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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"What use my life to someone that does not appreciate it?"

Name: Adrian

Nicknames/Titles: Mothra (He hates being called that)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Mothman

Sexuality: Females, Old sweaters in a wardrobe

Year: (A familiar assists classes alongside its master, so put the same year as your master)

Magic: Praestigiae (Defeating Gaze - Adrian possesses a skill similar to the legends, where his crimson gaze snares the attention of his victim in a state of complete and total paralysis. He enhances this further with a simple casting that amplifies the effects.)

Strengths: Capable of stopping stronger foes before the fight begins or shutting down important support roles

Weaknesses: Weak natured in general; Little physical strength but very agile, and capable of flight

Catalyst: None

-Flowing robe (Standard cloth that covers his hair humanoid body but is open on the back to reveal his gigantic moth wings.

Master: (Put here the name of your master. If it is a player character, put a link to their sheet here)

Squad Name: No master as of yet

Pesonality: Adrian is a soft spoken and often troublesome individual, with a penchant for mischief and a fetish for eating clothes nobody has worn in a long time. Socks? Delicious. Underwear? Maybe not. Old sweaters? Savored forever or until caught. Though that isn't so say he goes out of his way to make trouble, not usually the case, but feels strongly that 'the family curse' plays a crucial role into his behavior patterns. Curiosity describes him in most situations as he thoroughly examines everything and anything remotely interesting in a non-violent but very creepy way, touching and feeling anything with his antennae or on rare occassions extending his tongue to lick it.

Backstory: A rare creature by far, the Mothman has been a mystery to humans for years as both myth and confirmed legend. Unlike other 'mythical' creatures named so by the humans, the moth creatures are unconcerned with being seen and often are. They cannot control the need to examine what they find interesting and has often led to acts of violence against them by scared or 'courageous' people over the years. Adrian is not aware of the day he was born, his parents having simply vanished on the winds the same way he did, but did not bother to search. Perceiving his was likely the last of his kind did not make him any less afraid for his life either.
The academy in Liseranna noticed him after what Adrian was told was likely twenty or so years of age and taught to control his impulses and natural gifts of paralysis while warning him of the dangers. Many masters have tried to bind the elusive Mothman Adrian but none has kept his respect or interest longer than a few weeks and now lives a something of a novelty, an unbounded, but still respected in squads for his unique ability to petrify and paralyze victims of his gaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"It is funny what you can see from the shadows."

Name: Roy Merrick



Gender: Male

Race: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual

Year: Year 3

Ranking Class: Sorcerer

Magic: Pythones: Summon Shadow-men: Roy can create "beings" out of shadow and spirits. They have mild sentience and are quite strong. Roy can control with his thought or his voice. They form out of the "mouth" of his book. Roy can use them to fight since they are fierce fighters and can disappear into the shadows, making them excellent scouts when Roy looks through their eyes. They seem to be able to speak to Roy. Currently he can form only two of the beings at a time.

Strengths: Roy can hold his own in a physical fight. He was taught to only summon his minions when he had to. So he can punch and take punches with the best of them. He is out classed by people who use their magic to fight but most magicians have glass jaws. He is decent at climbing and likes physical things. He can multi-task like a pro since his magic requires him to focus on two separate creatures at the same time.

Weaknesses: Light is the main one. Bright light negates most of his powers. However it has to be directly on him. The Shadow-men require orders from Roy since working on their own is a bit beyond them. Roy is still human so he has the same weaknesses a human would. The shadow-men are physical since Roy has to use spirits to bind them. If they take too much damage, they can be destroyed. They smoke as if they are burning in direct sunlight but they can seemingly handle it.

Catalyst: The Tome of Forbidden Conjuring is what he uses to channel his summoning.

Inventory: The Tome, a cell phone,his wallet, and a dagger.


Squad Name:

Are They The Leader Of The Squad?:

Personality: Unlike many magicians like him, Roy is oddly cheerful. He is pleasant to be around and likes people. However he does not get many different references or social graces. He spent most of his childhood far away from the regular world so it is to be expected. He is usually polite and charming to all he meets.


