I took a look at everyone's characters to determine what their strengths were. I wanted to isolate those skills that may be either unique to a particular individual or shared amongst only two. This is what we have:
Yuumi Aoyama (Magenta), O+,Fitness Profile: D, C, C & B Skills:
Sniper, Survivalist, CQC & Stealth
Jean Luis Dornier (Yellow), A+, Fitness Profile: B, C, B & C Skills: CQC, Assault,
Demolitionist, Survivalist
Hector Slade (Blue], AB-, Fitness Profile: C, B, A & D, Skills: Assault,
Heavy Weapons, Technical Expertise, Survivalist
Tavish MacIntyre (Green), O-, Fitness Profile: E, D, B & A Skills: CQC, Close Up, Stealth,
Pippa Boone (Fulvous), O-, Fitness Profile: D, C, C & B Skills: Stealth, Survivalist, CQC,
Technical Expert
Luna Miquel Salbuchi (Brown), O+, Fitness Profile: B, D, C & A Skills: Pack Mule,
Medical, Survivalist,
Technical ExpertWith this raw data, I grouped the six characters by skill. We have two Assault, four CQC, one Demolitionist, one pack mule, one sniper, one heavy weapons specialist, five survivalists, three stealth, two medicals and three with technical Expertise. Our Technical Experts include training and experience in Computer Engineering, Electronic Warfare/Communications and Legal.
Assault:Jean Luis Dornier (Yellow) Gunther
Hector Slade (Blue) EnterTheHero
Close Quarters Combat:Yuumi Aoyama (Magenta) Rekaigan
Jean Luis Dornier (Yellow) Gunther
Tavish MacIntyre (Green) Nevix
Pippa Boone (Fulvous) FantasyChic
Demolistionist:Jean Luis Dornier (Yellow) Gunther
Heavy Weapons:Hector Slade (Blue) EnterTheHero
Medical:Tavish MacIntyre (Green) Nevix
Luna Miquel Salbuchi (Brown) The book of bad juju
Pack Mule:Luna Miquel Salbuchi (Brown) The book of bad juju
Snipers: Yuumi Aoyama (Magenta) Rekaigan
Survivalist: Yuumi Aoyama (Magenta) Rekaigan
Jean Luis Dornier (Yellow) Gunther
Hector Slade (Blue) EnterTheHero
Pippa Boone (Fulvous) FantasyChic
Luna Miquel Salbuchi (Brown) The book of bad juju
Stealth: Yuumi Aoyama (Magenta) Rekaigan
Tavish MacIntyre (Green) Nevix
Pippa Boone (Fulvous) FantasyChic
Technical Expertise:Hector Slade (Blue) EnterTheHero Specializes in: Electrical/Electronics/Communications Engineering & Robotics Engineering.
Pippa Boone (Fulvous) FantasyChic Specializes in: CJ/POLSCI/LAW
Luna Miquel Salbuchi (Brown) The book of bad juju Specializes in Computer Engineering
This automatically provides the following assignments:
Demolitionist: Jean Dornier
Sniper: Yuumi Aoyama
Heavy Weps: Hector Slade
Team Medic: Tavish MacIntyre
Assistant Team Medic: Luna Miquel Salbuchi
Technical Expertise (Computer Engineering): Luna Miquel Salbuchi
Technical Expertise (EW/Communications): Hector Slade
Technical Expertise (Legal): Pippa Boone
Technical Expertise (Robotics Engineering): Hector Slade