Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saint Girralo

Saint Girralo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@thewizardguy@dirty slime

Roy was startled by the newcomer's appearance and audacity to interrupt this one on one fight. He was even more startled at the woman's capabilities, as she made the stone wall ripple and part. Her taunts had irritated him, but he forced himself to calm down and react to the new threat to Foxtrot. As the newcomer attempted to leave, Roy dropped the rifle and clapped his hands together and touched the ground behind her. The iron and carbon in the ground fused together and worked its way around the woman's ankles to temporarily bind her in place.

"No, you had the nerve to interrupt. You're a part of this fight now. It's a fair fight now!" Roy taunted, as he chuckled as he climbed back to his feet.

He clapped his hands together and touched the ground beneath him and as his stood up, the Iron and Carbon fused together in the form of a steel sword, which he wielded with his right hand. He snapped his fingers on his left hand and launched a fireball at the newcomer, before turning toward the Mage-Knight. He could fear the aura being thrown off by the Knight, but his bravery, though it could be mistaken for stupidity, was greater. His morale far from broken, he snapped his fingers and launched a fireball at the Knight though he knew it would do nothing or very little but irritate him.

"Come on, are you that slow?" Roy coughed.

He knew that he didn't know how to use a sword effectively, but it would at least give the Knight the feeling that this was to be an honourable battle.

"Come on, face me, both of you!" The lieutenant hollered at them, clapping his hands together and alchemically closing the opening the newcomer made in the wall. He knew for a fact if this worked, he was going to die, but hopefully he would take some of these creatures with him. "You imply my men would have stood a chance against your small group of mages, without the support of their own similarly capable team is aggravating. I have confidence in them, but not that much, not knowing what I've heard about your group. And you! I don't know what you are! But if you want to harm my men, you'll have to fight me first."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexandria Skye

Alexandria knew something was up when Roy didn't contact her back. Her and her squad have finally gotten into position, only to find out that her allied forces were all but decimated in the assault. She looked through her scope and found Roy fighting not one, but two unique individuals, one clad in knight armor @dirty slime, the other a strange girl @thewizardguy who looks ill equipped for combat, but Alexandria knew not to judge her enemies based on appearance alone. Roy seemed to be the only thing standing between the enemy and the drop ships, and if they were destroyed it could put the Alliance at a considerable disadvantage, being unable to bring in more troops.

Alexandria ordered her sniper teams to prepare to fire at a moments notice. "Sniper teams, prepare to shoot at the woman and give Roy covering fire, but wait till I give the first shot. As for the rest of you, make yourself scarce and guard the relay, but do NOT open fire until fired upon." Her cloaking device on and her anti-sound field on to avoid the sound of her pulse rifle giving away her position, she has her suit inject muscle stimulants into her hands and arms to prevent shaking, ready's her aim at the woman's head, takes a deep breath, then pulls the trigger, hoping her shot found its mark.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Suddenly, an alarm went off. Somerhing powerful had gotten to close to the dropship. Just what were they doing there! The best scan showed that Roy was there. He'd know just what was going on. Didn't help that the dropship didn't have an exterior live feed.

Moving back over to the other screen, she would open a third communications line up to roy. He would hear three beeps, just like the others.

"Hey! What's going on out there! The readings are showing a powerful spike right by you! Tell... hold on a second?"

Suddenly, a larger power spike would show. Something else had arrived. But just what was it? Kokonoe slammed her fist down on her desk. She would need to talk to leia about getting better feeds. The current feed just wasn't working.

"Roy, I'm getting another one. Tell me what's going on. And make sure you don't die out there! You die, and I bring you back so I can kill you myself."

@Saint Girralo
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Richard smiled as he watched her go. "Eager beaver. Woman after my own heart. Now, let get back to the part-"

"Sir Richard!!!" His coms suddenly blared, and exasperated young voice he recognized calling out to him. Richard Considered answering, but then decided on a more fun course of action. He opened the cockpit back up and lay there in silence. "Sir Richard, please respond!" the voice continued, desperation creeping in despite all attempts to hold it back. He could hear the rhythmic thumps of giant feet pounding on the sand. "If you can't respond that flip your communicator off...twice..."

He heard the footfalls, three sets of them, slow down. Very close now. They'd seen his machine. "Oh no." said the voice on the radio. "What happened here? Do you think he's...ya'know, de-"

"SURPRISE BOYS!" Richard shouted, popping out of the cockpit like a prairie dog. To his deep satisfaction he heard a strangled scream come over the coms, followed by an world weary sigh.

The two machine the stood in front of him were big, so much so that Richards own would have to be stacked three high just to see eye to eye with them. They were green, their faces like gas masks behind which a single pink "eye" swiveled back and forth. On their hips they wore axes, and in their hands were heavy machine guns of a caliber Richard only wished he could handle. As he understood it, this was a pair of bonafide museum pieces from their world and time.


Generally speaking there are many different types of people that make up the strength of an army. Near the top you have you special forces, elite units capable of performing tasks impossible for the rest of your army. There are your grunts, the guy's you throw into the meat grinder to take and hold areas. Supply specialists, intelligence, analysts, engineers, all have their place. But in this war that has caused so much upheaval and involved so many different places and peoples there is an uncommon abundance of a rather rare type. Quite possibly the most dangerous type of person you can have in your army: the enthusiastic amateur.

Thrill killers. Vigilantes. Avengers. Millitiamen. Criminals. Wandering warriors.

War reenactors.

One Year War reenactors.

It had not been long after Richard had first made Executive, far before he was unceremoniously demoted for resource guzzling projects such as ordering the construction of "some kind of star kraken" or trying to drown a rebellious world in hornets, that he had been assigned one such group of amateurs. They had been found on a routine scout patrol, drifting in space. 12 Zaku-II's. Their story was as confused as they were. They claimed to have been in the middle of a reenactment when a strange multicolored light had flooded over the "battlefield." They saw many of their fellows dissolved into sand by the light. They'd done what men can only do when faced with something of that magnitude: huddled together and prayed for a miracle. Someone must have been listening, because when they woke up a ship they'd never seen before was ordering them to drop their prop weapons.

The lot of them were forcefully conscripted and shuffled around from posting to posting. They were super eager to have a shot at real warfare, the only problem was they weren't every good at it. When put in robots that were actually worth a damn they were clumsy. They shot their own people, ran far past objectives, destroyed vital installations. It eventually became a bit of a sick joke among the higher ups. Executives would have them transferred under Executives that they hated, who would transfer the boys again to whom ever caught their ire. That is, until they landed in Richards lap.

The boys took an almost immediate shine to Richard. They had been raised by old school Zeon loyalists. They had space flowing in their veins. If they'd driven trucks the stickers on their bumpers would have proudly declared that "The Sides shall rise again." They'd grown up on stories of the Red Comet, of their grandfathers fighting a glorious war for freedom against Johnny Federation, and of the man that lead Zeon in its time of greatest need; Gihren Zabi.