The wind begins our song with a slow sigh. We sing of the house in the graveyard. Do you see it? We do. We are always watching that mansion. We saw the Necromancer build his fortress in the middle of nowhere. He knew that his family were necromancers and there was no where safer for them than a graveyard. He created Locust Grove Manor as a sanctuary for his family. He knew he had to hide them from the world.

Our story is not about him. No, our story takes place many years later. Our main character is a descendant of that necromancer. He is a child of no more than 8. We have trouble guessing the ages of the living. From a young age, the boy showed skill with the dead. At the age of four, he was talking to his grandmother. He did not know she had died ten years before he was born. She seemed real to him. From then on, he was trained by his family in the magics of death. His world seemed perfect. He learned the basics of the magic from his father. Someday he would be the master of the estate. We knew that the child was destined for great things but we could tell that tragedy would hit the boy first.

Then that fateful night happened. Some thing with a grudge came back to claim what it thought it was due from the family. It sent its minions to wipe out the family that had trapped it so many years ago. The boy was told to hide in a closet. He heard the screams and the yelling from his hiding spot. He stayed in the closet for what felt like days after the screaming stopped. He spent most of the time in that closet crying and thinking. He changed a bit that day. He smiled a bit less often.

What he saw in the house would scar him for the rest of his days. Almost everyone was dead. Only a few of the family servants survived the assault by virtue of being below the monster and not worth its time. They took it upon themselves to raise the boy as a proper member of the family. They helped him summon one of us for the first time. We knew this one would go far at that school. We knew he would the moment that letter appeared at the doorstep. His "family" wanted him to do this, so he left the only home that he had ever known.

We do not know where the song ends but we know it will be interesting. We never did say the boy's name did we? He is Roy Merrick, the last magician of Locust Grove Manor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thanatos


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Was approved by GrafRoy Zeppeli over PMs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"My only purpose is to live for someone else"

"My last name? I do not think that is necessary."
Name: Verid


Age: 17 (He looks older, though. Like he is in his 20's)

Gender: Male.

Race: Demon

"I have yet to experience romance. I look forward to such a feeling."
Sexuality: Pan-sexual. However, he obviously hasn't dated anyone... ever since he was trapped for pretty much all of his life. He does have an interest in romance though. (Well, curiosity)

Year: Unknown-- Not yet?

Ranking Class:

Magic: Neutra: Unite

Strengths: This power has the ability to make this around him do whatever he wants and come to life. He could crush his enemy by using the walls. It is mostly to make things like knives and guns follow his orders at more than one at a time.

Weaknesses: This power has a small chance of going out of control and simply attempting to kill everyone in the room. However, this only happens sometimes if he forgets to add the words “Finem” to the end of his spell.

Medela: A simple healing spell to heal a wound that is as far as a gunshot wound. Healing someone that had their head taken off would take a bit longer and require a potion that he would have to create with his blood.

Alchimia: Simple, he can make any liquid into hard steel knives that he can control with his mind~

Catalyst: A mark on the back of his neck that holds a lot of power.

Inventory: An extremely powerful gun that has 3 different forms. It is based on technology and is extremely powerful. It can’t be seen until he actually takes it out since he carries it around in the form of a pen. Also, he has a bunch of cash. Don't ask where he got it. He just does.

Familiar: He doesn’t have any idea what that is.

Squad Name: -- He just transferred but I suppose he may want to join later maybe.

Personality: He is a man that thinks his only purpose is to protect someone around him. He often worried about others and feels the need to help anyone. If he isn’t helping anyone, he will feel worried about what his purpose is to be there. Extremely kind and treats everyone around him like royalty. He expects to be treated as a servant and doesn’t think he needs to be treated as an equal living being. However, if you manage to get him angry… it won’t be very enjoyable since he can be very sadistic.
Doesn't think much about himself. Not that he doesn't like himself, just that he forgot that he was supposed to worry about himself as well.
His positiveness is quite high. Making others happy is something that will make him extremely happy.
Doesn't understand it when people treat him as an equal
He loves the taste of blood and will sometimes eat metal for lunch if there is nothing else around.
-- Rest in IC

Backstory: He was living inside of Eli’s house for reasons that you do not need to know. He was a child around the same age as Eli, which was about 6 years old. He witnessed her being abused and was honestly terrified. He decided to create himself into the form of a shadow sword which was already inside of Eli. Using this, he practically shaped Elise as someone stronger that Eli. Someone that was ruthless and actually had the skills to kill others.
-- He has been trapped inside of the sword for as long as he can remember and only gets glimpses of the outside world on rare occasions.

