mounted branch or the Artillery wing. These specialized forces primarily serve on the border, bombing or chasing any bandits who dare raid the villages and other minor communities on the border or colonies of the Republic.
Claims: The Jefferson Federation claims the following former counties of Northern California: Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, and Yuba counties.
Terrain: Once the mushroom clouds dissipated, Northern California remained much the same as it looked before the war. As the dust and ash settled, three nuclear warheads had made landfall, detonating over their prescribed targets. Beale AFB, Sierra Army Depot, and the Bush Creek Wilderness areas were hit. The former military stations received heavy damage, irradiating the local area, while the third warhead caused widespread wildfires in the forests of Bush Creek. The scared land between Berry Creek and Merrimac still struggles to grow to this day, blackened and irradiated from the nuclear fallout. Winters on average are roughly 10 to 15 degrees colder, the same going with summers. Aside from the three damaged sites, little to no change has occurred in the region, excluding latent increased radiation levels.
Government Type: During the original chaos of the nuclear war and its ensuing conflict, the scattered military, federal, civilian, and municipal governments struggled to survive. They looked to whomever would provide support. As battered National Guard units, Reservists, and Active Duty military units tried to maintain the peace, massive riots, sectarian violence, and overall anarchy ensued. It wasn’t for another two years after the first bombs had hit that anyone was able to claim supremacy of this fractured region. It didn’t help that numerous survivalists and small time warlords wanted to be lords of the region, but finally, at least to a sustainable degree, the remnant military claimed command over the region. 48 years later, two civil wars, and a few hostile invasions of neighboring nations, a military dictatorship reigns strongest over the Jefferson Federation lands. Led by the Jefferson Party, these autocrats control the region in a typical authoritarian government, with all power in their hands, and their hands alone.
The government retains almost undisputed control over the Eureka to Ukiah coastal region, tenuous if not outright sectarian violence (little to no control of the Northern Coast/Klamath Mountain Ranges), stabilized, but flares of violence within the Redding to Lincoln Valley corridor, and finally, no recognized government control over the Sierra Nevada Mountain Ranges, inhabited by separatist scum and terrorists.
Capital: The Jefferson Federation bases its capital out of Eureka, CA. Untouched by the nuclear warheads, and the only deep harbor between San Francisco and Portland, Eureka offered premier place to set up operations and command. Conveniently located near the Coast Guard Air Station Humboldt Bay, McKinleyville California, the remnant military units; Active, Guard, and Reserve, seized control of the small city, and built it into the capital that it is today. With a population of roughly 65,000, it is the largest and most populous city of the Jefferson Federation.
Head of State: The Jefferson Federation is led by General Trevan R. Storus II. 34 years old, he leads the Jefferson Federation after the death of his father, General Trevan R. Storus I, at the age of 67. Power has transferred from father to son in a hereditary dictatorship, much like former North Korea. He may be young compared to some of his contemporary military advisors, but due to his father’s commanding personality, and sacrifices made to the people in power, has made the transition for the most part, smooth. Thanks in part to propaganda, and the state police forces, power for the time being, remains with the Jefferson Party, and its leader, General Trevan R. Storus II.
Other Important People: Colonel Aaron Bender – 31 years old, Vice-Commander of the Eureka Capital Guards Corps. Close friend to General Storus, he has served loyally to the Storus family and the Jefferson Party. Proponent of heavy armored units, he is currently working to gain funding and manpower to divert towards the revitalization and activation of the heavy armored vehicles project.
Rear Admiral Echevari – 36 years old, highest ranking military officer of the navy currently, as former Admiral Lawton died in a training accident, his ship sinking in the Eureka harbor. Friend to the Storus family, Rear Admiral Echevari currently serves aboard the JFSS Eureka (The former USS Missouri). The task of rebuilding the fledgling Jefferson Federation Navy, with all eyes upon the commander to provide sustainable, affordable, and attainable naval forces for the defense of the Jefferson Federation.
Major Bennet Maceedoe – 28 years old, Commander of the Sutter Buttes High Command Redoubt, military stronghold of the Jefferson Party. Currently runs counter-insurgency operations against rebels squatting in the ruins of Beale AFB, Linda, and Marysville CA. Known as being a superb hunter of traitors and rebels, he has been deployed to the Sutter Buttes Redoubt in order to quell a local uprising that local military police could not handle.
Population: With the stabilization of the Jefferson Federation’s borders, along with its relatively untouched farming lands and grazing pastures, the Jefferson Federation has roughly 365,000 citizens within its borders.
