Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Secret ID: Robert Hall and Daniel Hall

Alias: Leviathan

Age: 19 and 15 [Levi being the average 17]

Home Location: Metropolis

Powers: Through concentrated contact, the boys become a single giant human with increased strength, speed, stamina, and durability. In a nut shell, the composite being is ten foot tall, bulletproof, and can tear a car apart with his bare hands. He can bench press well over a ton, and run a mile in just over three minutes. Both of the boys are adept swimmers, and as fast as Leviathan is on land he's just as fast in the water.

Weaknesses: When separated the boys are just your average athletic teenagers with no increased anything. The composite being Leviathan can only stay together for roughly an hour, the duration also depends on how well the boys work as one brain rather than two sides fighting against each other. If the Leviathan is hit with mental attacks he loses his form in no time at all.

Equipment: Any equipment or devices/objects the boys have on them becomes compromised when they combine to create Leviathan. Batman fitted each of the boys with a light armor reminiscent of a wet suit and upon becoming one being the suit 'completes itself' giving the young giant hero a little more durability.


Leviathan -

Personality: Robert is a little more loud and reckless; Daniel is a little smarter and quieter, Leviathan is stoic but often acts before thinking things through.

Password: What's this about a password?

BRIEF Bio: Robert and Daniel both lived in Metropolis with their grandmother. Several weeks back, while Superman was in a battle with Brainiac, one of the technological tyrant's experiments was released into the city. This 'exobyte' had the brothers merge into one larger being when they made contact running for safety. The two of them had no idea what to think, but it was clear to anyone who tried to talk to the giant man that the fellow was a man of two minds about everything. After Brainiac had been defeated and the first time the two brothers would 'go big' wore off they thought that life would go back to normal.

They couldn't have been more wrong. Days later, while the two boys waited in the car outside of the bank their grandmother was doing business in, a robbery began to go down. As soon as Daniel realized what was going on he told his brother they needed to go and make sure their grandma was safe. On a whim Daniel concentrated hard and put his hand on his brother's shoulder. Seconds later the giant was born again. At the end of it all, the giant was met by Superman after putting the KO on the three armed robbers.

Another week would pass before Robin contacted the boys. Grayson wasn't the world's greatest detective, but he trained with one of the best for three years and quickly determined the giant was a composite being and reached out to them via social media. Like others, the first meeting with Robin in Gotham went south for the boys and the two could only watch as Multiplex and Deadshot made an example out of the first teenage superhero and former sidekick.

Notes: At some point later on we may meet other members of this universe's Justice League so that I can have a short moment between Leviathan and Aquaman.

Sample Post:

"These Multiplex goons are a handful. My brother and I aren't really cut out for this 'Teen Titans' thing after all. It takes concentration and skin to skin contact for us to become a giant, and if something doesn't happen soon Robin's not going to make it much longer. If only Robert would stop trying to fight those Multiplex guys two or three at a time we might be able to make contact and..." Daniel thought to himself while trying to break free of one of the Multiplex duplicates' grip that currently had him pinned up against a warehouse wall.

"These kids are beginning to annoy me..." Deadshot yelled out to his partners in crime as he shot a couple high powered rounds at the dog like creature that one of the kids transformed into taking it down for the time being.

"Should've just killed that ugly thing, Lawton..." one of the many Multiplexes commented.

"We were sent here to kill one person and to send a message. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME YOU LITTLE SUPERHERO WANNABES?" Deadshot yelled out a little louder than before, "KIDS SHOULDN'T WEAR COSTUMES."

Deadshot finally let the nearly lifeless and beaten body of Robin fall to the ground the rest of the way. He reloaded his wrist mounted 22 millimeter firearms and aimed one of them at the head of the bloody and bruised Robin. Under his mask he was closing his eyes. Killing kids is awful even to an assassin. Not even two seconds later and...


After a few more punches were thrown at the rookie heroes by all of the duplicates, they all merged back into the prime Multiplex as Deadshot watched seemingly in surprise.

