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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Name: Mettaton

Monster Type: Robot/ghost

Gender: "ASKING IS IMPOLITE SWEETHEART"(Prefers to be called male, though he has no true gender)

Occupation: Entertainer

Weapon?: (Normal and EX) Bombs (NEO) Arm cannon.

Armor?: Immune to damage in normal, none in other forms

Magic (up to three) : Bombs, lasers, and arm cannon

Personality: Mettaton loves to entertain, it is his passion, and the only reason he took a physical form, he is self-centered and egotistical, but he loves his fans. When in battle, his demeanor is the same, feminine and flamboyant. Mettaton seems unable to focus on anything, but hidden behind his metal face, is a planner, able to trick even his creator Alphys. While untrustworthy, if you befriend Mettaton, he'll have your back, though only after an intense pose-off.

Bio: Originally a ghost, Happstablook was never content with his life, wishing to be more than what he was, a celebrity, a role model, a brilliant comedian! Though he loved his cousin Napstablook, and the time they spent together, making music, and raising snails, he was never content. During a contemplative walk, Napstablook phased through a scientist, accidentally fogging up her glasses with the residue he left behind. Turning to apologize, he met Alphys for the first time, at that point, ambitious but unsuccessful. After a conversation about how insecure and worthless he felt, Alphys told him of a way she could make him a star.


Mettaton arrived. Through some showing of his musical talent, Mettaton became a star, given his own show, his own newspaper, even his own day of the week! For the first time, the charade of happiness Happstablook kept was replaced with genuine happiness.


After a friendly human arrived, Alphys made a plan to finally not be a loser, to have a friend! Coming to Mettaton, she gave him a script to follow. Though he made a show, as usual, Mettaton was surprised with the quality of her writing, and agreed.


After his defeat by Frisk, Mettaton realized just how much his fans meant to him, and Frisk was... nice! The only people ever genuinely nice to him were Napstablook and Alphys! But... a human? Those were meant to be awful!...Right? Returning to showbiz, after the barrier was destroyed, Mettaton gave his new fans the concert of a lifetime! Nothing could ever ruin the happiness he felt... right?


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Name: Skylar
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student and part time 'Ambassador's Assistant'
Weapon?: Tough Gloves
Armor?: Bandage
* Puzzle solving skills
* Stealth
* Lock picking
Personality: Kind, caring, optimistic, and curious. She can be a bit of a prankster however, and that, along with her curiosity, tends to get her into a lot of trouble. She can also be quite impatient and hot headed, and that makes her tend to rush into situations without thinking beforehand.
Bio: Skylar always watched out for her sibling, Frisk. She doesn't talk about their family life very often, so their life there has always been enigmatic. But people do know her for her habits of sticking up for her sibling if someone was bullying Frisk, and her tendency to always get in trouble, whether it was on purpose or not. She had been with Frisk when he was on Mt. Ebott that one fateful day. Frisk had tripped and fell, and Skylar had tried to save him, but to no avail. She remained above and tried to get everyone and anyone she could to help find Frisk. However, their efforts continued on for a while, and three days later, Frisk had reappeared, without a scratch...and with monsters. Skylar had at first, confused the monsters to be ready to attack Frisk. But, after Frisk spoke with her, she calmed down and acted friendlier towards the monsters. She was disappointed to hear that Frisk wanted to stay with Toriel instead of with her, but she didn't stop Frisk.
Ever since that day, Skylar visited Frisk more often, and she ended up becoming the Ambassador's Assistant, not because of her job history, but because it seemed to the monsters that Frisk felt better with their sister around.
This continued until six months later, when Frisk disappeared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Lugia Legendary Bird

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"It was nice meeting you, goodbye"


Monster Type: Boss Monster

Gender: Male

Occupation: King of monsters, gardener

King's trident(+19 ATK)

Boss armor(+5 DEF)

Magic (up to three) : Color coded trident swings, held flame, ring of flame.