Attitude towards Evols: All Evols are to be avoided if possible, and if not, killed on sight. These abominations pollute the land they walk upon, the water they drink, and the air they breathe. The government studies them for weaknesses and if possible, their taming, but thus far, all research is conducted out of the Chico Hardened Military Complex. Thus far, no viable results other than a better understanding of Evol weaknesses have been discovered.
Economic System: The Jefferson Party owns all land and buildings. The Fascist government rewards those who are loyal, and punishes those who are not. They have reverted to a predominantly Pre-WW1 style of agriculture, fishing, and manufacturing. Supply lines connect the major cities that remain, along with military complexes. The economy is based typical economics of a fascist government.
Resources: With the downfall of the old Federal and State governments, a vast plethora of untapped resources were opened up to finally be tapped into for the benefit of the region. With the EPA gone, Federal regulation gone, and Liberal California Legislation gone, huge swathes of forests were finally able to be cut for lumber, massive mineral deposits, ranging from precious minerals like gold and silver, to the life blood of the Jefferson Federation’s navy, coal, to water resources that no longer had to be pumped to Southern California, which could be used for the massively revitalized agricultural boom of the Jefferson Federation.
In tangent with these inland resources, engineers and geologists are currently working towards rebuilding and rekindling the fledgling oil fields and petroleum reserves that are the new hot commodity of the ruined world. These oil fields burn bright in the night sky, pumping valuable and precious black gold to the military storage yards and facilities for refining and utilization for the war effort. These oil fields were built upon the oil reserves that were never allowed to be drilled due to regulation, built using machinery and technology closely resembling 1920’s American oil industries before truly modern technology came into the forefront.
Currency: With the downfall of the federal mint and reserve, the Jefferson Federation has created its own form of currency for financial transactions within its borders, backed in gold and silver, with the creation of the Black Iron Currency, a special purpose minted currency only made and traded within the Federation, and more correctly, the mint located in Live Oak.
Technology: The Jefferson Federation has retained a small number of its industrialized machinery and facilities, though they are heavily guarded and protected. Due to the lack of readily available spare parts, along with the scarcity of the industry itself, more often than not the country side and industrial backbone has begun to revert to a more early 1900’s era of construction and industrialization. The reliance upon coal for energy, alongside with natural gas and crude oil, have led to something from an old history book of the America’s during post WW1.
Official Religion: Freedom of Religion is still actively enforced within the confines of the Jefferson Federation, but radically different from what was common in the old days. The Jefferson Party enforces that no one religion can rule above any others. Furthermore, all religions pay taxes, and said religions also are kept from government rule and law making. Religious Information: N/A
History: The past history of the Jefferson Federation is brutal and short. The war started, lives were lost, and the military stepped in and took control, staving off complete destruction and downfall. The Jefferson Party rose from the ashes, their banners waving in the winds as they waged war against former fellow Americans and the mutants. Martial law declared, numerous rights suspended for the greater good, but for the survival of all. The Federation may be called a dictatorship, but they, and they alone have saved the people in this region, and given them hope for a brighter future.
Culture: The Jefferson Federation was closely modeled after past historical fascist governments. The look at themselves, for the one who whole heartedly believe the propaganda, the speeches, etc, as the last of the few true American, and the rest of the former United states as a collection of usurpers, terrorists, and cowards. Culturally speaking, the closest historical representation of the Jefferson Federation populace/culture would be late 1930’s Germany, with a large percentage of the population buying into the rhetoric and propaganda of the state.
Military Strength and Disposition Military Numbers: The Jefferson Federation owes its large military numbers to the reinstated draft and compulsory service of all citizens within its country. With a standing military of 40,000 active duty service members, broken up amongst the Army and Naval Forces (Including the Marine Corps and Coast Guard), and the ability to rapidly call up another 15,000 Reservist and National Guard members, the Jefferson Federation is able to maintain relative stable control over their territory from outside threats. Internal conflicts flare up from time to time, only to be brutally suppressed. The military is broken up into 500 Air Force members, 3,500 Navy members, and 36,000 Army members. The Reserves and National Guard units comprise roughly an equal distribution amongst the three main components of the Jefferson Federation’s military.
