Secret ID: Robert Hall and Daniel Hall
Alias: Leviathan
Age: 19 and 15 [Levi being the average 17]
Home Location: Metropolis
Powers: Through concentrated contact, the boys become a single giant human with increased strength, speed, stamina, and durability. In a nut shell, the composite being is ten foot tall, bulletproof, and can tear a car apart with his bare hands. He can bench press well over a ton, and run a mile in just over three minutes. Both of the boys are adept swimmers, and as fast as Leviathan is on land he's just as fast in the water.
Weaknesses: When separated the boys are just your average athletic teenagers with no increased anything. The composite being Leviathan can only stay together for roughly an hour, the duration also depends on how well the boys work as one brain rather than two sides fighting against each other. If the Leviathan is hit with mental attacks he loses his form in no time at all.
Equipment: Any equipment or devices/objects the boys have on them becomes compromised when they combine to create Leviathan. Batman fitted each of the boys with a light armor reminiscent of a wet suit and upon becoming one being the suit 'completes itself' giving the young giant hero a little more durability.
Leviathan -

Personality: Robert is a little more loud and reckless; Daniel is a little smarter and quieter, Leviathan is stoic but often acts before thinking things through.
Password: What's this about a password?
BRIEF Bio: Robert and Daniel both lived in Metropolis with their grandmother. Several weeks back, while Superman was in a battle with Brainiac, one of the technological tyrant's experiments was released into the city. This 'exobyte' had the brothers merge into one larger being when they made contact running for safety. The two of them had no idea what to think, but it was clear to anyone who tried to talk to the giant man that the fellow was a man of two minds about everything. After Brainiac had been defeated and the first time the two brothers would 'go big' wore off they thought that life would go back to normal.
They couldn't have been more wrong. Days later, while the two boys waited in the car outside of the bank their grandmother was doing business in, a robbery began to go down. As soon as Daniel realized what was going on he told his brother they needed to go and make sure their grandma was safe. On a whim Daniel concentrated hard and put his hand on his brother's shoulder. Seconds later the giant was born again. At the end of it all, the giant was met by Superman after putting the KO on the three armed robbers.
Another week would pass before Robin contacted the boys. Grayson wasn't the world's greatest detective, but he trained with one of the best for three years and quickly determined the giant was a composite being and reached out to them via social media. Like others, the first meeting with Robin in Gotham went south for the boys and the two could only watch as Multiplex and Deadshot made an example out of the first teenage superhero and former sidekick.
Notes: At some point later on we may meet other members of this universe's Justice League so that I can have a short moment between Leviathan and Aquaman.
Sample Post:
"These Multiplex goons are a handful. My brother and I aren't really cut out for this 'Teen Titans' thing after all. It takes concentration and skin to skin contact for us to become a giant, and if something doesn't happen soon Robin's not going to make it much longer. If only Robert would stop trying to fight those Multiplex guys two or three at a time we might be able to make contact and..." Daniel thought to himself while trying to break free of one of the Multiplex duplicates' grip that currently had him pinned up against a warehouse wall.
"These kids are beginning to annoy me..." Deadshot yelled out to his partners in crime as he shot a couple high powered rounds at the dog like creature that one of the kids transformed into taking it down for the time being.
"Should've just killed that ugly thing, Lawton..." one of the many Multiplexes commented.
"We were sent here to kill one person and to send a message. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME YOU LITTLE SUPERHERO WANNABES?" Deadshot yelled out a little louder than before, "KIDS SHOULDN'T WEAR COSTUMES."
Deadshot finally let the nearly lifeless and beaten body of Robin fall to the ground the rest of the way. He reloaded his wrist mounted 22 millimeter firearms and aimed one of them at the head of the bloody and bruised Robin. Under his mask he was closing his eyes. Killing kids is awful even to an assassin. Not even two seconds later and...
After a few more punches were thrown at the rookie heroes by all of the duplicates, they all merged back into the prime Multiplex as Deadshot watched seemingly in surprise.
"We better jet, 'Plex. There's no telling for certain when the Bat will come around looking for bird boy..." Deadshot suggested as they took off up an alleyway, now just the two of them.