Personality: Asgore is a kind soul, if it were his choice, he'd never fight, but often finds himself forced to. He is awkward socially, and doesn't understand many figures of speech, this is often seen as endearing by the other monsters who work under him. When in battle, Asgore becomes dead serious, not even looking his opponent in the eyes, but still using accurate and powerful attacks. He is friendly and nurturing, and a devoted father figure to Frisk. He misses his wife Toriel, but he misses his son Asriel even more, and to see his son as a depraved flower breaks his heart. He is very bad at naming things.

Bio: "Oh hello! I'm Asgore Dreemur, you must be... a person... sorry, I'm really no good at small talk."

Asgore Dreemur is king of the monsters, he has been since they can all remember. He was the king when they were driven into the underground, and he is still king when they've emerged.

"But you don't want to know about me, I'm just an old soul wh- wait... you do want to know about me? Well... it's not really a story for children... if you still insist, then fine, I warned you."

Asgore was the latest in a long line of monster royalty who had always been the enemies of humans, and Asgore was no exception, though it was a long and pointless war, Asgore still fought it, though it pained him to do so. Eventually he lost, and was forced into the underground with the rest of his species. Eventually he built a new home for him and his family, which he named... New Home... Asgore wasn't very good at naming things.

"There's no turning back after this! I don't mind if you go back! I don't want to tell this either... *Sigh* it cannot be helped, here goes."

Asgore was borne a son by his wife Toriel soon after. Not long after that, a human fell into the ruins, Asgore and Toriel took them in as their own, raising them with the same tenderness as their biological son Asriel. Though, not all was to be happy, as eventually, the human fell sick, and-

*A trident slams into the text box, shattering it into pieces.

"That's quite enough! This story... is not necessary...*Sniff*... I will... not... cry..."

*Asgore breaks into tears

And the human... passed, with the last request to see his village's flowers again. Asriel took the human's soul, fusing with it. He left the ruins with the human's body. Bringing them to their home, being attacked all the way. After he returned, he died.

"I wanted to kill them all... my wife left me... my children were dead... but I couldn't, I was too soft."

Asgore collected seven human souls to break the barrier, to set the monsters free. There was only one left.

"Frisk... my child."

Frisk reached Asgore, but as the two were about to fight, Asgore was stopped by Toriel. After some conversation, Flowey appeared, taking all the monster souls, as well as the seven human's souls. After being saved, Asriel broke the barrier, and Asgore led the monsters out, into a new world.

"We were happy, truly happy."

Then, Frisk was gone.

"I will not lose another child..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nam:Hero Tem!!!!
MOns ter tYp:Temmie!!!
OcCUP: weerRIOR!
mEGiCK: tEMMIE fU (Hero Tem jumps all over the screen in a display of martial arts) Catdogkeen (Hero Tem fires a lot of megICK BEEEMZ) Tem RAGE (Hero Tem gains a fierce, flaming aura which protects him, and allows him to fly. All of his attacks become more fierce thus.)
paSsioNALITY: Hero TEM iz a gRet Temmie! Cept he iz NO. he preFERS FIGHTY to CUDDLY! OMG. bbbut he B a Gud temmie. Hero buyz FLAKES FOR OTHER TEMS! he also Not Gud with HuMAAANS! he DO NOT WANT cuddly em aohfhsdjfkswfejwrg! 'caus he fight in BIG WAR back then! So he dIZtrusts hummans. he LIEKS fighty for KIN ASBORED! TeM can talk on OTHER monster speech too!.
bIScuit: Hero TEM lived in TEM VILLAGE, but he wAZ lonly (he Instited in bean called Fred) so he LEFT to find hiz flake in LYFE. nObody tOOK tem srs til he kicked som butts. KIN ASGOURD accestped tem as weerrior thus cuz of his detteminnation. Hero foght in WAR.

