@TimeMasterX There's something to be said for delayed gratification. Or so I hear from people that have far more self control than I do.
Or just less free time haha
@TimeMasterX There's something to be said for delayed gratification. Or so I hear from people that have far more self control than I do.
<Snipped quote by Vandy>
The fact that you had to non sequitur back to the killing issue just proves that there's no argument against my second point. MoS Superman doesn't prevent one iota of collateral damage because the writers chose to ignore it.
But I'll humor you. At what point did I say no superheroes could ever kill? I didn't. I said Superman shouldn't ever kill. In no way does that ever translate to the Avengers. Steve Rogers is a soldier. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton are assassins. Thor is a warrior. They all have killed in the past, so it's natural that they'll use that option when facing an invading army. Superman doesn't kill. Outside of a few rare examples in 75+ years of comics, it's just not a part of his character.
Furthermore, please don't suggest that I'm just some shill incapable of forming my own opinion. I dislike MoS for my own reasons, which as you can see are quite important to me.
@TimeMasterX One day I hope to find out.
@Lord Wraith We get it, Wraith, you're married. Jesus christ, man. If you love your wife so much why don't you go and marry her?
Wait, that... that doesn't... work...
<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>
Did I say that? That was unintentional and not how that was supposed to be taken at all. My apologies. Seriously, never meant to offend you. I was just trying to say that we are probably not going to change each other's minds here so maybe we should change the subject.
Seriously though, never wanted to offend. You are probably one of my favorite other players on this game right now.
<Snipped quote by Vandy>
No offense taken, man. I've said my fair share of things in the heat of arguments that didn't come out right, so I get it. (I'm still gonna have Spider-Man grill Ol' Cueball mercilessly in his inner monologue, though.)
We're all adults here.
I agree with the sentence in principle though
As long as debates/arguments don't bleed into the IC or causes players to drop I imagine its not really a big problem or an unwelcome side attraction. Plus, I stand by the "a lively/active OOC translates to a healthy IC" notion.
Good news is, Twenty One Pilots are very good in concert and screaming their lyrics is a very good way to wind down.
Bad news is, extrapolating tonight and the last couple days (and the next few) to the next couple weeks is making my work schedule look like holding up a social life, a girlfriend, and time to read and write all at the same time, very difficult. So I'd like to relinquish Harvey Dent back to the mass populace and no, you can't use my sheet find your own.
I'm holding on to Daredevil, though. Very tightly. And I'm sure you'll see me serving up smiles in the future when I get some 'fre tiem'.
Did I spell that right? I'm not sure what it is.
Edit: Daredevil issue#2 is currently in the works, though. Tentative release date tomorrow evening after work.
According to the state of Indiana...
<Snipped quote by Nightrunner>
Well, there's your problem. I lived in Indiana for four years. Those people be crazy. Also, they produced MB, so you know something's not right with that place. #HypeReferences