Richard reminded them very much of what they'd heard of old Gihren, and this sort of leader caused them to coalesce and follow orders properly. This was helped by the fact that Richard put them back in the robots they'd trained in, paying out of pocket to have them upgraded to proper fighting condition. Perhaps he saw a dozen young men in basically the same situation he was, men with unfortunately weak machines that were all they knew, and it warmed the cockles of his black heart.

On the other hand, maybe he wanted to keep them alive because he liked saying their names. One can never know. Either way they became fast friends, trusted colleagues, and in a month a troop of poorly trained war reenactors were transformed into a group of hardened warriors under Richards careful supervision and guidance.

A month after that he contacted another executive to see if she would be willing to trade some antimatter for "like a trillion dead hornets", prompting the audit that got him sacked.


"Where's your date?" The screamer said. "Did you beat her?"

"Lets just say we made plans for next week, Ovid Jheek." Richard said, relishing the chance to speak that name aloud. He loved every name he'd ever heard from that universe. He laid back down, closed up the cockpit, and righted himself. "Where's everybody else?"

"We were the only ones that could break away." Ovid replied. "It's pretty heavy over there, Sir Richard."

"I sent that distress call across all channels, not just you jokers." Richard said.

"Well, you see, I mean yeah everyone heard it but, uh..." Ovid started uncomfortably, before the other one interrupted him.

"You're an asshole." He said without inflection, as though stating fact. "So everyone but our squad was hoping you'd die. Morale shot up when you called for help."

For a few seconds there was nothing to be heard but the distant explosions. Then, Richard started laughing. "MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. How sweet! How rich!" The man, Grand Handsom, would certainly be the one to know. Richard was pretty sure that he had psychic powers or something. He kept laughing as he made his way over to where Darquesse had thrown his sniper rifle. He checked the scope as he turned back to the pair. "I need to do a survey, boy. Which one of you strapping young lads wants to give me a boost?"

A moment later he was standing between the Zaku's on their interlocked arms. With a count of "one...two...three!" the UC mechs catapulted Richards high into the air. He boosted upward to add a little more airtime, then bough the rifle up to to see which areas needed trouble stirring up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab Post between Letter Bee and SgtEasy))

Naoki Kashima, the Demi-Fiend, now 23, had to make the hard decisions. Said hard decisions were to hand over secrets that messed with the Gods' domain to a morally dubious force that sold its services to the highest bidder. Nevertheless, as the young man, clad in a large hoodie and jeans, walked up to the local headquarters of the Lyra Corporation, he knew that to stop the Reign of Chaos, this had to be done.

Jannilius was, for the most part, unimpressed by their newest client. A normal looking human, coming into the Corporation HQ and presenting a deal. For hundreds of divisions of soldiers, tanks and dedicated VoidFighter pilots. What a man that looked like him could possess that tempted Lyra enough to even consider the offer had to be some sort of magic. He waited patiently in front of the building, hooves clicking on the hard pavement, waiting with two other Dorn. When he saw Naoki, he greeted the young man with a courteous bow of the head, one hand clutching his sword with a gesture of respect. Not that he actually respected the fool yet, it was just good manners to do so. As he led him into the building, he asked "So, Mr. Kashima, was it? I am Jannilius Zephry the Third and I heard from my leader, Lyra who I have no doubt you have spoken to, that you intend to hire some of our mercenaries?"

A curt nod.

"I do," spoke Naoki, "my faction in the Multiverse War, the Mon Alliance, is concerned about the war between the Reign of Chaos and the Resistance, and wishes to protect itself." He then took out a globe-shaped holographic projector, which sent out the image of an 18-year old boy, with brown hair, purple eyes, and a purple T-Shirt. Said image then spoke:

"My name is Osamu Akiyama, Osamu the Second, Scientist and Mage. And I believe that the Lyra Corporation would appreciate one of the inventions we hold, two inventions, in fact."

"The first is a technomagical device that can contain a sapient soul of average strength," the hologram then took out a device of its own, a cube of indigo glass panes that contained what was undoubtedly a sapient being's essence. "The second...is the secret of combining the contained soul with an artificial body, a magical rite that works only if one knows where the soul is, and nothing is keeping it away."

Jannilius' tentacles moved in curiosity as he listened to the recording. The Corporation could certainly relate to such a thing, Lyra is already pressed to keep the society of The People away from the prying eyes of the Reign of Chaos. He dismissed the thought of the Reign of Chaos thinking that this would be a declaration of war if they accepted the deal. They would understand, it was business. If they really needed to even the odds, just become the highest bidder. Simple as that. As the man floated away, he weighed his options. The former seems to be an okay deal but the latter... That would insure immortality. Something that he couldn't ignore. Waiting for a few tense moments to pass, he spoke again. "[color]I have considered my options and I have chosen the latter, assuming that such a device would ensure eternal life? If so, how many of my people do you intend to use to protect your borders?[/color]"

Naoki stared at him darkly, as though he himself didn't appreciate Osamu Akiyama's words. Finally, he voiced:

"It does ensure Eternal Life as long as nothing bad happens to the soul. And, we require an entire Armada; 3 Dreadnoughts, 3 Carriers, 10 Heavy Cruisers, 20 Light Cruisers, 28 Frigates, 30 Covrettes, and 1 Million Ground Troops - A Combined-Arms force; no Penal Battalions."

Jannilius noted the dark look but dismissed it as a subordinate being grumpy about his leader's decision. "I am afraid our ship classes are much more different than yours. We have Patrol, Light and Heavy Frigates, Cruisers and Dreadnoughts. We have several different VoidFighters of course and hundreds if not thousands of AI controlled fighters."

"Very well, then, we'll take 6 Dreadnoughts, 7 Cruisers, 20 Heavy Frigates, 30 Light Frigates, and 40 Patrols. AI controlled fighters would serve us nicely." What Jannilus didn't know was that the dark look was a leader being grumpy about a trusted subordinate's ploy. "Hmm..." spoke Naoki, "Osamu has also expressed interest in having the Command Dreadnought be white and yellow," the colors of Arceus. "Can that be secured?"

"Well, that can arranged. When will you need this armada and army?

"As soon as the current battle between the Resistance and Reign is over; right now, they are too distracted to turn an eye towards 'regionalists'," Naoki clearly didn't want to stay here longer than necessary.