"We better jet, 'Plex. There's no telling for certain when the Bat will come around looking for bird boy..." Deadshot suggested as they took off up an alleyway, now just the two of them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Secret ID: Vesta 'Ves' Petrakis
Alias: Argonaut
Age: 18
Home Location: Themyscria, althought she is currently situated in Metropolis.
-Enhanced aspects of the human body
-Healing factor
-Piercing weapons hurt her more than any other kind.
-Lasso of truth
-Bracelets of submission
-Tiara(explained below)
-A sword (Used only in extreme emergencies)

Vesta is rather naive but also very courageous and willing to help anyone who needs it. A well of compassion, Vesta treats everyone equally no matter their creed, race or gender. To the point where she'd rather convince a racist to change their ways rather than attack them. Vesta tries to make jokes, but they often fall flat because of her lack of knowledge about the outside worlds customs and whatnot. While she displays a great degree of confidence, Vesta is deeply insecure and often talks about how much better her sister is when people compliment her.

The one thing that Ves is most interested in is 80s music. Her favourite band is The Smiths and even mentioning them in a positive light can make just about anyone her new best friend.
Password: Titan
Vesta was born on the mythical isle of Themyscria. Vesta, like her sister, Diana was 'born' through her 'mother', Hippolyta creating her with clay and the soul of an unborn baby. Vesta was born quite a few years after Diana who had left Themyscria before Vesta had even begun her training.

Vesta's training began when she was around 15. Her training was a tough and rigorous regime, exhausting both her body and her mind while strengthening them at the same time. Much more emphasis was based around her mental skills though, as she was never really meant to be a warrior, just a trainer. Vesta was kept oblivious to the technology and customs of the outside world, only learning what a boy was after Diana visited home and told Vesta various things about the outside world. Of course, Vesta was still quite young and the explanation was cut short of "Girls, but with hair on their chins" and Vesta was left mostly in the dark about men.

Vesta was never intended to leave Themyscria at all, instead being trained to defend it from any danger and so she could train any new Amazons to a much more efficient rate than before. However, Vesta was curious and yearned to see the outside world after speaking with her sister rather often. Eventually, after much pestering, she was allowed to visit the outside world with Hippolyta thinking that she'd prefer the comfort of home to the harshness of the 'real' world. Of course, she was wrong.

During her short visit to the outside world, Vesta was contacted by Robin and subsequently got her arse kicked with the rest of the 'team' in the fight that concluded with Robins death. Shortly after, Hippolyta had equipment similar to that of, Diana's made for Vesta in order to help her better defend herself. Of course, Vesta isn't well versed in the use of this equipment just yet but is getting the hang of using them as quickly as she can.

Vesta loved the outside world. Diana showed her how differing the technology and culture was to that of Themyscria and Vesta finally saw a man. Although while she has seen a man she still confuses non-bearded men for women every now and then. She was allowed to stay in Metropolis, cutting her training short and leaving her under the supervision of her sister.
-Favourite band is "The Smiths"
-Has a major crush on a young David Bowie
-Favourite colour is purple
-Her favourite song is "Love and Pride" by King, although this changes frequently.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Secret ID: Archer Graham

Alias: Zero

Age: 18

Home Location: Gotham

Powers: A textbook Cryomancer, Archer can "create" objects made of ice by lowering the temperature around him and using moisture in the air as his main source of ice. His ice-powers could very well run deeper than that, but if it does he has yet to discover it, having only just now began to get the hang of creating ice objects. The objects he creates are, more often than not, simple blunt weapons like bats and hammers, or basic stabbing weapons like knives and javelins. His cryomancy allows him near immunity to cold weather and other extreme cold temperatures, as well, meaning he could go on missions to the South Pole with no need to dress more warmly.

Weaknesses: His ice is almost exclusively reliant on some form of water source to work with. He can usually get by using moisture in the air, but should he find himself in, say, a burning building, then the lack of water in the air can handicap him unless he happens to have a jug of water to work with. He's also found that his powers work best so long as he remains well-hydrated, as a lack of hydration can weaken the amount of ice he can manipulate. Just as he is nearly immune to cold temperatures, the inverse is true of hot temperatures, though not to same extremes as the likes of Mister Freeze, since Archer can at least go out in warm weather with no threat to his life. Extremely hot environments, such as scorching deserts or a volcanic mountain on the other hand can leave him powerless to do anything until he is moved to a cooler location.

Equipment: Apart from the standard stuff, Batman has made sure that the material of Archer's suit has as much heat resistance as possible. It doesn't completely alleviate the problem with hot environments, but it certainly provides a considerable buffer between the heat and Archer's body.