Military Units:
At first, during the first five years of the chaos, old world weapons were in abundance. Fully automatic rifles, machine guns, tanks, the whole nine yards. But, then something else became glaringly apparent, the weapons of the new world were never built to last. Politicians, weapon manufacturers, lobbyists, they all had worked to increase profits while decreasing reliability. The mass produced weapons of the U.S. Military began to degrade, breaking from over use, lack of spare parts, and so on. And the inventories of the once great armories, ranging from National Guard, Army, Marine, Navy, Air Force, even Coast Guard, began to be depleted, their stocks never being replaced. This was a cause of great concern for the original founders of the Jefferson Federation. As their M16’s, M4’s, SAW’s, M240B’s, and so on began to break down, unable to be replaced in sufficient numbers, the military looked to the old world for solutions.
They took notes from the chaos of the first two world wars, on what worked, and what did not. Simplicity and reliability became the rule of thumb, sought over the mass produced killing weapons of the 21st century. As the remaining weapons were brought into stockpiles, being looked over, poor condition weapons being scrapped for their spare parts, the military began to crank up the production of a newer weapon, one that was based on the tried and true fire arms of old. This is not to say some crack military units were not still equipped with their original automatic weapons, but they were few and far between, used only in the most dire of situations and for the Central Guards unit that guarded the Capital.
The main weapon of the armed forces is now the refurbished Mk-J7 Infantry Rifle. A simple bolt action rifle, based off of the designs from reverse engineered Russian Mosin Nagants, said to be in every Big 5 Sporting Goods store back before the downfall. Production was streamlined and simplified, one, because the loss of modern production technologies, and two, with the reliance upon pre-1920’s technology and manufacturing standards. This has become the standardized weapon of the Jefferson Federation, though a hodge podge of weapons still exists in some Reserve units.
The Army found that due to the lack of spare parts for many of its mechanized units, it was becoming severely hindered in its ability to fight its enemies in rapid deployments. With its remaining Humvees, Strikers, MRAPS, and other armored fighting vehicles being placed into inactive reserves, in part because of a lack of the huge fuel reserves of old, eyes began to shift to new alternatives. Numbering perhaps no more than a handful a vehicles per unit, the Army with the help of Eco-Friendly survivors of Northern California, converted what diesel vehicles they could get their hands on to Bio-Diesel, Vegetable Oil, or normal diesel, from the few Oil Fields that had been created after the nuclear war. These new oil fields, built upon untapped oil reserves from previously prohibited areas by the EPA, survived the nuclear war due in part to having nothing on them but trees and grass. Now, they resemble something from post WW1 oil fields, dirty, smelly, smokey, but producing vital black gold for the State.
Military vehicles range from older pickup trucks, SUV’s, and older sedans, most if not all from before 1995. Older engines in these vehicles were easier to maintain, repair, and rebuild. The 6.9 and 7.3 idi engines of Ford, the 6.2 Detroit Diesels of Chevy, the 5.9 Cummins of Dodge, and the 240/300 TD’s of Mercedes Benz became the gold standard, their maintaining and repair being taught to all citizens of the State, for all citizens would be needed to help the military should they need said help. Tanks all but disappeared, aside from the few relics from WW2, but even these rarely show face, aside from super heavy combat, only being allocated for the Capital, and the Sutter Buttes Redoubt. The Army has now reverted to a very WW1 style of combat, relying upon horses and the few vehicles they have to haul their equipment and personnel.
The Air Forces of the Jefferson Federation have suffered greatly in the 50 years since the downfall of the United States. Little to nothing remains of the once great U.S. Air Force. Currently, research and funding is being allocated to the building and testing of biplane aircraft for the use of reconnaissance and mail delivery. As of now, only three prototype airframes have been built, with flight testing yet to be conducted.
The Jefferson Federation has a fledgling navy built from remnant pieces of the former U.S. Navy and the Coast Guard. With no more than eight operable and seaworthy naval vessels, the Navy patrols the waters about Eureka, Jefferson, and the coastlines of the State. They venture perhaps no more than 300 hundred miles tops from their home port and reliably supply of fuel, though such long journeys are rare, and few and far between. The navy has converted all of its ships, aside from the two submarines that sit in dry dock, to steam boilers, reverse engineered from both the former Hornet and Missouri, both of which had old, pre-WW2 steam boilers already installed in them when both were built almost 100 years ago.
The fancy weaponry of modern ships was dumped and scrapped, the metal used to keep the hulls patched and sealed from the elements. The ships tend to berth at their home port more often than not, as no sea borne enemies have arisen in many years.