Well I mean, you could find out about his past if you became close with him but... I doubt it annnd just a heads up, it's darker than Eli's~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RinNekoSan
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'm either cute or scary, choose one."

Name: My name is Rin
Nickname: I don't have one, or at least one that I know of.
Age: I am 17
Gender: I'm male
Race: I'm part sage and part cat(a neko)
Sexuality: I'm gay and proud!

Year: I'm a 6th year
Ranking class: N/A
Magic: My type of magic? Um, I guess dark magic. I can make shadows into/do whatever I want.
Strengths: The dark makes me more powerful and so does anger and sorrow.
Weaknesses: I grow weaker when restrained and surrounded by light.
Catalyst: Catalyst? umm, Oh! You mean collar! Yea I have one.
Inventory: Why? *sigh* I have a pair of claw bearing gloves, a wallet, and the keys to my home.
Familiar: I don't have one.
Squad name: N/A
Personality: I'm happy most of the time, I do have my moments tho. Like depression and you don't want to make me jealous or mad.
Back story: I grew up in a lab where they were trying to create a animal with the human mind, but when they saw that they had created me they got filled with rage and started to abuse, r-rape, and torture me, t-this went on for three years...then one day something in me sparked. The next day, they were coming to do their d-daily rounds and, like a wave, I could feel power surge through me. I blacked out. I woke up surrounded by darkness, and there was dead bodies in the corner. I was scared at first but the shadows told me that they wanted to help me, protect me. I was so happy to know that I wasn't alone anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shino Koizumi

"I like candy and... I... -Gets distracted and starts playing with cat toy-"

Non yet



Height and weight:
1,21cm 3,9ft
32kg 70lbs


"People who pet me are nice"


Praestigiae Duplication: Can make up to six illusions of themselves to fight for them. Illusions will break after only one hit and don't have any presence. So the user can still be detected under the illusions. Illusions can fight and do physical damage.

Neutra Hypnotism: The user is able to affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands. Only simple commands work like sleeping or sit still. The magic only works when the user is in direct eye contact with the user and at least half a meter/2ft in front of them.

Combat capable, trickery, disabling.

Only close combat, weak against very intelligent people, glass canon.

A red lint wrapped around her tail with a small bell attached to it

Name tag, phone number.

Meruin Hazy

Squad Name:
None yet

Shino is with one word explained a kuudere, she doesn't show emotion in anyway. She is cold, blunt, cynical and mostly doesn't seem to care if someone she knows dies. But actually she is really caring and nice on the inside. Shino doesn't mean harm to anyone and would rather peacefully play with her toys or her master rather than fight. She is quickly distracted by things she likes but can still be serious about things once she puts her mind to it.

Leaving this for now till master has arrived
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hm...that wasn’t fun."

Night Parade of One Thousand

Age: Not really certain.
Gender: Male
Race: Oni
Sexuality: Straight
Year: No Year Yet
Stronger Than You
The ‘general’ of one thousand oni, Arata possesses nigh-limitless physical strength, enough that his physical form would be incapable of holding all that power without exploding into a bunch of gorey bits. At maximum strength, Arata is capable of casually swinging around a car like how others would wield a sword, and he bench presses fully loaded buses for training. However, even that relatively mediocre amount of physical strength is enough to splatter opponents from time to time. Thus, the Night Parade is also under a self-inflicted curse. Against those that are weaker than them, their strength will be limited to only slightly stronger than their opponents, ensuring that they will never completely overwhelm even the weakest of foes. The amount of physical strength Arata is allowed to wield takes into consideration magical power as well, and, when fighting against a group of enemies, takes the strongest of the group as the ‘limitor’.