Personality: Archer is, for the most part, a good enough kid. If he sees a mugging on the street or even bullying at school, he won't hesitate to take it upon himself to stop said activity. After getting his powers, he's become even more brazen with these acts, becoming almost cocky. Lately, since Robin's death, Archer has begun second guessing himself more often, his previous confidence shattered by the death of his team leader. Regardless, he's determined to pick up the pieces and start over again, if for nothing else than for the memory of Robin.

Password: Titan

BRIEF Bio: Born in Gotham City, Archer used to be more timid when he smaller. The general danger of living in Gothom City can do that to a kid. Of course, Batman has since made the city much safer than it used to be. Batman's crusade against crime was inspirational, but it was the appearance of his partner, Robin, that really changed Archer's personality. After all, if a kid around his own age could be brave enough to take on corruption, than why shouldn't Archer himself do the same? Of course, he would never have actually fought crime, but he did finally start standing up to his bullies, protecting himself and other kids they picked on. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Once he was in High School, Archer's life changed again. It was during one of Mister Freeze's attempts to bring an Ice Age to Gotham. When the attack came, Archer was walking home from school, passing by a small chemical lab. Mister Freeze's sudden attack covered chunks of Gotham City into a Winter Wonderland, Archer's location included. But in the midst of bombardment of cold, some barrels of discarded chemicals burst open, and their contents splashed all over Archer before the freeze blast briefly froze him. Emphasis on "brief" because within moments, Archer was able break himself free, discovering that he didn't feel any of the cold at all, despite the lack of winter clothes. From there he discovered he could manipulate the moisture in the air and freeze it into ice shapes.

Robin found him not long after that. The Boy Wonder explained that he was planning to start a team called the Teen Titans, and that Archer with his powers would make an excellent addition. It was practically a dream come true, and Archer joined without a second thought. He had no idea just what fate had in store. Soon after that was when Deadshot and Multiplex attacked. The team escaped, though not without casualty. Robin was dead. Robin, one of the first teen superheroes ever to done a cape, and student of the freaking Batman no less. Archer was shaken, to be sure, and even briefly considered giving up the notion of saving people. But then, he received the message, a text on his phone that led him to a gym where Batman and Wildcat were waiting. If fate saw fit to provide Archer a second chance, then it would have been a disservice to the memory of Robin to not accept the offer.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ladies and Gentlemen, making his first public appearance, I give you the testosterone-based, masked fury of ...El Sasquatcho!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Secret ID: Bolin Lài
Alias: Foo Dog
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Home city: Gotham

Personality: Bolin is a smart-ass, make jokes on the fly, quick banter kind of superhero. When all else fails, at least he can joke about it. He does, however, know when to get serious. Bolin's other half, Shíshī, isn't so pleasant. Shíshī is a serious mannered spirit.

Abilities: Bolin is at the height of human ability. He's fast, strong, agile, and durable. It also helps to be possessed by a Chinese guardian spirit. The spirit, Shíshī, allows Bolin to call upon brief moments of super strength and durability in a pinch, but the use of this strength quickly drains him.

As a final resort, Bolin can allow Shíshī to come forth, transforming him into a very large, very strong creature, often referred to as a Foo Dog. He can remain in this form indefinitely, until Shíshī relinquishes control and lets Bolin take his body back.

Weakness: Burning sage in his vicinity will keep him trapped in one form. It doesn't matter which one; he'll won't be able to transformed until the sage is taken away.
Bolin's brash and frankly idiotic 'plans' of blowing into battle, guns blazing, has gotten him into trouble more than once. Strategy is not his forte. He's still young, fairly inexperienced, and without Shíshī, with whom he's constantly at ends with, he probably wouldn't have made it this far.

Appearance: Bolin fights with several forms of martial arts, so his costume must be comfortable. He wears yellow, red, and black, colors that resemble the form of Shíshī, his Foo dog. His weapon of choice is a pair of kamas.

Without his costume on, Bolin is just your average guy. He's about 5'10", has black hair, brown eyes, and is of Chinese descent.

History: One has to wonder how a young man comes to be possessed by a giant lion spirit. Bolin was just a baby when he was taken from his home, in a small village in China, by a cult of demon worshipers called The Sha Wujing clan, or just "The Clan". The Hand planned to train Bolin and eventually summon a demon to possess his body so that he could aid them in their dark deeds.