He doesn't really like to talk about his part in the war. Merely that there was a lot of death and they still lost.

sO he got SAAAD, rly SAD. and slept. hARD. so much sleeps he pertified. and he DIDNS woke Up. till the explody light thingie. tHEn he wakez up. and lERNT hOW much stuff passed. hUMANZ were FRINDS agin. Hero Tem iz still gettin' up to daite. but KIN ASHCORE apparently lost the aMBazatour, so Hero TEM IZ GOIN TO HALP!

looKy pART: Hero TEM lookz liek a tEMMIE, but he haz SCAR across left chECk. He missues a paRT of doGear. he SOM TIMES wALks on two elgs. sPEsshially when fighty. he HAZ no1 sSHIRT instead of temmie one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

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(wrong tab, sorry)

(will likely reserve for future app after exams)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Batsy (Batsies)
They seem to be an easily frightened bunch, but they're nice nonetheless. Don't trust them with your secrets though...


The both of them only have one eye.
Beatrice and Wilma


Annie Vernier
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Papyrus, The Great
Monster Type: Skeleton
Gender: “PAPYRUS.”
Magic (up to three): “BONE ATTACKS, AND MY FABLED BLUE ATTACK!” As well, Papyrus seems to have the greatest pull out game/control in regards to his attack power, being able to leave Frisk at 1HP.
Personality: Papyrus is a kind and naive skeleton. Unlike his brother Sans, Papyrus works hard and is determined to always reach his goals (Which will never happen because he has no luck). When it comes to fighting, Papyrus is enthusiastic to show just how well lessons from Undyne are paying off, though he prefers to dazzle the humans with his crafty and well-built puzzles. Papyrus is always giving his all at being a good friend, and always takes his job seriously.
Bio: Before the first Frisk incident, Papyrus lived with his brother Sans in the town of Snowdin, where the two worked as a sentries for the area. After the first Frisk incident, Papyrus became Frisk's absolute number one best friend, helping him with his journey and with making new friends. In fact, without Papyrus, Frisk never would have been able to beat Asriel...mostly because he tricked Undyne into becoming Frisk’s friend, but that’s all in the past! After the barrier Papyrus was given the task of guarding his friend Flowey's flower pot prison, a great honor bestowed upon him.



Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChildHoodRuined
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ChildHoodRuined Son Goku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Toriel
Monster Type: Goat
Gender: Female
Occupation: Caretaker in the ruins.
Weapon?: None. (I don't think.)
Armor?: (None.)
Magic (up to three) :
Toriel has a few attacks. (not really a few)

Fire Ball

This magic attack will show Toriel mostly motioning her hands to summon fire balls to throw, she must concerate and find energy deep down to throw these attacks.

Personality: Toriel is a kind warmhearted goat mom who cares for humans and their well-being. As well as being a compassionate influence in the Undergrounds, she has a harder side to her temperament. She also relishes bad jokes and puns. She also enjoys cooking, and her dearest recipe is snail baked pie.
In the previous events of Undertale, Toriel was married to King Asgore and had a son, Asriel. When a human suddenly fell down into the Underground, she adopted them as her child. After war was proclaimed on humans, Toriel seperated from Asgore and resigned her throne. Betwixt time that Frisk had entered the Underground, Toriel had to see humans coming and dying. After Frisk's disapearance, things have been.. Quiet.

(would you smooch a ghost?)
(wrote the word 'maybe' wrong on puarpose :))

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Chen

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: High School Student

Weapon?: Worn Dagger

Armor?: Bandanna

Skills (up to three) : Science, Fighting, First Aid

Personality: A quiet boy his whole life, Chen never liked talking to people. Generally apathetic to most things in life, he was always interested in one thing. Death. Chen has always been interested in what happens after death, during death, the person right before they die. He dislikes most people but hides it, revealing this would cause more problems than he wanted. The only goal he has is to eventually become immortal and will do anything if it means he can eventually reach that goal.

Bio: Chen has a relatively normal life, he does little in the way of extracurricular activities and social life. He tends to mess around with his Worn Dagger and because of that he quickly learned to bandage his own wounds. He lives near Mt. Ebott and would see people wander up there and never return, which was strange. He began research on the war between monsters and humans, Mt. Ebott, and Boss Monsters. He eventually found that unless they had a kid, Boss Monsters were immortal. This information was useless to him due to the fact that all Boss Monsters were locked away underground. He shelved his research and instead focused on becoming stronger, faster, smarter, so that he could one day venture down to the underground and take the soul of a Boss Monster. Instead what happened, was Frisk beat him to the punch. Frisk released all of the monsters, making Chen's task infinitely more difficult and ultimately impossible really. Word spread that Frisk disappeared and Chen made it his new goal to find Frisk and take him hostage so that he could bargain frisk's life for a Boss Monster's soul.