Legendary Resistance
With sheer Determination, Arata overcomes all barriers that stand in his way, an avatar of destruction that can only be stopped by destruction. All magical spells, outside of purely destructive ones, can be shrugged off and resisted with his Determination. Attempts to exorcise his army have been laughed at. Attempts to teleport him have been shrugged off. Attempts to deceive him have been ignored. Against his advance, only destruction can dissuade him.

With immense Willpower, Arata can force reality to make concessions for himself, pulling off physical feats that would be practically impossible without magical aid. While he is generally incapable of meeting the requirements for this ability, when it does happen, he is quite literally causing a miracle to happen just by willing it. This miracle more often than not manifests itself in the form of allowing him to exceed his safety limits without exploding.

Strengths: His power allows him to always have a good fight regardless of how strong or weak his opponent is, while his ability to flat-out no-sell magical effects and warp reality allows him the utility to face down those who are otherwise more versatile than himself.
Weaknesses: His power allows him to always have a good fight regardless of how strong or weak his opponent is, while his ability to flat-out no-sell magical effects and warp reality rely largely on his state of mind. Emotions are much more volatile than a trained ability like magic, after all.

Catalyst: N/A
Inventory: N/A
Master: N/A
Squad Name: N/A

Arata is, like most oni, someone who loves to fight. The blood that flows in his veins is fiery, and he’s a dramatically opinionated person, someone who finds it hard not to get passionate about everything. If he likes someone, he loves them to pieces, always watching their back and wanting to spar with them. If he dislikes someone, he despises them, always looking to pick a fight and beat their heads in. All things considered, Arata doesn’t have much of a middle ground when it comes to interpersonal relationships. He lives vivaciously and violently, and would love nothing more than to drown in the flames of a proper, honorable war.

Indeed, Arata is not someone who seeks victory in battle. He values fairness and honesty, seeking to win through skill and spirit, not simply because he drastically overpowers his opponents. Within the battlefield, he does not hold grudges, does not care for revenge, and desires only for his fist to crunch against his foe’s face. It is not within combat that he decides that he hates someone. It is only afterwards that he comes to a conclusion of whether or not they are his best buddy or his archnemesis.

Despite having some ridiculously good instincts when it comes to fighting, Arata, due to his heritage and his personality, isn’t really a smart person, academically. He likes simple, clean solutions, and can’t wrap his head around more complex subjects such as physics or psychology.

He also hates video games, because why would you play at fighting, when you can just fight in real life? God damned nerds.

Arata was once a normal oni, rampaging on the landscapes of Japan alongside his bond-brothers, slaying samurai, causing mayhem, and even challenging the Gods themselves. Back then, they were all audacious and violent, a Night Parade of One Thousand that just wanted to have a good time.

Unfortunately, the shrine maidens and the priests didn’t appreciate the festivities.

Under the guise of friendship, humans offered sake to the one thousand, lacing it with a drug powerful enough to down enough the greatest amongst them. Then, while the Night Parade slept, they crafted a seal powerful enough to restrain all the oni into a single body. Riotous as they were, the leaderless oni struggled for control of a single, shared body, and spent the next couple centuries flopping around like a pig with one thousand heads, incapable working together long enough to break the prison they were contained in.

Only after much struggle did Arata subdue his brothers with promises of glory and grandeur, and only when he became the undisputed leader of the Night Parade of One Thousand did he break out of the jar they were sealed in. The world, by then, had changed drastically. No longer were there wars to rampage in. No longer were there skilled heroes to challenge.

In the several centuries that had passed since the Night Parade was sealed, Arata learned that magic, the gift of the gods, had become mainstream. No longer was pure physical power appreciated, nor pure martial skill.

It saddened him.

He strode through familiar landscapes changed by the passing of time. He found graves eroded by countless storms. He sought the things that he missed.