Bolin was raised by the villains, brainwashed by their ideals. They told him that he would be something great someday, but for the most part, Bolin raised himself. The Clan taught him basic education, but never bothered to train or discipline him. When it came time to have his body taken over, The Clan opened a portal to the spirit world to allow the demon to travel through. However, unknown to them a different spirit had been watching their actions, waiting to stop them. Shíshī came through instead, taking over Bolin's body and using his strength to destroy the Clan. When the villains had retreated back to their hidey holes, Shíshī gave Bolin control again. Shíshī was unable to return back to the spirit world now, forever bonded with Bolin. It took years for the two to find a way to get along. Bolin wasn't used to authority, and Shíshī was rife with it.

Bolin can still often be seen bickering with Shíshī, earning odd looks as it appears that he is speaking to himself.

Bolin is still searching for the remaining Clan members. They are all but extinct in China now, but a few branches remain in the United States. This is what brought Bolin over seas to fight. The numbers have drastically dropped since his arrival, allowing him to do other things such as join the TITANs. He'll still occasionally go off on a lead, but his heart is with the team.

Sample Post:

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alias: Bard

Age: 19

Home Location: Bludhaven


Music is Magic- So far Derrick can only release his magic by playing The Axe in certain ways.

Iron Will- Derrick isn't one to just give up anything without a fight, his determination keeping him awake through the harshest beat downs and all but the best psionics out of his head.


Strong but Unskilled- Derrick has great magical potential, his basic spells packing quiet the punch. However they are easily countered by more experienced magic users.

Wild Child- Because of his inexperience Derrick can't efficiently use his magic, tiring him out quickly.

Equipment:The Axe. A guitar given to him by a one "Uncle Scratch". It is far more durable than it has any right to be and slightly heavier than you would expect but it's magical origins make it the perfect channel for the young mages abilities.

Notebook of Arcane Lore- Another gift from Uncle Scratch, this large notebook contains written spells, notes on magic, and little doodles. While only visibly carrying a hundred or so pages within it actually carries somewhere along several thousand.

Personality: "Don't cling to pain. Don't expect happiness. Don't fear loss. Accept reality as it is. Enjoy the good. Endure the bad. Don't make a big deal out of anything. Be selfless, and unconditionally kind and just, without ever expecting a reward. We're all going to end up as piles of dust, so why not be nice to each other and get those pleasant fuzzies?"

Password: Gnarkk



Sample Post:
"bang, Bang, BANG!" the shots rang out in his head, the same sound Derrick had been hearing on repeat for several days now, the only wound that stayed fresh. The bruises and scrapes had already healed, it wasn't like that was the first time Derrick had ever been beat up, but death? That was new. He remembers bashing several of the Multiplexs on the head before getting overwhelmed and beaten down, nothing too bad but it left him helpless to do anything else.

He blacked out for awhile, no more than a couple minutes but it was enough. Robin was dead and one of his "teammates" was on his way too. With nothing but a prayer and a dollar -twenty five he got the kid an ambulance and saw him off, getting left with questioning.

"What the hell were you doing out here with that kid?" asked the cop, "Nothing officer, just found him like that." Derrick replied, deadpan and sour.

"Then how do you explain looking like you were on the loosing end of a bar fight?", the cop was losing patience quickly. Completely blank face, Derrick said "I tripped." And on it went for awhile until he was dismissed. The cops not getting anything useful out of him.

Now, several days later, Derrick sat on the roof and just watched the skyline. Honestly he didn't feel much right now, his anger and anguish spent. "So much for superhero's." He said to no one but the Bludhaven air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Secret ID: Caitlyn Gump
Alias: Parasite
Age: 19
Home Location: Gotham, a wonderful place of opportunity, if you have the money and status.

None of her own to speak of, but has a symbiotic relationship with a parasitical creature Caitlyn affectionately named "Bug", which is attached to her left arm, it gives her:

Envenomed Claws, cumulative paralytic
A projectile gunk shot, hazardous to health long term
Hook Shot Capabilities
Shell Armour Plating
Hazmat-lite, Bug Detoxes and filters Caitlyn's blood, making her resistant to chemical and biological warfare.
Defib-lite, Bug's Heart continues to pump blood around Caitlyn's body, even if Caitlyn's heart isn't.
Bug is semi-sentient and communicates Caitlyn neurally, feeding her powerful messages of hunger and self preservation.

Bug continues to grow, giving more powers to its beloved host but enveloping more of Caitlyn.