Full lists of naval ships is as follows. Note that not all of these ships are in active service. Some are laid up as reserve fleet to be used as spare parts or for a time when needed, others being used for power generation, and others in active service:
Aircraft Carriers (CV’s): USS John F. Kennedy - Barracks, manufacturing, farming platform, no longer sea worthy
Cruisers (CA’s): USS Antietam – Scrapped, used for spare parts USS Chancellorsville – Active fleet use, patrol duties along Jefferson coastline. USS Chosin – Scrapped, used for spare parts
Destroyers (DD’s): USS Mustin – Active fleet use, patrols Jefferson Coastline. USS McCampbell – Active fleet use, patrols Jefferson Coastline. USS Barry – Scrapped, used for spare parts USS Lassen – Scrapped, used for spare parts
Submarines (SS’s): USS Pampanito – Laid up in dry dock, currently undergoing full overhaul USS Bowfin – Laid up in dry dock, currently undergoing full overhaul
Auxillary Ships (AA’s): SS Red Oak Victory – Active cargo and supply hauling fleet. SS Green Mountain – Reserve fleet, laid up in Eureka Bay. SS Cape Fear – Reserve fleet, laid up in Eureka Bay. USS Potomac – Coast Guard patrol vessel, Eureka bay area. USS Tacoma - Coast Guard patrol vessel, Eureka bay area.
Military Bases under Jefferson Federation control Beale AFB – Marysville California (Currently controled by separatist forces) Coast Guard Air Station Humboldt Bay – McKinleyville California Titan 1 Nuclear Missile Silo (Decommissioned, 1965) – Sutter Buttes, Sutter California Titan 1 Nuclear Missile Silo (Decommissioned, 1965) – Chico, California Titan 1 Nuclear Missile Silo (Decommissioned, 1965) – Lincoln, California
Targets hit by 2,000 Nuclear Missile Warhead Scenario Lassen County – Herlong, Sierra Army Depot Butte County – Bush Creek area Yuba County – Beale AFB
Terrain: Republic of California territory is broken into two areas the northern and southern half containing a large mixture of terrain and geographical features all across the Area. large and small cities through out the territory are mostly destroyed or abandoned in favor of scattered settlements around forts located throughout the outlaying territory.Grimm and Evos still live in the territory but are kept away from human settlements by the Military and avoid destroyed metropolis. Natural and man made rivers and lake are scattered through out the territory and heavily guarded or watched, well the coast is sparsely populated with small fisherman settlements.
The northern half contains San Joaquin valley which contains a large area of usable farmland that is not irradiated, but also swathes of farmland that has been reduced to miniature contaminated wastelands from poisoning and radiation. Containing the snow capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada's with a mixture of rolling hills and high peaks and large forest of giant sequoia trees that have slowly expanded with no human involvement.With coastal range of rolling hills pockmarked with valleys and pockets of farmland and forest of redwood trees. This Area receives cooler temperatures and more rain from the climate change of the collapse.
The Southern half the R.O.C contains the Mojave and Colorado desert which have become inhabitable by most humans due to the temperature rise as a side effect, Edwards Air force base and a handful of settlements exist within the desert well fortresses of stone and scrap or abandoned police stations along the border for security. The large Urban sprawl along the south west coast, from Santa Monica to San Diego are largely destroyed and irradiated and surrounded by a large continuous wall containing a large numbers of grim and ferals within the area well fortresses are spread along the Wall. Multiple small forts and settlements pockmark the mountainous terrain within the southern half of the R.O.C.
Government Type: Republic of California modeled their government after the original government that controlled California before the collapse. Broken up into three branches Executive, legislative,and judicial. The Capital Contains all government headquarters and State Assembly. Militarism is always constant with in the R.O.C regarding government decisions due to a constant state of war fighting raider,feral mutants, and Grimm.
Capital: New Sacramento
Head of State: Governor Maison, Preston
Other Important People: -Lieutenant Governor Richard, Johnson -Attorney General Louis, Gonzalez -R.O.C Military Department Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Zack, Pierson Colonel Shen Howe (184th Infantry"Grizzly" Regiment) Colonel Michael, Matthews (1st Ranger Battalion)
Population: 4.3 Million
Attitude Towards Evols: Neutral, but unable to run for political offices Economic System: Economic interventionism
Resources: Republic of California's has a large amount of water that is naturally produced due to the drop of citizens due to collapse. They have massive amounts of Acres dedicated to Agriculture and Dairy's. Mines withdrawal Gold and coal they drawl from the earth and limited oil from small reserves.
Currency: Republic Dollar- Each bill is backed by gold within the reserve.