I would not smooch a ghost, I would kill it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gender: Does it really matter? Female.
Occupation: Captain of the Royal Guard and the bodyguard to the Ambassador between humans and monsters.
Weapon?: Energy spear
Armor?: I used to have armor. But really, it was just for looks.
Magic: Spears of Justice! (Undyne can launch just one, or multiple
Green Attack (keeps the soul from moving, and the opponent has to guide the shield around to keep from being damaged.)
Personality: I'm rash, I'm brash, and I and one of the toughest MONSTERS FROM THE UNDERGROUND! FUHUHU! Also, I'f you're a nerd... YOU BETTER NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING INTO MY ROOM! ... Only a few nerds can get in there.
Bio: Undyne, from a young age, was a fiery kid, already challenging those around her and ready to attack just about anyone. It wasn't until she was easily bested by Asgore that she actually started to train. Day after day, she got better, learning how to utilize everything she had to be as effective as possible. One day, She finally beat Asgore, but rather than feeling good about winning, she felt bad. He was just a giant fuzzy pushover that happened to be incredibly strong. Since then, she became captain of the royal guard, and has been training Papyrus to not only be a great warrior, but also a chef.

Since Frisk came around and saved the underground, Undyne has been working as their bodyguard as well.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madder Brown
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Madder Brown

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Shyren

Monster Type: Angler Fish

Gender: Female

Occupation: Back-up singer to Mettaton. Additionally, she's been trying her hand -er, fin- at piano again, and is hoping to become a composer and maybe, someday, a singer of her own. For now? She's more than content -and comfortable- following the leader. The spotlight is a little too much for her as is.

Weapon?: N/A

Armor?: N/A

Magic (up to three) : Shyren's magic is her own voice, manifesting as single eight notes. Having improved quite significantly since first encountered, they can alter their notes from typical white notes into aqua (these notes manifest as an 8th rest notes) and green ones (these manifest as double eight notes).

Personality: Shyren, as her name would suggest, isn't exactly the boldest or bravest of monsters. They're also not the most confident. Or proud. She's quite the introvert, is easily embarrassed, and is borderline asocial, though she's come quite far from her days of hiding away in corners due to the shame of her scary face and tone-deaf voice. Or at least, what is tone-deaf without a little guidance. Unlike her friend Mettaton, Shyren feels far more comfortable following rather than trendsetting, and feels out of place in the limelight. She's far more content working backstage. She tends to be rather quiet, but for those who listen long enough or have the patience to get her talking -or more likely, singing- you'll have her going on for a while. She tends to hold everyone else to a higher pedestal than herself, idolizing them, and is quite harsh on herself, often holing up when she feels she's letting others down. If you befriend Shyren, you can count yourself a dependable, if not equally dependent, friend. Her dedication and potential is unquestionable but her will and self-esteem is easily broken...Not quiet as determined of a fish as another well-known monster.

Maybe she just needs a little more encouragement...?

Bio: A little fish from Waterfall who's dreamed of being a singer since childhood and has had their confidence crushed through the mocking of her dreams and the fear of her face, Shyren spent most of her life feeling not unlike the trash that so often fell through Waterfall and keeping her dreams secret since. After much time, she eventually shared her dreams with Napstablook, the local snail farmer, after he revealed his own dreams to become a composer. She was soon hooked up with Undyne for piano lessons, but after feeling like a let-down, stopped attending them and began to hole away as she used to, until a certain human came along. With Frisk relighting the spark of her confidence, she rejoined Blooky, who now worked with his cousin and her new friend, Mettaton, along with Burgerpants, on the surface as a back up singer.