Besides her left arm she is entirely human, no powers attached.
Bug must be fed regularly to be any use
Bug can act against Caitlyn's will if it believes Caitlyn is endangering both of them.
Ingestion of unknown Paraciticides slows Bug down
Caitlyn is used to operating alone and finds it hard to trust others.
Technophobe, not literally, but sucks with computers.

A dirty street urchin with an alien creature for a left arm.
Curly mousy brown hair, cut shoulder length with a rusty scissor blade
Her eyes are dark and full of mistrust
She stands at a skinny 5'6" and weighs 170lbs, Bug included
Used to wear almost exclusively dark baggy clothing, but in light of becoming a TITAN has revamped her look, somewhat. Her hoodie has been swapped out for the more respectable, sleeveless turtleneck jumper and her cargo trousers for, well, better cargo trousers, you can take a girl out of the slums. Her sick hi-tops have also be traded in for more respectable combat ready footwear. This was going up in the world for her, she wasn't going to lose such an opportunity by looking scruffy.

Caitlyn has dedicated her life from escaping the hell hole that her former life. All opportunities taken, nothing squandered. However her foresight is not twenty twenty, tends to give up long term rewards for short term boons. Caitlyn's trust must be earnt and is more easily lost than gotten. This however, doesn't stop her from being civil with you, something you learn on the streets, so you won't know whether you have it or you don't. Her desire to be a TITAN is not so much one of love for saving people, but of not having to be a criminal anymore, and sees it way to bigger things. She is manipulative and she is a deceiver but she isn't cruel and certainly not a bad person. As someone who often acted alone, she has little teamwork or leadership skills but will endeavor to acquire them when they've shown their value.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Secret ID:
Hero Zabat
Home Location:
Midway City
As the son of the god of smiths, he has an innate understanding of how things work and how to reproduce them. IF it is made by man on this earth, then he can make it or replicate it. Unfortunately, this skill does not extend to alien tech as that is outside the sphere of influence of his father. However, humans that have reverse engineered alien tech he can understand and replicate.
Divine body:
Son of a god has its advantages, Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, endurance, and reflexes equal to double those of his current limits.
Being of divine blood means that magic spells are twice as effective against him. Even with the physical boost, he's very unskilled in any of the usual heroic ways. No martial arts, no assassin training, not a former thief. He's a geek who can get hit by a car and only have broken bones instead of die.

Aegis apron:
Not really the mythical aegis, but this apron and these gloves are utterly immune to heat and fire including lava.
Cherubs' chain:
Chainmail made of 34G titanium wire links one 64th of an inch wide on a 1-in-6 pattern. It is supple as cloth, but almost completely bulletproof and acts like a faraday cage against electricity.
Tow truck:
While not the most glamorous of vehicles, its got he massive horsepower needed to drag a semi or pull a gate off is hinges, plenty of panels to hide equipment without needing secret compartments, and tow trucks are so common that it is nearly invisible.


Fun-loving with a strong work ethic. He is constantly curious as to how things work and as such is always touching things to use his god given talent to gain a more intimate understanding. His social skills could use some work, as he connects with things more easily than people. He's got some daddy issues and would do anything to protect his mom, not that she needs it.

Password: Gnarkk
His mom was a grease monkey who inherited the garage from her dad and worked her way from holistic repairs to custom jobs. She got a custom job from this gorgeous 20 something veteran with 'hair like copper wire and a prosthetic leg' who wanted her to use her mechanical skill to make a fully functional replacement leg. Cybernetics were not her thing, but she took it as a challenge to make a 'functional sculpture' using only her automotive skills.

When he came for the commission, he was so awe struck a her skill that he set his sights on her. Lavishing her with gifts of a new workshops worth of equipment that she eventually gave into his advances. Nine months later, Hero was born and her Patron was gone. She wasn't mad, it was not like he was the first absent baby-daddy on her block.

Fast forward about two decades and the awkward motor-head teen who's into the ancient greeks and renaissance fairs gets a package in the mail around his birthday. Inside is a hammer, apron, and gloves. "Sorry I haven't been there for you, hope you can change the world. -Dad." When he picked up he hammer and put on the gear, A lot of things suddenly made sense. Most notably when the UPS guy who dropped off the package is suddenly bigbird.

As the messenger, he took an hour to the side to explain what he was and what his limits are. He is still mortal, and he's not the only demigod to slip through the cracks. Keep a low profile and he wont be a huge target like wonder woman, and no, forget those Percy Jackson books. He gave the boy a one-time burn phone to call for a teacher. He was floored who picked up the other end of the phone.

