Name: Valkyria chronicles universe
Scale: Valkyria chronicles takes place in an... odd universe. It is based upon world war 2, in this game called the second europan war. (No typo, it's europan) as such, it contains similar technology to what one would find in world War 2. With one key difference being that everything is powered or made by a mineral known as Ragnite. Ragnite is capable of creating fuel, electricity, engines, medicine, and many other things. It also is closely linked to the titular valkyria. A sub race that has great power. In this RP, the valkyria chronicles would have been invaded and taken over by the reign of chaos, for access to the material Ragnite.
Setting: for the most part, besides everything being run on Ragnite, Valkyria chronicles is similar to earth. Albeit different at the same time. To the east is the empire, and to the west is the federation. Caught in the middle is the neutral principality of Gallia, which sits atop a rich Ragnite deposit. Where north America would be, is instead a country known as Arcadia. Which has its own story altogether.
History: past the disaster that supposedly wiped out the valkyrie, there is nothing of note. Simply two wars that to the reign of chaos would be inconsequential, since they would have wiped out both the empire and the federation.
Power scaling: beyond the rare valkyrie, which would all be dead by now, it is simply earth with a different political landscape. No limitations, no difference. The only thing that makes it important is the abundant supply of ragnite.