Alias: Leviathan
Age: 19 and 15 [Levi being the average 17]
Home Location: Metropolis
Powers: Through concentrated contact, the boys become a single giant human with increased strength, speed, stamina, and durability. In a nut shell, the composite being is ten foot tall, bulletproof, and can tear a car apart with his bare hands. He can bench press well over a ton, and run a mile in just over three minutes. Both of the boys are adept swimmers, and as fast as Leviathan is on land he's just as fast in the water.
Weaknesses: When separated the boys are just your average athletic teenagers with no increased anything. The composite being Leviathan can only stay together for roughly an hour, the duration also depends on how well the boys work as one brain rather than two sides fighting against each other. If the Leviathan is hit with mental attacks he loses his form in no time at all.
Equipment: Any equipment or devices/objects the boys have on them becomes compromised when they combine to create Leviathan. Batman fitted each of the boys with a light armor reminiscent of a wet suit and upon becoming one being the suit 'completes itself' giving the young giant hero a little more durability.
Leviathan -

Personality: Robert is a little more loud and reckless; Daniel is a little smarter and quieter, Leviathan is stoic but often acts before thinking things through.
Password: What's this about a password?
BRIEF Bio: Robert and Daniel both lived in Metropolis with their grandmother. Several weeks back, while Superman was in a battle with Brainiac, one of the technological tyrant's experiments was released into the city. This 'exobyte' had the brothers merge into one larger being when they made contact running for safety. The two of them had no idea what to think, but it was clear to anyone who tried to talk to the giant man that the fellow was a man of two minds about everything. After Brainiac had been defeated and the first time the two brothers would 'go big' wore off they thought that life would go back to normal.
They couldn't have been more wrong. Days later, while the two boys waited in the car outside of the bank their grandmother was doing business in, a robbery began to go down. As soon as Daniel realized what was going on he told his brother they needed to go and make sure their grandma was safe. On a whim Daniel concentrated hard and put his hand on his brother's shoulder. Seconds later the giant was born again. At the end of it all, the giant was met by Superman after putting the KO on the three armed robbers.
Another week would pass before Robin contacted the boys. Grayson wasn't the world's greatest detective, but he trained with one of the best for three years and quickly determined the giant was a composite being and reached out to them via social media. Like others, the first meeting with Robin in Gotham went south for the boys and the two could only watch as Multiplex and Deadshot made an example out of the first teenage superhero and former sidekick.
Notes: At some point later on we may meet other members of this universe's Justice League so that I can have a short moment between Leviathan and Aquaman.
Sample Post:
"These Multiplex goons are a handful. My brother and I aren't really cut out for this 'Teen Titans' thing after all. It takes concentration and skin to skin contact for us to become a giant, and if something doesn't happen soon Robin's not going to make it much longer. If only Robert would stop trying to fight those Multiplex guys two or three at a time we might be able to make contact and..." Daniel thought to himself while trying to break free of one of the Multiplex duplicates' grip that currently had him pinned up against a warehouse wall.
"These kids are beginning to annoy me..." Deadshot yelled out to his partners in crime as he shot a couple high powered rounds at the dog like creature that one of the kids transformed into taking it down for the time being.
"Should've just killed that ugly thing, Lawton..." one of the many Multiplexes commented.
"We were sent here to kill one person and to send a message. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME YOU LITTLE SUPERHERO WANNABES?" Deadshot yelled out a little louder than before, "KIDS SHOULDN'T WEAR COSTUMES."
Deadshot finally let the nearly lifeless and beaten body of Robin fall to the ground the rest of the way. He reloaded his wrist mounted 22 millimeter firearms and aimed one of them at the head of the bloody and bruised Robin. Under his mask he was closing his eyes. Killing kids is awful even to an assassin. Not even two seconds later and...
After a few more punches were thrown at the rookie heroes by all of the duplicates, they all merged back into the prime Multiplex as Deadshot watched seemingly in surprise.
"We better jet, 'Plex. There's no telling for certain when the Bat will come around looking for bird boy..." Deadshot suggested as they took off up an alleyway, now just the two of them.