This character is meant to become something similar to STEEL from superman, but with a semi-magical bend. He's not the front line fighter, but he's the one who makes he gadgets or upgrades the designs.

Sample Post:
Brrrt, brrrt, brr-"Yes commissioner?" "umm this isn't the commisioner-"Who are you? How did you get this number!" He jumped at the sudden authority in the voice, this dude was scary!

"My name is Hero, I was given this number by, ummm, wonder womans cousin?" The screwed up face was audible as even he had a hard time believing what he was saying. "I don't know who you are, but if you are going to try prank calling the justice leauge, you might as well know Tymascerians have no males, use wikipedia!"

He tried to hang up, but the line would not disconnect. diagnostic would reveal that there was an unusual energy signal in the radio transmission that not only force him to stay on the line, but pinpointed his location in half the time his computers usually took. He wanted to be found.

"I'm not Thermal-scary-anne, he's not that kind of cousin...I called you, I need your help, please."

For a long time, he had thought the line had been cut before the voice spoke up softer but just as threatening.

"We'll see. Get your stuff and get on the 9:15 to Gotham, ticket is waiting for you... Hero."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Half Pint
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Half Pint

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Secret ID: Remy Sean
Alias: Mystic
Age: 16
Home Location: Bludhaven
Voodoo Magic: Remy’s powers are magical in nature and stem from his family’s history as voodoo priests from the dark areas of Louisiana. This power stems from both spiritual and life force power. This grants him power to use different spells and abilities as well as commune with the dead.

Grave Hounds: This spell summons two fierce looking undead dogs that obey Remy’s command and will attacks those he wishes. They can be destroyed, but their spirits will be sent back to the spirit world where they will reform.

Haunting: Remy summons terrifying ghosts that can cause psychological damage to living entities and baptize them in waves of fear.

Voodoo Bolt: This spell shoots out a glowing green bolt of magical energy that has an acidic like effect on targets it hits.

Beasts of the swamp: Remy can summon fiendish looking crocodiles or snakes. This spell can only summon one kind or the other at a time and it can only have one animal appear. When the spell is cast again then the current animal disappears.

Weaknesses: His magic is not very effective against iron and silver is like kryptonite to him and it will drain him of his magical power if he is close proximity for too long. Every time Remy casts a spell he uses up some of his well of magical power and if he casts too many spells then his magical powers weakens and he will have to rest to regain power. Using too much power can cause him to go unconscious.
Equipment: Remy uses a staff as both his primary weapon when in close combat and for focusing his magical power. He can channel his magic into the wood to make it stronger. Remy also carries a satchel full of herbs for making medicine and mystical rituals.

Personality: Remy can very flamboyant and quite the showman. He is very knowledgeable of the supernatural world and the culture of Louisiana. Remy is very proud of his creole heritage and of the Creole French language. He also has a firm sense of honor and loyalty that he learned from his family. Being tied to the mystical arts, Remy has always felt out of place in normal society and so his experience in the world of regular America is somewhat limited.
Password: Gnarkk
BRIEF Bio: Remy was born in a small town of Louisiana and was one of the few members of his family that was capable of the mystic arts. Contrary to popular belief voodoo magic was not an evil power and like most magic it had a neutral stance and whether the power was used for good or evil was up to the wielder of the power. Remy received most of his training from his grandfather and grandmother who were skilled members of the voodoo arts, they took upon themselves to help guide the next generation of their family mystics.

Remy at first showed average promise, but with hard work his potential was soon realized and his skills grew more powerful. Things would change for him when his father decided that it would be better to try and have him live a normal life by moving away from the state. His father had them move to Gotham where he got job working for the city’s history museum and Remy felt out of place in the large city, it was so different from his home in Louisiana.

While in Gotham, Remy eventually found the supernatural side of the city and came to know the magician named Zatanna. After assisting her in fighting a few criminals she said that he could do a lot of good and that he should try out hero work. Fashioning himself a costume inspired of his voodoo family ties, Remy became known as Mystic and began to fight crime in the dark city, bringing horrors to criminals. Eventually he was introduced to batman by Zatanna and offered a spot on his team known as the titans. Remy only hoped that his powers would prove useful to this team
Notes: [anything else you need to add?]
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