However, when Frisk went missing, Shyren was crestfallen, and worried for her new friend. Shortly after Mettaton set off to find them, Shyren, as any good back-up singer would, followed suit.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madder Brown
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Madder Brown

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Stretto

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student

Weapon?: Muddy Spikes - Can't kill what you can't catch [Att + 5, Spe + 12]

Armor?: Old Headphones - Tune out the world with these. [Def -10, Att - 7, Spe -2.5, Inv + 12]

Skills (up to three) : Running, stealing, and deceiving. The trustworthy sort, of course.

Personality: Stretto doesn't like you. Stretto doesn't like himself. Stretto doesn't like many things, and he always looks like he'd rather be anywhere else but here. Thank god he's not one to complain, though, or else he'd never shut up. He's got a blunt tongue, a cynical mind, and a deep rooted love for sarcasm. (And bad puns, but good god, he's not going to admit that.) Not the most popular of kids. He tends to take on most tasks with a very casual attitude; not so much that he's not serious, but more so that he's not the sort to stress out over the possibility or result of failure. He seems to simply accept things for what they are, like them or not, and usually only fights for something if push comes to shove comes to bodyslam, or if they're roped into something by a friend. Yes, despite being, pardon the language, quite the asshole, he holds whatever few friends he can make dear, and doesn't like to disappoint them.

Bio: Stretto grew up in a [REDACTED] with a [REDACTED] and a [REDACTED], so right off the bat, he was heading places in life. And by places I mean he was already surrounded by trouble, and soon he himself would be causing it, getting suspended on his very first day of Kindergarten. Not much punishment was going to get to him, for it was nothing like what he faced at [REDACTED]. So he soon became desensitized and unfazed by most everything life threw at him. Including the monsters that arose from the Underground. With his nonchalant nature he quickly accepted them as yet another fact of life, and being one of the quicker to accept, one who hanged around them a lot more, and by that, they also began hanging around Frisk, whom he soon began to grow fond of and eventually became the first person they have befriended in years. Though not usually a fighter, Frisk's disappearance was one thing they just weren't going to let slip by without at least trying to change.


Other: Their SOUL colour is a mud grey [trait: ACCEPTANCE, battle mode: Each attack and each hit become less and less effective]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Alphys
Monster Type: Lizard
Gender: Female
Occupation: Scientist
Weapon?: Ray gun of science! (+20 ATK, prone to missing, though)
Armor?: Alphys' Glasses (+5 DEF, improves accuracy)
Magic: None
Personality: Nerdy, awkward, and a bit of a loner unless it comes to her friends.
Bio: Alphys was hired as the royal scientist for the Underground a long time after the previous one died due to mysterious circumstances... She was assigned the task of finding out what makes human's souls last for so long, and fusing it with monster's. After using some of the old scientist's schematics, she made a device and used it to find out what was inside of a human soul and made the hypothesis that a mysterious element called determination made it possible for their soul to stay intact after death.
Elated and excited to get to work, Alphys took in the bodies of near-dead monsters, and fused them with determination... the results of the experiment were horrific, however, resulting in terrifying amalgamations of all the test subjects. They bonded together and became hostile... Alphys could not let them be found. She'd be executed, or at the very least, hated by everyone. She nurtured for the amalgamates and just ignored all the mail from the families and from Asgore... other than, of course, the one where Asgore found a tea cup in the shape of Alphys. She never let anyone find out about the amalgamates and lived with the ever-increasing guilt.
After the experiment was called off, she didn't have much to do and did two things: watched hundreds of hours of anime, and built her only successful creation that brought anyone joy; Mettaton. By combining the soul of Napstablook's cousin and a metal body, Alphys constructed Mettaton; a dazzling game show host and resort owner, with every product in the underground having to do with him in some shape or form. This was her magnum opus, but it soon seemed to backfire as Mettaton got more and more popular, and slowly began to stop talking to her unless she made the call at the right time. This made Alphys a bit of a recluse, and she felt like the garbage dump was where she belonged... she was hanging there one day, when she met the love of her life. Undyne.
"Undyne; the strongest fish in the world! What a character!" Alphys thought to herself quite often. She was never really able to muster up the courage to tell Undyne of her feelings. She would always shy away and try to change the subject any time she'd ask because she was afraid that Undyne would think that she's weird.
One day, out of the ruins came a human. Alphys expected this, actually... she had cameras set up in every town and in every bush and tree and cave so that she could spy on Frisk. She grew attached and felt like she wouldn't be able to kill Frisk, not because of her wimpy arms or anything, but because of her feelings. And her wimpy arms. She instead planned out something elaborate, where Mettaton would seemingly trap Frisk, but then Alphys would swoop in and save the day! But after the final step in her plan, she felt remorse over her deception. She had one last goodbye with Frisk, and ran back to her lab, locking it all the way up and disabling any forms of communication.
After a while, though, Frisk came back with a love letter from Undyne and Alphys mistook it for Frisk's letter, going on a date with him instead. They did a quick roleplay in the garbage dump and Alphys began to lose control as she sometimes does, and unfortunately got caught by Undyne. After a moment of awkwardness, Alphys freaked out a little bit again while telling Undyne of her love. Undyne, lovingly, threw her through a hoop and into a trash can and made her run a bunch of laps with Papyrus. She left early, though, and went back to the lab to confront her fears, and with the help of Frisk, released the Amalgamates and proceeded to go above ground. Undyne and Alphys lived together from that point, and now, knowing that Frisk is lost, is determined to do whatever it takes to see her friend again!
Appearance: Alphys is a short, plump yellow lizard with a constant slouch and insecure stance. She wears a lab coat and glasses, and on special occasions, a polka-dot dress.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Aria
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Weapon?: Burnt Pan- 10ATK/4hit
Armor?: Faded Ribbon- 3DEF
Skills (up to three) :