"Aye, those bastards are too ignorant of us bottom feeders. I shall send the armada and the transport fleet towards your coordinates. You may use them as you please but I shall be leading them so you would have to go through me for any decisions or orders."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Divinity
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Eldritch IV, Edge of the Battlefield

Several meters beyond the brown haired scholar, the tell-tale signs of war sung like a choir to the heavens. A clangor of heroic voices -from both sides- crescendo'd in patriotic ire and duty, made manifest as multi-colored laser beams, great constructs of magic, and the vicious bite of adamantine and steel. Flashes of energy popped in and out of existence like sub-atomic particles, and the light of it all reflected off of Corban's strangely ice-like crimson iris' with an almost unnatural glint. However, The esteemed Guardian and Earth Mage wore no colors or badges. No insignia or uniform. He was garbed in the likes of his own raiments, which just so happened to be a glorious black robe, embedded with an interwoven diamond lattice that made it twinkle like the stars in space, and ran across the form like circuit-lines on a motherboard.

He wore no visible sheathe for gun nor holster. The mage would find no gain in the splendors of war and bloodshed. He has had, in his time, more than enough shares of both, and he was a guardian only in title and profession these days. The creeds and dogma's belonging to the group of knightly protectors were left back on his mantle in Ayenee. Now there was only ambivalent research. If Corban had anything to do with it, the universe would be ordered and memorized atom by atom.

"Our trajectory must have been off. This place is as esoteric as the fabled 'girl's locker room'!"


Rang Ishtalle's lucid voice as she manifested next to the Guardian. She appeared quite tall, slender frame standing nearly as tall as her 5'11 master. And the term master is used incredibly loosely. The title often was as interchangeable as Corban's gender. And that meant a lot, considering his knack for cross-dressing.

"Well, I had all the components there. My math must have been just a teeny bit off. Oh poo."

<Well, we're here. And here seems like the perfect place for a Guardian to be. It appears to be some kind of multiversal intersection. Let's get a lay of the land>

Land? That was something the earth mage could do! An innate and intrinsic connection to the earth manifested itself as a faint vibration that emanated outward for several meters from him, where it quite rudely interfered with another vibration. A low thrum of power that was instinctually familiar to Corban through muscle memory. Electricity. Or more accurately.... Charged gas? He scanned the area with a scrutinous gaze that pierced the light show in the distance with his arcane sight, and through Ishtalle, he saw the innate flow of things. That's when he spotted the machine charging its cannon. A flash of surprise crossed the Guardian's countenance. Surprise? No, that wasn't the right word. Intrigue was far better here.

He had travelled many universes through the Well, the veritable back door to the multiverse, and seen many things. Living robots among some of the first to make his acquaintance, a being like X would regularly not posit such a response from Corban. But each universe was like an iceberg floating on a sea of stuffspace, and like an iceberg, each had a unique shape and structure, laws of physics and events. While regularly able to immediately decipher the components of techno-magical materials just on cursory glances, this little bots was like a puzzle. All of the pieces were there... But he couldn't quite see how they would fit together. A black box! And like the mad scientist that Corban so emulates at times, he'd figure out how it worked if it killed him. Speaking of which....

"Why not now?" Corban asked as he crept up from his flank, stopping several meters from him. Ishtalle acted as a perfect metameterial with which to cloak his and her presence, and a zone of silence may have done a bit more to facilitate the cover in which he freely walked. Ishtalle stood beside him, endowed in a diamond-lace dress with a flower in her hair.

<Evolutionary protocol activated. Supplementary data and cryptanalysis protocol activated. Don't screw this up, Corban.>

He nor her elicited any distinction of thought physically as she spoke to him through their telepathic link. Corban's milky-crimson orbs just watched for X's response with a sense of reserved stoicism.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Coillab post between Letter Bee and Guest RPer))

"They're still alive?" He'd thought, in the lead up to his death, that if his soul was ever freed from the Seal than it would have to be hundreds of years in the future. He wasn't even going to commennt on psychic powers, or how he was alive again, or anything. At least not until he'd met them again. That was the important thing. "I'd like that. To see them again."

He looked out the window. The sun was rising.

"We'll take you to them, then," spoke Osamu Akiyama. "Mewtwo," the Pokemon was still in his human disguise, "can you go back to your original form?"

A nod, and Mewtwo shed his human illusion, reverting to his true body.

"Let me guess," spoke the Pokemon, "Aigis first? And no, I felt no need to read your mind."

"Yes," spoke Osamu Akiyama, "take us outside of her house, then remove the time stop around Tokyo Tower. Don't resume your human form yet; showing Aigis your true body will help add credence to our story."

A nod, and Mewtwo teleported the party, including Hikari and Takeru, to outside where Aigis was staying.

The robot was seemingly deep in thought, as if planning or considering something. However she noticed the party immediately once they appeared next to him.

"Palladion" Aegis said, summoning a blue armor that resembled a woman. Both of them looked at the group with suspicion. "Tell me your names and your intentions. Do not make any sudden moves."

Osamu raised his hands.

"Osamu Akiyama, Osamu the Second. I come in peace, believe it or not. Oh, and I've just found a way to repel a certain Eldritch Horror -"

"You mean we did," interrupted Takeru Takaishi, "name is Takeru Takaishi, by the way, now to let Osamu continue..."

"We've just found a way to repel a certain Eldritch Horror and, then, after that, ressurect a certain friend of yours," Osamu continued with pride. "Minato, please step up."

Minato took a few steps forward, revealing his presence to Aegis.

"Long time, no see, Aegis," He spoke in his typically calm manner. Aegis was seemingly stumped.

"Speech pattern matches, stance matches, mannerism matches ,facial features match..." The robot analyzed the young man before him. "Physical age doesn't match. I don't know who you are, but if Minato-san was still alive, he should be 23 years old. You are only 18. No human can age only one year in five years."

Minato sighed, "I was dead. These guys resurrected me and aged me by one year. They came here to request your assistance in exchange for helping us."

"You speak the truth." Aegis notified, but she was obviously confused. "However, you must be delusional. There is no known method of bringing the dead back to life."

"The thing is..." Minato tried before grunting in frustration, turning to Osamu. "You tell her."

"I and my party - minus Minato - come from different Universes," Osamu then gestured to Mewtwo. "In said different universes, different powers exist, some capable of countering Nyx, others capable of bringing the dead back to life...with preconditions. Minato fit those preconditions because I knew where his soul was." The brown-haired boy looked at Aigis. "That said, though, it took time and research before I managed to devise and master the Breath of Life - that's what the ritual is called."

"Anyway, Nyx is kept at bay and Minato Arisato, The Hero, is alive again. So can we get in the business of meeting with the rest of your friends?" The 18-year old boy then thought of something. "Elizibeth...she must have an inkling that Minato's back."

Minato looked at Osamu.

"How?" He asked, "She could be just about anywhere?"

"Well," Osamu patted Mewtwo's shoulder, "my friend Mewtwo has many talents. Here's hoping that Liz wouldn't be adverse to being teleported around." A nod from him, and the Pokemon began to concentrate, and a few moments later, Liz was in the middle of the room, teleported via the Pokemon's psychic power.