And when the descendants of the exorcists that once sealed them came to restrain him, Arata did not have an appetite for crushing their skulls between his hands. He allowed them to attempt their exorcising spells, allowed them to attempt to re-seal him. And when he tired of their effort, he left.

Eleventh months later, a representative of Liseranna Academy found him on top of Mount Everest, and invited him to come, to find himself new allies to fight alongside and new rivals to fight against.

In a world that was so bereft with meaningless peace, what could an oni do but accept?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"The least of me is enough to overcome all of you"

Name: Victarian 'Viktor' Banehollow

Nicknames/Titles: The last Angel

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Asexual

Year: 6

Ranking Class: Conjurer Class

Magic: Touch of angels - Very powerful magical blessing that has granted Victarian a special transformation. When in combat Viktor will activate his 'true form' (Its really an avatar state) and become a full Archangel with wings and halo to match. In this form he is at his most dangerous but cannot hold the form for extended periods of time.
-"The angels were pure. I will not debase their memory for petty squabble"

Righteous Charge - Viktors shield is infused with immense holy energy, when he charges it creates a maelstrom of stinging power to lend aid to his assault. A wrecking ball of forward momentum.
Holy sweep - Viktor sweeps his shield creating a powerful whirlwind to sweep everything in his path away in a gust of wind.
Heavens Crash - Powerful shield bash that is followed by a devastating explosion raw energy.

Holy Thunder - Dazzling light energy turns to a deafening crackle of thunder and destruction that Victor can either launch from his blade or keep it infusing the weapon for greater striking power
Nova - Victor slams his shield and sword together to create a staggering blast of holy energy. Damage and strength is equal to holy energy used in Sacred will
Devils Bane - Sacred Will takes on a golden shine and an unparalleled edge, capable of cleaving through steel and stone with ease but quickly depletes holy energy.

Strengths: Victarian is highly skilled in ranged and physical combat, capable of toe to toe fights with anything or anyone on equal ground and unleashing powerful debilitating attacks to render foes incapacitated or worse with efficiency. Overwhelming force is his primary focus.

Weaknesses: Victarians power is directly drawn from his accumulated holy energy that is channeled into his Shield and sword and the holy tome. A magical tome he keeps under lock and key chained to his hip by the name of 'Heavens piece' acts like a battery and a source of power for his transformation but drains easily to foreign energy.


Catalyst: Victarian uses his sacred tome as a catalyst for magical abilities which increases the regeneration of spirit energy and allows a transformation into his angelic form.

Squad Name: Disciplinary Committee

Are They The Leader Of The Squad?: Yes

Pesonality: Victarian is righteous to the extreme, to a point of genocidal tendencies towards anything demonic or chaotic, neutral or not, and has been found on multiple occasions to pursue said violators with charges for expulsion or open combat regularly. As the head of the school Disciplinary committee he has been left largely unhindered in this pursuit given that he follow the rules and proper channels to administer punishment.
Despite that awful idealism he is still fair in a fight, refusing dirty tricks and not condemning others who do, seeing it as the right of all to survive on their own wiles and tactics. Honor and integrity demand no less from him.

Backstory: Victarian Banehollow was born to a family of with hunters in service to an old kings vision from centuries ago, worshipping the angels as the true form of human ascension to those who live their life piously and follow the rules bestowed in the holy scripture that had been passed down their orders line for as long as any could remember. Indecipherable words sprawled along its pristine pages tantalizingly, words none could understand save the simple wording at the front of the book. "Heavens piece"

Scholars of the order obsessed it was a final gift from the extinct angels, a gift to aid humanity when a soul finally proved worthy of such an immense honor. Treated like a kings fortune it was jealously locked away and only revealed the highest ranking members sparringly. Victarian cared nothing for the book, or the order, or anything it stood for. Not a rebel but not a sheep he believed that the Justice and equality be the stepping stones to the future and was shunned for his disbelief.
When he was exiled from his homeland and excommunicated from the order he left with dreams of the future, a man of integrity he roamed the land and learned to channel his spirit into energy of pure light.
Years would pass and Victarian learned of the angels, of a school dedicated to magic, and of a gift he did not know was his. Upon enrolement to Liseranna he was given four items he had never seen from a family that had abandoned him years ago.

