finally finished
Secret ID: Remy Sean
Alias: Mystic
Age: 16
Home Location: Bludhaven
Voodoo Magic: Remy’s powers are magical in nature and stem from his family’s history as voodoo priests from the dark areas of Louisiana. This power stems from both spiritual and life force power. This grants him power to use different spells and abilities as well as commune with the dead.
Grave Hounds: This spell summons two fierce looking undead dogs that obey Remy’s command and will attacks those he wishes. They can be destroyed, but their spirits will be sent back to the spirit world where they will reform.
Haunting: Remy summons terrifying ghosts that can cause psychological damage to living entities and baptize them in waves of fear.
Voodoo Bolt: This spell shoots out a glowing green bolt of magical energy that has an acidic like effect on targets it hits.
Beasts of the swamp: Remy can summon fiendish looking crocodiles or snakes. This spell can only summon one kind or the other at a time and it can only have one animal appear. When the spell is cast again then the current animal disappears.
Weaknesses: His magic is not very effective against iron and silver is like kryptonite to him and it will drain him of his magical power if he is close proximity for too long. Every time Remy casts a spell he uses up some of his well of magical power and if he casts too many spells then his magical powers weakens and he will have to rest to regain power. Using too much power can cause him to go unconscious.
Equipment: Remy uses a
staff as both his primary weapon when in close combat and for focusing his magical power. He can channel his magic into the wood to make it stronger. Remy also carries a satchel full of herbs for making medicine and mystical rituals.

Personality: Remy can very flamboyant and quite the showman. He is very knowledgeable of the supernatural world and the culture of Louisiana. Remy is very proud of his creole heritage and of the Creole French language. He also has a firm sense of honor and loyalty that he learned from his family. Being tied to the mystical arts, Remy has always felt out of place in normal society and so his experience in the world of regular America is somewhat limited.
Password: Gnarkk
BRIEF Bio: Remy was born in a small town of Louisiana and was one of the few members of his family that was capable of the mystic arts. Contrary to popular belief voodoo magic was not an evil power and like most magic it had a neutral stance and whether the power was used for good or evil was up to the wielder of the power. Remy received most of his training from his grandfather and grandmother who were skilled members of the voodoo arts, they took upon themselves to help guide the next generation of their family mystics.
Remy at first showed average promise, but with hard work his potential was soon realized and his skills grew more powerful. Things would change for him when his father decided that it would be better to try and have him live a normal life by moving away from the state. His father had them move to Gotham where he got job working for the city’s history museum and Remy felt out of place in the large city, it was so different from his home in Louisiana.
While in Gotham, Remy eventually found the supernatural side of the city and came to know the magician named Zatanna. After assisting her in fighting a few criminals she said that he could do a lot of good and that he should try out hero work. Fashioning himself a costume inspired of his voodoo family ties, Remy became known as Mystic and began to fight crime in the dark city, bringing horrors to criminals. Eventually he was introduced to batman by Zatanna and offered a spot on his team known as the titans. Remy only hoped that his powers would prove useful to this team
Notes: [anything else you need to add?]
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