"Anyway," the 18-year old said to Aigis, "you've accepted that this really is Minato Arisato, then?"

"I guess." Aigis replied. "If you are all telling the truth, it must be so. A mass hysteria is very unlikely."

Elizabeth, though a bit confused, didn't seem really that shocked over the fact that she had just jumped in to a place full of strangers... and two old friends... sorta.

"I don't think you have summoned me here to fight you." She said smiling. "Because if you have, I'll make you wish you wever never born. Hi, Minato"

"Hi", Minato replied as if meeting someone he sees everyday.

"That's your answer? Hi?" Aigis questioned Elizabeth's casual reaction, "He has been dead for five years and all you can say is hi?"

"Yes." Elizabeth replied, causing Aegis to sigh.

"If she says Minato is Minato, who am I to disagree. Even if she could have been more emotional about it."

Elizabeth didn't care about Aigis' comment, but turned towards Osamu. "I suppose you are the leader of there folks."

"Yeah," spoke the 18-year old, "and, well, I ressurected Minato for reasons other than a desire to give a hero his due, but I can eleaborate on those reasons later, once we've met up with the survivng members of SEES." A smile.

"Anyway, teleporting to Akihiko Sanada's residence in a few moments!"

((To be continued))

((@Gentlemanvaultboy, please tell me if the Persona 3 characters are out of character.))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Saint Girralo @thewizardguy

His glorious charge once again ruined by the Earth rebelling against him, the Mage-Knight was starting to really hate Earth mages now... Knowing that it wasn't from one of the twins since that meek little babe didn't have it in his too pure heart heart to pull off such a brazen, disgraceful act nor have the audacity to do so, especially when the Knight made it obvious that it was to be an honorable duel; the metal monster quickly gets back up on his feet and the moment he sees a woman literally oozing with mana and dark energies, even someone as simple-minded as he was quick to put two and two together and subsequently marched towards her as he went on a tirade using a lot of none-too noble words.

"What and who in the name of the Sankt Kaiser's armored thong are you, abomination?! Some illiterate witch who fellated an extradimensional alien for ultimate power that one of the Executives found on squatting some stinking backwater?!"

Being completely ignored by the mad magician only made the Knight's pace quicken, intent on smashing his armored fist into the her face; damn the chewing out he'll get from the captain and whatever vile sorcery she'll unleash in retaliation. But as he approaches her and his opponent, he manages to hear the magician say something that turned nearly all of his indignant anger into cold, unrelenting contempt before coming to the rather obvious conclusion that she was a total psychopath; the kind that his comrades usually make examples out of after really bad days... And this day has been a very, very shitty one indeed... However, orders are orders and work must come before pleasure. as she walked past the Knight, he whispers a very unsubtle threat at her.

"Prepare for us..."

And then his entire foreboding badass persona he was attempting on the magician goes out the window when Roy's fireball explodes on his face, causing him to stagger back out of shock and surprise before he mutters a curse and makes an inhumanly quick but rather clumsy lunging thrust towards the Alchemist officer, a fierce attack done out of impulsive anger; the kind a professional wouldn't utilize even in the most advantageous situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 41 min ago


Taking Roy's order, Light helped escourt the bulk of the forces through the field of battle through the huge path of destruction that Doomguy had caused. Thankfully this only included knocking away a few missiles blowing away a few forces, while the Foxtrot legion was doing a decent job picking off the little guys. She glanced at Roy from time to time, noting how Roy sealed himself and the large group of enemies away in a stone tomb. Light herself wasn't too worried about Roy, because she was well aware of what MC could do with her magic. Though someone new dropping in worried her, especially considering how they opened up Roy's rock cage and looked at Light and the troops.

"Hm... is Roy dead already?" Light said to herself. Approaching the last known location of Doomguy, Light commanded the forces to go through the hole in the steel wall he made, the forces beginning to flood the courtyard of the base. She also commanded a few troops to look for Doomguy's body or corpse in the area and to report back when they found her. Pulling out her portable hole, Light hopped in it, appearing around the location of the newcomer mage lady. Apparently Roy was still fighting the knight and his entourage, so Light turned her attention to the women in front of her. "Hello. I'm Light." Light said with a smile. "Your new, whats your name?" Light said. Light wasn't going to drop her guard around this newcomer, something about her felt... off...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Eldritch IV - The Back Lines, Observing the chaos

X turned his head away from Corban as he struggled to contain the energy building in his right arm. What in the world was that sound? Who was speaking? X dedicated a great deal of his processing power towards keeping his buster from imploding, but it shouldn't have affected his sensors! Ghosts? Ghosts! It had to be ghosts, or had the nightmare returned to haunt him again? No, he'd eliminated that threat years ago, there was no chance for their return. "Who said that?" X called out, slowly turning his head towards Corban. There he was, egging him on to fire his weapon. For a second, he considered it, as there were many key points in the battle to influence with his devastating energy cannon. X could let it all out, and eradicate a considerable chunk of the enemy forces, or pin down a key in their offense. Devastating a portion of the Chaos base's defenses was sound enough, and wouldn't cause any unnecessary casualties. Aiming his weapon anywhere else on the battlefield however...

"Augh!" X croaked, losing all control over his buster's energy. In a split second, its target had been locked in, and within a few moments, a massive rotating wave of blue energy zoomed across the battlefield towards the base's main defenses. It was easily several yards in diameter, and possessed enough crushing power to eradicate a fair portion of their defensive cannons. Hopefully there was nobody to deflect or deter his charge shot from crushing its target. Hell, who was X kidding? That much energy? Surely it would hit home, and nobody could hope to stop it.

The recoil sent X backwards, the flats of his large feet skidding across dirt and stone until he was standing several yards away from the edge of the vantage point he'd chosen to begin charging at in the first place. The concussive wave may have affected his observers as well, who knew, but one thing was certain. X was hopeful that his shot would influence the battle.

For a moment he stood frozen there, glaring at the charged shot as it flew towards it target. X drew his gaze towards the buster on his arm, and wondered for a moment exactly how much good he could have done at that battle. He couldn't help but hold back, regardless of what he'd told himself after Zero was killed all those years ago. His green eyes flickered, dead set on the deep blue coating that covered his whole body. It took a moment for him to snap out of his melancholy daze, and address Corban Directly.

"Where did you come from?! I was saving that shot for an emergency!" X wailed, frustrated over Corban's interference.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@dirty slime@Saint Girralo
Darquesse looked down, as suddenly the ground had formed shackles around her legs. She could tell the guy had magical abilities, but this was certainly something she hadn't seen before. His previous fire and earth manipulation had convinced her that he was an elemental mage, much like she had once been. But this was certainly odd. Perhaps, like her, he knew multiple schools of magic? He also seemed quite intent on getting himself killed, his displays of power up until now made it clear he wasn't her equal. And yet he wished to face both her and the knight dude, whom she could tell was a fairly powerful mage in and of himself. He then forged a sword, although she could tell from the way he held it that his knowledge was limited to 'don't hold the pointy end'. She wasn't all that skilled of a swordswoman herself, but she'd seen swordmasters. And when they held a sword, the weapon was a part of their body.