  • Photography
  • First Aid
  • Hand to Hand Combat

Personality: Kind, friendly,patient, and understanding. She is quick to forgive even if the person may not deserve it but she is for second chances. This isn't to say she is a push over as she will stand for what she believes in. She tells how she sees things which is always the best choice.

Bio: Aria lives with her grandfather and has ever since she was two. Her mother died on the day of her birth and her father went missing up on Mt. Ebott those few years after never to return. The only thing that they were able to find of him was a single camera that Aria is never without. She grew up normally, nothing too exciting happening and mostly left to her own to do as she wished since she mostly took care of her grandpa instead of the other way around. Once the monsters returned to the surface, she became fascinated by them and how they ever fought in the first place. It was as if all was well and Aria was free to explore the underground more and more since everything was at peace between the two species. It was when Frisk went missing that she began to understand how war started the first time. Things were getting shaky and she even had to take up a weapon she had found because of that worry of being attack while alone in the underground.


I would kiss a ghost but only is they are...SPOOPY!!!

Taking over as Flowey the Flower...Profile for the flower was made by WarpedReality

Name: Flowey
Monster Type: Flower
Gender: Male I think?
Occupation: N/A
Weapon: Non +19 Attack
Armor: Non +0 Defense
Magic: “Friendliness pellets.” Able to travel around through the soil unless trapped.
Personality: Flowey wears a mask of friendliness and politeness. He has a habit of greeting you with “Howdy!” while using such words as “gosh” and “golly” at the ends of his sentences. When he drops façade and starts gloating he has the habit of calling you an “idiot”. His central philosophy is that of Chara: that the meaning of the world is: “Kill or be Killed”
Bio: Created by doctor Alphys when she was testing what it would happen if she gave something without a soul the will to live? Flowey first meet Frisk in the ruins hoping to take his soul until Toriel saved him. After that Flowey followed Frisk until the fight with Asgore that is when he went off and grabbed all 6 human souls. He went to Papyrus and got him to bring all of his friends to take all of their souls (along with all the underground monsters as well) to become Asriel Dreemurr. (The kid of Toriel and Asgore) proceed to fight Frisk in what was supposed to be the final battle. (Extracted due to laziness) now Flowey is resigned to forever live in a pot in the care of Papyrus. “…This wouldn’t have happen if he just killed everybody. ”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 9 mos ago

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