Technology: They are slowly advancing in their technology after recovering from the Collapse using simple technology such as Steam engine trains and telegraphs. constructed primarily of tents and sandbags or building off of ruins. They rely heavily on wind using windmills at farms, they have multiple wind turbine farms that are slowly falling to states disrepair due no new part the know how to repair them. From energy provided be the wind turbine farms it barely provide enough energy to power lights within the capital and power the telegraph network.Horses already abundant are used along with wagons for transport.
Official Religion: The Republic of California believes in the right of free relgion as long as it dose not promote violence. Religious Information:Believers of religions all around the world can be found within the ROC as their the belief of freedom of religion is in their constitution.
History: Rising from the ashes of the collapse Californians we thrown into a shock as they tried to adjust to the new environment which was a slow process as they had to relearn how to do things in times of old and survive in these new times with shortages of food or death by new predators. Farmers prospered as they feeding the hungry well small populaces settled around the farms as cities became hunting grounds for bandits and Grimm. Militias were formed at first to defend these new found settlements using makeshift weapons and few fire arms and it ended in disaster. They pleaded with the self proclaimed government the Republic of California for aid. Shocking citizens as soldiers in the California national guard rode in on horseback under the new republic of California flags shocked them. The Combat with bandits was fast furious and bloody as local bandits were rapidly dealt with,but results were clear as they had killed or chased off the bandits. Build up of Grimm was a constant Issue the first large scale engagement with them was planned at the former city of Fresno, a call was sent to militia's to help in and serve as a reserve. The 1st Infantry"Grizzly" Regiment with supported by Calvary scouts and artillery and even a few evos in their ranks and militias standing by watching. After hours of combat and casualties they won the day as they already prepared to march into the city and clear it out.
Becoming know for the victories and the new capital of California that was created from the ruins of Fresno named new Sacramento people flocked to the chance of hope and defense if they joined paying taxes producing revenue to gather more troops. spending the last five decades growing in rapid expansion they declared the south west coast as irradiated and inhabitable and erected a huge wall and forts to defend it from feral s and Grimm from breaking loose after multiple losses within the cities. Expanding to the former us Mexico border and into the desert were food was scare supplies and water from the San Joaquin valley were a god send as the ROC Grew and absorbed more settlements.
Culture: Cultural diversity was all over the California before the collapse and remained after and as more unified the peoples of the Republic of California. Militarism is rife in the populous as they are constantly fighting new enemy at their borders or fighting through ruins of former cities. They usually are calm and collected and professional at all times from military veterans and wounded veteran are always flowing into the populace guiding them and teaching the next generation.
Military Numbers: 104,000 Professional 20,000 Militia/Reservist Military Units: Built from the former California National guard and reservist in the San Joaquin valley they kept the modern uniforms and organization.Supplied from national guard armories and what they could scavenge from national guard armories and bases for what ever they could building their ranks and filling their supplies.After fifty years of war with bandits and Grimm artillery munitions are all exhausted and replaced with old cannons,grenades and explosive are low and rarely used.They only have a four armored Humvee's armed with M2 browning or M240 machine guns that guard the capital. The common rifle among the ROC is the home brewed M1 Republic California bolt action rifle based on the M1903 Springfield rifle Troops
Guardsmen-The standard light infantry of republic of California modeled after the U.S. Army infantry they are equipped with M1 RC rifles. Replacing Kevlar being lost over time and no way to replace it they have only field caps or a few have located the WW2 era steel pot helmet,their plate carrier lost with time they replaced it with a steel plate attached on their webbing.
Calvary Scout-The Cavalry Scout is a reconnaissance specialist in the ROC Army. Cavalry Scouts work to obtain, distribute, and share vital combat and battlefield information. Using horses to move faster than infantry and outflank enemy. They usually wear the normal uniform and a field cap and webbing armed with a Cut down M1 RC Rifle or hunting rifle
Designated Marksmen- They reach out farther then the infantry utilizing the M-14 or civilian hunting rifles with a simple hunting scope they can engage farther out. The wear the same gear as infantry. The Interior guard- Consist of the last remnants of modern equipment they only have a platoon worth of soldiers that guard the capital with optics and grenades they contain the four Humvee's that work.They are not allowed to leave the capital except to send a couple to escort the governor.
Reservist- They are Armed with shotguns, hunting rifle, antiques,and pistols and uniforms raided from the surplus stores and have mismatched uniforms they are militia units that can be mobilized for policing actions or support in military operations.
Rangers- These are former law enforcement and are used to patrol the border and the wall they are equipped with the standard uniform and pistols,shotguns ,and hunting rifles. they have a small fleet or police vehicles to assist in their duties but they are few and far between.