Roy launched a ball of flame at her, but she wasn't in the mood to play. Her interest had been piqued by this figure's odd magic, which seemed to merge standard elemental magic with some kind of metal-creating ability. She swatted at the flames, a powerful gust of wind dispersing the inferno away from her. The metal around her feet was more annoying, but she merely applied some concentrated flames to it. Stepping away from the dripping molten metal, she walked towards the alchemist. Of course, that was when the knight tried to threaten her, with all the subtelty of a brick to the face.

"Oh I'm sorry. I zoned out for a bit. All I heard was 'ultimate power'. Everything else was a blur." She grinned at him, and she could tell he was able to sense her magic. By the way he held himself, and the way he moved. Although he appeared to be convinced she was on his side as he moved past her, attempting to attack Roy. "Not so fast, Arthur." A wall of hardened air would separate the knight from his target, as he slammed into it face first. This guy really wasn't having any luck with his charges today. "This guy's fun, I wanna see what makes him tick. So why don't you sit down and wait for your turn? Don't worry, I'll make this quick. And afterwards, I'll be sure to let you look at his organs before I turn you into paste." She smiled, as she responded to his threat with the insurance of death. Subtlety wasn't among her many talents. But killing people most certainly was...

Turning back to Roy, she covered her arms in solid shadow, much in the way Lord Vile would often do. A solid blade of darkness formed in her hands, the size of a greatsword but with none of the weight. "So, based on your fancy uniform, I'm guessing you're an officer of some kind. And based on your insistence on killing yourself, I'm guessing you think slowing us down is going to save your friends back there. But you see, I'm a fast worker, and I could totally kill them after I finish you off. So-" As Darquesse was about to conclude her bad-guy monologue, a blast of laser fire smashed into her face from the side. Most of her skin seemed to burn away as the bone was revealed, small bits of singed flesh dropping to the floor as she staggered sideways. But before she could fall, her flesh rebuilt itself. Muscles reattached to the bone, bone knit itself together, and skin grew over it as if nothing had happened. "Well, that was rude. Ow. Never got hit by a laser before." Darquesse cast her magic senses in the direction she'd felt the laser come from, and felt the souls of a number of soldiers. Mundane and pointless, but they had laser weapons. That was pretty dope. She'd have to make sure her mech had lasers, when they finished building it.


A bunch of other lasers were fired, and most of them hit their mark. But Darquesse had focused her magical defences now, and they just fizzled out as they struck her face. It was a rather odd sight, as the flashes off light simply bounced off the teenager. "Okay. BRB. I've got to go kill me some soldiers." She threw a quick comment at the knight as well. "Make sure not to kill him before I come back, or I'll strangle you with your favourite internal organ." With those words she shot off, propelling herself with a blast of air as she moved towards the group of soldiers lead by Alexandria, still brandishing the massive blade of darkness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Saint Girralo @thewizardguy

The Air wall only succeeded in slowing down the Knight's charge, but slowed him down like how a wave would knock against someone trying to run against it; his own momentum and the broken wind barrier causing him to almost loose balance; but despite his heavy armor and how clumsy and impulsive the charge had been, he doesn't trip over himself like the last time, either his enchanted armor dampens the effects of magic against it or his physical strength and endurance was simply that great. Whatever the case, the knight now decided that he'll definitely punch her face off for her dishonorable conduct; except that a Resistance sniper team did it for him and much to his disappointment, the witch regenerated the damage... He'll need some help with this, specifically the celestial kind.

Glaring at the witch and completely ignoring her threat as she flies off to deal with the snipers, the Knight goes back to Roy and tries to make sure he can't spellcast any more by suddenly kicking a discarded helmet towards his left arm, a kick so powerful that it almost shattered the thing outright and sent it flying faster than a baseball thrown by a Major League Pitcher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexandria Skye

"BOOM! HEADSHOT!" She thought enthusiastically in her mind. But her pride in her supposed kill was short lived when she saw the woman @thewizardguy get back up, seeing parts of skull visible, and flesh regenerating over the massive gash in her head. "What the hell!?" She said to herself. Then with a gust of air behind her, the unidentified woman started sprinting towards the Recon Squad's direction at inhuman speeds. "Oh Shit!" she exclaimed. "Hostile is heading towards our position! All teams! Open fire!" Alexandria and her squad mates fired their laser weaponry at the woman, but somehow the attacks were just deflecting right off of her. Realizing this inhuman monster wasn't even being slowed down by their continuous assault, she had to think of a plan... and fast!

"All teams!" She blared on the communicator. "Ready all heavy weaponry, rocket launchers, grenades, anything you can muster!" The entire squad got prepared. The Sniper teams would throw their grenades, the majority of the squad would launch their grenades out of grenade launchers, and the heavy ordinance team would lock-on-target and fire heat-seeking rockets from their rocket launchers. "When you see the enemy come to a halt, unleash Hell!" Alexandria's plan was to wait for the enemy to get just within everyone's firing range then stun her in place with a well placed sonic screech. She would have to be precise with her timing though. If she screeched too early than the woman could avoid the majority of the squad's weaponry. Too late and they could all be dead meat.

Steeling herself, she stood her ground like a matador against a charging bull, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike. "Steady...Steady!" She thought, sweat dripping from her brow. She prayed that her lightning fast reflexes and good timing would kick in just in time and hoped the screech would be enough to stop the woman dead in her tracks mere dozens of yards away from herself. When it looked like the enemy would be here any second she thought "NOW!" and let out an ear bursting sonic screech towards the charging enemy's direction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Divinity
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Eldritch IV, Edge of the Battlefield

Just as the Guardian was prepared to answer the first volley of questions from the bot, he prematurely, or at full maturity depending on what kind of philosophy of life one had, discharged his weapon in a magnificent blast of ionized oxygen that split the wind and bled ozone. It evaporated a clear and clean path of superheated stone, metal and earth before striking its mark; a large control tower built upon the edge of the bases 90 degree angle, classic siege style that would rattle the bottle with enough energy to gather the attention of anyone who was lucky enough to not be charred to death.

How about that? Corban happened to need a solar furnace, and upon closer inspection of the material comprising the bot's blaster-arm-combo, it'd serve as something close enough. Though something still bothered him. He wanted to see inside the contraption and artifice what made it tick.

Corban was equal parts curious and disappointed. Curiosity was his forte, and as soon as the Bot discharged his eyes had beset upon the beam. Dissecting it and edifying it as it passed. He was disappointed, because the Bot seemed to not have realized that Corban's earlier comment was in fact a challenge to him. It almost could elicit a tear, he not being able to experience the blast firsthand.