A suit of armor, a might sword and shield, and a bound tome.

Though he does not know it, the tome is the very same one in the possession of his order. The tome was reportedly stolen from them by a veiled intruder and never found.
Victarian has opened the book and read the strange words over and over, memorizing them but incapable of pronouncing all but one. It is indecipherable even to him, the word itself speaking itself it seems, that transforms him briefly into what he can only assume is the form of a four winged angel.
Victarian has been successful in learning to activate it but still lacks the magical energy required for continuous use of his angelic avatar state. Despite this failure he is driven to discover the tomes secrets and the extinction of the angels.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I enjoy your eyes...because when I look deep enough I can see my own reflection"

Name: Cupido Morningstar

Nicknames/Titles: “Just call me Cupid darling” (His mother had a sense of humor)

Age: looks 25 (real age is 395)


Race: Fallen angel


Appearance notes: Often seen with black and white wing tip oxfords, only tattoo is an anatomical heart, wings go from white on top to a deep burgundy red at the bottom feathers, light pink eyes.

-Weaponry: “How to stab things close to you and how to stab things at a distance darling” Daggers, knives, and archery (non magical)

-Winds: How to summon and control winds “Generally one controls them carefully darlings...very carefully”

Ranking Class:
Neutra: Sage Class
Contritio: Destructive class
Praestigiae: Illusionist class

-Neutra: Desire

Basically, he can figure out an individual’s deepest desires by asking them, it becomes a type of truth serum as he continues talking. Can also be used to get what he wants. Can make people keep talking, or allow him into confidential areas.
-Contritio: Wind

controls winds from making a light breeze to creating a strong tornado.
-Praestigiae: Illusion

Can create illusions to foll a mind/minds. Can make individuals see their worst nightmares or their best dreams. Can make a person go insane if used long enough.

-Desire: Makes him an excellent self detective. Allowing for him to find out if someone is lying, or if they are boring. Depends on the situation. This does not require much mana. The rest is more powerful in that he gets away with more. Much like a jedi mind trick.
-Wind: Very useful with arrows, tornados can be extremely destructive and very effective.
-Illusions:can make people see what he wants them to see.

-Desire: Requires a lot of focus, if his focus is removed the individual is no longer affected. The more he tries to get away with the more concentration and the more mana required.
-Wind: The more powerful the wind the more difficult to control the more mana required along with more concentration. Generally does not make tornadoes.
-Illusions: The more complex the more mana the more concentration the more draining. Same with amounts of people he is trying to use illusions on at a time. The more people, the more mana, the harder to do.


Inventory: A flip phone, some cash with a money clip, and a three sided knife he likes to call heart breaker....because it does a lot of damage.

Familiar: none...yet? “I would love a bird dearie”

Squad Name: none

Pesonality: Egotistical,where he loves himself more then others. Though if met with a strong personality that can stand their own, he may grow fond of them. His teaching style is more patient unless a student pushes him, then he cracks down on them....or volunteers them for apple duty. No one likes apple duty. (This may be shown in IC. It is quite humerus and the student isn't in any real danger he just makes them think that to straighten them out) He considers himself perfect and can tend to get on others nerves...it takes someone with an equal amount of confidence or wit to be able to handle him.

Cupido was born to a demon and an angel. Unfortunately for the angel, the demon killed him. (He has never wondered or asked about his father) His mother taught him magic, and shaped his personality. Along with magic, he also developed Houdini level escape arts. Leaving him able to escape out of most trappings and be smug about it later. Unlike most, he welcomes his duality and sees it more as an advantage then a burden. His English accent comes from living in England, the velvety sound comes from his mother. When he realized his powers were more then his mother could teach him he went to the school. And stayed...deciding to teach some of what he has learned to others. Surprisingly being a patient teacher with a bit of a strict side when pushed.

Other: He says darling and dearie...a lot
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 9 days ago

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