"Did you see that, Ishtalle!?" he exclaimed across a telapathic channel.

<I did.>

"Well we clearly must have done something right by the gods to have ended up here. I mean, if that's not divine, then what is?"


"Tch. Women." he started aloudly.

"Where do I come from? Hmm." Corban was now addressing the Bot directly, a thoughtful index finger curled to his chin so joint met bone. "It depends on how you'd quantify a 'where'. But that's hardly important, now. What's important is that we're here. And...." Corban is intricately connected to magic. Both in physiology and in metaphysicality. He could feel it thrum and vibrate like a sine wave, and naturally the more superflous and exotic the source, the brighter it shined. Corban was practically staring into headlights. Albeit very dim headlights.

"I sense other magical presences over that way." he pointed toward where the two magi in arms a few meters away were prior to the blast. "Maybe I can find a caster who is better at transmuting cotton candy from catalystic glucose than me!" he didn't mean that, primarily because he doubted there was any transmuter as talented as he. Therefore, if he couldn't make cotton candy than no one could! It made absolute empiric sense! Secondarily, he said that because he was telling a half-truth. He was determined to see the Bot in action, whether it be against him or others.

That said, the half-truth lies in that Corban was aware of far more than just the simple presence of magical force, but innately understood its nature. One exceedingly dark. Perhaps extraplanar even. The other had threads that seemed similar to the metaphysical expression for arcane algorithms generally revolving around conjuration. Corban wasn't sure if they were hostile, yet, and so his devious plan to see the robot in action still had an x-factor. But Corban would find that out soon enough.

With a heave, the Earth mage would leap five feet or so into the air. When gravity should have started to drag him back down, he instead stood there like a floating statue! Or at least it would look like he was floating. The genius was in the simplicity of his air platform. Air was naturally abundant, and its properties were easy enough to transmute even without the degree of geoscopic rotational knowledge that dedicated wind-mages might have had. Then he was gone, tracing the same path as the scar of earth that stretched from him to the base.

By the time he arrived, he would have been in the clear firing path of the she-mage (witch was such a harsh word to the Guardian), acting in line with his profession as a guardian by... well, guarding Alexandria, as it were.

The sonority of his method of applying that guardian aptitude was made apparent in realization. From his pocket he withdrew three 250 carat diamonds, wedged between his fingers. Just as the two would meet at an almost 90 degree angle, the air surrounding Corban's hands and boots grew thick and thrummed like the low hum of a bird. Sounded kind of like electricity. However, there would be no bright flash of fullmetal-lightning heralding the transmutation. His hands and boots were silently, unceremoniously now coated in a thick layer of graphene, fullerenes aligning as the material molded.

"Hold It!" At the same time, he released one of the eutectic diamond jewels which immediately stretched and morphed into the most expensive, thin body-shield ever produced. It bore a light curvature that would better displace force and projectiles should the she-mage decide to attack
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab post between Happy Go Lucky and Letter Bee))

"Anyway, teleporting to Akihiko Sanada's residence in a few moments!"

((To be continued))

And with that, Mewtwo teleported them to just outside Akihiko's home.

Given the fact Akihiko was going through college, on the orders of aigis ever since the previous events involving the labrys incident, Akihiko settled in a fairly average apartment, the wood along the doors frame was loose, as if it had been tugged too hard.

Inside, Akihiko was already hard at work at his training, every day in the morning, evening and even at night, the "protein junky" did his best to keep in tip top condition, even while studying at college.

A glossy sweat was wiped away from his brow, dressed in his tournament fighting gear, which he adorned during the incident with labrys, a suit that granted him both the ability of movement and precision with his strikes, while leaving him a little defenseless in terms of taking damage, Akihiko didn't mind this, prefering to predict and dodge blows like a true boxer.

"Heh..." Akihiko sighed, a grin slowly spreading, confident that his morning training was going according to plan, his right hand clasped onto a pocket watch, allowing him to read the time.

"A new record! I'm on a roll!"

However... Akihiko always had the ability to sense things around him, call it instinct, but the feeling of him being approached filled the air with an ominous aura. As quickly as his fists could move, Akihiko firmly latched onto the "gun", a firm reminder of days long ago.

"Nah... i won't be needing you... besides, it shouldn't work here... i'm not in the TV... nor the dark hour..."

Thus, Akihiko approached the door and swung it open, getting into a fighting stance until he saw who it was outside, and the only words he could convey... were words of confusion.

"What the....?!"

"This isn't an illlusion, a mirage, or a hoax, although I'm good at all three," Osamu spoke suddenly. "My name is Osamu Akiyama, Osamu the Second, and I come from another universe. I used powers from other worlds to repel Nyx and prevent her from destroying the world, then I ressurected Minato Arisato for reasons that I will reveal once I've reunited the surviving members of SEES."

"And we," spoke Takeru, "will just sit here and do nothing."

"Don't be like that," Hikari responded to her husband, "we're witnessing a heartwarming moment here!"

"What strikes me as most strange was that 'Boss Naoki' thought that the prime confrontation was going to be between Nyx's ability to kill everything, and Xerneas' abilty to share Eternal Life," said Mewtwo. "But Osamu found another solution." A pointed look at Osamu. "Please swallow that pride."

Akihiko was at a total loss for words, and for a moment, he simply stared, mouth agape at the sight of the man he once had thought had died, he hardly looked like he aged, still the same calm and collected student as before! Akihiko must have looked like a total idiot for a minute straight! But enough was enough, and Akihiko had to say something to him, anything! Though only one sentence came to mind, and he smiled warmly.

"Heh... where've you been?" His voice quivered, holding back tears of joy, he extended his hand outward, which minato graciously accepted, giving a firm powerful shake.

"I'm back" Minato spoke non chalantly, giving Akihiko a smile of confidence, though he wasn't as expressive, Akihiko knew it was from the heart.

"But..." Akihiko trailed off, trying to comprehend how Minato could be alive, and yet the fall has not occured, though he already had heard their tale of the story, it was just hard to believe.

"Ah!" Elizabeth perked up, her voice as chipper as it always was. "This must be what one would call, being flabbergibbled!"


The former SEES members all shared an awkward glance at Elizabeth, who only cocked her head in confusion at their bewildered gazes.

"Is that not the right word?" She asked seriously, though before they could answer, she was already keen to give it another go.

"Flippergasped!" She boomed. Aigis gaving her a small smile, like a mother would give their bumbling child for making a funny mistake.

"That was... better" Aigis retorted. "But we should discuss the more important matters at hand!"

Akihiko gave Aigis a nod. "You're right... You brought our friend back to life... for what purpose? I doubt it was simply out of your good will... What's the catch?" Akihiko finished, staring at the Mewtwo and his allies.

"I was going to wait till we've gathered all the remaining members of SEES," Osamu Akiyama said, "but, all right, I'll give a brief explanation."

"First up, there are thousands of universes in the Multiverse, of every 'genre' you can think of. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Drama, Slice-of-life, all of those exist. The majority of those worlds were once ruled by The Council, until said Council was overthrown by the Reign of Chaos, who want to establish a tyrannical empire like in Star Wars. The Council is fought against by two factions; one is The Resistance, which wants to re-create the Council, and the other is us, the Mon Alliance, which wants to represent the special interests of our slice of the Multiverse."

"Coicidentally, the leader of the Reign of Chaos is also named Nyx, but she wants to tyrannize the worlds instead of enthusianize them."

Akihiko listened carefully to the speech, and nodded his head every once in a while. Once the speech was over, a smirk- no a wide grin had appeared, both aigis and minato knew that expression, and could see a fire burning behind his eyes. They knew exactly what he was going to say next.

"So... Another showdown with Nyx, huh? We did it once, we can do it again!"

Akihko slammed his fist into his open palm with a thud!

"I've been waiting for this!"

Aigis and Minato smiled at their friend, happy to know that the fire of combat hadn't died out in his soul, and he was eager to fight and protect his friends once more. No doubt this too was another excuse to up his training!

"Then we are all in agreement. Yes?" Aigis spoke, causing Akihiko and Minato to nod.

Aigis turned to the others. "Then let us be off right away, we have no time to lose!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((My char's flying, but I get why you'd be confused))
As Darquesse propelled herself through the air, she noticed the entire company readying it's heavy explosives. She smiled, as she prepared to guard herself with her powers. She could use her wind magic to stop most projectiles mid-air, or even send them straight back. While it was most certainly a valiant effort, there was no way such mundane weaponry would stop her. She flew closer, surrounded by her own little air vortex as she moved like a blur. Most normal humans wouldn't even be able to keep up with her at this point, and she wasn't certain she would even need to block the projectiles, as she could just weave through the explosions. In fact, she wanted to test just that, when things suddenly started going south far too quickly.

First she was hit by a blast of immense sound. She could feel it shaking in her bones as her eardrums burst, her mind temporarily flooded by pain before she turned it off. But the blast of sound had succeeded at stunning her, halting her flight midair. And as she blinked to recover, she noticed a barrage of missiles and grenades heading her way at high speed, already too close and too many for her to be able to effectively dodge them. Annoyed, she stretched out her hands in protest. A shockwave propelled itself through the air from her, blasting the grenades back towards the company of soldiers who had thrown them. The missiles were merely slowed down for a moment though, and she had no way of deflecting them before they struck her. Shadows sprung from her flesh, and she cocooned herself in solid darkness before they struck her. The barrier held as she was engulfed in flames, but only barely. It was annoying to admit, but those missiles could have done some serious damage if she'd been just a moment later with her shadow barrier.


Meanwhile, the company of soldiers was suddenly dealing with a rain of grenades. Without immediate action, everything besides heavy ordinance would find itself suddenly wiped out by the explosive rain. Luckily for the soldiers, Corban seemed to pop into the battlefield from thin air at that exact moment. As Darquesse was getting slammed by missiles, he formed a barrier that saved the soldiers from an explosive death, fulfilling his role as Guardian rather aptly. A thin shield of diamond formed like a canopy over the sodliers, and while it was shattered by the barrage of explosions it had taken the damage rather than the men themselves. Something that surely they were all grateful for.

Darquesse looked down, as she realized another magic-user had joined the battle. She could tell from his aura that this guy also used some strange school of magic, although it seemed slightly akin to what fancy suit man had used. Perhaps they were from the same universe? She'd need to figure out how this whole thing worked, but that was for later. She also noticed that there was a rather special figure among the soldiers, clad in heavy mechanized armour of some kind. This was most likely the figure responsible for the sonic scream a bit ago. She grinned, as she realized she'd be able to coerce the mech guy into getting her power armour. Or perhaps she could take this suit, if she didn't bang it up all too badly in the fight that would no doubt follow.

Regenerating her eardrums, Darquesse spoke to the couple as they no doubt prepared for another assault. "Hey, nice move with the sound wave thing. That nearly got me. Round of applause." Darquesse could practically taste the fear in the human soldiers below. A number of them fired, but these weapons weren't powerful enough to pierce her magical protection, and they were ignored. "So I figured I was just going to be killing mooks, but it looks like you've got a cool suit. And THIS guy" Darquesse gestured at Corban "has cool powers. So I think I'm going to take your suit, and I'm going to beat the shit out of that guy with it. If you give it to me nicely I probably won't even kill you." Darquesse refrained from attacking, giving them a moment to consider her offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexandria Skye

"All units, fall back to cover! Do NOT engage in combat with the witch! I repeat, do not engage! I will handle her." With that command through the intercom her squad sounded retreat and pulled back. As this was happening, Alexandria activated her cloak and turned on her hologram to look as if she was still standing there, when in all actuality she was digging a small hole and placing a C4 sticking bomb into the hole then burying it. She programed the hologram to turn towards the mysterious wizard @Divinity who had just saved her squad from certain death. Using her sound manipulation, she talked through the hologram to the wizard. "I do not know who you are, but you saved my men, and for that, you have my sincerest gratitude."

The Hologram then turned towards the witch and talked from the hologram, all the while Alexandria was using her anti-gravity thrusters to levitate off the ground as not to leave footprints in the sand, then using her sound manipulation to mask the sound of her thrusters as she started floating until she was 100 yards east from her starting position and crouched behind a dune, Automatic Railgun armed and ready to fire. She then had the hologram speak. "As for you! You can have this suit when hell freezes over! And if you don't surrender in the next 3 seconds, I'll blow your brains out!" She then had the hologram lift her pulse rifle up and aimed it at the witch. She then started the countdown.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the figure in mechanized armour spoke, she seemed to shimmer. No magic was being used, but Darquesse could tell something was off. Her skill in the art of necromancy allowed her to sense the souls of living beings, and she could track Alexandria as she walked away from where she appeared to be standing. Darquesse couldn't help but smile as she realized what was going on. Sneaky beaky. While she wasn't able to discern the exact actions Alexandria was performing, she did notice the slight change in the Earth when the C4 stick was buried. It was rather clear to her that this soldier was a strategic fighter, and that she was being set up. It amused her, the fact that this human thought that the great Darquesse could be fooled by parlor tricks. But the hologram and invisibility tech only made her want the suit more.

As Alexandria started the countdown, Darquesse would mockingly raise her hands. "Oh my. I'm terrified. Of course I'll surrender." As she spoke, the shadows behind the actual Vakyria rose up like a wall. Moments later they would descend like a blanket, covering Alexandria's invisible form with a layer of solid shadows as she suddenly found herself pinned to the ground. Darquesse meanwhile moved sideways, avoiding any reflex-fire that might occur by moving out of the line of fire. "So, you know where hell is? Cuz I bet that, given some time, I could freeze it. And you're about to give me your suit, so I might as well, you know?" The other magic-user was being mostly ignored here, but Darquesse had not forgotten about him, and her magical senses were primed for any attack coming from his direction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"I couldn't answer, Bayonetta. Likewise, your mundane image has sunk into the deepest recesses of my mind. I don't recall you being so... Little. For that, I suppose I should be apologetic."

All the Umbra witch could do was simply chuckle at that statement, yet still aiming her guns at the void-creation.

"Little you say?" she asks curiously with a cooing tease, "That's quite an overestimate. After all, your face is one only a mother could love, and one that I could never forget."

"I am only here to remedy this god-awful racket, and I would see to it that my intentions remain undisturbed. I could guarantee that You'd find no victory in taking my life, but your affiliation beckons moronic principal. If you stand in the way of peace and quiet, so be it."

"On the contrary," she replies, "It's you who stands in the way of peace. Thankfully for you, your not my prime target, despite one being of high rank..."

She then thinks for a few seconds while squinting her eyes at him. She then mutters softly.

"But perhaps I can take two birds with one stone..."

And with that, she quickly issues witch time, allowing her to speed behind Yzeria. While it may've seen that she teleported to his eye, this was not the case. Then Bayonetta begins to shoot her opponent via her bullet arts, which fire rapidly from her guns. And so begins the battle! Yet as shortly as it began, the witch would hear three beeps and a voice would come into her mind.

"Bayonetta, status. My feeds showing the base burning. Did the subordinates go off the rails again?"

It was Kolone. Man did she have to call at the wrong time. Either way, she then began to answer verbally.

"Seems like it." she responds, "Though I'm pretty busy beating an old "friend". Call me later!"


Meanwhile, Ridley continued to hide in the shadows while the Space Pirates did the dirty work for him. Even as they defended themselves, the pirates kept on firing their lasers and continue to pummel them with turret fire. The general hopes that if someone just comes a little too close to him, that he'd be able to pick the person off and take him out of commission. For now, all he can do is wait patiently, still remaining undetected by the Resistance troops.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kid Flash

"He's not my boyfriend!" Kid Flash cried in frustrated protest. "I'm engage-" He was about to add, before a movement from within the smoke caught his eye.

Hazama was quick, Wally would give him that. Anyone else wouldn't of known what was happening before it was too late. But Kid Flash was a speedster who had spent most of his life honing his senses and perceptions. It was the only way he survived his encounters with the enemies of his mentor, Barry Allen. A vivid memory of his first encounter with Eobard Thawne, better known as Professor Zoom, appeared in the boy's mind. The Reverse Flash had nearly killed the teen. Since then, Kid Flash had trained his body to its limit; to the point of breaking himself. At this moment, with the RoC captain flying through the air toward him at impossible speeds, Wally West realized that his conditioning had been worth it. Kid Flash threw up his arms into an X formation and held it in front of his face. He set his feet in a wide stance and absorbed the kick. The kinetic energy from Hazama's butterfly kick flowed over Wally's tense muscles and strong bones. The speedster felt his feet slide against the tile floor of the mess hall, perhaps a yard, before slowing to a halt. Moments after the kick was delivered a trio of throwing knives pierced the air with a shrill screech, flying toward the surprised vigilante.

The ginger haired boy was already moving to attempt to intercept the razor-like projectiles when Penny knocked them out of the air with a blade of her own. A second knife sliced the chain from around Kid Flash. The metal rings fell to the ground with a clang and Wally nodded his thanks to Penny. The speedster's aching body protested his every movement. Hazmat's earlier strike had done more harm than Kid Flash had first realized. Hazama was certainly not human, that much West had realized. The robot and the suit-wearing ninja continued their banter. Penny's naivete worried Wally. She'd shown she could handle herself this far, but she reeked of inexperience. And Hazama was one of Reign of Chaos's top agents. Kid kept his hands up and looked from Penny to Hazama, bouncing on his toes in anticipation.

Hazmat struck first. He launched a series of chains at the android-girl. She danced between many of them and batted away the ones she couldn't avoid, moving with grace only a highly advanced machine could manage. The main attack chain impacted straight into her armored stomach. It was some sort of ruse, apparently, because Penny pulled Hazama in and held him in place by his leg. By the looks of things, Penny was planning to snap the man's kneecap in half.

"Don't kill him!" Kid Flash shouted. He hadn't even given the order a second thought; heroism was second nature to the young speedster. "-We need to bring him in alive. F-for, like, questioning. And stuff. Yeah." It hadn't occurred to Wally that he might be speaking to a superior, led alone one of the highest ranking members of the Resistance.

The standoff at the other end of the room was of little concern to Kid. Bayonetta could handle whoever this was, though the guy's arrogant manner was of some concern. Arrogance and an air of superiority seemed to be common traits of RoC leadership and this guy was practically oozing the stuff. Suddenly a section of Chaos soldiers rushed into the Mess Hall and opened fire on the small contingent of Resistance fighters inside. Wally weaved between the energy beams unleashed by the strange alien Space Pirates. Their firearms were much quicker than bullets and harder to dodge; luckily, Kid Flash had fought against Black Manta's minions enough times to learn how to predict the firing patterns of energy weapons such as these. Alarm filled the hero when he noticed the aliens begin to put together a mobile turret. That just wouldn't do. Single fire beam weapons he could handle. But a rapid fire, machine gun version? No thanks!

MC was already engaging the enemy infantry using her elementals and spells. He didn't know the being very well, but from what Wally had seen, she knew her stuff. A smile crossed Wally's face when the strange wizard chose to cast an enhancement spell on the little speedster. Energy beams slowed to a crawl. Penny held Hazama, suspended in the air like a statue. Even Bayonetta, who was dancing around the other RoC officer, was moving slowly. Not wanting to waste a moment of the boost, Kid Flash took a single step toward the turret and broke the sound barrier nanoseconds before he shot toward them like a missile. Wally smashed the turret to pieces, using his own body as a high speed battering ram. He turned his wrath on the aliens manning the gun and knocked them both out with a swift combination of dozens of super powered punches. Kid Flash rocketed across the Mess Hall at massively hyper sonic speeds, disarming and punching out the enemy foot soldiers before they could react.

The room was cleared in less than a second.

Kid Flash came to a halt in the middle of the room, his hands on his knees as the enhancement wore off from overuse. Wally panted, sweat dripped down his face and pain racked his overexerted body. "Thanks MC." Kid offered the sorcerer a thumbs up between rasping breathes. Kid Flash took another breath and stood to his full height, pointing at Yzeira Yezia. "You're outnumbered and surrounded. Surrender, and maybe I can convince command to give you a cell with a window."
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